mirror of https://github.com/rfivet/uemacs.git synced 2025-02-20 23:17:13 -05:00

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/cigue'

This commit is contained in:
Renaud 2014-12-24 09:49:30 +08:00
commit 3a67809c74
85 changed files with 5645 additions and 4586 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
# makefile for emacs, updated Sun Apr 28 17:59:07 EET DST 1996
# Makefile for emacs, updated Mon, Nov 17, 2014 1:05:02 PM
SRC=ansi.c basic.c bind.c bindable.c buffer.c crypt.c display.c ebind.c eval.c exec.c execute.c file.c fileio.c flook.c ibmpc.c input.c isearch.c line.c lock.c log.c main.c mingw32.c names.c pklock.c posix.c random.c region.c search.c spawn.c tcap.c termio.c utf8.c vmsvt.c vt52.c window.c word.c wrapper.c wscreen.c
OBJ=ansi.o basic.o bind.o bindable.o buffer.o crypt.o display.o ebind.o eval.o exec.o execute.o file.o fileio.o flook.o ibmpc.o input.o isearch.o line.o lock.o log.o main.o mingw32.o names.o pklock.o posix.o random.o region.o search.o spawn.o tcap.o termio.o utf8.o vmsvt.o vt52.o window.o word.o wrapper.o wscreen.o
HDR=basic.h bind.h bindable.h buffer.h crypt.h defines.h display.h ebind.h estruct.h eval.h exec.h execute.h file.h fileio.h flook.h input.h isearch.h line.h lock.h log.h names.h pklock.h random.h region.h retcode.h search.h spawn.h terminal.h termio.h utf8.h version.h window.h word.h wrapper.h wscreen.h
# DO NOT ADD OR MODIFY ANY LINES ABOVE THIS -- make source creates them
# Make the build silent by default
V =
@ -14,23 +20,7 @@ export E Q
uname_S := $(shell sh -c 'uname -s 2>/dev/null || echo not')
SRC=ansi.c basic.c bind.c buffer.c crypt.c display.c eval.c exec.c \
file.c fileio.c ibmpc.c input.c isearch.c line.c lock.c main.c \
pklock.c posix.c random.c region.c search.c spawn.c tcap.c \
termio.c vmsvt.c vt52.c window.c word.c names.c globals.c version.c \
usage.c wrapper.c utf8.c
OBJ=ansi.o basic.o bind.o buffer.o crypt.o display.o eval.o exec.o \
file.o fileio.o ibmpc.o input.o isearch.o line.o lock.o main.o \
pklock.o posix.o random.o region.o search.o spawn.o tcap.o \
termio.o vmsvt.o vt52.o window.o word.o names.o globals.o version.o \
usage.o wrapper.o utf8.o
HDR=ebind.h edef.h efunc.h epath.h estruct.h evar.h util.h version.h
# DO NOT ADD OR MODIFY ANY LINES ABOVE THIS -- make source creates them
WARNINGS=-Wall -Wstrict-prototypes
@ -48,9 +38,21 @@ endif
ifeq ($(uname_S),Darwin)
ifeq ($(uname_S),CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW64)
LIBS=-lcurses # SYSV
ifeq ($(uname_S),CYGWIN_NT-6.1)
LIBS=-lcurses # SYSV
ifeq ($(uname_S),MINGW32_NT-6.1)
#LIBS=-ltermcap # BSD
LIBS=-lcurses # SYSV
#LIBS=-lcurses # SYSV
#LIBS=-L/usr/lib/termcap -ltermcap
@ -69,14 +71,14 @@ sparse:
$(E) " CLEAN"
$(Q) rm -f $(PROGRAM) core lintout makeout tags makefile.bak *.o
$(Q) rm -f $(PROGRAM) core lintout makeout tags Makefile.bak *.o
install: $(PROGRAM)
strip $(PROGRAM)
cp em ${BINDIR}
cp emacs.hlp ${LIBDIR}
cp emacs.rc ${LIBDIR}/.emacsrc
chmod 755 ${BINDIR}/em
chmod 755 ${BINDIR}/$(PROGRAM)
chmod 644 ${LIBDIR}/emacs.hlp ${LIBDIR}/.emacsrc
lint: ${SRC}
@ -86,40 +88,43 @@ lint: ${SRC}
@rm -f makeout
make em >makeout
make $(PROGRAM) >makeout
tags: ${SRC}
@rm -f tags
ctags ${SRC}
@mv makefile makefile.bak
@echo "# makefile for emacs, updated `date`" >makefile
@echo '' >>makefile
@echo SRC=`ls *.c` >>makefile
@echo OBJ=`ls *.c | sed s/c$$/o/` >>makefile
@echo HDR=`ls *.h` >>makefile
@echo '' >>makefile
@sed -n -e '/^# DO NOT ADD OR MODIFY/,$$p' <makefile.bak >>makefile
@mv Makefile Makefile.bak
@echo "# Makefile for emacs, updated `date`" >Makefile
@echo '' >>Makefile
@echo SRC=`ls *.c` >>Makefile
@echo OBJ=`ls *.c | sed s/c$$/o/` >>Makefile
@echo HDR=`ls *.h` >>Makefile
@echo '' >>Makefile
@sed -n -e '/^# DO NOT ADD OR MODIFY/,$$p' <Makefile.bak >>Makefile
depend: ${SRC}
@for i in ${SRC}; do\
cc ${DEFINES} -M $$i | sed -e 's, \./, ,' | grep -v '/usr/include' | \
awk '{ if ($$1 != prev) { if (rec != "") print rec; \
rec = $$0; prev = $$1; } \
else { if (length(rec $$2) > 78) { print rec; rec = $$0; } \
else rec = rec " " $$2 } } \
END { print rec }'; done >makedep
cc ${DEFINES} -MM $$i ; done >makedep
@echo '/^# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE/+2,$$d' >eddep
@echo '$$r ./makedep' >>eddep
@echo 'w' >>eddep
@cp makefile makefile.bak
@ed - makefile <eddep
@cp Makefile Makefile.bak
@ed - Makefile <eddep
@rm eddep makedep
@echo '' >>makefile
@echo '# IF YOU PUT STUFF HERE IT WILL GO AWAY' >>makefile
@echo '# see make depend above' >>makefile
@echo '' >>Makefile
@echo '# see make depend above' >>Makefile
# @for i in ${SRC}; do\
# cc ${DEFINES} -M $$i | sed -e 's, \./, ,' | grep -v '/usr/include' | \
# awk '{ if ($$1 != prev) { if (rec != "") print rec; \
# rec = $$0; prev = $$1; } \
# else { if (length(rec $$2) > 78) { print rec; rec = $$0; } \
# else rec = rec " " $$2 } } \
# END { print rec }'; done >makedep
$(E) " CC " $@
@ -127,35 +132,79 @@ depend: ${SRC}
# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend uses it
ansi.o: ansi.c estruct.h edef.h
basic.o: basic.c estruct.h edef.h
bind.o: bind.c estruct.h edef.h epath.h
buffer.o: buffer.c estruct.h edef.h
crypt.o: crypt.c estruct.h edef.h
display.o: display.c estruct.h edef.h utf8.h
eval.o: eval.c estruct.h edef.h evar.h
exec.o: exec.c estruct.h edef.h
file.o: file.c estruct.h edef.h
fileio.o: fileio.c estruct.h edef.h
ibmpc.o: ibmpc.c estruct.h edef.h
input.o: input.c estruct.h edef.h
isearch.o: isearch.c estruct.h edef.h
line.o: line.c estruct.h edef.h
lock.o: lock.c estruct.h edef.h
main.o: main.c estruct.h efunc.h edef.h ebind.h
pklock.o: pklock.c estruct.h
posix.o: posix.c estruct.h utf8.h
random.o: random.c estruct.h edef.h
region.o: region.c estruct.h edef.h
search.o: search.c estruct.h edef.h
spawn.o: spawn.c estruct.h edef.h
tcap.o: tcap.c estruct.h edef.h
termio.o: termio.c estruct.h edef.h
ansi.o: ansi.c estruct.h
basic.o: basic.c basic.h buffer.h crypt.h line.h utf8.h display.h \
estruct.h input.h bind.h random.h terminal.h defines.h retcode.h \
bind.o: bind.c bind.h estruct.h bindable.h buffer.h crypt.h line.h utf8.h \
display.h ebind.h exec.h retcode.h file.h flook.h input.h names.h \
window.h defines.h
bindable.o: bindable.c bindable.h defines.h buffer.h crypt.h line.h \
utf8.h display.h estruct.h file.h retcode.h input.h bind.h lock.h \
buffer.o: buffer.c buffer.h crypt.h line.h utf8.h defines.h display.h \
estruct.h file.h retcode.h input.h bind.h window.h
crypt.o: crypt.c crypt.h
display.o: display.c display.h buffer.h crypt.h line.h utf8.h estruct.h \
input.h bind.h termio.h terminal.h defines.h retcode.h version.h \
wrapper.h window.h
ebind.o: ebind.c ebind.h basic.h bind.h estruct.h bindable.h buffer.h \
crypt.h line.h utf8.h eval.h exec.h retcode.h file.h isearch.h random.h \
region.h search.h spawn.h window.h defines.h word.h
eval.o: eval.c eval.h basic.h bind.h buffer.h crypt.h line.h utf8.h \
display.h estruct.h exec.h retcode.h execute.h flook.h input.h random.h \
search.h terminal.h defines.h termio.h version.h window.h
exec.o: exec.c exec.h retcode.h buffer.h crypt.h line.h utf8.h bind.h \
display.h estruct.h eval.h file.h flook.h input.h random.h window.h \
execute.o: execute.c execute.h estruct.h bind.h random.h display.h file.h \
buffer.h crypt.h line.h utf8.h retcode.h terminal.h defines.h window.h
file.o: file.c file.h buffer.h crypt.h line.h utf8.h retcode.h defines.h \
estruct.h execute.h fileio.h input.h bind.h lock.h log.h window.h
fileio.o: fileio.c fileio.h crypt.h retcode.h defines.h
flook.o: flook.c flook.h retcode.h defines.h fileio.h crypt.h
ibmpc.o: ibmpc.c estruct.h
input.o: input.c input.h bind.h estruct.h bindable.h display.h exec.h \
retcode.h names.h terminal.h defines.h wrapper.h
isearch.o: isearch.c isearch.h basic.h buffer.h crypt.h line.h utf8.h \
display.h estruct.h exec.h retcode.h input.h bind.h search.h terminal.h \
defines.h window.h
line.o: line.c line.h utf8.h buffer.h crypt.h estruct.h log.h retcode.h \
window.h defines.h
lock.o: lock.c estruct.h lock.h
log.o: log.c log.h retcode.h
main.o: main.c estruct.h basic.h bind.h bindable.h buffer.h crypt.h \
line.h utf8.h display.h eval.h execute.h file.h retcode.h input.h lock.h \
log.h random.h search.h terminal.h defines.h termio.h version.h window.h
mingw32.o: mingw32.c
names.o: names.c names.h basic.h bind.h bindable.h buffer.h crypt.h \
line.h utf8.h display.h eval.h exec.h retcode.h file.h isearch.h \
region.h random.h search.h spawn.h window.h defines.h word.h
pklock.o: pklock.c estruct.h pklock.h
posix.o: posix.c termio.h
random.o: random.c random.h basic.h buffer.h crypt.h line.h utf8.h \
display.h estruct.h execute.h input.h bind.h log.h retcode.h search.h \
terminal.h defines.h window.h
region.o: region.c region.h line.h utf8.h buffer.h crypt.h estruct.h \
log.h retcode.h random.h window.h defines.h
search.o: search.c search.h line.h utf8.h basic.h buffer.h crypt.h \
display.h estruct.h input.h bind.h log.h retcode.h terminal.h defines.h \
spawn.o: spawn.c spawn.h defines.h buffer.h crypt.h line.h utf8.h \
display.h estruct.h exec.h retcode.h file.h flook.h input.h bind.h log.h \
terminal.h window.h
tcap.o: tcap.c terminal.h defines.h retcode.h display.h estruct.h \
termio.o: termio.c termio.h estruct.h retcode.h utf8.h
utf8.o: utf8.c utf8.h
vmsvt.o: vmsvt.c estruct.h edef.h
vt52.o: vt52.c estruct.h edef.h
window.o: window.c estruct.h edef.h
word.o: word.c estruct.h edef.h
vmsvt.o: vmsvt.c estruct.h
vt52.o: vt52.c estruct.h
window.o: window.c window.h defines.h buffer.h crypt.h line.h utf8.h \
basic.h display.h estruct.h execute.h terminal.h retcode.h wrapper.h
word.o: word.c word.h basic.h buffer.h crypt.h line.h utf8.h estruct.h \
log.h retcode.h random.h region.h window.h defines.h
wrapper.o: wrapper.c wrapper.h
wscreen.o: wscreen.c wscreen.h

README.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
Cigue is ue on Cygwin, based on uEmacs/PK from kernel.org.
### What is this repository for? ###
* Quick summary
* Version
* [Learn Markdown](https://bitbucket.org/tutorials/markdowndemo)
### How do I get set up? ###
* Summary of set up
* Configuration
* Dependencies
* Database configuration
* How to run tests
* Deployment instructions
### Contribution guidelines ###
* Writing tests
* Code review
* Other guidelines
### Who do I talk to? ###
* Repo owner or admin
* Other community or team contact

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
#if ANSI

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
/* basic.c -- implements basic.h */
#include "basic.h"
#define CVMVAS 1 /* arguments to page forward/back in pages */
/* basic.c
* The routines in this file move the cursor around on the screen. They
@ -10,12 +16,22 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "buffer.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
#include "efunc.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "line.h"
#include "random.h"
#include "terminal.h"
#include "utf8.h"
#include "window.h"
int overlap = 0 ; /* line overlap in forw/back page */
int curgoal ; /* Goal for C-P, C-N */
* This routine, given a pointer to a struct line, and the current cursor goal
@ -62,38 +78,6 @@ int gotobol(int f, int n)
return TRUE;
* Move the cursor backwards by "n" characters. If "n" is less than zero call
* "forwchar" to actually do the move. Otherwise compute the new cursor
* location. Error if you try and move out of the buffer. Set the flag if the
* line pointer for dot changes.
int backchar(int f, int n)
struct line *lp;
if (n < 0)
return forwchar(f, -n);
while (n--) {
if (curwp->w_doto == 0) {
if ((lp = lback(curwp->w_dotp)) == curbp->b_linep)
return FALSE;
curwp->w_dotp = lp;
curwp->w_doto = llength(lp);
curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE;
} else {
do {
unsigned char c;
c = lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto);
if (is_beginning_utf8(c))
} while (curwp->w_doto);
return TRUE;
* Move the cursor to the end of the current line. Trivial. No errors.
@ -103,37 +87,6 @@ int gotoeol(int f, int n)
return TRUE;
* Move the cursor forwards by "n" characters. If "n" is less than zero call
* "backchar" to actually do the move. Otherwise compute the new cursor
* location, and move ".". Error if you try and move off the end of the
* buffer. Set the flag if the line pointer for dot changes.
int forwchar(int f, int n)
if (n < 0)
return backchar(f, -n);
while (n--) {
int len = llength(curwp->w_dotp);
if (curwp->w_doto == len) {
if (curwp->w_dotp == curbp->b_linep)
return FALSE;
curwp->w_dotp = lforw(curwp->w_dotp);
curwp->w_doto = 0;
curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE;
} else {
do {
unsigned char c;
c = lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto);
if (is_beginning_utf8(c))
} while (curwp->w_doto < len);
return TRUE;
* Move to a particular line.
@ -269,106 +222,6 @@ int backline(int f, int n)
return TRUE;
* go back to the beginning of the current paragraph
* here we look for a <NL><NL> or <NL><TAB> or <NL><SPACE>
* combination to delimit the beginning of a paragraph
* int f, n; default Flag & Numeric argument
int gotobop(int f, int n)
int suc; /* success of last backchar */
if (n < 0) /* the other way... */
return gotoeop(f, -n);
while (n-- > 0) { /* for each one asked for */
/* first scan back until we are in a word */
suc = backchar(FALSE, 1);
while (!inword() && suc)
suc = backchar(FALSE, 1);
curwp->w_doto = 0; /* and go to the B-O-Line */
/* and scan back until we hit a <NL><NL> or <NL><TAB>
or a <NL><SPACE> */
while (lback(curwp->w_dotp) != curbp->b_linep)
if (llength(curwp->w_dotp) != 0 &&
((justflag == TRUE) ||
(lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto) != TAB &&
lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto) != ' '))
curwp->w_dotp = lback(curwp->w_dotp);
/* and then forward until we are in a word */
suc = forwchar(FALSE, 1);
while (suc && !inword())
suc = forwchar(FALSE, 1);
curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE; /* force screen update */
return TRUE;
* Go forword to the end of the current paragraph
* here we look for a <NL><NL> or <NL><TAB> or <NL><SPACE>
* combination to delimit the beginning of a paragraph
* int f, n; default Flag & Numeric argument
int gotoeop(int f, int n)
int suc; /* success of last backchar */
if (n < 0) /* the other way... */
return gotobop(f, -n);
while (n-- > 0) { /* for each one asked for */
/* first scan forward until we are in a word */
suc = forwchar(FALSE, 1);
while (!inword() && suc)
suc = forwchar(FALSE, 1);
curwp->w_doto = 0; /* and go to the B-O-Line */
if (suc) /* of next line if not at EOF */
curwp->w_dotp = lforw(curwp->w_dotp);
/* and scan forword until we hit a <NL><NL> or <NL><TAB>
or a <NL><SPACE> */
while (curwp->w_dotp != curbp->b_linep) {
if (llength(curwp->w_dotp) != 0 &&
((justflag == TRUE) ||
(lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto) != TAB &&
lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto) != ' '))
curwp->w_dotp = lforw(curwp->w_dotp);
/* and then backward until we are in a word */
suc = backchar(FALSE, 1);
while (suc && !inword()) {
suc = backchar(FALSE, 1);
curwp->w_doto = llength(curwp->w_dotp); /* and to the EOL */
curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE; /* force screen update */
return TRUE;
* Scroll forward by a specified number of lines, or by a full page if no
* argument. Bound to "C-V". The "2" in the arithmetic on the window size is

basic.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#ifndef _BASIC_H_
#define _BASIC_H_
extern int overlap ; /* line overlap in forw/back page */
extern int curgoal ; /* Goal for C-P, C-N */
int gotobol( int f, int n) ;
int gotoeol( int f, int n) ;
int gotoline( int f, int n) ;
int gotobob( int f, int n) ;
int gotoeob( int f, int n) ;
int forwline( int f, int n) ;
int backline( int f, int n) ;
int forwpage( int f, int n) ;
int backpage( int f, int n) ;
int setmark( int f, int n) ;
int swapmark( int f, int n) ;


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

bind.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#ifndef _BIND_H_
#define _BIND_H_
#define APROP 1 /* Add code for Apropos command */
int apro( int f, int n) ;
int strinc( char *source, char *sub) ;
/* Some global fuction declarations. */
typedef int (*fn_t)(int, int);
int help( int f, int n) ;
int deskey( int f, int n) ;
int bindtokey( int f, int n) ;
int unbindkey( int f, int n) ;
int unbindchar( int c) ;
int desbind( int f, int n) ;
int buildlist( int type, char *mstring) ;
unsigned int getckey( int mflag) ;
int startup( char *sfname) ;
void cmdstr( int c, char *seq) ;
fn_t getbind( int c) ;
fn_t fncmatch( char *) ;
unsigned int stock( char *keyname) ;
char *transbind( char *skey) ;

bindable.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
/* bindable.h -- implements bindable.c */
#include "bindable.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "defines.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "estruct.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "lock.h"
#include "terminal.h"
#if VMS
#include <ssdef.h>
#define GOOD (SS$_NORMAL)
#ifndef GOOD
#define GOOD 0
* Fancy quit command, as implemented by Norm. If the any buffer has
* changed do a write on that buffer and exit emacs, otherwise simply exit.
int quickexit(int f, int n)
struct buffer *bp; /* scanning pointer to buffers */
struct buffer *oldcb; /* original current buffer */
int status;
oldcb = curbp; /* save in case we fail */
bp = bheadp;
while (bp != NULL) {
if ((bp->b_flag & BFCHG) != 0 /* Changed. */
&& (bp->b_flag & BFTRUNC) == 0 /* Not truncated P.K. */
&& (bp->b_flag & BFINVS) == 0) { /* Real. */
curbp = bp; /* make that buffer cur */
mlwrite("(Saving %s)", bp->b_fname);
if ((status = filesave(f, n)) != TRUE) {
curbp = oldcb; /* restore curbp */
return status;
bp = bp->b_bufp; /* on to the next buffer */
quit(f, n); /* conditionally quit */
return TRUE;
* Quit command. If an argument, always quit. Otherwise confirm if a buffer
* has been changed and not written out. Normally bound to "C-X C-C".
int quit(int f, int n)
int s;
if (f != FALSE /* Argument forces it. */
|| anycb() == FALSE /* All buffers clean. */
/* User says it's OK. */
|| (s =
mlyesno("Modified buffers exist. Leave anyway")) == TRUE) {
#if (FILOCK && BSD) || SVR4
if (lockrel() != TRUE) {
if (f)
return s;
* Begin a keyboard macro.
* Error if not at the top level in keyboard processing. Set up variables and
* return.
int ctlxlp(int f, int n)
if (kbdmode != STOP) {
mlwrite("%%Macro already active");
return FALSE;
mlwrite("(Start macro)");
kbdptr = &kbdm[0];
kbdend = kbdptr;
kbdmode = RECORD;
return TRUE;
* End keyboard macro. Check for the same limit conditions as the above
* routine. Set up the variables and return to the caller.
int ctlxrp(int f, int n)
if (kbdmode == STOP) {
mlwrite("%%Macro not active");
return FALSE;
if (kbdmode == RECORD) {
mlwrite("(End macro)");
kbdmode = STOP;
return TRUE;
* Execute a macro.
* The command argument is the number of times to loop. Quit as soon as a
* command gets an error. Return TRUE if all ok, else FALSE.
int ctlxe(int f, int n)
if (kbdmode != STOP) {
mlwrite("%%Macro already active");
return FALSE;
if (n <= 0)
return TRUE;
kbdrep = n; /* remember how many times to execute */
kbdmode = PLAY; /* start us in play mode */
kbdptr = &kbdm[0]; /* at the beginning */
return TRUE;
* Abort.
* Beep the beeper. Kill off any keyboard macro, etc., that is in progress.
* Sometimes called as a routine, to do general aborting of stuff.
int ctrlg(int f, int n)
kbdmode = STOP;
return ABORT;
/* user function that does NOTHING */
int nullproc(int f, int n)
return TRUE;
/* dummy function for binding to meta prefix */
int metafn(int f, int n)
return TRUE;
/* dummy function for binding to control-x prefix */
int cex(int f, int n)
return TRUE;
/* dummy function for binding to universal-argument */
int unarg(int f, int n)
return TRUE;

bindable.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
/* functions that can be bound to keys or procedure names */
int quickexit( int f, int n) ;
int quit( int f, int n) ;
int ctlxlp( int f, int n) ;
int ctlxrp( int f, int n) ;
int ctlxe( int f, int n) ;
int ctrlg( int f, int n) ;
int nullproc( int f, int n) ;
int metafn( int f, int n) ;
int cex( int f, int n) ;
int unarg( int f, int n) ;

