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Renaud Fivet 50b727bf7f Bindable functions take a boolean as flag.
Emphasize which one always return TRUE.
Use mloutfail() to introduce consistency when a function fails with error message.
2021-08-11 17:02:19 +08:00

705 lines
17 KiB

/* input.c -- implements input.h */
#include "input.h"
/* Various input routines
* written by Daniel Lawrence 5/9/86
* modified by Petri Kutvonen
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "bind.h"
#include "estruct.h"
#include "bindable.h"
#include "display.h" /* rubout(), echos(), echoc(), update() */
#include "exec.h"
#include "isa.h"
#include "mlout.h"
#include "names.h"
#include "terminal.h"
#include "utf8.h"
#include "wrapper.h"
#define COMPLC 1
#define COMPLC 0
#define NKBDM 256 /* # of strokes, keyboard macro */
int kbdm[ NKBDM] ; /* Macro */
int *kbdptr ; /* current position in keyboard buf */
int *kbdend = &kbdm[0] ; /* ptr to end of the keyboard */
kbdstate kbdmode = STOP ; /* current keyboard macro mode */
int lastkey = 0 ; /* last keystoke */
int kbdrep = 0 ; /* number of repetitions */
int metac = CTL_ | '[' ; /* current meta character */
int ctlxc = CTL_ | 'X' ; /* current control X prefix char */
int reptc = CTL_ | 'U' ; /* current universal repeat char */
int abortc = CTL_ | 'G' ; /* current abort command char */
const int nlc = CTL_ | 'J' ; /* end of input char */
void ue_system( const char *cmd) {
int ret ;
ret = system( cmd) ;
if( ret == -1) {
/* some actual handling needed here */
* Ask a yes or no question in the message line. Return either TRUE, FALSE, or
* ABORT. The ABORT status is returned if the user bumps out of the question
* with a ^G. Used any time a confirmation is required.
int mlyesno( const char *prompt)
int c ; /* input character */
for (;;) {
/* prompt the user */
mloutfmt( "%s (y/n)? ", prompt) ;
/* get the response */
c = get1key() ;
if( c == abortc) /* Bail out! */
return ABORT;
if (c == 'y' || c == 'Y')
return TRUE;
if (c == 'n' || c == 'N')
return FALSE;
* newnextarg:
* get the next argument
* char **outbufref ; buffer to put token into
* const char *prompt ; prompt to use if we must be interactive
* int size ; size of the buffer
* int terminator ; terminating char to be used on interactive fetch
static int newnextarg( char **outbufref, const char *prompt, int size,
int terminator) {
int status ;
char *buf ;
/* if we are interactive, go get it! */
if( clexec == FALSE) {
if( size <= 1) {
size = term.t_ncol - strlen( prompt) + 1 ;
if( size < 24)
size = 24 ;
buf = malloc( size) ;
if( buf == NULL)
status = FALSE ;
else {
status = getstring( prompt, buf, size, terminator) ;
if( TRUE != status) {
free( buf) ;
buf = NULL ;
} else {
buf = getnewtokval() ;
status = (buf == NULL) ? FALSE : TRUE ;
*outbufref = buf ;
return status ;
* Write a prompt into the message line, then read back a response. Keep
* track of the physical position of the cursor. If we are in a keyboard
* macro throw the prompt away, and return the remembered response. This
* lets macros run at full speed. The reply is always terminated by a carriage
* return. Handle erase, kill, and abort keys.
int newmlarg( char **outbufref, const char *prompt, int size) {
return newnextarg( outbufref, prompt, size, nlc) ;
int newmlargt( char **outbufref, const char *prompt, int size) {
return newnextarg( outbufref, prompt, size, metac) ;
* ectoc:
* expanded character to character
* collapse the CTL_ and SPEC flags back into an ascii code
int ectoc( int c) {
if( c & CTL_)
c ^= CTL_ | 0x40 ;
if( c & SPEC)
c &= 255 ;
return c ;
* get a command name from the command line. Command completion means
* that pressing a <SPACE> will attempt to complete an unfinished command
* name if it is unique.
