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@ -352,9 +352,8 @@ static int parafillnjustify( int f, int n, int justify_f) {
int wbufsize ;
int wordlen; /* length of current word */
int clength; /* position on line during fill */
// int i; /* index during word copy */
int eopflag; /* Are we at the End-Of-Paragraph? */
int firstflag; /* first word? (needs no space) */
int firstflag = TRUE ; /* first word? (needs no space) */
struct line *eopline; /* pointer to line just past EOP */
int dotflag = 0 ; /* was the last char a period? */
int leftmarg = 0 ; /* left marginal */
@ -387,18 +386,24 @@ static int parafillnjustify( int f, int n, int justify_f) {
gotoeop(FALSE, 1);
eopline = lforw(curwp->w_dotp);
/* and back top the beginning of the paragraph */
/* and back to the beginning of the paragraph */
gotobop(FALSE, 1);
/* initialize various info */
if( justflag && leftmarg < llength(curwp->w_dotp))
if( justflag && leftmarg < llength(curwp->w_dotp)) {
setccol( leftmarg) ;
lgetchar( &c) ;
if( c == ' ' || c == '\t')
/* on a space */
if( getccol( TRUE) < getccol( FALSE))
/* first non space before current position */
firstflag = FALSE ;
clength = getccol( FALSE) ;
wordlen = 0;
/* scan through lines, filling words */
firstflag = TRUE;
eopflag = FALSE;
while (!eopflag) {
int bytes = 1;
@ -458,8 +463,12 @@ static int parafillnjustify( int f, int n, int justify_f) {
wordlen = 0;
/* and add a last newline for the end of our new paragraph */
if( eopline == curbp->b_linep) /* at EOF? */
forwchar( FALSE, 1) ;
lnewline() ;
if( justflag) {
forwword(FALSE, 1);