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
/* buffer.c -- implements buffer.h */
#include "buffer.h"
/* buffer.c
* Buffer management.
@ -9,12 +12,42 @@
* modified by Petri Kutvonen
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "defines.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
#include "efunc.h"
#include "line.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "window.h"
struct buffer *curbp ; /* Current buffer */
struct buffer *bheadp ; /* Head of list of buffers */
struct buffer *blistp ; /* Buffer for C-X C-B */
const char *modename[] = { /* name of modes */
"Wrap", "Cmode", "Spell", "Exact", "View", "Over",
"Asave", "Utf-8", "Dos"
} ;
int gmode = 0 ; /* global editor mode */
static const char modecode[] = "WCSEVOMYAUD" ; /* letters to represent modes */
static int makelist( int iflag) ;
static int addline( char *text) ;
static void l_to_a( char *buf, int width, long num) ;
* Attach a buffer to a window. The
@ -26,9 +59,9 @@ int usebuffer(int f, int n)
struct buffer *bp;
int s;
char bufn[NBUFN];
bname_t bufn ;
if ((s = mlreply("Use buffer: ", bufn, NBUFN)) != TRUE)
if ((s = mlreply("Use buffer: ", bufn, sizeof bufn)) != TRUE)
return s;
if ((bp = bfind(bufn, TRUE, 0)) == NULL)
return FALSE;
@ -135,9 +168,9 @@ int killbuffer(int f, int n)
struct buffer *bp;
int s;
char bufn[NBUFN];
bname_t bufn ;
if ((s = mlreply("Kill buffer: ", bufn, NBUFN)) != TRUE)
if ((s = mlreply("Kill buffer: ", bufn, sizeof bufn)) != TRUE)
return s;
if ((bp = bfind(bufn, FALSE, 0)) == NULL) /* Easy if unknown. */
return TRUE;
@ -185,10 +218,10 @@ int zotbuf(struct buffer *bp)
int namebuffer(int f, int n)
struct buffer *bp; /* pointer to scan through all buffers */
char bufn[NBUFN]; /* buffer to hold buffer name */
bname_t bufn ; /* buffer to hold buffer name */
/* prompt for and get the new buffer name */
ask:if (mlreply("Change buffer name to: ", bufn, NBUFN) !=
ask:if (mlreply("Change buffer name to: ", bufn, sizeof bufn) !=
return FALSE;
@ -267,7 +300,7 @@ int listbuffers(int f, int n)
* int iflag; list hidden buffer flag
int makelist(int iflag)
static int makelist( int iflag)
char *cp1;
char *cp2;
@ -277,16 +310,15 @@ int makelist(int iflag)
int s;
int i;
long nbytes; /* # of bytes in current buffer */
char b[7 + 1];
char b[ 8 + 1] ;
char line[MAXLINE];
blistp->b_flag &= ~BFCHG; /* Don't complain! */
if ((s = bclear(blistp)) != TRUE) /* Blow old text away */
return s;
strcpy(blistp->b_fname, "");
if (addline("ACT MODES Size Buffer File") == FALSE
|| addline("--- ----- ---- ------ ----") ==
if( addline("ACT MODES Size Buffer File") == FALSE
|| addline("--- ----- ---- ------ ----") == FALSE)
return FALSE;
bp = bheadp; /* For all buffers */
@ -343,24 +375,28 @@ int makelist(int iflag)
*cp1++ = '.';
*cp1++ = ' '; /* Gap. */
/* No gap as buffer size if left padded with space */
/* Buffer size */
nbytes = 0L; /* Count bytes in buf. */
lp = lforw(bp->b_linep);
while (lp != bp->b_linep) {
nbytes += (long) llength(lp) + 1L;
lp = lforw(lp);
ltoa(b, 7, nbytes); /* 6 digit buffer size. */
l_to_a( b, sizeof b, nbytes) ; /* 8 digits string buffer size. */
cp2 = &b[0];
while ((c = *cp2++) != 0)
*cp1++ = c;
*cp1++ = ' '; /* Gap. */
cp2 = &bp->b_bname[0]; /* Buffer name */
while ((c = *cp2++) != 0)
*cp1++ = c;
cp2 = &bp->b_fname[0]; /* File name */
if (*cp2 != 0) {
while (cp1 < &line[3 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 6 + 4 + NBUFN])
while( cp1 < &line[ 3 + 1 + NUMMODES + 8 + 1 + (NBUFN-1) + 1])
*cp1++ = ' ';
while ((c = *cp2++) != 0) {
if (cp1 < &line[MAXLINE - 1])
@ -375,15 +411,15 @@ int makelist(int iflag)
return TRUE; /* All done */
void ltoa(char *buf, int width, long num)
static void l_to_a(char *buf, int width, long num)
buf[width] = 0; /* End of string. */
buf[ --width] = 0 ; /* End of string. */
while (num >= 10) { /* Conditional digits. */
buf[--width] = (int) (num % 10L) + '0';
num /= 10L;
buf[--width] = (int) num + '0'; /* Always 1 digit. */
while (width != 0) /* Pad with blanks. */
while( width > 0) /* Pad with blanks. */
buf[--width] = ' ';
@ -394,7 +430,7 @@ void ltoa(char *buf, int width, long num)
* on the end. Return TRUE if it worked and
* FALSE if you ran out of room.
int addline(char *text)
static int addline( char *text)
struct line *lp;
int i;
@ -445,7 +481,7 @@ int anycb(void)
* and the "cflag" is TRUE, create it. The "bflag" is
* the settings for the flags in in buffer.
struct buffer *bfind(char *bname, int cflag, int bflag)
struct buffer *bfind( const char *bname, int cflag, int bflag)
struct buffer *bp;
struct buffer *sb; /* buffer to insert after */

buffer.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
#ifndef _BUFFER_H_
#define _BUFFER_H_
#include "crypt.h"
#include "line.h"
typedef char fname_t[ 80] ; /* file name type */
typedef char bname_t[ 16] ; /* buffer name type */
#define NBUFN sizeof( bname_t)
typedef char ekey_t[ 128] ; /* encryption key type */
* Text is kept in buffers. A buffer header, described below, exists for every
* buffer in the system. The buffers are kept in a big list, so that commands
* that search for a buffer by name can find the buffer header. There is a
* safe store for the dot and mark in the header, but this is only valid if
* the buffer is not being displayed (that is, if "b_nwnd" is 0). The text for
* the buffer is kept in a circularly linked list of lines, with a pointer to
* the header line in "b_linep".
* Buffers may be "Inactive" which means the files associated with them
* have not been read in yet. These get read in at "use buffer" time.
struct buffer {
struct buffer *b_bufp; /* Link to next struct buffer */
struct line *b_dotp; /* Link to "." struct line structure */
struct line *b_markp; /* The same as the above two, */
struct line *b_linep; /* Link to the header struct line */
int b_doto; /* Offset of "." in above struct line */
int b_marko; /* but for the "mark" */
int b_mode; /* editor mode of this buffer */
char b_active; /* window activated flag */
char b_nwnd; /* Count of windows on buffer */
char b_flag; /* Flags */
fname_t b_fname ; /* File name */
bname_t b_bname ; /* Buffer name */
ekey_t b_key ; /* current encrypted key */
extern struct buffer *curbp ; /* Current buffer */
extern struct buffer *bheadp ; /* Head of list of buffers */
extern struct buffer *blistp ; /* Buffer for C-X C-B */
#define BFINVS 0x01 /* Internal invisable buffer */
#define BFCHG 0x02 /* Changed since last write */
#define BFTRUNC 0x04 /* buffer was truncated when read */
/* mode flags */
#define NUMMODES 11 /* # of defined modes */
#define MDWRAP 0x0001 /* word wrap */
#define MDCMOD 0x0002 /* C indentation and fence match */
#define MDSPELL 0x0004 /* spell error parcing */
#define MDEXACT 0x0008 /* Exact matching for searches */
#define MDVIEW 0x0010 /* read-only buffer */
#define MDOVER 0x0020 /* overwrite mode */
#define MDMAGIC 0x0040 /* regular expresions in search */
#define MDCRYPT 0x0080 /* encrytion mode active */
#define MDASAVE 0x0100 /* auto-save mode */
#define MDUTF8 0x0200 /* utf8 mode */
#define MDDOS 0x0400 /* CRLF eol mode */
extern const char *modename[] ; /* text names of modes */
extern int gmode ; /* global editor mode */
int usebuffer( int f, int n) ;
int nextbuffer( int f, int n) ;
int swbuffer( struct buffer *bp) ;
int killbuffer( int f, int n) ;
int zotbuf( struct buffer *bp) ;
int namebuffer( int f, int n) ;
int listbuffers( int f, int n) ;
int anycb( void) ;
int bclear( struct buffer *bp) ;
int unmark( int f, int n) ;
/* Lookup a buffer by name. */
struct buffer *bfind( const char *bname, int cflag, int bflag) ;

count.cmd Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
; count.cmd -- create a buffer with digit from 1 to n
set %i 1
!while &less %i 2000000
insert-string %i
set %i &add %i 1
write-file count.txt

View File

@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
/* crypt.c -- implements crypt.h */
#include "crypt.h"
* Encryption routines
@ -5,46 +9,12 @@
* written by Dana Hoggatt and Daniel Lawrence
#include <stdio.h>
#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
#include "efunc.h"
#include <stdio.h>
static int mod95(int);
* reset encryption key of current buffer
* int f; default flag
* int n; numeric argument
int set_encryption_key(int f, int n)
int status; /* return status */
int odisinp; /* original vlaue of disinp */
char key[NPAT]; /* new encryption string */
/* turn command input echo off */
odisinp = disinp;
disinp = FALSE;
/* get the string to use as an encrytion string */
status = mlreply("Encryption String: ", key, NPAT - 1);
disinp = odisinp;
if (status != TRUE)
return status;
/* and encrypt it */
myencrypt((char *) NULL, 0);
myencrypt(key, strlen(key));
/* and save it off */
strcpy(curbp->b_key, key);
mlwrite(" "); /* clear it off the bottom line */
return TRUE;
@ -216,8 +186,5 @@ static int mod95(int val)
val += 95;
return val;
static void myennocrypt(void)

crypt.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#ifndef _CRYPT_H_
#define _CRYPT_H_
#define CRYPT 1 /* file encryption enabled? */
void myencrypt( char *bptr, unsigned len) ;

defines.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
/* Must define one of
#define USG 1
#define PKCODE 1
#define SCROLLCODE 1 /* scrolling code P.K. */
#define ENVFUNC 1
#define NSTRING 128 /* # of bytes, string buffers */
#define CONTROL 0x10000000 /* Control flag, or'ed in */
#define META 0x20000000 /* Meta flag, or'ed in */
#define CTLX 0x40000000 /* ^X flag, or'ed in */
#define SPEC 0x80000000 /* special key (function keys) */
#define MAXCOL 500
#define MAXROW 500

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
/* display.c -- implements display.h */
#include "display.h"
#define REVSTA 1 /* Status line appears in reverse video */
/* display.c
* The functions in this file handle redisplay. There are two halves, the
@ -11,15 +17,19 @@
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "buffer.h"
#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
#include "efunc.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "line.h"
#include "termio.h"
#include "terminal.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "wrapper.h"
#include "utf8.h"
#include "window.h"
struct video {
int v_flag; /* Flags */
@ -53,6 +63,17 @@ static int displaying = TRUE;
int chg_width, chg_height;
static int currow ; /* Cursor row */
static int curcol ; /* Cursor column */
static int vtrow = 0 ; /* Row location of SW cursor */
static int vtcol = 0 ; /* Column location of SW cursor */
static int lbound = 0 ; /* leftmost column of current line being displayed */
static int taboff = 0 ; /* tab offset for display */
int mpresf = FALSE ; /* TRUE if message in last line */
int scrollcount = 1 ; /* number of lines to scroll */
int discmd = TRUE ; /* display command flag */
static int reframe(struct window *wp);
static void updone(struct window *wp);
static void updall(struct window *wp);
@ -66,7 +87,9 @@ static void modeline(struct window *wp);
static void mlputi(int i, int r);
static void mlputli(long l, int r);
static void mlputf(int s);
static int newscreensize(int h, int w);
static void putline(int row, int col, char *buf);
@ -947,8 +970,10 @@ static int updateline(int row, struct video *vp1, struct video *vp2)
unicode_t *cp4;
unicode_t *cp5;
int nbflag; /* non-blanks to the right flag? */
int rev; /* reverse video flag */
int req; /* reverse video request flag */
int rev; /* reverse video flag */
int req = FALSE ; /* reverse video request flag */
/* set up pointers to virtual and physical lines */
@ -1093,7 +1118,7 @@ static void modeline(struct window *wp)
vtmove(n, 0); /* Seek to right line. */
if (wp == curwp) /* mark the current buffer */
lchar = '-';
lchar = '=';
@ -1121,12 +1146,7 @@ static void modeline(struct window *wp)
n = 2;
strcpy(tline, " ");
strcat(tline, PROGRAM_NAME_LONG);
strcat(tline, " ");
strcat(tline, VERSION);
strcat(tline, ": ");
cp = &tline[0];
cp = " " PROGRAM_NAME_LONG " " VERSION ": " ;
while ((c = *cp++) != 0) {
@ -1152,7 +1172,7 @@ static void modeline(struct window *wp)
if (firstm != TRUE)
strcat(tline, " ");
firstm = FALSE;
strcat(tline, mode2name[i]);
strcat( tline, modename[ i]) ;
strcat(tline, ") ");

display.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#ifndef _DISPLAY_H_
#define _DISPLAY_H_
extern int mpresf ; /* Stuff in message line */
extern int scrollcount ; /* number of lines to scroll */
extern int discmd ; /* display command flag */
extern int gfcolor ; /* global forgrnd color (white) */
extern int gbcolor ; /* global backgrnd color (black) */
void vtinit( void) ;
void vtfree( void) ;
void vttidy( void) ;
void vtmove( int row, int col) ;
int upscreen( int f, int n) ;
int update( int force) ;
void updpos( void) ;
void upddex( void) ;
void updgar( void) ;
int updupd( int force) ;
void upmode( void) ;
void movecursor( int row, int col) ;
void mlerase( void) ;
void mlwrite( const char *fmt, ...) ;
void mlforce( char *s) ;
void mlputs( char *s) ;
void getscreensize( int *widthp, int *heightp) ;
void sizesignal( int signr) ;

ebind.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
/* ebind.c -- implements ebind.h */
#include "ebind.h"
/* ebind.c
* Initial default key to function bindings
* Modified by Petri Kutvonen
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "basic.h"
#include "bind.h"
#include "estruct.h"
#include "bindable.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "eval.h"
#include "exec.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "isearch.h"
#include "line.h"
#include "random.h"
#include "region.h"
#include "search.h"
#include "spawn.h"
#include "window.h"
#include "word.h"
* Command table.
* This table is *roughly* in ASCII order, left to right across the
* characters of the command. This explains the funny location of the
* control-X commands.
struct key_tab keytab[NBINDS] = {
{CONTROL | 'A', gotobol}
{CONTROL | 'B', backchar}
{CONTROL | 'C', insspace}
{CONTROL | 'D', forwdel}
{CONTROL | 'E', gotoeol}
{CONTROL | 'F', forwchar}
{CONTROL | 'G', ctrlg}
{CONTROL | 'H', backdel}
{CONTROL | 'I', insert_tab}
{CONTROL | 'J', indent}
{CONTROL | 'K', killtext}
{CONTROL | 'L', redraw}
{CONTROL | 'M', insert_newline}
{CONTROL | 'N', forwline}
{CONTROL | 'O', openline}
{CONTROL | 'P', backline}
{CONTROL | 'Q', quote}
{CONTROL | 'R', backsearch}
{CONTROL | 'S', forwsearch}
{CONTROL | 'T', twiddle}
{CONTROL | 'U', unarg}
{CONTROL | 'V', forwpage}
{CONTROL | 'W', killregion}
{CONTROL | 'X', cex}
{CONTROL | 'Y', yank}
{CONTROL | 'Z', backpage}
{CONTROL | ']', metafn}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'B', listbuffers}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'C', quit}
, /* Hard quit. */
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'A', detab}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'D', filesave}
, /* alternative */
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'D', detab}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'E', entab}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'F', filefind}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'I', insfile}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'L', lowerregion}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'M', delmode}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'N', mvdnwind}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'O', deblank}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'P', mvupwind}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'R', fileread}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'S', filesave}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'T', trim}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'U', upperregion}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'V', viewfile}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'W', filewrite}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'X', swapmark}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'Z', shrinkwind}
{CTLX | '?', deskey}
{CTLX | '!', spawn}
{CTLX | '@', pipecmd}
{CTLX | '#', filter_buffer}
{CTLX | '$', execprg}
{CTLX | '=', showcpos}
{CTLX | '(', ctlxlp}
{CTLX | ')', ctlxrp}
{CTLX | '^', enlargewind}
{CTLX | '0', delwind}
{CTLX | '1', onlywind}
{CTLX | '2', splitwind}
{CTLX | 'A', setvar}
{CTLX | 'B', usebuffer}
{CTLX | 'C', spawncli}
#if BSD | __hpux | SVR4
{CTLX | 'D', bktoshell}
{CTLX | 'E', ctlxe}
{CTLX | 'F', setfillcol}
{CTLX | 'K', killbuffer}
{CTLX | 'M', setemode}
{CTLX | 'N', filename}
{CTLX | 'O', nextwind}
{CTLX | 'P', prevwind}
{CTLX | 'Q', quote}
, /* alternative */
{CTLX | 'R', risearch}
{CTLX | 'S', fisearch}
{CTLX | 'W', resize}
{CTLX | 'X', nextbuffer}
{CTLX | 'Z', enlargewind}
{META | CONTROL | 'C', wordcount}
{META | CONTROL | 'D', newsize}
#if PROC
{META | CONTROL | 'E', execproc}
{META | CONTROL | 'F', getfence}
{META | CONTROL | 'H', delbword}
{META | CONTROL | 'K', unbindkey}
{META | CONTROL | 'L', reposition}
{META | CONTROL | 'M', delgmode}
{META | CONTROL | 'N', namebuffer}
{META | CONTROL | 'R', qreplace}
{META | CONTROL | 'S', newsize}
{META | CONTROL | 'T', newwidth}
{META | CONTROL | 'V', scrnextdw}
{META | CONTROL | 'W', killpara}
{META | CONTROL | 'Z', scrnextup}
{META | ' ', setmark}
{META | '?', help}
{META | '!', reposition}
{META | '.', setmark}
{META | '>', gotoeob}
{META | '<', gotobob}
{META | '~', unmark}
{META | 'A', apro}
{META | 'B', backword}
{META | 'C', capword}
{META | 'D', delfword}
{META | 'E', set_encryption_key}
{META | 'F', forwword}
{META | 'G', gotoline}
{META | 'J', justpara}
{META | 'K', bindtokey}
{META | 'L', lowerword}
{META | 'M', setgmode}
{META | 'N', gotoeop}
{META | 'P', gotobop}
{META | 'Q', fillpara}
{META | 'R', sreplace}
{META | 'S', forwsearch}
, /* alternative P.K. */
#if BSD
{META | 'S', bktoshell}
{META | 'U', upperword}
{META | 'V', backpage}
{META | 'W', copyregion}
{META | 'X', namedcmd}
{META | 'Z', quickexit}
{META | 0x7F, delbword}
{SPEC | CONTROL | '_', forwhunt}
{SPEC | CONTROL | 'S', backhunt}
{SPEC | 71, gotobol}
{SPEC | 72, backline}
{SPEC | 73, backpage}
{SPEC | 75, backchar}
{SPEC | 77, forwchar}
{SPEC | 79, gotoeol}
{SPEC | 80, forwline}
{SPEC | 81, forwpage}
{SPEC | 82, insspace}
{SPEC | 83, forwdel}
{SPEC | 115, backword}
{SPEC | 116, forwword}
{SPEC | 132, gotobop}
{SPEC | 118, gotoeop}
{SPEC | 84, cbuf1}
{SPEC | 85, cbuf2}
{SPEC | 86, cbuf3}
{SPEC | 87, cbuf4}
{SPEC | 88, cbuf5}
{SPEC | 89, cbuf6}
{SPEC | 90, cbuf7}
{SPEC | 91, cbuf8}
{SPEC | 92, cbuf9}
{SPEC | 93, cbuf10}
{SPEC | 117, gotoeob}
{SPEC | 119, gotobob}
{SPEC | 141, gotobop}
{SPEC | 145, gotoeop}
{SPEC | 146, yank}
{SPEC | 147, killregion}
#if VT220
{SPEC | '1', gotobob /* fisearch */}
, /* VT220 keys */
{SPEC | '2', yank}
{SPEC | '3', forwdel /* killregion */}
{SPEC | '4', gotoeob /* setmark */}
{SPEC | '5', backpage}
{SPEC | '6', forwpage}
{SPEC | 'A', backline}
{SPEC | 'B', forwline}
{SPEC | 'C', forwchar}
{SPEC | 'D', backchar}
{SPEC | 'c', metafn}
{SPEC | 'd', backchar}
{SPEC | 'e', forwline}
{SPEC | 'f', gotobob}
{SPEC | 'h', help}
{SPEC | 'i', cex}
{0x7F, backdel}
/* special internal bindings */
{ SPEC | META | 'W', wrapword }, /* called on word wrap */
{ SPEC | META | 'C', nullproc }, /* every command input */
{ SPEC | META | 'R', nullproc }, /* on file read */
{ SPEC | META | 'X', nullproc }, /* on window change P.K. */
{0, NULL}