nbind_p getname( void) {
int cpos; /* current column on screen output */
nbind_p ffp; /* first ptr to entry in name binding table */
nbind_p cffp; /* current ptr to entry in name binding table */
nbind_p lffp; /* last ptr to entry in name binding table */
char buf[NSTRING]; /* buffer to hold tentative command name */
/* starting at the beginning of the string buffer */
cpos = 0;
/* if we are executing a command line get the next arg and match it */
if (clexec) {
if( TRUE != gettokval( buf, sizeof buf))
return NULL;
return fncmatch( buf) ;
/* build a name string from the keyboard */
while (TRUE) {
int c ;
c = tgetc();
/* if we are at the end, just match it */
if (c == 0x0d) {
buf[cpos] = 0;
/* and match it off */
return fncmatch( buf) ;
} else if( c == ectoc(abortc)) { /* Bell, abort */
ctrlg( FALSE, 1) ;
TTflush() ;
return NULL ;
} else if (c == 0x7F || c == 0x08) { /* rubout/erase */
if (cpos != 0) {
rubout() ;
} else if (c == 0x15) { /* C-U, kill */
while (cpos != 0) {
rubout() ;
} else if (c == ' ' || c == 0x1b || c == 0x09) {
/* <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< */
/* attempt a completion */
buf[ cpos] = 0 ; /* terminate it for us */
int buflen = strlen( buf) ;
/* scan for matches */
for( ffp = names ; ffp->n_func != NULL ; ffp++) {
if( strncmp( buf, bind_name( ffp), buflen) == 0) {
/* a possible match! More than one? */
if( (ffp + 1)->n_func == NULL ||
(strncmp( buf, bind_name( ffp + 1), buflen) != 0)) {
/* no...we match, print it */
echos( &bind_name( ffp)[ cpos]) ;
TTflush() ;
return ffp ;
} else {
/* << << << << << << << << << << << << << << << << << */
/* try for a partial match against the list */
/* first scan down until we no longer match the
* current input */
for( lffp = ffp + 1 ; (lffp + 1)->n_func != NULL ;
if( strncmp( buf, bind_name( lffp + 1),
buflen) != 0)
break ;
/* and now, attempt to partial complete the string,
* one char at a time */
while (TRUE) {
/* add the next char in */
buf[ cpos] = bind_name( ffp)[ cpos] ;
/* scan through the candidates */
for( cffp = ffp + 1 ; cffp <= lffp ; cffp++)
if( bind_name( cffp)[ cpos] != buf[ cpos])
goto onward ;
/* add the character */
echoc( buf[ cpos++]) ;
/* << << << << << << << << << << << << << << << << << */
/* no match.....beep and onward */
/* <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< */
} else {
if( cpos < NSTRING - 1 && (islower( c) || c == '-')) {
buf[cpos++] = c;
echoc( c) ;
/* tgetc: Get a key from the terminal driver, resolve any keyboard
macro action */
int tgetc(void)
int c; /* fetched character */
/* if we are playing a keyboard macro back, */
if (kbdmode == PLAY) {
/* if there is some left... */
if (kbdptr < kbdend)
return (int) *kbdptr++;
/* at the end of last repetition? */
if (--kbdrep < 1) {
kbdmode = STOP;
#if VISMAC == 0
/* force a screen update after all is done */
} else {
/* reset the macro to the begining for the next rep */
kbdptr = &kbdm[0];
return (int) *kbdptr++;
/* fetch a character from the terminal driver */
c = TTgetc();
/* record it for $lastkey */
lastkey = c;
/* save it if we need to */
if (kbdmode == RECORD) {
*kbdptr++ = c;
kbdend = kbdptr;
/* don't overrun the buffer */
if (kbdptr == &kbdm[NKBDM - 1]) {
kbdmode = STOP;
/* and finally give the char back */
return c;
/* GET1KEY: Get one keystroke. The only prefixes legal here are the SPEC
and CTL_ prefixes. */
static int get1unicode( int *up) {
/* Accept UTF-8 sequence */
int bytes ;
int c = tgetc() ;
if( c > 0xC1 && c <= 0xF4) {
char utf[ 4] ;
char cc ;
utf[ 0] = c ;
utf[ 1] = cc = tgetc() ;
if( (c & 0x20) && ((cc & 0xC0) == 0x80)) { /* at least 3 bytes and a valid encoded char */
utf[ 2] = cc = tgetc() ;
if( (c & 0x10) && ((cc & 0xC0) == 0x80)) /* at least 4 bytes and a valid encoded char */
utf[ 3] = tgetc() ;
bytes = utf8_to_unicode( utf, 0, sizeof utf, (unicode_t *) up) ;
} else {
if( (c >= 0x00 && c <= 0x1F) || c == 0x7F) /* C0 control -> C- */
c ^= CTL_ | 0x40 ;
*up = c ;
bytes = 1 ;
return bytes ;
/* Terminal sequences need up to 7 read ahead characters */
#define STACKSIZE 7
static int keystack[ STACKSIZE] ;
static int *stackptr = &keystack[ STACKSIZE] ;
#define KPUSH( c) *(--stackptr) = (c)
int get1key( void) {
int c ;
/* fetch from queue if any were pushed back */
if( stackptr != &keystack[ STACKSIZE])
return *(stackptr++) ;
/* fetch from keyboard */
get1unicode( &c) ;
return c ;
/* GETCMD: Get a command from the keyboard. Process all applicable prefix
keys. Handle alted and controlled FNx, not shifted.