View File

@ -1,425 +1,9 @@
/* ebind.h
* Initial default key to function bindings
* Modified by Petri Kutvonen
/* Structure for the table of initial key bindings. */
struct key_tab {
int k_code ; /* Key code */
int (*k_fp)( int, int) ; /* Routine to handle it */
} ;
#ifndef EBIND_H_
#define EBIND_H_
#define NBINDS 256 /* max # of bound keys */
extern struct key_tab keytab[ NBINDS] ; /* key bind to functions table */
#include "line.h"
* Command table.
* This table is *roughly* in ASCII order, left to right across the
* characters of the command. This explains the funny location of the
* control-X commands.
struct key_tab keytab[NBINDS] = {
{CONTROL | 'A', gotobol}
{CONTROL | 'B', backchar}
{CONTROL | 'C', insspace}
{CONTROL | 'D', forwdel}
{CONTROL | 'E', gotoeol}
{CONTROL | 'F', forwchar}
{CONTROL | 'G', ctrlg}
{CONTROL | 'H', backdel}
{CONTROL | 'I', insert_tab}
{CONTROL | 'J', indent}
{CONTROL | 'K', killtext}
{CONTROL | 'L', redraw}
{CONTROL | 'M', insert_newline}
{CONTROL | 'N', forwline}
{CONTROL | 'O', openline}
{CONTROL | 'P', backline}
{CONTROL | 'Q', quote}
{CONTROL | 'R', backsearch}
{CONTROL | 'S', forwsearch}
{CONTROL | 'T', twiddle}
{CONTROL | 'U', unarg}
{CONTROL | 'V', forwpage}
{CONTROL | 'W', killregion}
{CONTROL | 'X', cex}
{CONTROL | 'Y', yank}
{CONTROL | 'Z', backpage}
{CONTROL | ']', metafn}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'B', listbuffers}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'C', quit}
, /* Hard quit. */
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'A', detab}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'D', filesave}
, /* alternative */
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'D', detab}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'E', entab}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'F', filefind}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'I', insfile}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'L', lowerregion}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'M', delmode}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'N', mvdnwind}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'O', deblank}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'P', mvupwind}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'R', fileread}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'S', filesave}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'T', trim}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'U', upperregion}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'V', viewfile}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'W', filewrite}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'X', swapmark}
{CTLX | CONTROL | 'Z', shrinkwind}
{CTLX | '?', deskey}
{CTLX | '!', spawn}
{CTLX | '@', pipecmd}
{CTLX | '#', filter_buffer}
{CTLX | '$', execprg}
{CTLX | '=', showcpos}
{CTLX | '(', ctlxlp}
{CTLX | ')', ctlxrp}
{CTLX | '^', enlargewind}
{CTLX | '0', delwind}
{CTLX | '1', onlywind}
{CTLX | '2', splitwind}
{CTLX | 'A', setvar}
{CTLX | 'B', usebuffer}
{CTLX | 'C', spawncli}
#if BSD | __hpux | SVR4
{CTLX | 'D', bktoshell}
{CTLX | 'E', ctlxe}
{CTLX | 'F', setfillcol}
{CTLX | 'K', killbuffer}
{CTLX | 'M', setemode}
{CTLX | 'N', filename}
{CTLX | 'O', nextwind}
{CTLX | 'P', prevwind}
{CTLX | 'Q', quote}
, /* alternative */
{CTLX | 'R', risearch}
{CTLX | 'S', fisearch}
{CTLX | 'W', resize}
{CTLX | 'X', nextbuffer}
{CTLX | 'Z', enlargewind}
{META | CONTROL | 'C', wordcount}
{META | CONTROL | 'D', newsize}
#if PROC
{META | CONTROL | 'E', execproc}
{META | CONTROL | 'F', getfence}
{META | CONTROL | 'H', delbword}
{META | CONTROL | 'K', unbindkey}
{META | CONTROL | 'L', reposition}
{META | CONTROL | 'M', delgmode}
{META | CONTROL | 'N', namebuffer}
{META | CONTROL | 'R', qreplace}
{META | CONTROL | 'S', newsize}
{META | CONTROL | 'T', newwidth}
{META | CONTROL | 'V', scrnextdw}
{META | CONTROL | 'W', killpara}
{META | CONTROL | 'Z', scrnextup}
{META | ' ', setmark}
{META | '?', help}
{META | '!', reposition}
{META | '.', setmark}
{META | '>', gotoeob}
{META | '<', gotobob}
{META | '~', unmark}
{META | 'A', apro}
{META | 'B', backword}
{META | 'C', capword}
{META | 'D', delfword}
{META | 'E', set_encryption_key}
{META | 'F', forwword}
{META | 'G', gotoline}
{META | 'J', justpara}
{META | 'K', bindtokey}
{META | 'L', lowerword}
{META | 'M', setgmode}
{META | 'N', gotoeop}
{META | 'P', gotobop}
{META | 'Q', fillpara}
{META | 'R', sreplace}
{META | 'S', forwsearch}
, /* alternative P.K. */
#if BSD
{META | 'S', bktoshell}
{META | 'U', upperword}
{META | 'V', backpage}
{META | 'W', copyregion}
{META | 'X', namedcmd}
{META | 'Z', quickexit}
{META | 0x7F, delbword}
{SPEC | CONTROL | '_', forwhunt}
{SPEC | CONTROL | 'S', backhunt}
{SPEC | 71, gotobol}
{SPEC | 72, backline}
{SPEC | 73, backpage}
{SPEC | 75, backchar}
{SPEC | 77, forwchar}
{SPEC | 79, gotoeol}
{SPEC | 80, forwline}
{SPEC | 81, forwpage}
{SPEC | 82, insspace}
{SPEC | 83, forwdel}
{SPEC | 115, backword}
{SPEC | 116, forwword}
{SPEC | 132, gotobop}
{SPEC | 118, gotoeop}
{SPEC | 84, cbuf1}
{SPEC | 85, cbuf2}
{SPEC | 86, cbuf3}
{SPEC | 87, cbuf4}
{SPEC | 88, cbuf5}
{SPEC | 89, cbuf6}
{SPEC | 90, cbuf7}
{SPEC | 91, cbuf8}
{SPEC | 92, cbuf9}
{SPEC | 93, cbuf10}
{SPEC | 117, gotoeob}
{SPEC | 119, gotobob}
{SPEC | 141, gotobop}
{SPEC | 145, gotoeop}
{SPEC | 146, yank}
{SPEC | 147, killregion}
#if VT220
{SPEC | '1', fisearch}
, /* VT220 keys */
{SPEC | '2', yank}
{SPEC | '3', killregion}
{SPEC | '4', setmark}
{SPEC | '5', backpage}
{SPEC | '6', forwpage}
{SPEC | 'A', backline}
{SPEC | 'B', forwline}
{SPEC | 'C', forwchar}
{SPEC | 'D', backchar}
{SPEC | 'c', metafn}
{SPEC | 'd', backchar}
{SPEC | 'e', forwline}
{SPEC | 'f', gotobob}
{SPEC | 'h', help}
{SPEC | 'i', cex}
{0x7F, backdel}
/* special internal bindings */
{ SPEC | META | 'W', wrapword }, /* called on word wrap */
{ SPEC | META | 'C', nullproc }, /* every command input */
{ SPEC | META | 'R', nullproc }, /* on file read */
{ SPEC | META | 'X', nullproc }, /* on window change P.K. */
{0, NULL}
#endif /* EBIND_H_ */

View File

@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
/* edef.h
* Global variable definitions
* written by Dave G. Conroy
* modified by Steve Wilhite, George Jones
* greatly modified by Daniel Lawrence
* modified by Petri Kutvonen
#ifndef EDEF_H_
#define EDEF_H_
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
/* Some global fuction declarations. */
typedef int (*fn_t)(int, int);
/* Initialized global external declarations. */
extern int fillcol; /* Fill column */
extern int kbdm[]; /* Holds kayboard macro data */
extern char pat[]; /* Search pattern */
extern char rpat[]; /* Replacement pattern */
extern char *execstr; /* pointer to string to execute */
extern char golabel[]; /* current line to go to */
extern int execlevel; /* execution IF level */
extern int eolexist; /* does clear to EOL exist? */
extern int revexist; /* does reverse video exist? */
extern int flickcode; /* do flicker supression? */
extern char *modename[]; /* text names of modes */
extern char *mode2name[]; /* text names of modes */
extern char modecode[]; /* letters to represent modes */
extern struct key_tab keytab[]; /* key bind to functions table */
extern struct name_bind names[];/* name to function table */
extern int gmode; /* global editor mode */
extern int gflags; /* global control flag */
extern int gfcolor; /* global forgrnd color (white) */
extern int gbcolor; /* global backgrnd color (black) */
extern int gasave; /* global ASAVE size */
extern int gacount; /* count until next ASAVE */
extern int sgarbf; /* State of screen unknown */
extern int mpresf; /* Stuff in message line */
extern int clexec; /* command line execution flag */
extern int mstore; /* storing text to macro flag */
extern int discmd; /* display command flag */
extern int disinp; /* display input characters */
extern struct buffer *bstore; /* buffer to store macro text to */
extern int vtrow; /* Row location of SW cursor */
extern int vtcol; /* Column location of SW cursor */
extern int ttrow; /* Row location of HW cursor */
extern int ttcol; /* Column location of HW cursor */
extern int lbound; /* leftmost column of current line
being displayed */
extern int taboff; /* tab offset for display */
extern int metac; /* current meta character */
extern int ctlxc; /* current control X prefix char */
extern int reptc; /* current universal repeat char */
extern int abortc; /* current abort command char */
extern int quotec; /* quote char during mlreply() */
extern int tabmask;
extern char *cname[]; /* names of colors */
extern struct kill *kbufp; /* current kill buffer chunk pointer */
extern struct kill *kbufh; /* kill buffer header pointer */
extern int kused; /* # of bytes used in KB */
extern struct window *swindow; /* saved window pointer */
extern int cryptflag; /* currently encrypting? */
extern int *kbdptr; /* current position in keyboard buf */
extern int *kbdend; /* ptr to end of the keyboard */
extern int kbdmode; /* current keyboard macro mode */
extern int kbdrep; /* number of repetitions */
extern int restflag; /* restricted use? */
extern int lastkey; /* last keystoke */
extern int seed; /* random number seed */
extern long envram; /* # of bytes current in use by malloc */
extern int macbug; /* macro debuging flag */
extern char errorm[]; /* error literal */
extern char truem[]; /* true literal */
extern char falsem[]; /* false litereal */
extern int cmdstatus; /* last command status */
extern char palstr[]; /* palette string */
extern int saveflag; /* Flags, saved with the $target var */
extern char *fline; /* dynamic return line */
extern int flen; /* current length of fline */
extern int rval; /* return value of a subprocess */
extern int nullflag;
extern int justflag; /* justify, don't fill */
extern int overlap; /* line overlap in forw/back page */
extern int scrollcount; /* number of lines to scroll */
/* Uninitialized global external declarations. */
extern int currow; /* Cursor row */
extern int curcol; /* Cursor column */
extern int thisflag; /* Flags, this command */
extern int lastflag; /* Flags, last command */
extern int curgoal; /* Goal for C-P, C-N */
extern struct window *curwp; /* Current window */
extern struct buffer *curbp; /* Current buffer */
extern struct window *wheadp; /* Head of list of windows */
extern struct buffer *bheadp; /* Head of list of buffers */
extern struct buffer *blistp; /* Buffer for C-X C-B */
extern char sres[NBUFN]; /* Current screen resolution. */
extern char pat[]; /* Search pattern. */
extern char tap[]; /* Reversed pattern array. */
extern char rpat[]; /* Replacement pattern. */
extern unsigned int matchlen;
extern unsigned int mlenold;
extern char *patmatch;
extern struct line *matchline;
extern int matchoff;
extern char *dname[]; /* Directive name table. */
/* Vars needed for macro debugging output. */
extern char outline[]; /* Global string to hold debug line text. */
/* Terminal table defined only in term.c */
extern struct terminal term;
#endif /* EDEF_H_ */

View File

@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
/* efunc.h
* Function declarations and names.
* This file list all the C code functions used and the names to use
* to bind keys to them. To add functions, declare it here in both the
* extern function list and the name binding table.
* modified by Petri Kutvonen
/* External function declarations. */
/* word.c */
extern int wrapword(int f, int n);
extern int backword(int f, int n);
extern int forwword(int f, int n);
extern int upperword(int f, int n);
extern int lowerword(int f, int n);
extern int capword(int f, int n);
extern int delfword(int f, int n);
extern int delbword(int f, int n);
extern int inword(void);
extern int fillpara(int f, int n);
extern int justpara(int f, int n);
extern int killpara(int f, int n);
extern int wordcount(int f, int n);
/* window.c */
extern int reposition(int f, int n);
extern int redraw(int f, int n);
extern int nextwind(int f, int n);
extern int prevwind(int f, int n);
extern int mvdnwind(int f, int n);
extern int mvupwind(int f, int n);
extern int onlywind(int f, int n);
extern int delwind(int f, int n);
extern int splitwind(int f, int n);
extern int enlargewind(int f, int n);
extern int shrinkwind(int f, int n);
extern int resize(int f, int n);
extern int scrnextup(int f, int n);
extern int scrnextdw(int f, int n);
extern int savewnd(int f, int n);
extern int restwnd(int f, int n);
extern int newsize(int f, int n);
extern int newwidth(int f, int n);
extern int getwpos(void);
extern void cknewwindow(void);
extern struct window *wpopup(void); /* Pop up window creation. */
/* basic.c */
extern int gotobol(int f, int n);
extern int backchar(int f, int n);
extern int gotoeol(int f, int n);
extern int forwchar(int f, int n);
extern int gotoline(int f, int n);
extern int gotobob(int f, int n);
extern int gotoeob(int f, int n);
extern int forwline(int f, int n);
extern int backline(int f, int n);
extern int gotobop(int f, int n);
extern int gotoeop(int f, int n);
extern int forwpage(int f, int n);
extern int backpage(int f, int n);
extern int setmark(int f, int n);
extern int swapmark(int f, int n);
/* random.c */
extern int tabsize; /* Tab size (0: use real tabs). */
extern int setfillcol(int f, int n);
extern int showcpos(int f, int n);
extern int getcline(void);
extern int getccol(int bflg);
extern int setccol(int pos);
extern int twiddle(int f, int n);
extern int quote(int f, int n);
extern int insert_tab(int f, int n);
extern int detab(int f, int n);
extern int entab(int f, int n);
extern int trim(int f, int n);
extern int openline(int f, int n);
extern int insert_newline(int f, int n);
extern int cinsert(void);
extern int insbrace(int n, int c);
extern int inspound(void);
extern int deblank(int f, int n);
extern int indent(int f, int n);
extern int forwdel(int f, int n);
extern int backdel(int f, int n);
extern int killtext(int f, int n);
extern int setemode(int f, int n);
extern int delmode(int f, int n);
extern int setgmode(int f, int n);
extern int delgmode(int f, int n);
extern int adjustmode(int kind, int global);
extern int clrmes(int f, int n);
extern int writemsg(int f, int n);
extern int getfence(int f, int n);
extern int fmatch(int ch);
extern int istring(int f, int n);
extern int ovstring(int f, int n);
/* main.c */
extern void edinit(char *bname);
extern int execute(int c, int f, int n);
extern int quickexit(int f, int n);
extern int quit(int f, int n);
extern int ctlxlp(int f, int n);
extern int ctlxrp(int f, int n);
extern int ctlxe(int f, int n);
extern int ctrlg(int f, int n);
extern int rdonly(void);
extern int resterr(void);
extern int nullproc(int f, int n);
extern int metafn(int f, int n);
extern int cex(int f, int n);
extern int unarg(int f, int n);
extern int cexit(int status);
/* display.c */
extern void vtinit(void);
extern void vtfree(void);
extern void vttidy(void);
extern void vtmove(int row, int col);
extern int upscreen(int f, int n);
extern int update(int force);
extern void updpos(void);
extern void upddex(void);
extern void updgar(void);
extern int updupd(int force);
extern void upmode(void);
extern void movecursor(int row, int col);
extern void mlerase(void);
extern void mlwrite(const char *fmt, ...);
extern void mlforce(char *s);
extern void mlputs(char *s);
extern void getscreensize(int *widthp, int *heightp);
extern void sizesignal(int signr);
/* region.c */
extern int killregion(int f, int n);
extern int copyregion(int f, int n);
extern int lowerregion(int f, int n);
extern int upperregion(int f, int n);
extern int getregion(struct region *rp);
/* posix.c */
extern void ttopen(void);
extern void ttclose(void);
extern int ttputc(int c);
extern void ttflush(void);
extern int ttgetc(void);
extern int typahead(void);
/* input.c */
extern int mlyesno(char *prompt);
extern int mlreply(char *prompt, char *buf, int nbuf);
extern int mlreplyt(char *prompt, char *buf, int nbuf, int eolchar);
extern int ectoc(int c);
extern int ctoec(int c);
extern fn_t getname(void);
extern int tgetc(void);
extern int get1key(void);
extern int getcmd(void);
extern int getstring(char *prompt, char *buf, int nbuf, int eolchar);
extern void outstring(char *s);
extern void ostring(char *s);
/* bind.c */
extern int help(int f, int n);
extern int deskey(int f, int n);
extern int bindtokey(int f, int n);
extern int unbindkey(int f, int n);
extern int unbindchar(int c);
extern int desbind(int f, int n);
extern int apro(int f, int n);
extern int buildlist(int type, char *mstring);
extern int strinc(char *source, char *sub);
extern unsigned int getckey(int mflag);
extern int startup(char *sfname);
extern char *flook(char *fname, int hflag);
extern void cmdstr(int c, char *seq);
extern fn_t getbind(int c);
extern char *getfname(fn_t);
extern fn_t fncmatch(char *);
extern unsigned int stock(char *keyname);
extern char *transbind(char *skey);
/* buffer.c */
extern int usebuffer(int f, int n);
extern int nextbuffer(int f, int n);
extern int swbuffer(struct buffer *bp);
extern int killbuffer(int f, int n);
extern int zotbuf(struct buffer *bp);
extern int namebuffer(int f, int n);
extern int listbuffers(int f, int n);
extern int makelist(int iflag);
extern void ltoa(char *buf, int width, long num);
extern int addline(char *text);
extern int anycb(void);
extern int bclear(struct buffer *bp);
extern int unmark(int f, int n);
/* Lookup a buffer by name. */
extern struct buffer *bfind(char *bname, int cflag, int bflag);
/* file.c */
extern int fileread(int f, int n);
extern int insfile(int f, int n);
extern int filefind(int f, int n);
extern int viewfile(int f, int n);
extern int getfile(char *fname, int lockfl);
extern int readin(char *fname, int lockfl);
extern void makename(char *bname, char *fname);
extern void unqname(char *name);
extern int filewrite(int f, int n);
extern int filesave(int f, int n);
extern int writeout(char *fn);
extern int filename(int f, int n);
extern int ifile(char *fname);
/* fileio.c */
extern int ffropen(char *fn);
extern int ffwopen(char *fn);
extern int ffclose(void);
extern int ffputline(char *buf, int nbuf);
extern int ffgetline(void);
extern int fexist(char *fname);
/* exec.c */
extern int namedcmd(int f, int n);
extern int execcmd(int f, int n);
extern int docmd(char *cline);
extern char *token(char *src, char *tok, int size);
extern int macarg(char *tok);
extern int nextarg(char *prompt, char *buffer, int size, int terminator);
extern int storemac(int f, int n);
extern int storeproc(int f, int n);
extern int execproc(int f, int n);
extern int execbuf(int f, int n);
extern int dobuf(struct buffer *bp);
extern void freewhile(struct while_block *wp);
extern int execfile(int f, int n);
extern int dofile(char *fname);
extern int cbuf(int f, int n, int bufnum);
extern int cbuf1(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf2(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf3(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf4(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf5(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf6(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf7(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf8(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf9(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf10(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf11(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf12(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf13(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf14(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf15(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf16(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf17(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf18(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf19(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf20(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf21(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf22(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf23(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf24(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf25(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf26(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf27(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf28(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf29(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf30(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf31(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf32(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf33(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf34(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf35(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf36(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf37(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf38(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf39(int f, int n);
extern int cbuf40(int f, int n);
/* spawn.c */
extern int spawncli(int f, int n);
extern int bktoshell(int f, int n);
extern void rtfrmshell(void);
extern int spawn(int f, int n);
extern int execprg(int f, int n);
extern int pipecmd(int f, int n);
extern int filter_buffer(int f, int n);
extern int sys(char *cmd);
extern int shellprog(char *cmd);
extern int execprog(char *cmd);
/* search.c */
extern int forwsearch(int f, int n);
extern int forwhunt(int f, int n);
extern int backsearch(int f, int n);
extern int backhunt(int f, int n);
extern int mcscanner(struct magic *mcpatrn, int direct, int beg_or_end);
extern int scanner(const char *patrn, int direct, int beg_or_end);
extern int eq(unsigned char bc, unsigned char pc);
extern void savematch(void);
extern void rvstrcpy(char *rvstr, char *str);
extern int sreplace(int f, int n);
extern int qreplace(int f, int n);
extern int delins(int dlength, char *instr, int use_meta);
extern int expandp(char *srcstr, char *deststr, int maxlength);
extern int boundry(struct line *curline, int curoff, int dir);
extern void mcclear(void);
extern void rmcclear(void);
/* isearch.c */
extern int risearch(int f, int n);
extern int fisearch(int f, int n);
extern int isearch(int f, int n);
extern int checknext(char chr, char *patrn, int dir);
extern int scanmore(char *patrn, int dir);
extern int match_pat(char *patrn);
extern int promptpattern(char *prompt);
extern int get_char(void);
extern int uneat(void);
extern void reeat(int c);
/* eval.c */
extern void varinit(void);
extern char *gtfun(char *fname);
extern char *gtusr(char *vname);
extern char *gtenv(char *vname);
extern char *getkill(void);
extern int setvar(int f, int n);
extern void findvar(char *var, struct variable_description *vd, int size);
extern int svar(struct variable_description *var, char *value);
extern char *itoa(int i);
extern int gettyp(char *token);
extern char *getval(char *token);
extern int stol(char *val);
extern char *ltos(int val);
extern char *mkupper(char *str);
extern char *mklower(char *str);
extern int abs(int x);
extern int ernd(void);
extern int sindex(char *source, char *pattern);
extern char *xlat(char *source, char *lookup, char *trans);
/* crypt.c */
extern int set_encryption_key(int f, int n);
extern void myencrypt(char *bptr, unsigned len);
/* lock.c */
extern int lockchk(char *fname);
extern int lockrel(void);
extern int lock(char *fname);
extern int unlock(char *fname);
extern void lckerror(char *errstr);
/* pklock.c */
extern char *dolock(char *fname);
extern char *undolock(char *fname);

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
* This file contains certain info needed to locate the
* initialization (etc) files on a system dependent basis
* modified by Petri Kutvonen
#ifndef EPATH_H_
#define EPATH_H_
/* possible names and paths of help files under different OSs */
static char *pathname[] =
#if V7 | BSD | USG
".emacsrc", "emacs.hlp",
"/usr/global/lib/", "/usr/local/bin/", "/usr/local/lib/",
"/usr/local/", "/usr/lib/", ""};
#if VMS
"emacs.rc", "emacs.hlp", "",
"sys$login:", "emacs_dir:",
#endif /* EPATH_H_ */

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
#ifndef _ESTRUCT_H_
#define _ESTRUCT_H_
* Structure and preprocessor defines
@ -8,8 +11,6 @@
* modified by Petri Kutvonen
#define MAXCOL 500
#define MAXROW 500
#ifdef MSDOS
#undef MSDOS
@ -17,9 +18,6 @@
#ifdef EGA
#undef EGA
#ifdef CTRLZ
#undef CTRLZ
/* Machine/OS definitions. */
@ -47,7 +45,7 @@
#undef BSD
#if defined(SYSV) || defined(u3b2) || defined(_AIX) || (defined(i386) && defined(unix)) || defined(__hpux)
#if defined(SYSV) || defined(u3b2) || defined(_AIX) || (defined(i386) && defined(unix)) || defined(__hpux) || defined( __unix__)
#define USG 1 /* System V UNIX */
#define USG 0
@ -89,7 +87,9 @@
/* Debugging options */
#define RAMSIZE 0 /* dynamic RAM memory usage tracking */
#define RAMSHOW 0 /* auto dynamic RAM reporting */
#define RAMSHOW 1 /* auto dynamic RAM reporting */
#ifndef AUTOCONF
@ -106,6 +106,17 @@
#define TERMCAP 0 /* Use TERMCAP */
#define IBMPC 1 /* IBM-PC CGA/MONO/EGA driver */
#elif defined( MINGW32)
#define VT220 (UNIX | VMS)
#define VT100 0
#define ANSI 0
#define VMSVT 0
#define VT52 0
#define TERMCAP 0
#define IBMPC 0
#define VT220 (UNIX | VMS)
@ -121,16 +132,8 @@
/* Configuration options */
#define CVMVAS 1 /* arguments to page forward/back in pages */
#define CLRMSG 0 /* space clears the message line with no insert */
#define CFENCE 1 /* fench matching in CMODE */
#define TYPEAH 1 /* type ahead causes update to be skipped */
#define DEBUGM 1 /* $debug triggers macro debugging */
#define VISMAC 0 /* update display during keyboard macros */
#define CTRLZ 0 /* add a ^Z at end of files under MSDOS only */
#define ADDCR 0 /* ajout d'un CR en fin de chaque ligne (ST520) */
#define NBRACE 1 /* new style brace matching command */
#define REVSTA 1 /* Status line appears in reverse video */
#ifndef AUTOCONF
@ -148,13 +151,6 @@
#endif /* Autoconf. */
#define ISRCH 1 /* Incremental searches like ITS EMACS */
#define WORDPRO 1 /* Advanced word processing features */
#define APROP 1 /* Add code for Apropos command */
#define CRYPT 1 /* file encryption enabled? */
#define MAGIC 1 /* include regular expression matching? */
#define AEDIT 1 /* advanced editing options: en/detabbing */
#define PROC 1 /* named procedures */
#define CLEAN 0 /* de-alloc memory on exit */
#define ASCII 1 /* always using ASCII char sequences for now */
@ -219,107 +215,8 @@
#define ENVFUNC 0
/* Emacs global flag bit definitions (for gflags). */
#define GFREAD 1
/* Internal constants. */
#define NBINDS 256 /* max # of bound keys */
#define NFILEN 80 /* # of bytes, file name */
#define NBUFN 16 /* # of bytes, buffer name */
#define NLINE 256 /* # of bytes, input line */
#define NSTRING 128 /* # of bytes, string buffers */
#define NKBDM 256 /* # of strokes, keyboard macro */
#define NPAT 128 /* # of bytes, pattern */
#define HUGE 1000 /* Huge number */
#define NLOCKS 100 /* max # of file locks active */
#define NCOLORS 8 /* number of supported colors */
#define KBLOCK 250 /* sizeof kill buffer chunks */
#define CONTROL 0x10000000 /* Control flag, or'ed in */
#define META 0x20000000 /* Meta flag, or'ed in */
#define CTLX 0x40000000 /* ^X flag, or'ed in */
#define SPEC 0x80000000 /* special key (function keys) */
#ifdef FALSE
#undef FALSE
#ifdef TRUE
#undef TRUE
#define FALSE 0 /* False, no, bad, etc. */
#define TRUE 1 /* True, yes, good, etc. */
#define ABORT 2 /* Death, ^G, abort, etc. */
#define FAILED 3 /* not-quite fatal false return */
#define STOP 0 /* keyboard macro not in use */
#define PLAY 1 /* playing */
#define RECORD 2 /* recording */
/* Directive definitions */
#define DIF 0
#define DELSE 1
#define DENDIF 2
#define DGOTO 3
#define DRETURN 4
#define DENDM 5
#define DWHILE 6
#define DENDWHILE 7
#define DBREAK 8
#define DFORCE 9
#define NUMDIRS 10
* PTBEG, PTEND, FORWARD, and REVERSE are all toggle-able values for
* the scan routines.
#define PTBEG 0 /* Leave the point at the beginning on search */
#define PTEND 1 /* Leave the point at the end on search */
#define FORWARD 0 /* forward direction */
#define REVERSE 1 /* backwards direction */
#define FIOSUC 0 /* File I/O, success. */
#define FIOFNF 1 /* File I/O, file not found. */
#define FIOEOF 2 /* File I/O, end of file. */
#define FIOERR 3 /* File I/O, error. */
#define FIOMEM 4 /* File I/O, out of memory */
#define FIOFUN 5 /* File I/O, eod of file/bad line */
#define CFCPCN 0x0001 /* Last command was C-P, C-N */
#define CFKILL 0x0002 /* Last command was a kill */
#define BELL 0x07 /* a bell character */
#define TAB 0x09 /* a tab character */
#if V7 | USG | BSD
#define PATHCHR ':'
#define PATHCHR ';'
#define INTWIDTH sizeof(int) * 3
/* Macro argument token types */
#define TKNUL 0 /* end-of-string */
#define TKARG 1 /* interactive argument */
#define TKBUF 2 /* buffer argument */
#define TKVAR 3 /* user variables */
#define TKENV 4 /* environment variables */
#define TKFUN 5 /* function.... */
#define TKDIR 6 /* directive */
#define TKLBL 7 /* line label */
#define TKLIT 8 /* numeric literal */
#define TKSTR 9 /* quoted string literal */
#define TKCMD 10 /* command name */
/* Internal defined functions */
#define nextab(a) (a & ~tabmask) + (tabmask+1)
#ifdef abs
#undef abs
@ -386,6 +283,9 @@
/* Dynamic RAM tracking and reporting redefinitions */
#include <stdlib.h>
void *allocate( size_t size) ;
void release( void *ptr) ;
#define malloc allocate
#define free release
@ -396,285 +296,8 @@
#define exit(a) cexit(a)
int cexit( int status) ;
* There is a window structure allocated for every active display window. The
* windows are kept in a big list, in top to bottom screen order, with the
* listhead at "wheadp". Each window contains its own values of dot and mark.
* The flag field contains some bits that are set by commands to guide
* redisplay. Although this is a bit of a compromise in terms of decoupling,
* the full blown redisplay is just too expensive to run for every input
* character.
struct window {
struct window *w_wndp; /* Next window */
struct buffer *w_bufp; /* Buffer displayed in window */
struct line *w_linep; /* Top line in the window */
struct line *w_dotp; /* Line containing "." */
struct line *w_markp; /* Line containing "mark" */
int w_doto; /* Byte offset for "." */
int w_marko; /* Byte offset for "mark" */
char w_toprow; /* Origin 0 top row of window */
char w_ntrows; /* # of rows of text in window */
char w_force; /* If NZ, forcing row. */
char w_flag; /* Flags. */
char w_fcolor; /* current forground color */
char w_bcolor; /* current background color */
#define WFFORCE 0x01 /* Window needs forced reframe */
#define WFMOVE 0x02 /* Movement from line to line */
#define WFEDIT 0x04 /* Editing within a line */
#define WFHARD 0x08 /* Better to a full display */
#define WFMODE 0x10 /* Update mode line. */
#define WFCOLR 0x20 /* Needs a color change */
#define WFKILLS 0x40 /* something was deleted */
#define WFINS 0x80 /* something was inserted */
* Text is kept in buffers. A buffer header, described below, exists for every
* buffer in the system. The buffers are kept in a big list, so that commands
* that search for a buffer by name can find the buffer header. There is a
* safe store for the dot and mark in the header, but this is only valid if
* the buffer is not being displayed (that is, if "b_nwnd" is 0). The text for
* the buffer is kept in a circularly linked list of lines, with a pointer to
* the header line in "b_linep".
* Buffers may be "Inactive" which means the files associated with them
* have not been read in yet. These get read in at "use buffer" time.
struct buffer {
struct buffer *b_bufp; /* Link to next struct buffer */
struct line *b_dotp; /* Link to "." struct line structure */
struct line *b_markp; /* The same as the above two, */
struct line *b_linep; /* Link to the header struct line */
int b_doto; /* Offset of "." in above struct line */
int b_marko; /* but for the "mark" */
int b_mode; /* editor mode of this buffer */
char b_active; /* window activated flag */
char b_nwnd; /* Count of windows on buffer */
char b_flag; /* Flags */
char b_fname[NFILEN]; /* File name */
char b_bname[NBUFN]; /* Buffer name */
char b_key[NPAT]; /* current encrypted key */
#define BFINVS 0x01 /* Internal invisable buffer */
#define BFCHG 0x02 /* Changed since last write */
#define BFTRUNC 0x04 /* buffer was truncated when read */
/* mode flags */
#define NUMMODES 10 /* # of defined modes */
#define MDWRAP 0x0001 /* word wrap */
#define MDCMOD 0x0002 /* C indentation and fence match */
#define MDSPELL 0x0004 /* spell error parcing */
#define MDEXACT 0x0008 /* Exact matching for searches */
#define MDVIEW 0x0010 /* read-only buffer */
#define MDOVER 0x0020 /* overwrite mode */
#define MDMAGIC 0x0040 /* regular expresions in search */
#define MDCRYPT 0x0080 /* encrytion mode active */
#define MDASAVE 0x0100 /* auto-save mode */
* The starting position of a region, and the size of the region in
* characters, is kept in a region structure. Used by the region commands.
struct region {
struct line *r_linep; /* Origin struct line address. */
int r_offset; /* Origin struct line offset. */
long r_size; /* Length in characters. */
* The editor communicates with the display using a high level interface. A
* "TERM" structure holds useful variables, and indirect pointers to routines
* that do useful operations. The low level get and put routines are here too.
* This lets a terminal, in addition to having non standard commands, have
* funny get and put character code too. The calls might get changed to
* "termp->t_field" style in the future, to make it possible to run more than
* one terminal type.
struct terminal {
short t_mrow; /* max number of rows allowable */
short t_nrow; /* current number of rows used */
short t_mcol; /* max Number of columns. */
short t_ncol; /* current Number of columns. */
short t_margin; /* min margin for extended lines */
short t_scrsiz; /* size of scroll region " */
int t_pause; /* # times thru update to pause */
void (*t_open)(void); /* Open terminal at the start. */
void (*t_close)(void); /* Close terminal at end. */
void (*t_kopen)(void); /* Open keyboard */
void (*t_kclose)(void); /* close keyboard */
int (*t_getchar)(void); /* Get character from keyboard. */
int (*t_putchar)(int); /* Put character to display. */
void (*t_flush) (void); /* Flush output buffers. */
void (*t_move)(int, int);/* Move the cursor, origin 0. */
void (*t_eeol)(void); /* Erase to end of line. */
void (*t_eeop)(void); /* Erase to end of page. */
void (*t_beep)(void); /* Beep. */
void (*t_rev)(int); /* set reverse video state */
int (*t_rez)(char *); /* change screen resolution */
int (*t_setfor) (); /* set forground color */
int (*t_setback) (); /* set background color */
void (*t_scroll)(int, int,int); /* scroll a region of the screen */
/* TEMPORARY macros for terminal I/O (to be placed in a machine
dependant place later) */
#define TTopen (*term.t_open)
#define TTclose (*term.t_close)
#define TTkopen (*term.t_kopen)
#define TTkclose (*term.t_kclose)
#define TTgetc (*term.t_getchar)
#define TTputc (*term.t_putchar)
#define TTflush (*term.t_flush)
#define TTmove (*term.t_move)
#define TTeeol (*term.t_eeol)
#define TTeeop (*term.t_eeop)
#define TTbeep (*term.t_beep)
#define TTrev (*term.t_rev)
#define TTrez (*term.t_rez)
#define TTforg (*term.t_setfor)
#define TTbacg (*term.t_setback)
/* Structure for the table of initial key bindings. */
struct key_tab {
int k_code; /* Key code */
int (*k_fp)(int, int); /* Routine to handle it */
/* Structure for the name binding table. */
struct name_bind {
char *n_name; /* name of function key */
int (*n_func)(int, int); /* function name is bound to */
/* The editor holds deleted text chunks in the struct kill buffer. The
* kill buffer is logically a stream of ascii characters, however
* due to its unpredicatable size, it gets implemented as a linked
* list of chunks. (The d_ prefix is for "deleted" text, as k_
* was taken up by the keycode structure).
struct kill {
struct kill *d_next; /* Link to next chunk, NULL if last. */
char d_chunk[KBLOCK]; /* Deleted text. */
/* When emacs' command interpetor needs to get a variable's name,
* rather than it's value, it is passed back as a variable description
* structure. The v_num field is a index into the appropriate variable table.
struct variable_description {
int v_type; /* Type of variable. */
int v_num; /* Ordinal pointer to variable in list. */
/* The !WHILE directive in the execution language needs to
* stack references to pending whiles. These are stored linked
* to each currently open procedure via a linked list of
* the following structure.
struct while_block {
struct line *w_begin; /* ptr to !while statement */
struct line *w_end; /* ptr to the !endwhile statement */
int w_type; /* block type */
struct while_block *w_next; /* next while */
#define BTWHILE 1
#define BTBREAK 2
* Incremental search defines.
#define CMDBUFLEN 256 /* Length of our command buffer */
#define IS_ABORT 0x07 /* Abort the isearch */
#define IS_BACKSP 0x08 /* Delete previous char */
#define IS_TAB 0x09 /* Tab character (allowed search char) */
#define IS_NEWLINE 0x0D /* New line from keyboard (Carriage return) */
#define IS_QUOTE 0x11 /* Quote next character */
#define IS_REVERSE 0x12 /* Search backward */
#define IS_FORWARD 0x13 /* Search forward */
#define IS_VMSQUOTE 0x16 /* VMS quote character */
#define IS_VMSFORW 0x18 /* Search forward for VMS */
#define IS_QUIT 0x1B /* Exit the search */
#define IS_RUBOUT 0x7F /* Delete previous character */
/* IS_QUIT is no longer used, the variable metac is used instead */
#if defined(MAGIC)
* Defines for the metacharacters in the regular expression
* search routines.
#define MCNIL 0 /* Like the '\0' for strings. */
#define LITCHAR 1 /* Literal character, or string. */
#define ANY 2
#define CCL 3
#define NCCL 4
#define BOL 5
#define EOL 6
#define DITTO 7
#define CLOSURE 256 /* An or-able value. */
#define MASKCL (CLOSURE - 1)
#define MC_ANY '.' /* 'Any' character (except newline). */
#define MC_CCL '[' /* Character class. */
#define MC_NCCL '^' /* Negate character class. */
#define MC_RCCL '-' /* Range in character class. */
#define MC_ECCL ']' /* End of character class. */
#define MC_BOL '^' /* Beginning of line. */
#define MC_EOL '$' /* End of line. */
#define MC_CLOSURE '*' /* Closure - does not extend past newline. */
#define MC_DITTO '&' /* Use matched string in replacement. */
#define MC_ESC '\\' /* Escape - suppress meta-meaning. */
#define BIT(n) (1 << (n)) /* An integer with one bit set. */
#define CHCASE(c) ((c) ^ DIFCASE) /* Toggle the case of a letter. */
/* HICHAR - 1 is the largest character we will deal with.
* HIBYTE represents the number of bytes in the bitmap.
#define HICHAR 256
#define HIBYTE HICHAR >> 3
/* Typedefs that define the meta-character structure for MAGIC mode searching
* (struct magic), and the meta-character structure for MAGIC mode replacement
* (struct magic_replacement).
struct magic {
short int mc_type;
union {
int lchar;
char *cclmap;
} u;
struct magic_replacement {
short int mc_type;
char *rstr;
#endif /* MAGIC */

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
/* eval.c -- implements eval.h */
#include "eval.h"
/* eval.c
* Expression evaluation functions
@ -7,20 +10,289 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "basic.h"
#include "bind.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
#include "efunc.h"
#include "evar.h"
#include "exec.h"
#include "execute.h"
#include "flook.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "line.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "random.h"
#include "search.h"
#include "terminal.h"
#include "termio.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "window.h"
#define MAXVARS 255
#define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]))
/* vars needed for macro debugging output */
char outline[ NSTRING] ; /* global string to hold debug line text */
int gflags = GFREAD ; /* global control flag */
int macbug = FALSE ; /* macro debuging flag */
int cmdstatus = TRUE ; /* last command status */
int flickcode = FALSE ; /* do flicker supression? */
int rval = 0 ; /* return value of a subprocess */
static int saveflag = 0 ; /* Flags, saved with the $target var */
long envram = 0l ; /* # of bytes current in use by malloc */
/* Max #chars in a var name. */
#define NVSIZE 10
/* Structure to hold user variables and their definitions. */
struct user_variable {
char u_name[NVSIZE + 1]; /* name of user variable */
char *u_value; /* value (string) */
static char errorm[] = "ERROR" ; /* error literal */
static int seed = 0 ; /* random number seed */
static char *ltos( int val) ;
/* List of recognized environment variables. */
static const char *envars[] = {
"fillcol", /* current fill column */
"pagelen", /* number of lines used by editor */
"curcol", /* current column pos of cursor */
"curline", /* current line in file */
"ram", /* ram in use by malloc */
"flicker", /* flicker supression */
"curwidth", /* current screen width */
"cbufname", /* current buffer name */
"cfname", /* current file name */
"sres", /* current screen resolution */
"debug", /* macro debugging */
"status", /* returns the status of the last command */
"palette", /* current palette string */
"asave", /* # of chars between auto-saves */
"acount", /* # of chars until next auto-save */
"lastkey", /* last keyboard char struck */
"curchar", /* current character under the cursor */
"discmd", /* display commands on command line */
"version", /* current version number */
"progname", /* returns current prog name - "MicroEMACS" */
"seed", /* current random number seed */
"disinp", /* display command line input characters */
"wline", /* # of lines in current window */
"cwline", /* current screen line in window */
"target", /* target for line moves */
"search", /* search pattern */
"replace", /* replacement pattern */
"match", /* last matched magic pattern */
"kill", /* kill buffer (read only) */
"cmode", /* mode of current buffer */
"gmode", /* global modes */
"tpause", /* length to pause for paren matching */
"pending", /* type ahead pending flag */
"lwidth", /* width of current line */
"line", /* text of current line */
"gflags", /* global internal emacs flags */
"rval", /* child process return value */
"tab", /* tab 4 or 8 */
"scroll", /* scroll enabled */
/* And its preprocesor definitions. */
#define EVFILLCOL 0
#define EVPAGELEN 1
#define EVCURCOL 2
#define EVCURLINE 3
#define EVRAM 4
#define EVFLICKER 5
#define EVCURWIDTH 6
#define EVCBUFNAME 7
#define EVCFNAME 8
#define EVSRES 9
#define EVDEBUG 10
#define EVSTATUS 11
#define EVPALETTE 12
#define EVASAVE 13
#define EVACOUNT 14
#define EVLASTKEY 15
#define EVCURCHAR 16
#define EVDISCMD 17
#define EVVERSION 18
#define EVPROGNAME 19
#define EVSEED 20
#define EVDISINP 21
#define EVWLINE 22
#define EVCWLINE 23
#define EVTARGET 24
#define EVSEARCH 25
#define EVREPLACE 26
#define EVMATCH 27
#define EVKILL 28
#define EVCMODE 29
#define EVGMODE 30
#define EVTPAUSE 31
#define EVPENDING 32
#define EVLWIDTH 33
#define EVLINE 34
#define EVGFLAGS 35
#define EVRVAL 36
#define EVTAB 37
#define EVOVERLAP 38
#define EVSCROLL 40
enum function_type {
/* List of recognized user functions. */
static struct {
const char f_name[ 4] ;
const enum function_type f_type ;
} funcs[] = {
{ "add", DYNAMIC }, /* add two numbers together */
{ "sub", DYNAMIC }, /* subtraction */
{ "tim", DYNAMIC }, /* multiplication */
{ "div", DYNAMIC }, /* division */
{ "mod", DYNAMIC }, /* mod */
{ "neg", MONAMIC }, /* negate */
{ "cat", DYNAMIC }, /* concatinate string */
{ "lef", DYNAMIC }, /* left string(string, len) */
{ "rig", DYNAMIC }, /* right string(string, pos) */
{ "mid", TRINAMIC }, /* mid string(string, pos, len) */
{ "not", MONAMIC }, /* logical not */
{ "equ", DYNAMIC }, /* logical equality check */
{ "les", DYNAMIC }, /* logical less than */
{ "gre", DYNAMIC }, /* logical greater than */
{ "seq", DYNAMIC }, /* string logical equality check */
{ "sle", DYNAMIC }, /* string logical less than */
{ "sgr", DYNAMIC }, /* string logical greater than */
{ "ind", MONAMIC }, /* evaluate indirect value */
{ "and", DYNAMIC }, /* logical and */
{ "or", DYNAMIC }, /* logical or */
{ "len", MONAMIC }, /* string length */
{ "upp", MONAMIC }, /* uppercase string */
{ "low", MONAMIC }, /* lower case string */
{ "tru", MONAMIC }, /* Truth of the universe logical test */
{ "asc", MONAMIC }, /* char to integer conversion */
{ "chr", MONAMIC }, /* integer to char conversion */
{ "gtk", NILNAMIC }, /* get 1 charater */
{ "rnd", MONAMIC }, /* get a random number */
{ "abs", MONAMIC }, /* absolute value of a number */
{ "sin", DYNAMIC }, /* find the index of one string in another */
{ "env", MONAMIC }, /* retrieve a system environment var */
{ "bin", MONAMIC }, /* loopup what function name is bound to a key */
{ "exi", MONAMIC }, /* check if a file exists */
{ "fin", MONAMIC }, /* look for a file on the path... */
{ "ban", DYNAMIC }, /* bitwise and 9-10-87 jwm */
{ "bor", DYNAMIC }, /* bitwise or 9-10-87 jwm */
{ "bxo", DYNAMIC }, /* bitwise xor 9-10-87 jwm */
{ "bno", MONAMIC }, /* bitwise not */
{ "xla", TRINAMIC }, /* XLATE character string translation */
/* And its preprocesor definitions. */
#define UFADD 0
#define UFSUB 1
#define UFTIMES 2
#define UFDIV 3
#define UFMOD 4
#define UFNEG 5
#define UFCAT 6
#define UFLEFT 7
#define UFRIGHT 8
#define UFMID 9
#define UFNOT 10
#define UFEQUAL 11
#define UFLESS 12
#define UFGREATER 13
#define UFSEQUAL 14
#define UFSLESS 15
#define UFSGREAT 16
#define UFIND 17
#define UFAND 18
#define UFOR 19
#define UFLENGTH 20
#define UFUPPER 21
#define UFLOWER 22
#define UFTRUTH 23
#define UFASCII 24
#define UFCHR 25
#define UFGTKEY 26
#define UFRND 27
#define UFABS 28
#define UFSINDEX 29
#define UFENV 30
#define UFBIND 31
#define UFEXIST 32
#define UFFIND 33
#define UFBAND 34
#define UFBOR 35
#define UFBXOR 36
#define UFBNOT 37
#define UFXLATE 38
/* User variables */
static struct user_variable uv[MAXVARS + 1];
/* When emacs' command interpetor needs to get a variable's name,
* rather than it's value, it is passed back as a variable description
* structure. The v_num field is a index into the appropriate variable table.
struct variable_description {
int v_type; /* Type of variable. */
int v_num; /* Ordinal pointer to variable in list. */
static void findvar( char *var, struct variable_description *vd, int size) ;
static int svar( struct variable_description *var, char *value) ;
* putctext:
* replace the current line with the passed in text
* char *iline; contents of new line
static int putctext( char *iline)
int status;
/* delete the current line */
curwp->w_doto = 0; /* starting at the beginning of the line */
if ((status = killtext(TRUE, 1)) != TRUE)
return status;
/* insert the new line */
if ((status = linstr(iline)) != TRUE)
return status;
status = lnewline();
backline(TRUE, 1);
return status;
/* Initialize the user variable list. */
void varinit(void)
@ -76,17 +348,17 @@ char *gtfun(char *fname)
/* and now evaluate it! */
switch (fnum) {
case UFADD:
return itoa(atoi(arg1) + atoi(arg2));
return i_to_a(atoi(arg1) + atoi(arg2));
case UFSUB:
return itoa(atoi(arg1) - atoi(arg2));
return i_to_a(atoi(arg1) - atoi(arg2));
return itoa(atoi(arg1) * atoi(arg2));
return i_to_a(atoi(arg1) * atoi(arg2));
case UFDIV:
return itoa(atoi(arg1) / atoi(arg2));
return i_to_a(atoi(arg1) / atoi(arg2));
case UFMOD:
return itoa(atoi(arg1) % atoi(arg2));
return i_to_a(atoi(arg1) % atoi(arg2));
case UFNEG:
return itoa(-atoi(arg1));
return i_to_a(-atoi(arg1));
case UFCAT:
strcpy(result, arg1);
return strcat(result, arg2);
@ -119,7 +391,7 @@ char *gtfun(char *fname)
case UFOR:
return ltos(stol(arg1) || stol(arg2));
return itoa(strlen(arg1));
return i_to_a(strlen(arg1));
return mkupper(arg1);
@ -127,7 +399,7 @@ char *gtfun(char *fname)
return ltos(atoi(arg1) == 42);
return itoa((int) arg1[0]);
return i_to_a((int) arg1[0]);
case UFCHR:
result[0] = atoi(arg1);
result[1] = 0;
@ -137,11 +409,11 @@ char *gtfun(char *fname)
result[1] = 0;
return result;
case UFRND:
return itoa((ernd() % abs(atoi(arg1))) + 1);
return i_to_a((ernd() % abs(atoi(arg1))) + 1);
case UFABS:
return itoa(abs(atoi(arg1)));
return i_to_a(abs(atoi(arg1)));
return itoa(sindex(arg1, arg2));
return i_to_a(sindex(arg1, arg2));
case UFENV:
tsp = getenv(arg1);
@ -157,13 +429,13 @@ char *gtfun(char *fname)
tsp = flook(arg1, TRUE);
return tsp == NULL ? "" : tsp;
case UFBAND:
return itoa(atoi(arg1) & atoi(arg2));
return i_to_a(atoi(arg1) & atoi(arg2));
case UFBOR:
return itoa(atoi(arg1) | atoi(arg2));
return i_to_a(atoi(arg1) | atoi(arg2));
case UFBXOR:
return itoa(atoi(arg1) ^ atoi(arg2));
return i_to_a(atoi(arg1) ^ atoi(arg2));
case UFBNOT:
return itoa(~atoi(arg1));
return i_to_a(~atoi(arg1));
return xlat(arg1, arg2, arg3);
@ -193,8 +465,6 @@ char *gtusr(char *vname)
return errorm;
extern char *getkill(void);
* gtenv()
@ -227,19 +497,19 @@ char *gtenv(char *vname)
/* otherwise, fetch the appropriate value */
switch (vnum) {
return itoa(fillcol);
return i_to_a(fillcol);
return itoa(term.t_nrow + 1);
return i_to_a(term.t_nrow + 1);
return itoa(getccol(FALSE));
return i_to_a(getccol(FALSE));
return itoa(getcline());
return i_to_a(getcline());
case EVRAM:
return itoa((int) (envram / 1024l));
return i_to_a((int) (envram / 1024l));
return ltos(flickcode);
return itoa(term.t_ncol);
return i_to_a(term.t_ncol);
return curbp->b_bname;
@ -250,18 +520,22 @@ char *gtenv(char *vname)
return ltos(macbug);
return ltos(cmdstatus);
static char palstr[ 49] = "" ; /* palette string */
return palstr;
return itoa(gasave);
return i_to_a(gasave);
return itoa(gacount);
return i_to_a(gacount);
return itoa(lastkey);
return i_to_a(lastkey);
return (curwp->w_dotp->l_used ==
curwp->w_doto ? itoa('\n') :
itoa(lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto)));
curwp->w_doto ? i_to_a('\n') :
i_to_a(lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto)));
return ltos(discmd);
@ -269,16 +543,16 @@ char *gtenv(char *vname)
case EVSEED:
return itoa(seed);
return i_to_a(seed);
return ltos(disinp);
return itoa(curwp->w_ntrows);
return i_to_a(curwp->w_ntrows);
return itoa(getwpos());
return i_to_a(getwpos());
saveflag = lastflag;
return itoa(curgoal);
return i_to_a(curgoal);
return pat;
@ -288,11 +562,11 @@ char *gtenv(char *vname)
case EVKILL:
return getkill();
return itoa(curbp->b_mode);
return i_to_a(curbp->b_mode);
return itoa(gmode);
return i_to_a(gmode);
return itoa(term.t_pause);
return i_to_a(term.t_pause);
return ltos(typahead());
@ -300,19 +574,19 @@ char *gtenv(char *vname)
return falsem;
return itoa(llength(curwp->w_dotp));
return i_to_a(llength(curwp->w_dotp));
case EVLINE:
return getctext();
return itoa(gflags);
return i_to_a(gflags);
case EVRVAL:
return itoa(rval);
return i_to_a(rval);
case EVTAB:
return itoa(tabmask + 1);
return i_to_a(tabmask + 1);
return itoa(overlap);
return i_to_a(overlap);
return itoa(scrollcount);
return i_to_a(scrollcount);
return ltos(term.t_scroll != NULL);
@ -324,30 +598,6 @@ char *gtenv(char *vname)
exit(-12); /* again, we should never get here */
* return some of the contents of the kill buffer
char *getkill(void)
int size; /* max number of chars to return */
static char value[NSTRING]; /* temp buffer for value */
if (kbufh == NULL)
/* no kill buffer....just a null string */
value[0] = 0;
else {
/* copy in the contents... */
if (kused < NSTRING)
size = kused;
size = NSTRING - 1;
strncpy(value, kbufh->d_chunk, size);
/* and return the constructed value */
return value;
* set a variable
@ -357,10 +607,6 @@ char *getkill(void)
int setvar(int f, int n)
int status; /* status return */
char *sp; /* temp string pointer */
char *ep; /* ptr to end of outline */
struct variable_description vd; /* variable num/type */
char var[NVSIZE + 1]; /* name of variable to fetch */
char value[NSTRING]; /* value to set variable to */
@ -386,7 +632,7 @@ int setvar(int f, int n)
/* get the value for that variable */
if (f == TRUE)
strcpy(value, itoa(n));
strcpy(value, i_to_a(n));
else {
status = mlreply("Value: ", &value[0], NSTRING);
if (status != TRUE)
@ -401,6 +647,8 @@ int setvar(int f, int n)
that effect here. */
if (macbug) {
char *sp ; /* temp string pointer */
strcpy(outline, "(((");
/* assignment status */
@ -419,6 +667,8 @@ int setvar(int f, int n)
sp = outline;
while (*sp)
if (*sp++ == '%') {
char *ep ; /* ptr to end of outline */
/* advance to the end */
ep = --sp;
while (*ep++);
@ -455,7 +705,7 @@ int setvar(int f, int n)
* @vd: structure to hold type and pointer.
* @size: size of variable array.
void findvar(char *var, struct variable_description *vd, int size)
static void findvar(char *var, struct variable_description *vd, int size)
int vnum; /* subscript in variable arrays */
int vtype; /* type to return */
@ -513,7 +763,7 @@ fvar:
* @var: variable to set.
* @value: value to set to.
int svar(struct variable_description *var, char *value)
static int svar(struct variable_description *var, char *value)
int vnum; /* ordinal number of var refrenced */
int vtype; /* type of variable to set */
@ -679,14 +929,16 @@ int svar(struct variable_description *var, char *value)
* itoa:
* i_to_a:
* integer to ascii string.......... This is too
* inconsistant to use the system's
* int i; integer to translate to a string
char *itoa(int i)
char *i_to_a(int i)
#define INTWIDTH sizeof( int) * 3
int digit; /* current digit being used */
char *sp; /* pointer into result */
int sign; /* sign of resulting number */
@ -869,8 +1121,11 @@ int stol(char *val)
* int val; value to translate
char *ltos(int val)
static char *ltos( int val)
static char truem[] = "TRUE" ; /* true literal */
static char falsem[] = "FALSE" ; /* false literal */
if (val)
return truem;