int getcmd( void) {
int prefix = 0 ; /* prefixes M- or ^X */
int keyread[ STACKSIZE] ; /* room to process sequences like ^[[24;2~ */
int *kptr = keyread ;
int c ;
for( ;;) {
c = *(kptr++) = get1key() ;
if( c == 0x9B)
goto foundCSI ;
else if( c == (CTL_ | '[')) {
/* fetch terminal sequence */
c = *(kptr++) = get1key() ;
if( c == 'O') { /* F1 .. F4 */
c = *(kptr++) = get1key() ;
if( c >= 'P' && c <= 'S')
return c | SPEC | prefix ;
} else if( c == '[') {
int v1, v ; /* ^[[v1;v~ or ^[[v~ */
v1 = v = 0 ;
while( kptr < &keyread[ STACKSIZE]) {
c = *(kptr++) = get1key() ;
if( (c == '~')
|| (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
|| (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')) {
/* Found end of sequence */
int mask = prefix ;
if( v1) { /* Handle ALT/CTL, not SHFT */
if( (v - 1) & 2)
mask = META ;
if( (v - 1) & 4)
mask |= CTL_ ;
v = v1 ;
if( c == '~') {
if( v)
c = v + ((v <= 9) ? '0' : 'a' - 10) ;
break ;
return c | SPEC | mask ;
} else if( c == ';') { /* Start of SHFT/ALT/CTL state */
v1 = v ;
v = 0 ;
} else if( c >= '0' && c <= '9')
v = v * 10 + c - '0' ;
break ;
/* not a match, unget the keys read so far */
while( kptr > keyread)
KPUSH( *(--kptr)) ;
c = get1key() ;
} else
kptr-- ;
if( c == metac) {
prefix = META ;
} else if( c == ctlxc) {
if( prefix)
break ; /* ^X^X or M-^X */
prefix = CTLX ;
} else
break ;
if( prefix && islower( c))
c = flipcase( c) ;
return c | prefix ;
/* A more generalized prompt/reply function allowing the caller
to specify the proper terminator. If the terminator is not
a return ('\n') it will echo as "<NL>"
static void echov( int c) {
/* verbose echo of a character */
if( c == '\n') /* put out <NL> for <ret> */
echos( "<NL>") ;
else {
if( c < ' ' || c == 0x7F) {
echoc( '^') ;
c ^= 0x40 ;
echoc( c) ;
static void rubc( int c) {
rubout() ;
if( (c >= 0 && c < ' ') || c == 0x7F) {
/* ^x range */
rubout() ;
if( c == '\n') { /* <NL> */
rubout() ;
rubout() ;
} else if( utf8_width( c) == 2)
rubout() ;
int getstring( const char *prompt, char *buf, int nbuf, int eolchar)
int cpos; /* current character position in string */
int c;
boolean quote_f ; /* are we quoting the next char? */
int retval ; /* TRUE, FALSE, ABORT */
boolean file_f ;
int ocpos, nskip = 0, didtry = 0;
struct ffblk ffblk;
char *fcp;
#if UNIX
static char tmp[] = "/tmp/meXXXXXX";
FILE *tmpf = NULL;
/* Look for "find-file: ", "View file: ", "Insert file: ", "Write file: ",
** "Read file: ", "Execute file: " */
file_f = NULL != strstr( prompt, "file: ") ;
cpos = 0;
quote_f = FALSE;
/* prompt the user for the input string */
mloutstr( prompt);
for (;;) {
if (!didtry)
nskip = -1;
didtry = 0;