eval.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
#ifndef _EVAL_H_
#define _EVAL_H_
#define DEBUGM 1 /* $debug triggers macro debugging */
/* Vars needed for macro debugging output. */
extern char outline[] ; /* Global string to hold debug line text. */
/* Emacs global flag bit definitions (for gflags). */
#define GFREAD 1
extern int gflags ; /* global control flag */
extern int macbug ; /* macro debuging flag */
extern int cmdstatus ; /* last command status */
extern int flickcode ; /* do flicker supression? */
extern int rval ; /* return value of a subprocess */
extern long envram ; /* # of bytes current in use by malloc */
/* Macro argument token types */
#define TKNUL 0 /* end-of-string */
#define TKARG 1 /* interactive argument */
#define TKBUF 2 /* buffer argument */
#define TKVAR 3 /* user variables */
#define TKENV 4 /* environment variables */
#define TKFUN 5 /* function.... */
#define TKDIR 6 /* directive */
#define TKLBL 7 /* line label */
#define TKLIT 8 /* numeric literal */
#define TKSTR 9 /* quoted string literal */
#define TKCMD 10 /* command name */
int gettyp( char *token) ;
void varinit( void) ;
char *gtfun( char *fname) ;
char *gtusr( char *vname) ;
char *gtenv( char *vname) ;
int setvar( int f, int n) ;
char *i_to_a( int i) ;
char *getval( char *token) ;
int stol( char *val) ;
char *mkupper( char *str) ;
char *mklower( char *str) ;
int abs( int x) ;
int ernd( void) ;
int sindex( char *source, char *pattern) ;
char *xlat( char *source, char *lookup, char *trans) ;

View File

@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
* Environment and user variable definitions
* written 1986 by Daniel Lawrence
* modified by Petri Kutvonen
#ifndef EVAR_H_
#define EVAR_H_
/* Max #chars in a var name. */
#define NVSIZE 10
/* Structure to hold user variables and their definitions. */
struct user_variable {
char u_name[NVSIZE + 1]; /* name of user variable */
char *u_value; /* value (string) */
/* List of recognized environment variables. */
static char *envars[] = {
"fillcol", /* current fill column */
"pagelen", /* number of lines used by editor */
"curcol", /* current column pos of cursor */
"curline", /* current line in file */
"ram", /* ram in use by malloc */
"flicker", /* flicker supression */
"curwidth", /* current screen width */
"cbufname", /* current buffer name */
"cfname", /* current file name */
"sres", /* current screen resolution */
"debug", /* macro debugging */
"status", /* returns the status of the last command */
"palette", /* current palette string */
"asave", /* # of chars between auto-saves */
"acount", /* # of chars until next auto-save */
"lastkey", /* last keyboard char struck */
"curchar", /* current character under the cursor */
"discmd", /* display commands on command line */
"version", /* current version number */
"progname", /* returns current prog name - "MicroEMACS" */
"seed", /* current random number seed */
"disinp", /* display command line input characters */
"wline", /* # of lines in current window */
"cwline", /* current screen line in window */
"target", /* target for line moves */
"search", /* search pattern */
"replace", /* replacement pattern */
"match", /* last matched magic pattern */
"kill", /* kill buffer (read only) */
"cmode", /* mode of current buffer */
"gmode", /* global modes */
"tpause", /* length to pause for paren matching */
"pending", /* type ahead pending flag */
"lwidth", /* width of current line */
"line", /* text of current line */
"gflags", /* global internal emacs flags */
"rval", /* child process return value */
"tab", /* tab 4 or 8 */
"scroll", /* scroll enabled */
/* And its preprocesor definitions. */
#define EVFILLCOL 0
#define EVPAGELEN 1
#define EVCURCOL 2
#define EVCURLINE 3
#define EVRAM 4
#define EVFLICKER 5
#define EVCURWIDTH 6
#define EVCBUFNAME 7
#define EVCFNAME 8
#define EVSRES 9
#define EVDEBUG 10
#define EVSTATUS 11
#define EVPALETTE 12
#define EVASAVE 13
#define EVACOUNT 14
#define EVLASTKEY 15
#define EVCURCHAR 16
#define EVDISCMD 17
#define EVVERSION 18
#define EVPROGNAME 19
#define EVSEED 20
#define EVDISINP 21
#define EVWLINE 22
#define EVCWLINE 23
#define EVTARGET 24
#define EVSEARCH 25
#define EVREPLACE 26
#define EVMATCH 27
#define EVKILL 28
#define EVCMODE 29
#define EVGMODE 30
#define EVTPAUSE 31
#define EVPENDING 32
#define EVLWIDTH 33
#define EVLINE 34
#define EVGFLAGS 35
#define EVRVAL 36
#define EVTAB 37
#define EVOVERLAP 38
#define EVSCROLL 40
enum function_type {
/* List of recognized user functions. */
struct user_function {
char *f_name;
enum function_type f_type;
static struct user_function funcs[] = {
{ "add", DYNAMIC }, /* add two numbers together */
{ "sub", DYNAMIC }, /* subtraction */
{ "tim", DYNAMIC }, /* multiplication */
{ "div", DYNAMIC }, /* division */
{ "mod", DYNAMIC }, /* mod */
{ "neg", MONAMIC }, /* negate */
{ "cat", DYNAMIC }, /* concatinate string */
{ "lef", DYNAMIC }, /* left string(string, len) */
{ "rig", DYNAMIC }, /* right string(string, pos) */
{ "mid", TRINAMIC }, /* mid string(string, pos, len) */
{ "not", MONAMIC }, /* logical not */
{ "equ", DYNAMIC }, /* logical equality check */
{ "les", DYNAMIC }, /* logical less than */
{ "gre", DYNAMIC }, /* logical greater than */
{ "seq", DYNAMIC }, /* string logical equality check */
{ "sle", DYNAMIC }, /* string logical less than */
{ "sgr", DYNAMIC }, /* string logical greater than */
{ "ind", MONAMIC }, /* evaluate indirect value */
{ "and", DYNAMIC }, /* logical and */
{ "or", DYNAMIC }, /* logical or */
{ "len", MONAMIC }, /* string length */
{ "upp", MONAMIC }, /* uppercase string */
{ "low", MONAMIC }, /* lower case string */
{ "tru", MONAMIC }, /* Truth of the universe logical test */
{ "asc", MONAMIC }, /* char to integer conversion */
{ "chr", MONAMIC }, /* integer to char conversion */
{ "gtk", NILNAMIC }, /* get 1 charater */
{ "rnd", MONAMIC }, /* get a random number */
{ "abs", MONAMIC }, /* absolute value of a number */
{ "sin", DYNAMIC }, /* find the index of one string in another */
{ "env", MONAMIC }, /* retrieve a system environment var */
{ "bin", MONAMIC }, /* loopup what function name is bound to a key */
{ "exi", MONAMIC }, /* check if a file exists */
{ "fin", MONAMIC }, /* look for a file on the path... */
{ "ban", DYNAMIC }, /* bitwise and 9-10-87 jwm */
{ "bor", DYNAMIC }, /* bitwise or 9-10-87 jwm */
{ "bxo", DYNAMIC }, /* bitwise xor 9-10-87 jwm */
{ "bno", MONAMIC }, /* bitwise not */
{ "xla", TRINAMIC }, /* XLATE character string translation */
/* And its preprocesor definitions. */
#define UFADD 0
#define UFSUB 1
#define UFTIMES 2
#define UFDIV 3
#define UFMOD 4
#define UFNEG 5
#define UFCAT 6
#define UFLEFT 7
#define UFRIGHT 8
#define UFMID 9
#define UFNOT 10
#define UFEQUAL 11
#define UFLESS 12
#define UFGREATER 13
#define UFSEQUAL 14
#define UFSLESS 15
#define UFSGREAT 16
#define UFIND 17
#define UFAND 18
#define UFOR 19
#define UFLENGTH 20
#define UFUPPER 21
#define UFLOWER 22
#define UFTRUTH 23
#define UFASCII 24
#define UFCHR 25
#define UFGTKEY 26
#define UFRND 27
#define UFABS 28
#define UFSINDEX 29
#define UFENV 30
#define UFBIND 31
#define UFEXIST 32
#define UFFIND 33
#define UFBAND 34
#define UFBOR 35
#define UFBXOR 36
#define UFBNOT 37
#define UFXLATE 38
#endif /* EVAR_H_ */

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
/* exec.c -- implements exec.h */
#include "exec.h"
/* exec.c
* This file is for functions dealing with execution of
@ -8,11 +11,74 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "buffer.h"
#include "bind.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
#include "efunc.h"
#include "eval.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "flook.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "line.h"
#include "random.h"
#include "window.h"
char *execstr = NULL ; /* pointer to string to execute */
boolean clexec = FALSE ; /* command line execution flag */
/* Directive definitions */
#define DIF 0
#define DELSE 1
#define DENDIF 2
#define DGOTO 3
#define DRETURN 4
#define DENDM 5
#define DWHILE 6
#define DENDWHILE 7
#define DBREAK 8
#define DFORCE 9
#define NUMDIRS 10
/* The !WHILE directive in the execution language needs to
* stack references to pending whiles. These are stored linked
* to each currently open procedure via a linked list of
* the following structure.
struct while_block {
struct line *w_begin; /* ptr to !while statement */
struct line *w_end; /* ptr to the !endwhile statement */
int w_type; /* block type */
struct while_block *w_next; /* next while */
#define BTWHILE 1
#define BTBREAK 2
/* directive name table:
This holds the names of all the directives.... */
static const char *dname[] = {
"if", "else", "endif",
"goto", "return", "endm",
"while", "endwhile", "break",
static char golabel[ NSTRING] = "" ; /* current line to go to */
static int execlevel = 0 ; /* execution IF level */
static struct buffer *bstore = NULL ; /* buffer to store macro text to */
static int mstore = FALSE ; /* storing text to macro flag */
static int dobuf( struct buffer *bp) ;
static void freewhile( struct while_block *wp) ;
* Execute a named command even if it is not bound.
@ -35,6 +101,8 @@ int namedcmd(int f, int n)
return kfunc(f, n);
static int docmd( char *cline) ;
* execcmd:
* Execute a command line command to be typed in
@ -68,13 +136,12 @@ int execcmd(int f, int n)
* char *cline; command line to execute
int docmd(char *cline)
static int docmd( char *cline) {
int f; /* default argument flag */
int n; /* numeric repeat value */
fn_t fnc; /* function to execute */
int status; /* return status of function */
int oldcle; /* old contents of clexec flag */
boolean oldcle ; /* old contents of clexec flag */
char *oldestr; /* original exec string */
char tkn[NSTRING]; /* next token off of command line */
@ -208,7 +275,7 @@ char *token(char *src, char *tok, int size)
int macarg(char *tok)
int savcle; /* buffer to store original clexec */
boolean savcle ; /* buffer to store original clexec */
int status;
savcle = clexec; /* save execution mode */
@ -222,12 +289,12 @@ int macarg(char *tok)
* nextarg:
* get the next argument
* char *prompt; prompt to use if we must be interactive
* const char *prompt; prompt to use if we must be interactive
* char *buffer; buffer to put token into
* int size; size of the buffer
* int terminator; terminating char to be used on interactive fetch
int nextarg(char *prompt, char *buffer, int size, int terminator)
int nextarg(const char *prompt, char *buffer, int size, int terminator)
/* if we are interactive, go get it! */
if (clexec == FALSE)
@ -237,7 +304,8 @@ int nextarg(char *prompt, char *buffer, int size, int terminator)
execstr = token(execstr, buffer, size);
/* evaluate it */
strcpy(buffer, getval(buffer));
strncpy( buffer, getval( buffer), size - 1) ;
buffer[ size - 1] = '\0' ;
return TRUE;
@ -252,7 +320,7 @@ int nextarg(char *prompt, char *buffer, int size, int terminator)
int storemac(int f, int n)
struct buffer *bp; /* pointer to macro buffer */
char bname[NBUFN]; /* name of buffer to use */
bname_t bname ; /* name of buffer to use */
/* must have a numeric argument to this function */
if (f == FALSE) {
@ -299,7 +367,7 @@ int storeproc(int f, int n)
struct buffer *bp; /* pointer to macro buffer */
int status; /* return status */
char bname[NBUFN]; /* name of buffer to use */
bname_t bname ; /* name of buffer to use */
/* a numeric argument means its a numbered macro */
if (f == TRUE)
@ -307,7 +375,7 @@ int storeproc(int f, int n)
/* get the name of the procedure */
if ((status =
mlreply("Procedure name: ", &bname[1], NBUFN - 2)) != TRUE)
mlreply("Procedure name: ", &bname[1], sizeof bname - 2)) != TRUE)
return status;
/* construct the macro buffer name */
@ -374,10 +442,10 @@ int execbuf(int f, int n)
struct buffer *bp; /* ptr to buffer to execute */
int status; /* status return */
char bufn[NSTRING]; /* name of buffer to execute */
bname_t bufn ; /* name of buffer to execute */
/* find out what buffer the user wants to execute */
if ((status = mlreply("Execute buffer: ", bufn, NBUFN)) != TRUE)
if ((status = mlreply("Execute buffer: ", bufn, sizeof bufn)) != TRUE)
return status;
/* find the pointer to that buffer */
@ -416,7 +484,7 @@ int execbuf(int f, int n)
* struct buffer *bp; buffer to execute
int dobuf(struct buffer *bp)
static int dobuf(struct buffer *bp)
int status; /* status return */
struct line *lp; /* pointer to line to execute */
@ -426,7 +494,6 @@ int dobuf(struct buffer *bp)
int dirnum; /* directive index */
int linlen; /* length of line to execute */
int i; /* index */
int c; /* temp character */
int force; /* force TRUE result? */
struct window *wp; /* ptr to windows to scan */
struct while_block *whlist; /* ptr to !WHILE list */
@ -436,11 +503,6 @@ int dobuf(struct buffer *bp)
char *eline; /* text of line to execute */
char tkn[NSTRING]; /* buffer to evaluate an expresion in */
char *sp; /* temp for building debug string */
char *ep; /* ptr to end of outline */
/* clear IF level flags/while ptr */
execlevel = 0;
whlist = NULL;
@ -557,6 +619,9 @@ int dobuf(struct buffer *bp)
^G will abort the command */
if (macbug) {
char *sp ; /* temp for building debug string */
int c ; /* temp character */
strcpy(outline, "<<<");
/* debug macro name */
@ -564,7 +629,7 @@ int dobuf(struct buffer *bp)
strcat(outline, ":");
/* debug if levels */
strcat(outline, itoa(execlevel));
strcat(outline, i_to_a(execlevel));
strcat(outline, ":");
/* and lastly the line */
@ -575,6 +640,8 @@ int dobuf(struct buffer *bp)
sp = outline;
while (*sp)
if (*sp++ == '%') {
char *ep ; /* ptr to end of outline */
/* advance to the end */
ep = --sp;
while (*ep++);
@ -732,7 +799,7 @@ int dobuf(struct buffer *bp)
/* grab label to jump to */
eline =
token(eline, golabel, NPAT);
token( eline, golabel, sizeof golabel) ;
linlen = strlen(golabel);
glp = hlp->l_fp;
while (glp != hlp) {
@ -833,7 +900,7 @@ int dobuf(struct buffer *bp)
* struct while_block *wp; head of structure to free
void freewhile(struct while_block *wp)
static void freewhile(struct while_block *wp)
if (wp == NULL)
@ -886,7 +953,7 @@ int dofile(char *fname)
struct buffer *bp; /* buffer to place file to exeute */
struct buffer *cb; /* temp to hold current buf while we read */
int status; /* results of various calls */
char bname[NBUFN]; /* name of buffer */
bname_t bname ; /* name of buffer */
makename(bname, fname); /* derive the name of the buffer */
unqname(bname); /* make sure we don't stomp things */

exec.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
#ifndef _EXEC_H_
#define _EXEC_H_
#include "retcode.h"
#define PROC 1 /* named procedures */
#if PROC
int storeproc( int f, int n) ;
int execproc( int f, int n) ;
extern char *execstr ; /* pointer to string to execute */
extern boolean clexec ; /* command line execution flag */
int namedcmd( int f, int n) ;
int execcmd( int f, int n) ;
char *token( char *src, char *tok, int size) ;
int macarg( char *tok) ;
int nextarg( const char *prompt, char *buffer, int size, int terminator) ;
int storemac( int f, int n) ;
int execbuf( int f, int n) ;
int execfile( int f, int n) ;
int dofile( char *fname) ;
int cbuf( int f, int n, int bufnum) ;
int cbuf1( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf2( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf3( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf4( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf5( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf6( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf7( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf8( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf9( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf10( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf11( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf12( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf13( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf14( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf15( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf16( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf17( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf18( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf19( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf20( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf21( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf22( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf23( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf24( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf25( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf26( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf27( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf28( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf29( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf30( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf31( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf32( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf33( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf34( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf35( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf36( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf37( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf38( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf39( int f, int n) ;
int cbuf40( int f, int n) ;

execute.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
/* execute.c -- implements execute.h */
#include "execute.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "estruct.h"
#include "bind.h"
#include "random.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "terminal.h"
#include "window.h"
int gasave = 256 ; /* global ASAVE size */
int gacount = 256 ; /* count until next ASAVE */
* This is the general command execution routine. It handles the fake binding
* of all the keys to "self-insert". It also clears out the "thisflag" word,
* and arranges to move it to the "lastflag", so that the next command can
* look at it. Return the status of command.
int execute(int c, int f, int n)
int status;
fn_t execfunc;
/* if the keystroke is a bound function...do it */
execfunc = getbind(c);
if (execfunc != NULL) {
thisflag = 0;
status = (*execfunc) (f, n);
lastflag = thisflag;
return status;
* If a space was typed, fill column is defined, the argument is non-
* negative, wrap mode is enabled, and we are now past fill column,
* and we are not read-only, perform word wrap.
if (c == ' ' && (curwp->w_bufp->b_mode & MDWRAP) && fillcol > 0 &&
n >= 0 && getccol(FALSE) > fillcol &&
(curwp->w_bufp->b_mode & MDVIEW) == FALSE)
execute(META | SPEC | 'W', FALSE, 1);
if ((c >= 0x20 && c <= 0x7E) /* Self inserting. */
|| (c >= 0x80 && c <= 0xFE)) {
#if VMS || BSD || USG /* 8BIT P.K. */
|| (c >= 0xA0 && c <= 0x10FFFF)) {
) {
if ((c >= 0x20 && c <= 0xFF)) { /* Self inserting. */
if (n <= 0) { /* Fenceposts. */
lastflag = 0;
return n < 0 ? FALSE : TRUE;
thisflag = 0; /* For the future. */
/* if we are in overwrite mode, not at eol,
and next char is not a tab or we are at a tab stop,
delete a char forword */
if (curwp->w_bufp->b_mode & MDOVER &&
curwp->w_doto < curwp->w_dotp->l_used &&
(lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto) != '\t' ||
(curwp->w_doto) % 8 == 7))
ldelchar(1, FALSE);
/* do the appropriate insertion */
if (c == '}' && (curbp->b_mode & MDCMOD) != 0)
status = insbrace(n, c);
else if (c == '#' && (curbp->b_mode & MDCMOD) != 0)
status = inspound();
status = linsert(n, c);
/* check for CMODE fence matching */
if ((c == '}' || c == ')' || c == ']') &&
(curbp->b_mode & MDCMOD) != 0)
/* check auto-save mode */
if (curbp->b_mode & MDASAVE)
if (--gacount == 0) {
/* and save the file if needed */
upscreen(FALSE, 0);
filesave(FALSE, 0);
gacount = gasave;
lastflag = thisflag;
return status;
mlwrite("(Key not bound)"); /* complain */
lastflag = 0; /* Fake last flags. */
return FALSE;

execute.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
extern int gasave ; /* global ASAVE size */
extern int gacount ; /* count until next ASAVE */
int execute( int c, int f, int n) ;


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

file.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#ifndef _FILE_H_
#define _FILE_H_
#include "buffer.h"
#include "crypt.h"
#include "retcode.h"
void cryptbufferkey( struct buffer *bp) ;
int set_encryption_key( int f, int n) ;
extern boolean restflag ; /* restricted use? */
int fileread( int f, int n) ;
int insfile( int f, int n) ;
int filefind( int f, int n) ;
int viewfile( int f, int n) ;
int getfile( const char *fname, boolean lockfl) ;
int readin( const char *fname, boolean lockfl) ;
void makename( bname_t bname, const char *fname) ;
void unqname( char *name) ;
int filewrite( int f, int n) ;
int filesave( int f, int n) ;
int writeout( const char *fn) ;
int filename( int f, int n) ;
int ifile( const char *fname) ;

View File

@ -1,76 +1,96 @@
/* fileio.c -- implements fileio.h */
#include "fileio.h"
#ifdef CTRLZ
#undef CTRLZ
#define CTRLZ 0 /* add a ^Z at end of files under MSDOS only */
* The routines in this file read and write ASCII files from the disk. All of
* the knowledge about files are here.
* modified by Petri Kutvonen
* modified by Petri Kutvonen
#include <stdio.h>
#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
#include "efunc.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "defines.h"
#include "retcode.h"
boolean is_crypted ; /* currently encrypting? */
char *fline = NULL ; /* dynamic return line */
int flen = 0 ; /* current allocated length of fline */
int ftype ;
int fpayload ; /* actual length of fline content */
static FILE *ffp ; /* File pointer, all functions. */
static boolean eofflag ; /* end-of-file flag */
static FILE *ffp; /* File pointer, all functions. */
static int eofflag; /* end-of-file flag */
* Open a file for reading.
int ffropen(char *fn)
fio_code ffropen( const char *fn)
if ((ffp = fopen(fn, "r")) == NULL)
return FIOFNF;
eofflag = FALSE;
return FIOSUC;
if ((ffp = fopen(fn, "r")) == NULL)
return FIOFNF;
eofflag = FALSE;
ftype = FTYPE_NONE ;
return FIOSUC;
* Open a file for writing. Return TRUE if all is well, and FALSE on error
* (cannot create).
int ffwopen(char *fn)
fio_code ffwopen( const char *fn)
#if VMS
int fd;
int fd;
if ((fd = creat(fn, 0666, "rfm=var", "rat=cr")) < 0
|| (ffp = fdopen(fd, "w")) == NULL) {
if ((fd = creat(fn, 0666, "rfm=var", "rat=cr")) < 0
|| (ffp = fdopen(fd, "w")) == NULL)
if ((ffp = fopen(fn, "w")) == NULL) {
if ((ffp = fopen(fn, "w")) == NULL)
mlwrite("Cannot open file for writing");
return FIOERR;
return FIOSUC;
return FIOERR;
return FIOSUC;
* Close a file. Should look at the status in all systems.
int ffclose(void)
fio_code ffclose(void)
/* free this since we do not need it anymore */
if (fline) {
fline = NULL;
eofflag = FALSE;
/* free this since we do not need it anymore */
if (fline) {
fline = NULL;
eofflag = FALSE;
ftype = FTYPE_NONE ;
fputc(26, ffp); /* add a ^Z at the end of the file */
fputc(26, ffp); /* add a ^Z at the end of the file */
#if V7 | USG | BSD | (MSDOS & (MSC | TURBO))
if (fclose(ffp) != FALSE) {
mlwrite("Error closing file");
return FIOERR;
return FIOSUC;
if (fclose(ffp) != FALSE)
return FIOERR;
return FIOSUC;
return FIOSUC;
@ -78,34 +98,32 @@ int ffclose(void)
* and the "nbuf" is its length, less the free newline. Return the status.
* Check only at the newline.
int ffputline(char *buf, int nbuf)
int i;
char c; /* character to translate */
fio_code ffputline( char *buf, int nbuf, int dosflag) {
if( is_crypted) {
int i ;
if (cryptflag) {
for (i = 0; i < nbuf; ++i) {
c = buf[i] & 0xff;
myencrypt(&c, 1);
fputc(c, ffp);
for( i = 0 ; i < nbuf ; i++) {
char c ;
c = buf[ i] ;
myencrypt( &c, 1) ;
fputc( c, ffp) ;
} else
for (i = 0; i < nbuf; ++i)
fputc(buf[i] & 0xFF, ffp);
for (i = 0; i < nbuf; ++i)
fputc(buf[i] & 0xFF, ffp);
fputc('\n', ffp);
fwrite( buf, 1, nbuf, ffp) ;
if( dosflag)
fputc( '\r', ffp) ;
if (ferror(ffp)) {
mlwrite("Write I/O error");
return FIOERR;
fputc( '\n', ffp) ;
return FIOSUC;
if( ferror( ffp))
return FIOERR ;
return FIOSUC ;
@ -114,109 +132,72 @@ int ffputline(char *buf, int nbuf)
* at the end of the file that don't have a newline present. Check for I/O
* errors too. Return status.
int ffgetline(void)
fio_code ffgetline(void)
int c; /* current character read */
int i; /* current index into fline */
char *tmpline; /* temp storage for expanding line */
int c; /* current character read */
int i; /* current index into fline */
/* if we are at the end...return it */
if (eofflag)
return FIOEOF;
/* if we are at the end...return it */
if (eofflag)
return FIOEOF;
/* dump fline if it ended up too big */
if (flen > NSTRING) {
fline = NULL;
/* dump fline if it ended up too big */
if (flen > NSTRING) {
fline = NULL;
/* if we don't have an fline, allocate one */
if (fline == NULL)
if ((fline = malloc(flen = NSTRING)) == NULL)
return FIOMEM;
/* if we don't have an fline, allocate one */
if (fline == NULL)
if ((fline = malloc(flen = NSTRING)) == NULL)
return FIOMEM;
/* read the line in */
if (!nullflag) {
if (fgets(fline, NSTRING, ffp) == (char *) NULL) { /* EOF ? */
i = 0;
c = EOF;
} else {
i = strlen(fline);
c = 0;
if (i > 0) {
c = fline[i - 1];
} else {
i = 0;
c = fgetc(ffp);
while (c != EOF && c != '\n') {
i = 0;
while ((c = fgetc(ffp)) != EOF && c != '\n') {
/* read the line in */
i = 0;
while ((c = fgetc(ffp)) != EOF && c != '\r' && c != '\n') {
fline[i++] = c;
/* if it's longer, get more room */
if (i >= flen) {
char *tmpline; /* temp storage for expanding line */
fpayload = i ;
tmpline = malloc(flen + NSTRING) ;
if( tmpline == NULL)
return FIOMEM ;
memcpy( tmpline, fline, flen) ;
flen += NSTRING;
fline = tmpline;
fpayload = i ;
/* test for any errors that may have occured */
if (c == EOF) {
if( ferror( ffp))
return FIOERR ;
if (i != 0)
eofflag = TRUE;
return FIOEOF;
} else if( c == '\r') {
c = fgetc( ffp) ;
if( c != '\n') {
ftype |= FTYPE_MAC ;
ungetc( c, ffp) ;
} else
ftype |= FTYPE_DOS ;
} else /* c == '\n' */
ftype |= FTYPE_UNIX ;
/* terminate and decrypt the string */
fline[i] = 0;
if( is_crypted)
myencrypt( fline, fpayload);
if (c) {
fline[i++] = c;
/* if it's longer, get more room */
if (i >= flen) {
if ((tmpline =
malloc(flen + NSTRING)) == NULL)
return FIOMEM;
strncpy(tmpline, fline, flen);
flen += NSTRING;
fline = tmpline;
c = fgetc(ffp);
/* test for any errors that may have occured */
if (c == EOF) {
if (ferror(ffp)) {
mlwrite("File read error");
return FIOERR;
if (i != 0)
eofflag = TRUE;
return FIOEOF;
/* terminate and decrypt the string */
fline[i] = 0;
if (cryptflag)
myencrypt(fline, strlen(fline));
return FIOSUC;
* does <fname> exist on disk?
* char *fname; file to check for existance
int fexist(char *fname)
FILE *fp;
/* try to open the file for reading */
fp = fopen(fname, "r");
/* if it fails, just return false! */
if (fp == NULL)
return FALSE;
/* otherwise, close it and report true */
return TRUE;
return FIOSUC;

fileio.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
#ifndef _FILEIO_H_
#define _FILEIO_H_
#include "crypt.h"
typedef enum {
FIOSUC, /* File I/O, success. */
FIOFNF, /* File I/O, file not found. */
FIOEOF, /* File I/O, end of file. */
FIOERR, /* File I/O, error. */
FIOMEM, /* File I/O, out of memory */
FIOFUN /* File I/O, eod of file/bad line */
} fio_code ;
#define FTYPE_NONE 0
#define FTYPE_UNIX 1
#define FTYPE_DOS 2
#define FTYPE_MAC 4
/* FTYPE_MIXED [ 3, 5, 6, 7] */
#include "retcode.h"
extern boolean is_crypted ; /* currently encrypting? */
extern char *fline ; /* dynamic return line */
extern int flen ; /* current allocated length of fline */
extern int ftype ;
extern int fpayload ; /* actual length of fline content */
fio_code ffclose( void) ;
fio_code ffgetline( void) ;
fio_code ffputline( char *buf, int nbuf, int dosflag) ;
fio_code ffropen( const char *fn) ;
fio_code ffwopen( const char *fn) ;

flook.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
/* flook.c -- implements flook.h */
#include "flook.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "defines.h"
#include "fileio.h"
/* possible names and paths of help files under different OSs */
const char *pathname[] = {
#if V7 | BSD | USG
"/usr/global/lib/", "/usr/local/bin/", "/usr/local/lib/",
"/usr/local/", "/usr/lib/", ""
#if VMS
"emacs.rc", "emacs.hlp", "",
"sys$login:", "emacs_dir:",
#define PATHNAME_SIZE (sizeof pathname / sizeof pathname[ 0])
* does <fname> exist on disk?
* char *fname; file to check for existance
boolean fexist( const char *fname)
FILE *fp;
/* try to open the file for reading */
fp = fopen(fname, "r");
/* if it fails, just return false! */
if (fp == NULL)
return FALSE;
/* otherwise, close it and report true */
return TRUE;
* Look up the existance of a file along the normal or PATH
* environment variable. Look first in the HOME directory if
* asked and possible
* char *fname; base file name to search for
* boolean hflag; Look in the HOME environment variable first?
char *flook( const char *fname, boolean hflag)
int i; /* index */
static char fspec[NSTRING]; /* full path spec to search */
char *path; /* environmental PATH variable */
if (hflag) {
char *home; /* path to home directory */
home = getenv("HOME");
if (home != NULL) {
/* build home dir file spec */
strcpy(fspec, home);
strcat(fspec, "/");
strcat(fspec, fname);
/* and try it out */
if( fexist( fspec))
return fspec ;
/* always try the current directory first */
strcpy( fspec, fname) ;
if( fexist( fspec))
return fspec ;
#if V7 | USG | BSD
#define PATHCHR ':'
#define PATHCHR ';'
/* get the PATH variable */
path = getenv("PATH");
if (path != NULL)
while (*path) {
char *sp; /* pointer into path spec */
/* build next possible file spec */
sp = fspec;
while (*path && (*path != PATHCHR))
*sp++ = *path++;
/* add a terminating dir separator if we need it */
if (sp != fspec)
*sp++ = '/';
*sp = 0;
strcat(fspec, fname);
/* and try it out */
if( fexist( fspec))
return fspec ;
if (*path == PATHCHR)
/* look it up via the old table method */
for( i = 2; i < PATHNAME_SIZE ; i++) {
strcpy(fspec, pathname[i]);
strcat(fspec, fname);
/* and try it out */
if( fexist( fspec))
return fspec ;
return NULL; /* no such luck */

flook.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#include "retcode.h"
#define rcfname pathname[ 0]
#define hlpfname pathname[ 1]
extern const char *pathname[] ;
boolean fexist( const char *fname) ;
char *flook( const char *fname, boolean hflag) ;

View File

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
/* initialized global definitions */
int fillcol = 72; /* Current fill column */
int kbdm[NKBDM]; /* Macro */
char *execstr = NULL; /* pointer to string to execute */
char golabel[NPAT] = ""; /* current line to go to */
int execlevel = 0; /* execution IF level */
int eolexist = TRUE; /* does clear to EOL exist */
int revexist = FALSE; /* does reverse video exist? */
int flickcode = FALSE; /* do flicker supression? */
char *modename[] = { /* name of modes */
char *mode2name[] = { /* name of modes */
"Wrap", "Cmode", "Spell", "Exact", "View", "Over",
"Magic", "Crypt", "Asave", "utf-8"
char modecode[] = "WCSEVOMYAU"; /* letters to represent modes */
int gmode = 0; /* global editor mode */
int gflags = GFREAD; /* global control flag */
int gfcolor = 8; /* global forgrnd color (white) */
int gfcolor = 7; /* global forgrnd color (white) */
int gbcolor = 0; /* global backgrnd color (black) */
int gasave = 256; /* global ASAVE size */
int gacount = 256; /* count until next ASAVE */
int sgarbf = TRUE; /* TRUE if screen is garbage */
int mpresf = FALSE; /* TRUE if message in last line */
int clexec = FALSE; /* command line execution flag */
int mstore = FALSE; /* storing text to macro flag */
int discmd = TRUE; /* display command flag */
int disinp = TRUE; /* display input characters */
struct buffer *bstore = NULL; /* buffer to store macro text to */
int vtrow = 0; /* Row location of SW cursor */
int vtcol = 0; /* Column location of SW cursor */
int ttrow = HUGE; /* Row location of HW cursor */
int ttcol = HUGE; /* Column location of HW cursor */
int lbound = 0; /* leftmost column of current line
being displayed */
int taboff = 0; /* tab offset for display */
int metac = CONTROL | '['; /* current meta character */
int ctlxc = CONTROL | 'X'; /* current control X prefix char */
int reptc = CONTROL | 'U'; /* current universal repeat char */
int abortc = CONTROL | 'G'; /* current abort command char */
int quotec = 0x11; /* quote char during mlreply() */
int tabmask = 0x07; /* tabulator mask */
char *cname[] = { /* names of colors */
, "HIGH"
struct kill *kbufp = NULL; /* current kill buffer chunk pointer */
struct kill *kbufh = NULL; /* kill buffer header pointer */
int kused = KBLOCK; /* # of bytes used in kill buffer */
struct window *swindow = NULL; /* saved window pointer */
int cryptflag = FALSE; /* currently encrypting? */
int *kbdptr; /* current position in keyboard buf */
int *kbdend = &kbdm[0]; /* ptr to end of the keyboard */
int kbdmode = STOP; /* current keyboard macro mode */
int kbdrep = 0; /* number of repetitions */
int restflag = FALSE; /* restricted use? */
int lastkey = 0; /* last keystoke */
int seed = 0; /* random number seed */
long envram = 0l; /* # of bytes current in use by malloc */
int macbug = FALSE; /* macro debuging flag */
char errorm[] = "ERROR"; /* error literal */
char truem[] = "TRUE"; /* true literal */
char falsem[] = "FALSE"; /* false litereal */
int cmdstatus = TRUE; /* last command status */
char palstr[49] = ""; /* palette string */
int saveflag = 0; /* Flags, saved with the $target var */
char *fline = NULL; /* dynamic return line */
int flen = 0; /* current length of fline */
int rval = 0; /* return value of a subprocess */
int nullflag = FALSE; /* accept null characters */
int justflag = FALSE; /* justify, don't fill */
int overlap = 0; /* line overlap in forw/back page */
int scrollcount = 1; /* number of lines to scroll */
/* uninitialized global definitions */
int currow; /* Cursor row */
int curcol; /* Cursor column */
int thisflag; /* Flags, this command */
int lastflag; /* Flags, last command */
int curgoal; /* Goal for C-P, C-N */
struct window *curwp; /* Current window */
struct buffer *curbp; /* Current buffer */
struct window *wheadp; /* Head of list of windows */
struct buffer *bheadp; /* Head of list of buffers */
struct buffer *blistp; /* Buffer for C-X C-B */
char sres[NBUFN]; /* current screen resolution */
char pat[NPAT]; /* Search pattern */
char tap[NPAT]; /* Reversed pattern array. */
char rpat[NPAT]; /* replacement pattern */
/* The variable matchlen holds the length of the matched
* string - used by the replace functions.
* The variable patmatch holds the string that satisfies
* the search command.
* The variables matchline and matchoff hold the line and
* offset position of the *start* of match.
unsigned int matchlen = 0;
unsigned int mlenold = 0;
char *patmatch = NULL;
struct line *matchline = NULL;
int matchoff = 0;
/* directive name table:
This holds the names of all the directives.... */
char *dname[] = {
"if", "else", "endif",
"goto", "return", "endm",
"while", "endwhile", "break",
/* vars needed for macro debugging output */
char outline[NSTRING]; /* global string to hold debug line text */

View File

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

input.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#ifndef _INPUT_H_
#define _INPUT_H_
#include "bind.h"
typedef enum {
} kbdstate ;
extern kbdstate kbdmode ; /* current keyboard macro mode */
extern int lastkey ; /* last keystoke */
extern int kbdrep ; /* number of repetitions */
extern int kbdm[] ; /* Holds kayboard macro data */
extern int *kbdptr ; /* current position in keyboard buf */
extern int *kbdend ; /* ptr to end of the keyboard */
extern int disinp ; /* display input characters */
extern int metac; /* current meta character */
extern int ctlxc; /* current control X prefix char */
extern int reptc; /* current universal repeat char */
extern int abortc; /* current abort command char */
int mlyesno( const char *prompt) ;
int mlreply( const char *prompt, char *buf, int nbuf) ;
int mlreplyt( const char *prompt, char *buf, int nbuf, int eolchar) ;
int ectoc( int c) ;
int ctoec( int c) ;
fn_t getname( void) ;
int tgetc( void) ;
int get1key( void) ;
int getcmd( void) ;
int getstring( const char *prompt, char *buf, int nbuf, int eolchar) ;
void outstring( char *s) ;
void ostring( char *s) ;

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
#include "isearch.h"
/* isearch.c
* The functions in this file implement commands that perform incremental
@ -23,11 +25,52 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "basic.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
#include "efunc.h"
#include "exec.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "line.h"
#include "search.h"
#include "terminal.h"
#include "window.h"
* Incremental search defines.
#define CMDBUFLEN 256 /* Length of our command buffer */
#define IS_ABORT 0x07 /* Abort the isearch */
#define IS_BACKSP 0x08 /* Delete previous char */
#define IS_TAB 0x09 /* Tab character (allowed search char) */
#define IS_NEWLINE 0x0D /* New line from keyboard (Carriage return) */
#define IS_QUOTE 0x11 /* Quote next character */
#define IS_REVERSE 0x12 /* Search backward */
#define IS_FORWARD 0x13 /* Search forward */
#define IS_VMSQUOTE 0x16 /* VMS quote character */
#define IS_VMSFORW 0x18 /* Search forward for VMS */
#define IS_QUIT 0x1B /* Exit the search */
#define IS_RUBOUT 0x7F /* Delete previous character */
/* IS_QUIT is no longer used, the variable metac is used instead */
static int isearch( int f, int n) ;
static int checknext( char chr, char *patrn, int dir) ;
static int scanmore( char *patrn, int dir) ;
static int match_pat( char *patrn) ;
static int promptpattern( char *prompt) ;
static int get_char( void) ;
static int uneat( void) ;
static void reeat( int c) ;
@ -138,14 +181,14 @@ int fisearch(int f, int n)
* exists (or until the search is aborted).
int isearch(int f, int n)
static int isearch(int f, int n)
int status; /* Search status */
int col; /* prompt column */
int cpos; /* character number in search string */
int c; /* current input character */
int expc; /* function expanded input char */
char pat_save[NPAT]; /* Saved copy of the old pattern str */
spat_t pat_save ; /* Saved copy of the old pattern str */
struct line *curline; /* Current line on entry */
int curoff; /* Current offset on entry */
int init_direction; /* The initial search direction */
@ -155,7 +198,7 @@ int isearch(int f, int n)
cmd_reexecute = -1; /* We're not re-executing (yet?) */
cmd_offset = 0; /* Start at the beginning of the buff */
cmd_buff[0] = '\0'; /* Init the command buffer */
strncpy(pat_save, pat, NPAT); /* Save the old pattern string */
strncpy( pat_save, pat, sizeof pat_save) ; /* Save the old pattern string */
curline = curwp->w_dotp; /* Save the current line pointer */
curoff = curwp->w_doto; /* Save the current offset */
init_direction = n; /* Save the initial search direction */
@ -233,7 +276,7 @@ int isearch(int f, int n)
curwp->w_dotp = curline; /* Reset the line pointer */
curwp->w_doto = curoff; /* and the offset */
n = init_direction; /* Reset the search direction */
strncpy(pat, pat_save, NPAT); /* Restore the old search str */
strncpy( pat, pat_save, sizeof pat) ; /* Restore the old search str */
cmd_reexecute = 0; /* Start the whole mess over */
goto start_over; /* Let it take care of itself */
@ -249,7 +292,8 @@ int isearch(int f, int n)
/* I guess we got something to search for, so search for it */
pat[cpos++] = c; /* put the char in the buffer */
if (cpos >= NPAT) { /* too many chars in string? *//* Yup. Complain about it */
if (cpos >= sizeof pat) { /* too many chars in string? */
/* Yup. Complain about it */
mlwrite("? Search string too long");
return TRUE; /* Return an error */
@ -278,7 +322,7 @@ int isearch(int f, int n)
* char *patrn; The entire search string (incl chr)
* int dir; Search direction
int checknext(char chr, char *patrn, int dir) /* Check next character in search string */
static int checknext(char chr, char *patrn, int dir) /* Check next character in search string */
struct line *curline; /* current line during scan */
int curoff; /* position within current line */
@ -322,7 +366,7 @@ int checknext(char chr, char *patrn, int dir) /* Check next character in search
* char *patrn; string to scan for
* int dir; direction to search
int scanmore(char *patrn, int dir) /* search forward or back for a pattern */
static int scanmore(char *patrn, int dir) /* search forward or back for a pattern */
int sts; /* search status */
@ -351,7 +395,7 @@ int scanmore(char *patrn, int dir) /* search forward or back for a pattern
* char *patrn; String to match to buffer
int match_pat(char *patrn) /* See if the pattern string matches string at "." */
static int match_pat(char *patrn) /* See if the pattern string matches string at "." */
int i; /* Generic loop index/offset */
int buffchar; /* character at current position */
@ -383,7 +427,7 @@ int match_pat(char *patrn) /* See if the pattern string matches string at "."
* Routine to prompt for I-Search string.
int promptpattern(char *prompt)
static int promptpattern(char *prompt)
char tpat[NPAT + 20];
@ -450,7 +494,7 @@ static int echo_char(int c, int col)
* Otherwise, we must be re-executing the command string, so just return the
* next character.
int get_char(void)
static int get_char(void)
int c; /* A place to get a character */
@ -481,7 +525,7 @@ int get_char(void)
/* Come here on the next term.t_getchar call: */
int uneat(void)
static int uneat(void)
int c;
@ -491,7 +535,7 @@ int uneat(void)
return c; /* and return the last char */
void reeat(int c)
static void reeat(int c)
if (eaten_char != -1) /* If we've already been here */
return /*(NULL) */ ; /* Don't do it again */

isearch.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#ifndef __ISEARCH_H__
#define __ISEARCH_H__
#define ISRCH 1 /* Incremental searches like ITS EMACS */
int risearch( int f, int n) ;
int fisearch( int f, int n) ;