/* get a character from the user */
int bytes = get1unicode( &c) ;
/* Quoting? Store as it is */
if( quote_f == TRUE) {
quote_f = FALSE ;
if( cpos < nbuf - bytes) {
c = ectoc( c) ;
cpos += unicode_to_utf8( c, &buf[ cpos]) ;
echov( c) ;
TTflush() ;
continue ;
/* If it is a <ret>, change it to a <NL> */
if( c == (CTL_ | 'M'))
c = CTL_ | 0x40 | '\n' ;
if( c == eolchar) {
/* if they hit the line terminator, wrap it up */
buf[ cpos] = 0 ;
/* clear the message line */
mloutstr( "") ;
/* if we default the buffer, return FALSE */
retval = cpos != 0 ;
break ;
} else if( c == abortc) {
/* Abort the input? */
retval = ctrlg( FALSE, 1) ;
break ;
/* change from command form back to character form */
c = ectoc( c) ;
if( c == 0x7F || c == 0x08) {
/* rubout/erase */
if (cpos != 0) {
int c ;
cpos -= 1 ;
cpos -= utf8_revdelta( (unsigned char *) &buf[ cpos], cpos) ;
utf8_to_unicode( &buf[ cpos], 0, 4, (unicode_t *) &c) ;
rubc( c) ;
} else if( c == 0x15) {
/* C-U, kill */
mloutstr( prompt) ;
cpos = 0 ;
} else if( (c == 0x09 || c == ' ') && file_f) {
/* TAB, complete file name */
char ffbuf[255];
char sffbuf[128];
int lsav = -1;
int n, iswild = 0;
didtry = 1;
ocpos = cpos;
mloutstr( prompt) ;
while( cpos != 0) {
c = buf[ --cpos] ;
if( c == '*' || c == '?') {
iswild = 1 ;
cpos = 0 ;
break ;
if (nskip < 0) {
buf[ocpos] = 0;
#if UNIX
if (tmpf != NULL) {
tmpf = NULL ;
unlink( tmp) ;
strcpy( tmp, "/tmp/meXXXXXX") ;
xmkstemp( tmp) ;
if( strlen( buf) < sizeof ffbuf - 26 - 1)
sprintf( ffbuf, "echo %s%s >%s 2>&1", buf,
!iswild ? "*" : "", tmp) ;
sprintf( ffbuf, "echo ERROR >%s 2>&1", tmp) ;
ue_system( ffbuf) ;
tmpf = fopen(tmp, "r");
strcpy(sffbuf, buf);
if (!iswild)
strcat(sffbuf, "*.*");
nskip = 0;
#if UNIX
c = ' ';
for (n = nskip; n > 0; n--)
while ((c = getc(tmpf)) != EOF
&& c != ' ');
if (nskip == 0) {
strcpy(ffbuf, sffbuf);
c = findfirst(ffbuf, &ffblk,
FA_DIREC) ? '*' : ' ';
} else if (nskip > 0)
c = findnext(&ffblk) ? 0 : ' ';
if (c != ' ') {
nskip = 0;
#if UNIX
while ((c = getc(tmpf)) != EOF && c != '\n'
&& c != ' ' && c != '*')
if (c == '*')
fcp = sffbuf;
else {
strncpy(buf, sffbuf, lsav + 1);
cpos = lsav + 1;
fcp = ffblk.ff_name;
while (c != 0 && (c = *fcp++) != 0 && c != '*')
if (cpos < nbuf - 1)
buf[cpos++] = c;
#if UNIX
if (c == '*')
for( n = 0 ; n < cpos ; ) {
n += utf8_to_unicode( buf, n, nbuf, (unicode_t *) &c) ;
echov( c) ;
TTflush() ;
#if UNIX
} else if( c == 0x11 || c == 0x16)
/* ^Q or ^V */
quote_f = TRUE ;
else {
/* store as it is */
if( cpos + bytes < nbuf) {
cpos += unicode_to_utf8( c, &buf[ cpos]) ;
echov( c) ;
TTflush() ;
TTflush() ;
if( tmpf != NULL) {
fclose( tmpf) ;
unlink( tmp) ;
return retval ;
/* end of input.c */