View File

@ -15,15 +15,140 @@
#include "line.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "buffer.h"
#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
#include "efunc.h"
#include "utf8.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "window.h"
int tabmask = 0x07 ; /* tabulator mask */
#define BLOCK_SIZE 16 /* Line block chunk size. */
static int ldelnewline( void) ;
/* The editor holds deleted text chunks in the struct kill buffer. The
* kill buffer is logically a stream of ascii characters, however
* due to its unpredicatable size, it gets implemented as a linked
* list of chunks. (The d_ prefix is for "deleted" text, as k_
* was taken up by the keycode structure).
#define KBLOCK 250 /* sizeof kill buffer chunks */
struct kill {
struct kill *d_next; /* Link to next chunk, NULL if last. */
char d_chunk[KBLOCK]; /* Deleted text. */
static struct kill *kbufp = NULL ; /* current kill buffer chunk pointer */
static struct kill *kbufh = NULL ; /* kill buffer header pointer */
static int kused = KBLOCK ; /* # of bytes used in kill buffer */
static int klen ; /* length of kill buffer content */
static char *value = NULL ; /* temp buffer for value */
* return some of the contents of the kill buffer
char *getkill( void) {
struct kill *kp ;
char *cp ;
if (kbufh == NULL)
/* no kill buffer....just a null string */
return "" ;
if( value != NULL)
free( value) ;
value = (char *) malloc( klen + 1) ;
cp = value ;
for( kp = kbufh ; kp != NULL ; kp = kp->d_next) {
int size ;
if( kp->d_next != NULL)
size = KBLOCK ;
size = kused ;
memcpy( cp, kp->d_chunk, size) ;
cp += size ;
*cp = 0 ;
/* and return the constructed value */
return value;
* Move the cursor backwards by "n" characters. If "n" is less than zero call
* "forwchar" to actually do the move. Otherwise compute the new cursor
* location. Error if you try and move out of the buffer. Set the flag if the
* line pointer for dot changes.
int backchar(int f, int n)
struct line *lp;
if (n < 0)
return forwchar(f, -n);
while (n--) {
if (curwp->w_doto == 0) {
if ((lp = lback(curwp->w_dotp)) == curbp->b_linep)
return FALSE;
curwp->w_dotp = lp;
curwp->w_doto = llength(lp);
curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE;
} else {
do {
unsigned char c;
c = lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto);
if (is_beginning_utf8(c))
} while (curwp->w_doto);
return TRUE;
* Move the cursor forwards by "n" characters. If "n" is less than zero call
* "backchar" to actually do the move. Otherwise compute the new cursor
* location, and move ".". Error if you try and move off the end of the
* buffer. Set the flag if the line pointer for dot changes.
int forwchar(int f, int n)
if (n < 0)
return backchar(f, -n);
while (n--) {
int len = llength(curwp->w_dotp);
if (curwp->w_doto == len) {
if (curwp->w_dotp == curbp->b_linep)
return FALSE;
curwp->w_dotp = lforw(curwp->w_dotp);
curwp->w_doto = 0;
curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE;
} else {
do {
unsigned char c;
c = lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto);
if (is_beginning_utf8(c))
} while (curwp->w_doto < len);
return TRUE;
* This routine allocates a block of memory large enough to hold a struct line
* containing "used" characters. The block is always rounded up a bit. Return
@ -39,7 +164,7 @@ struct line *lalloc(int used)
if (size == 0) /* Assume that is an empty. */
size = BLOCK_SIZE; /* Line is for type-in. */
if ((lp = (struct line *)malloc(sizeof(struct line) + size)) == NULL) {
mlwrite("(OUT OF MEMORY)");
logwrite( "(OUT OF MEMORY)") ;
return NULL;
lp->l_size = size;
@ -132,24 +257,23 @@ int insspace(int f, int n)
* linstr -- Insert a string at the current point
int linstr(char *instr)
int status = TRUE;
char tmpc;
int linstr( char *instr) {
int status = TRUE ;
if (instr != NULL)
while ((tmpc = *instr) && status == TRUE) {
if( instr != NULL) {
char tmpc ;
while( (tmpc = *instr++)) {
status =
(tmpc == '\n' ? lnewline() : linsert(1, tmpc));
(tmpc == '\n' ? lnewline() : linsert( 1, tmpc)) ;
/* Insertion error? */
if (status != TRUE) {
mlwrite("%%Out of memory while inserting");
if( status != TRUE)
return logger( status, FALSE, "%%Out of memory while inserting") ;
return status;
return status ;
@ -173,13 +297,16 @@ static int linsert_byte(int n, int c)
int i;
struct window *wp;
assert( (curbp->b_mode & MDVIEW) == 0) ;
#if 0
if (curbp->b_mode & MDVIEW) /* don't allow this command if */
return rdonly(); /* we are in read only mode */
lp1 = curwp->w_dotp; /* Current line */
if (lp1 == curbp->b_linep) { /* At the end: special */
if (curwp->w_doto != 0) {
mlwrite("bug: linsert");
logwrite( "bug: linsert") ;
return FALSE;
if ((lp2 = lalloc(n)) == NULL) /* Allocate new line */
@ -243,8 +370,13 @@ static int linsert_byte(int n, int c)
int linsert(int n, int c)
char utf8[6];
int bytes = unicode_to_utf8(c, utf8), i;
int bytes, i ;
assert( n > 0) ;
if (curbp->b_mode & MDVIEW) /* don't allow this command if */
return rdonly(); /* we are in read only mode */
bytes = unicode_to_utf8(c, utf8) ;
if (bytes == 1)
return linsert_byte(n, (unsigned char) utf8[0]);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
@ -263,7 +395,7 @@ int linsert(int n, int c)
* int c; character to overwrite on current position
int lowrite(int c)
static int lowrite(int c)
if (curwp->w_doto < curwp->w_dotp->l_used &&
(lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto) != '\t' ||
@ -275,25 +407,23 @@ int lowrite(int c)
* lover -- Overwrite a string at the current point
int lover(char *ostr)
int status = TRUE;
char tmpc;
int lover( char *ostr) {
int status = TRUE ;
if (ostr != NULL)
while ((tmpc = *ostr) && status == TRUE) {
if (ostr != NULL) {
char tmpc ;
while( (tmpc = *ostr++)) {
status =
(tmpc == '\n' ? lnewline() : lowrite(tmpc));
/* Insertion error? */
if (status != TRUE) {
("%%Out of memory while overwriting");
if( status != TRUE)
return logger( status, FALSE, "%%Out of memory while overwriting") ;
return status;
return status ;
@ -481,29 +611,6 @@ char *getctext(void)
return rline;
* putctext:
* replace the current line with the passed in text
* char *iline; contents of new line
int putctext(char *iline)
int status;
/* delete the current line */
curwp->w_doto = 0; /* starting at the beginning of the line */
if ((status = killtext(TRUE, 1)) != TRUE)
return status;
/* insert the new line */
if ((status = linstr(iline)) != TRUE)
return status;
status = lnewline();
backline(TRUE, 1);
return status;
* Delete a newline. Join the current line with the next line. If the next line
* is the magic header line always return TRUE; merging the last line with the
@ -513,7 +620,7 @@ int putctext(char *iline)
* about in memory. Return FALSE on error and TRUE if all looks ok. Called by
* "ldelete" only.
int ldelnewline(void)
static int ldelnewline(void)
char *cp1;
char *cp2;
@ -522,8 +629,11 @@ int ldelnewline(void)
struct line *lp3;
struct window *wp;
assert( (curbp->b_mode & MDVIEW) == 0) ;
#if 0
if (curbp->b_mode & MDVIEW) /* don't allow this command if */
return rdonly(); /* we are in read only mode */
lp1 = curwp->w_dotp;
lp2 = lp1->l_fp;
if (lp2 == curbp->b_linep) { /* At the buffer end. */
@ -614,6 +724,11 @@ void kdelete(void)
/* and reset all the kill buffer pointers */
kbufh = kbufp = NULL;
kused = KBLOCK;
klen = 0 ;
if( value != NULL) {
free( value) ;
value = NULL ;
@ -631,8 +746,11 @@ int kinsert(int c)
if (kused >= KBLOCK) {
if ((nchunk = (struct kill *)malloc(sizeof(struct kill))) == NULL)
return FALSE;
if (kbufh == NULL) /* set head ptr if first time */
if( kbufh == NULL) { /* set head ptr if first time */
kbufh = nchunk;
klen = 0 ;
if (kbufp != NULL) /* point the current to this new one */
kbufp->d_next = nchunk;
kbufp = nchunk;
@ -642,6 +760,7 @@ int kinsert(int c)
/* and now insert the character */
kbufp->d_chunk[kused++] = c;
klen += 1 ;
return TRUE;

View File

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
#include "utf8.h"
#define NLINE 256 /* # of bytes, input line */
* All text is kept in circularly linked lists of "struct line" structures. These
* begin at the header line (which is the blank line beyond the end of the
@ -25,23 +27,27 @@ struct line {
#define lputc(lp, n, c) ((lp)->l_text[(n)]=(c))
#define llength(lp) ((lp)->l_used)
extern void lfree(struct line *lp);
extern void lchange(int flag);
extern int insspace(int f, int n);
extern int linstr(char *instr);
extern int linsert(int n, int c);
extern int lowrite(int c);
extern int lover(char *ostr);
extern int lnewline(void);
extern int ldelete(long n, int kflag);
extern int ldelchar(long n, int kflag);
extern int lgetchar(unicode_t *);
extern char *getctext(void);
extern int putctext(char *iline);
extern int ldelnewline(void);
extern void kdelete(void);
extern int kinsert(int c);
extern int yank(int f, int n);
extern struct line *lalloc(int); /* Allocate a line. */
extern int tabmask ;
char *getkill( void) ;
int backchar( int f, int n) ;
int forwchar( int f, int n) ;
void lfree( struct line *lp) ;
void lchange( int flag) ;
int insspace( int f, int n) ;
int linstr( char *instr) ;
int linsert( int n, int c) ;
int lover( char *ostr) ;
int lnewline( void) ;
int ldelete( long n, int kflag) ;
int ldelchar( long n, int kflag) ;
int lgetchar( unicode_t *) ;
char *getctext( void) ;
void kdelete( void) ;
int kinsert( int c) ;
int yank( int f, int n) ;
struct line *lalloc( int) ; /* Allocate a line. */
#endif /* LINE_H_ */

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
#include "estruct.h"
#include "lock.h"
* File locking command routines
@ -5,24 +8,35 @@
* written by Daniel Lawrence
#include <stdio.h>
#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
#include "efunc.h"
#if BSD | SVR4
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "defines.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "retcode.h"
#if (FILOCK && BSD) || SVR4
#include "pklock.h"
#include <sys/errno.h>
static char *lname[NLOCKS]; /* names of all locked files */
static int numlocks; /* # of current locks active */
#define NLOCKS 100 /* max # of file locks active */
static char *lname[ NLOCKS] ; /* names of all locked files */
static int numlocks ; /* # of current locks active */
static void lckerror(char *errstr) ;
* lockchk:
* check a file for locking and add it to the list
* char *fname; file to check for a lock
* const char *fname; file to check for a lock
int lockchk(char *fname)
int lockchk( const char *fname)
int i; /* loop indexes */
int status; /* return status */
@ -34,7 +48,7 @@ int lockchk(char *fname)
return TRUE;
/* if we have a full locking table, bitch and leave */
if (numlocks == NLOCKS) {
if( numlocks >= NLOCKS) {
mlwrite("LOCK ERROR: Lock table full");
return ABORT;
@ -88,9 +102,9 @@ int lockrel(void)
* FALSE = file was locked and overridden
* ABORT = file was locked, abort command
* char *fname; file name to lock
* const char *fname; file name to lock
int lock(char *fname)
int lock( const char *fname)
char *locker; /* lock error message */
int status; /* return status */
@ -123,9 +137,9 @@ int lock(char *fname)
* Unlock a file
* this only warns the user if it fails
* char *fname; file to unlock
* const char *fname; file to unlock
int unlock(char *fname)
int unlock( const char *fname)
char *locker; /* undolock return string */

lock.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#ifndef _LOCK_H_
#define _LOCK_H_
#ifndef _ESTRUCT_H_
#error uEmacs compilation settings needs to be done!
#if BSD | SVR4
int lockchk( const char *fname) ;
int lockrel( void) ;
int lock( const char *fname) ;
int unlock( const char *fname) ;

log.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
#include "log.h"
static void logdump( const char *buf, ...) {
void (*logwrite)( const char *, ...) = logdump ;
static boolean logit( boolean retcode, boolean beep_f, const char *buf, ...) {
return retcode ;
boolean (*logger)( boolean, boolean, const char *, ...) = logit ;
* tell the user that this command is illegal while we are in
* VIEW (read-only) mode
boolean rdonly(void)
/* TTbeep();
mlwrite("(Key illegal in VIEW mode)");
return FALSE;
return logger( FALSE, TRUE, "(Key illegal in VIEW mode)");
boolean resterr(void)
/* TTbeep();
mlwrite("(That command is RESTRICTED)");
return FALSE;
return logger( FALSE, TRUE, "(That command is RESTRICTED)");

log.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#include "retcode.h"
boolean rdonly( void) ;
boolean resterr( void) ;
extern void (*logwrite)( const char *, ...) ;
extern boolean (*logger)( boolean, boolean, const char *, ...) ;

View File

@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
/* main.c -- */
#define CLRMSG 0 /* space clears the message line with no insert */
* main.c
@ -49,18 +53,38 @@
* 4.0 Petri Kutvonen, 1-Sep-91
* This modified version is now called uEmacs/rf.
* 4.1 Renaud Fivet, 1-May-13
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
/* Make global definitions not external. */
#define maindef
#include "estruct.h" /* Global structures and defines. */
#if UNIX
#include <signal.h>
#include "estruct.h" /* Global structures and defines. */
#include "edef.h" /* Global definitions. */
#include "efunc.h" /* Function declarations and name table. */
#include "ebind.h" /* Default key bindings. */
#include "basic.h"
#include "bind.h"
#include "bindable.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "eval.h"
#include "execute.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "lock.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "random.h"
#include "search.h"
#include "terminal.h"
#include "termio.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "window.h"
/* For MSDOS, increase the default stack space. */
@ -71,34 +95,47 @@ extern unsigned _stklen = 32766;
#if VMS
#include <ssdef.h>
#define GOOD (SS$_NORMAL)
#ifndef GOOD
#define GOOD 0
#if UNIX
#include <signal.h>
static void emergencyexit(int);
extern void sizesignal(int);
void usage(int status)
static void emergencyexit(int signr)
printf("Usage: %s filename\n", PROGRAM_NAME);
printf(" or: %s [options]\n\n", PROGRAM_NAME);
fputs(" + start at the end of file\n", stdout);
fputs(" +<n> start at line <n>\n", stdout);
fputs(" -g[G]<n> go to line <n>\n", stdout);
fputs(" --help display this help and exit\n", stdout);
fputs(" --version output version information and exit\n", stdout);
quickexit(FALSE, 0);
quit(TRUE, 0);
static void edinit( char *bname) ;
static void version( void) {
fputs( PROGRAM_NAME_LONG " version " VERSION "\n", stdout) ;
static void usage( void) {
fputs( "Usage: " PROGRAM_NAME " [OPTION].. [FILE]..\n\n"
" + start at the end of file\n"
" +<n> start at line <n>\n"
" --help display this help and exit\n"
" --version output version information and exit\n"
" @cmdfile execute command file\n"
" -a|A process error file\n"
" -e|E edit file\n"
" -g|G<n> go to line <n>\n"
" -k|K<key> use code key\n"
" -r|R restrictive use\n"
" -s|S<string> search string\n"
" -v|V view file\n"
, stdout) ;
static boolean mllog( boolean retcode, boolean beep_f, const char *buf, ...) {
if( beep_f)
TTbeep() ;
mlwrite( buf) ;
return retcode ;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
@ -119,10 +156,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
int searchflag; /* Do we need to search at start? */
int saveflag; /* temp store for lastflag */
int errflag; /* C error processing? */
char bname[NBUFN]; /* buffer name of file to read */
bname_t bname ; /* buffer name of file to read */
int cryptflag; /* encrypting on the way in? */
char ekey[NPAT]; /* startup encryption key */
ekey_t ekey ; /* startup encryption key */
int newc;
@ -139,18 +176,22 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
signal(SIGWINCH, sizesignal);
if (argc == 2) {
if (strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0) {
if( argc == 2) {
if( strcmp( argv[ 1], "--help") == 0) {
usage() ;
if (strcmp(argv[1], "--version") == 0) {
if( strcmp( argv[ 1], "--version") == 0) {
version() ;
/* Initialize the editor. */
vtinit(); /* Display */
logwrite = mlwrite ;
logger = mllog ;
edinit("main"); /* Buffers, windows */
varinit(); /* user variables */
@ -193,13 +234,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
case 'k': /* -k<key> for code key */
case 'K':
cryptflag = TRUE;
strcpy(ekey, &argv[carg][2]);
case 'n': /* -n accept null chars */
case 'N':
nullflag = TRUE;
strncpy( ekey, &argv[ carg][ 2], sizeof ekey - 1) ;
ekey[ sizeof ekey - 1] = 0 ;
case 'r': /* -r restrictive use */
@ -209,7 +245,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
case 's': /* -s for initial search string */
case 'S':
searchflag = TRUE;
strncpy(pat, &argv[carg][2], NPAT);
strncpy( pat, &argv[ carg][ 2], sizeof pat - 1) ;
pat[ sizeof pat -1] = 0 ;
case 'v': /* -v for View File */
case 'V':
@ -237,7 +274,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
/* set this to inactive */
bp = bfind(bname, TRUE, 0);
strcpy(bp->b_fname, argv[carg]);
strncpy( bp->b_fname, argv[ carg], sizeof bp->b_fname - 1) ; /* max filename length limited to NFILEN - 1 (79) */
bp->b_fname[ sizeof bp->b_fname - 1] = 0 ;
bp->b_active = FALSE;
if (firstfile) {
firstbp = bp;
@ -250,16 +288,17 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (cryptflag) {
bp->b_mode |= MDCRYPT;
myencrypt((char *) NULL, 0);
myencrypt(ekey, strlen(ekey));
strncpy(bp->b_key, ekey, NPAT);
strncpy( bp->b_key, ekey, sizeof ekey) ;
cryptbufferkey( bp) ;
#if UNIX
#ifdef SIGHUP
signal(SIGHUP, emergencyexit);
signal(SIGTERM, emergencyexit);
@ -432,7 +471,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
* as an argument, because the main routine may have been told to read in a
* file by default, and we want the buffer name to be right.
void edinit(char *bname)
static void edinit(char *bname)
struct buffer *bp;
struct window *wp;
@ -464,279 +503,6 @@ void edinit(char *bname)
wp->w_flag = WFMODE | WFHARD; /* Full. */
* This is the general command execution routine. It handles the fake binding
* of all the keys to "self-insert". It also clears out the "thisflag" word,
* and arranges to move it to the "lastflag", so that the next command can
* look at it. Return the status of command.
int execute(int c, int f, int n)
int status;
fn_t execfunc;
/* if the keystroke is a bound function...do it */
execfunc = getbind(c);
if (execfunc != NULL) {
thisflag = 0;
status = (*execfunc) (f, n);
lastflag = thisflag;
return status;
* If a space was typed, fill column is defined, the argument is non-
* negative, wrap mode is enabled, and we are now past fill column,
* and we are not read-only, perform word wrap.
if (c == ' ' && (curwp->w_bufp->b_mode & MDWRAP) && fillcol > 0 &&
n >= 0 && getccol(FALSE) > fillcol &&
(curwp->w_bufp->b_mode & MDVIEW) == FALSE)
execute(META | SPEC | 'W', FALSE, 1);
if ((c >= 0x20 && c <= 0x7E) /* Self inserting. */
|| (c >= 0x80 && c <= 0xFE)) {
#if VMS || BSD || USG /* 8BIT P.K. */
|| (c >= 0xA0 && c <= 0x10FFFF)) {
) {
if ((c >= 0x20 && c <= 0xFF)) { /* Self inserting. */
if (n <= 0) { /* Fenceposts. */
lastflag = 0;
return n < 0 ? FALSE : TRUE;
thisflag = 0; /* For the future. */
/* if we are in overwrite mode, not at eol,
and next char is not a tab or we are at a tab stop,
delete a char forword */
if (curwp->w_bufp->b_mode & MDOVER &&
curwp->w_doto < curwp->w_dotp->l_used &&
(lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto) != '\t' ||
(curwp->w_doto) % 8 == 7))
ldelchar(1, FALSE);
/* do the appropriate insertion */
if (c == '}' && (curbp->b_mode & MDCMOD) != 0)
status = insbrace(n, c);
else if (c == '#' && (curbp->b_mode & MDCMOD) != 0)
status = inspound();
status = linsert(n, c);
/* check for CMODE fence matching */
if ((c == '}' || c == ')' || c == ']') &&
(curbp->b_mode & MDCMOD) != 0)
/* check auto-save mode */
if (curbp->b_mode & MDASAVE)
if (--gacount == 0) {
/* and save the file if needed */
upscreen(FALSE, 0);
filesave(FALSE, 0);
gacount = gasave;
lastflag = thisflag;
return status;
mlwrite("(Key not bound)"); /* complain */
lastflag = 0; /* Fake last flags. */
return FALSE;
* Fancy quit command, as implemented by Norm. If the any buffer has
* changed do a write on that buffer and exit emacs, otherwise simply exit.
int quickexit(int f, int n)
struct buffer *bp; /* scanning pointer to buffers */
struct buffer *oldcb; /* original current buffer */
int status;
oldcb = curbp; /* save in case we fail */
bp = bheadp;
while (bp != NULL) {
if ((bp->b_flag & BFCHG) != 0 /* Changed. */
&& (bp->b_flag & BFTRUNC) == 0 /* Not truncated P.K. */
&& (bp->b_flag & BFINVS) == 0) { /* Real. */
curbp = bp; /* make that buffer cur */
mlwrite("(Saving %s)", bp->b_fname);
if ((status = filesave(f, n)) != TRUE) {
curbp = oldcb; /* restore curbp */
return status;
bp = bp->b_bufp; /* on to the next buffer */
quit(f, n); /* conditionally quit */
return TRUE;
static void emergencyexit(int signr)
quickexit(FALSE, 0);
quit(TRUE, 0);
* Quit command. If an argument, always quit. Otherwise confirm if a buffer
* has been changed and not written out. Normally bound to "C-X C-C".
int quit(int f, int n)
int s;
if (f != FALSE /* Argument forces it. */
|| anycb() == FALSE /* All buffers clean. */
/* User says it's OK. */
|| (s =
mlyesno("Modified buffers exist. Leave anyway")) == TRUE) {
#if (FILOCK && BSD) || SVR4
if (lockrel() != TRUE) {
if (f)
return s;
* Begin a keyboard macro.
* Error if not at the top level in keyboard processing. Set up variables and
* return.
int ctlxlp(int f, int n)
if (kbdmode != STOP) {
mlwrite("%%Macro already active");
return FALSE;
mlwrite("(Start macro)");
kbdptr = &kbdm[0];
kbdend = kbdptr;
kbdmode = RECORD;
return TRUE;
* End keyboard macro. Check for the same limit conditions as the above
* routine. Set up the variables and return to the caller.
int ctlxrp(int f, int n)
if (kbdmode == STOP) {
mlwrite("%%Macro not active");
return FALSE;
if (kbdmode == RECORD) {
mlwrite("(End macro)");
kbdmode = STOP;
return TRUE;
* Execute a macro.
* The command argument is the number of times to loop. Quit as soon as a
* command gets an error. Return TRUE if all ok, else FALSE.
int ctlxe(int f, int n)
if (kbdmode != STOP) {
mlwrite("%%Macro already active");
return FALSE;
if (n <= 0)
return TRUE;
kbdrep = n; /* remember how many times to execute */
kbdmode = PLAY; /* start us in play mode */
kbdptr = &kbdm[0]; /* at the beginning */
return TRUE;
* Abort.
* Beep the beeper. Kill off any keyboard macro, etc., that is in progress.
* Sometimes called as a routine, to do general aborting of stuff.
int ctrlg(int f, int n)
kbdmode = STOP;
return ABORT;
* tell the user that this command is illegal while we are in
* VIEW (read-only) mode
int rdonly(void)
mlwrite("(Key illegal in VIEW mode)");
return FALSE;
int resterr(void)
mlwrite("(That command is RESTRICTED)");
return FALSE;
/* user function that does NOTHING */
int nullproc(int f, int n)
return TRUE;
/* dummy function for binding to meta prefix */
int metafn(int f, int n)
return TRUE;
/* dummy function for binding to control-x prefix */
int cex(int f, int n)
return TRUE;
/* dummy function for binding to universal-argument */
int unarg(int f, int n)
return TRUE;
/***** Compiler specific Library functions ****/
@ -749,16 +515,19 @@ int unarg(int f, int n)
end of the bottom mode line and is updated whenever it is changed.
static void dspram( void) ;
#undef malloc
#undef free
#if 0
char *allocate(nbytes)
/* allocate nbytes and track */
unsigned nbytes; /* # of bytes to allocate */
void *allocate( size_t nbytes)
char *mp; /* ptr returned from malloc */
char *malloc();
/* char *malloc(); */
mp = malloc(nbytes);
if (mp) {
@ -771,10 +540,12 @@ unsigned nbytes; /* # of bytes to allocate */
return mp;
#if 0
/* release malloced memory and track */
char *mp; /* chunk of RAM to release */
void release( void *mp)
unsigned *lp; /* ptr to the long containing the block size */
@ -790,7 +561,7 @@ char *mp; /* chunk of RAM to release */
static void dspram( void)
{ /* display the amount of RAM currently malloced */
char mbuf[20];
char *sp;

mingw32.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
#ifdef MINGW32
#include "termio.h"
#include "terminal.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "utf8.h"
#include "wscreen.h"
static void vv( void) {}
static void vi( int i) {}
static int is( char *s) { return *s ; }
static void ttmove( int l, int c) ;
#define MARGIN 8
#define SCRSIZ 64
#define NPAUSE 10 /* # times thru update to pause. */
struct terminal term = {
24, /* These four values are set dynamically at open time. */
vv, /* ttkopen, */
vv, /* ttkclose, */
vv, /* tteeol, */
vv, /* tteeop, */
vv, /* ttbeep, */
vi, /* ttrev, */
is /* ttcres */
, iv, /* ttfcol, */
iv /* ttbcol */
, NULL /* set dynamically at open time */
} ;
int ttrow ; /* Row location of HW cursor */
int ttcol ; /* Column location of HW cursor */
boolean eolexist = TRUE ; /* does clear to EOL exist? */
boolean revexist = FALSE ; /* does reverse video exist? */
boolean sgarbf = TRUE ; /* State of screen unknown */
char sres[ 16] ; /* Current screen resolution. */
void ttopen( void) {
winit() ;
wcls() ;
term.t_mrow = term.t_nrow = wbottom() - wtop() ;
term.t_mcol = term.t_ncol = wright() - wleft() + 1 ;
wtitle( "uEMACS") ;
void ttclose( void) {
int ttputc( int c) {
char utf8[ 6] ;
int bytes ;
bytes = unicode_to_utf8( c, utf8) ;
fwrite( utf8, 1, bytes, stdout);
return 0 ;
void ttflush( void) {
int status ;
status = fflush( stdout);
while( status < 0 && errno == EAGAIN) {
_sleep( 1) ;
status = fflush( stdout) ;
if( status < 0)
exit( 15) ;
int ttgetc( void) {
static char buffer[ 32] ;
static int pending ;
unicode_t c ;
int count, bytes = 1, expected ;
count = pending ;
if( !count) {
count = read( 0, buffer, sizeof( buffer)) ;
if( count <= 0)
return 0 ;
pending = count ;
c = (unsigned char) buffer[ 0] ;
if( c >= 32 && c < 128)
goto done ;
* Lazy. We don't bother calculating the exact
* expected length. We want at least two characters
* for the special character case (ESC+[) and for
* the normal short UTF8 sequence that starts with
* the 110xxxxx pattern.
* But if we have any of the other patterns, just
* try to get more characters. At worst, that will
* just result in a barely perceptible 0.1 second
* delay for some *very* unusual utf8 character
* input.
expected = 2 ;
if( (c & 0xe0) == 0xe0)
expected = 6 ;
/* Special character - try to fill buffer */
if( count < expected) {
int n;
#if 0
ntermios.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;
ntermios.c_cc[VTIME] = 1; /* A .1 second lag */
tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &ntermios);
n = read(0, buffer + count, sizeof(buffer) - count);
/* Undo timeout */
#if 0
ntermios.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
ntermios.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &ntermios);
if (n > 0)
pending += n;
if( pending > 1) {
unsigned char second = buffer[1];
/* Turn ESC+'[' into CSI */
if (c == 27 && second == '[') {
bytes = 2;
c = 128+27;
goto done;
bytes = utf8_to_unicode( buffer, 0, pending, &c) ;
pending -= bytes ;
memmove( buffer, buffer+bytes, pending) ;
return c ;
int typahead( void) {
int x ; /* holds # of pending chars */
if( ioctl( 0, FIONREAD, &x) < 0)
x = 0 ;
return x ;
static void ttmove( int l, int c) {
wgoxy( c, l) ;

View File

@ -1,14 +1,31 @@
/* names.c -- implements names.h */
#include "names.h"
/* Name to function binding table.
* This table gives the names of all the bindable functions
* end their C function address. These are used for the bind-to-key
* and their C function address. These are used for the bind-to-key
* function.
#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
#include "efunc.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "basic.h"
#include "bind.h"
#include "bindable.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "eval.h"
#include "exec.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "isearch.h"
#include "line.h"
#include "region.h"
#include "random.h"
#include "search.h"
#include "spawn.h"
#include "window.h"
#include "word.h"
struct name_bind names[] = {
{"abort-command", ctrlg},

names.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
/* Structure for the name binding table. */
struct name_bind {
char *n_name; /* name of function key */
int (*n_func)(int, int); /* function name is bound to */
extern struct name_bind names[];/* name to function table */

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
/* pklock.c -- implements pklock.h */
#include "estruct.h"
#include "pklock.h"
* locking routines as modified by Petri Kutvonen
#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
#include "efunc.h"
#if (FILOCK && BSD) || SVR4
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ int gethostname(char *name, int namelen)
* if other error, returns "LOCK ERROR: explanation"
char *dolock(char *fname)
char *dolock( const char *fname)
int fd, n;
static char lname[MAXLOCK], locker[MAXNAME + 1];
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ char *dolock(char *fname)
char *undolock(char *fname)
char *undolock( const char *fname)
static char lname[MAXLOCK];

pklock.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#ifndef _PKLOCK_H_
#define _PKLOCK_H_
#ifndef _ESTRUCT_H_
#error uEmacs compilation settings needs to be done!
#if (FILOCK && BSD) || SVR4
char *dolock( const char *fname) ;
char *undolock( const char *fname) ;

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
/* posix.c -- implements termio.h */
#include "termio.h"
/* posix.c
* The functions in this file negotiate with the operating system for
@ -16,14 +19,18 @@
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
#include "efunc.h"
#include "retcode.h"
#include "utf8.h"
int ttrow = HUGE ; /* Row location of HW cursor */
int ttcol = HUGE ; /* Column location of HW cursor */
/* Since Mac OS X's termios.h doesn't have the following 2 macros, define them.
#if defined(SYSV) && (defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE) || defined(_FREEBSD_C_SOURCE))
@ -31,6 +38,12 @@
#define XCASE 0000004
#ifdef CYGWIN
#define XCASE 0
#define ECHOPRT 0
#define PENDIN 0
static int kbdflgs; /* saved keyboard fd flags */
static int kbdpoll; /* in O_NDELAY mode */
@ -58,6 +71,7 @@ void ttopen(void)
/* raw CR/NL etc input handling, but keep ISTRIP if we're on a 7-bit line */
ntermios.c_iflag &= ~(IGNBRK | BRKINT | IGNPAR | PARMRK
/* raw CR/NR etc output handling */

View File

@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
/* random.c -- implements random.h */
#include "random.h"
#define NBRACE 1 /* new style brace matching command */
/* random.c
* This file contains the command processing functions for a number of
@ -7,13 +12,42 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "basic.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
#include "efunc.h"
#include "execute.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "line.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "search.h"
#include "terminal.h"
#include "window.h"
static const char *cname[] = { /* names of colors */
, "HIGH"
} ;
#define NCOLORS (sizeof cname / sizeof( *cname)) /* # of supported colors */
int gfcolor = NCOLORS - 1 ; /* global forgrnd color (white) */
int gbcolor = 0 ; /* global backgrnd color (black) */
static int tabsize ; /* Tab size (0: use real tabs) */
int fillcol = 72 ; /* Current fill column */
/* uninitialized global definitions */
int thisflag ; /* Flags, this command */
int lastflag ; /* Flags, last command */
int tabsize; /* Tab size (0: use real tabs) */
* Set fill column to n.
@ -311,6 +345,8 @@ int detab(int f, int n)
int entab(int f, int n)
#define nextab(a) (a & ~tabmask) + (tabmask+1)
int inc; /* increment to next line [sgn(n)] */
int fspace; /* pointer to first space if in a run */
int ccol; /* current cursor column */
@ -898,14 +934,10 @@ int delgmode(int f, int n)
int adjustmode(int kind, int global)
char *scan; /* scanning pointer to convert prompt */
int i; /* loop index */
int status; /* error return on input */
int uflag; /* was modename uppercase? */
char prompt[50]; /* string to prompt user with */
char cbuf[NPAT]; /* buffer to recieve mode name into */
char cbuf[ NSTRING] ; /* buffer to recieve mode name into */
/* build the proper prompt string */
if (global)
@ -920,32 +952,16 @@ int adjustmode(int kind, int global)
/* prompt the user and get an answer */
status = mlreply(prompt, cbuf, NPAT - 1);
status = mlreply( prompt, cbuf, sizeof cbuf - 1) ;
if (status != TRUE)
return status;
/* make it uppercase */
scan = cbuf;
uflag = (*scan >= 'A' && *scan <= 'Z');
while (*scan != 0) {
if (*scan >= 'a' && *scan <= 'z')
*scan = *scan - 32;
/* test it first against the colors we know */
for (i = 0; i <= NCOLORS; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < NCOLORS; i++) {
if (strcmp(cbuf, cname[i]) == 0) {
if( strcasecmp( cbuf, cname[ i]) == 0) {
/* finding the match, we set the color */
if (uflag) {
if( *cbuf >= 'A' && *cbuf <= 'Z') {
if (global)
gfcolor = i;
#if PKCODE == 0
@ -971,7 +987,7 @@ int adjustmode(int kind, int global)
/* test it against the modes we know */
for (i = 0; i < NUMMODES; i++) {
if (strcmp(cbuf, modename[i]) == 0) {
if( strcasecmp( cbuf, modename[ i]) == 0) {
/* finding a match, we process it */
if (kind == TRUE)
if (global)
@ -1017,11 +1033,11 @@ int writemsg(int f, int n)
char *sp; /* pointer into buf to expand %s */
char *np; /* ptr into nbuf */
int status;
char buf[NPAT]; /* buffer to recieve message into */
char nbuf[NPAT * 2]; /* buffer to expand string into */
char buf[ NSTRING] ; /* buffer to recieve message into */
char nbuf[ NSTRING * 2] ; /* buffer to expand string into */
if ((status =
mlreply("Message to write: ", buf, NPAT - 1)) != TRUE)
mlreply("Message to write: ", buf, sizeof buf - 1)) != TRUE)
return status;
/* expand all '%' to "%%" so mlwrite won't expect arguments */
@ -1215,11 +1231,11 @@ int fmatch(int ch)
int istring(int f, int n)
int status; /* status return code */
char tstring[NPAT + 1]; /* string to add */
char tstring[ 512] ; /* string to add */
/* ask for string to insert */
status =
mlreplyt("String to insert<META>: ", tstring, NPAT, metac);
mlreplyt("String to insert<META>: ", tstring, sizeof tstring - 1, metac) ;
if (status != TRUE)
return status;
@ -1243,11 +1259,11 @@ int istring(int f, int n)
int ovstring(int f, int n)
int status; /* status return code */
char tstring[NPAT + 1]; /* string to add */
char tstring[ NSTRING + 1] ; /* string to add */
/* ask for string to insert */
status =
mlreplyt("String to overwrite<META>: ", tstring, NPAT, metac);
mlreplyt( "String to overwrite<META>: ", tstring, NSTRING, metac) ;
if (status != TRUE)
return status;

random.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
#ifndef _RANDOM_H_
#define _RANDOM_H_
#define AEDIT 1
extern int fillcol ; /* Fill column */
/* Uninitialized global external declarations. */
#define CFCPCN 0x0001 /* Last command was C-P, C-N */
#define CFKILL 0x0002 /* Last command was a kill */
extern int thisflag ; /* Flags, this command */
extern int lastflag ; /* Flags, last command */
int setfillcol( int f, int n) ;
int showcpos( int f, int n) ;
int getcline( void) ;
int getccol( int bflg) ;
int setccol( int pos) ;
int twiddle( int f, int n) ;
int quote( int f, int n) ;
int insert_tab( int f, int n) ;
int detab( int f, int n) ;
int entab( int f, int n) ;
int trim( int f, int n) ;
int openline( int f, int n) ;
int insert_newline( int f, int n) ;
int cinsert( void) ;
int insbrace( int n, int c) ;
int inspound( void) ;
int deblank( int f, int n) ;
int indent( int f, int n) ;
int forwdel( int f, int n) ;
int backdel( int f, int n) ;
int killtext( int f, int n) ;
int setemode( int f, int n) ;
int delmode( int f, int n) ;
int setgmode( int f, int n) ;
int delgmode( int f, int n) ;
int adjustmode( int kind, int global) ;
int clrmes( int f, int n) ;
int writemsg( int f, int n) ;
int getfence( int f, int n) ;
int fmatch( int ch) ;
int istring( int f, int n) ;
int ovstring( int f, int n) ;

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
/* region.c -- implements region.h */
#include "region.h"
/* region.c
* The routines in this file deal with the region, that magic space
@ -9,10 +12,12 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include "buffer.h"
#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
#include "efunc.h"
#include "line.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "random.h"
#include "window.h"
* Kill the region. Ask "getregion"
@ -69,7 +74,7 @@ int copyregion(int f, int n)
mlwrite("(region copied)");
logwrite("(region copied)");
return TRUE;
@ -166,7 +171,7 @@ int getregion(struct region *rp)
long bsize;
if (curwp->w_markp == NULL) {
mlwrite("No mark set in this window");
logwrite("No mark set in this window");
return FALSE;
if (curwp->w_dotp == curwp->w_markp) {
@ -208,6 +213,6 @@ int getregion(struct region *rp)
mlwrite("Bug: lost mark");
logwrite("Bug: lost mark");
return FALSE;

region.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#ifndef _REGION_H_
#define _REGION_H_
#include "line.h"
* The starting position of a region, and the size of the region in
* characters, is kept in a region structure. Used by the region commands.
struct region {
struct line *r_linep; /* Origin struct line address. */
int r_offset; /* Origin struct line offset. */
long r_size; /* Length in characters. */
int killregion( int f, int n) ;
int copyregion( int f, int n) ;
int lowerregion( int f, int n) ;
int upperregion( int f, int n) ;
int getregion( struct region *rp) ;

retcode.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#ifndef __RETCODE_H__
#define __RETCODE_H__
#ifdef FALSE
#undef FALSE
#ifdef TRUE
#undef TRUE
#if 0
#define FALSE 0 /* False, no, bad, etc. */
#define TRUE 1 /* True, yes, good, etc. */
#define ABORT 2 /* Death, ^G, abort, etc. */
#define FAILED 3 /* not-quite fatal false return */
typedef enum {
} boolean ;
#define ABORT 2

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
/* search.c -- implements search.h */
#include "search.h"
/* search.c
* The functions in this file implement commands that search in the forward
@ -58,13 +61,90 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "basic.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
#include "efunc.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "line.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "terminal.h"
#include "window.h"
/* The variable matchlen holds the length of the matched
* string - used by the replace functions.
* The variable patmatch holds the string that satisfies
* the search command.
* The variables matchline and matchoff hold the line and
* offset position of the *start* of match.
unsigned int matchlen = 0 ;
static unsigned int mlenold = 0 ;
char *patmatch = NULL ;
static struct line *matchline = NULL;
static int matchoff = 0;
spat_t pat ; /* Search pattern */
spat_t tap ; /* Reversed pattern array. */
spat_t rpat ; /* replacement pattern */
#if defined(MAGIC)
* Defines for the metacharacters in the regular expression
* search routines.
#define MCNIL 0 /* Like the '\0' for strings. */
#define LITCHAR 1 /* Literal character, or string. */
#define ANY 2
#define CCL 3
#define NCCL 4
#define BOL 5
#define EOL 6
#define DITTO 7
#define CLOSURE 256 /* An or-able value. */
#define MASKCL (CLOSURE - 1)
#define MC_ANY '.' /* 'Any' character (except newline). */
#define MC_CCL '[' /* Character class. */
#define MC_NCCL '^' /* Negate character class. */
#define MC_RCCL '-' /* Range in character class. */
#define MC_ECCL ']' /* End of character class. */
#define MC_BOL '^' /* Beginning of line. */
#define MC_EOL '$' /* End of line. */
#define MC_CLOSURE '*' /* Closure - does not extend past newline. */
#define MC_DITTO '&' /* Use matched string in replacement. */
#define MC_ESC '\\' /* Escape - suppress meta-meaning. */
#define BIT(n) (1 << (n)) /* An integer with one bit set. */
#define CHCASE(c) ((c) ^ DIFCASE) /* Toggle the case of a letter. */
/* HICHAR - 1 is the largest character we will deal with.
* HIBYTE represents the number of bytes in the bitmap.
#define HICHAR 256
#define HIBYTE HICHAR >> 3
/* Typedefs that define the meta-character structure for MAGIC mode searching
* (struct magic), and the meta-character structure for MAGIC mode replacement
* (struct magic_replacement).
struct magic {
short int mc_type;
union {
int lchar;
char *cclmap;
} u;
struct magic_replacement {
short int mc_type;
char *rstr;
* The variables magical and rmagical determine if there
* were actual metacharacters in the search and replace strings -
@ -76,6 +156,8 @@ static short int rmagical;
static struct magic mcpat[NPAT]; /* The magic pattern. */
static struct magic tapcm[NPAT]; /* The reversed magic patterni. */
static struct magic_replacement rmcpat[NPAT]; /* The replacement magic array. */
static int mcscanner( struct magic *mcpatrn, int direct, int beg_or_end) ;
static int amatch(struct magic *mcptr, int direct, struct line **pcwline, int *pcwoff);
@ -301,7 +383,7 @@ int backhunt(int f, int n)
* int direct; which way to go.
* int beg_or_end; put point at beginning or end of pattern.
int mcscanner(struct magic *mcpatrn, int direct, int beg_or_end)
static int mcscanner(struct magic *mcpatrn, int direct, int beg_or_end)
struct line *curline; /* current line during scan */
int curoff; /* position within current line */
@ -733,12 +815,16 @@ static int replaces(int kind, int f, int n)
int nlflag; /* last char of search string a <NL>? */
int nlrepl; /* was a replace done on the last line? */
char c; /* input char for query */
char tpat[NPAT]; /* temporary to hold search pattern */
spat_t tpat ; /* temporary to hold search pattern */
struct line *origline; /* original "." position */
int origoff; /* and offset (for . query option) */
struct line *lastline; /* position of last replace and */
int lastoff; /* offset (for 'u' query option) */
/* rfi */
lastline = NULL ;
lastoff = 0 ;
if (curbp->b_mode & MDVIEW) /* don't allow this command if */
return rdonly(); /* we are in read only mode */
@ -1384,7 +1470,6 @@ static int mceq(int bc, struct magic *mt)
return result;
extern char *clearbits(void);
* cclmake -- create the bitmap for the character class.

search.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#ifndef _SEARCH_H_
#define _SEARCH_H_
#define MAGIC 1 /* include regular expression matching? */
#include "line.h"
#define BELL 0x07 /* a bell character */
typedef char spat_t[ 128] ; /* search pattern type */
#define NPAT sizeof( spat_t) /* # of bytes, pattern */
extern unsigned int matchlen ;
extern char *patmatch ;
extern spat_t pat ; /* Search pattern */
extern spat_t tap ; /* Reversed pattern array. */
extern spat_t rpat ; /* replacement pattern */
* PTBEG, PTEND, FORWARD, and REVERSE are all toggle-able values for
* the scan routines.
#define PTBEG 0 /* Leave the point at the beginning on search */
#define PTEND 1 /* Leave the point at the end on search */
#define FORWARD 0 /* forward direction */
#define REVERSE 1 /* backwards direction */
int scanner( const char *patrn, int direct, int beg_or_end) ;
int forwsearch( int f, int n) ;
int forwhunt( int f, int n) ;
int backsearch( int f, int n) ;
int backhunt( int f, int n) ;
int eq( unsigned char bc, unsigned char pc) ;
void savematch( void) ;
void rvstrcpy( char *rvstr, char *str) ;
int sreplace( int f, int n) ;
int qreplace( int f, int n) ;
int delins( int dlength, char *instr, int use_meta) ;
int expandp( char *srcstr, char *deststr, int maxlength) ;
int boundry( struct line *curline, int curoff, int dir) ;
void mcclear( void) ;
void rmcclear( void) ;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
/* spaw.c
/* spawn.c -- implements spawn.h */
#include "spawn.h"
/* spawn.c
* Various operating system access commands.
@ -6,11 +9,22 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "defines.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
#include "efunc.h"
#include "exec.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "flook.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "terminal.h"
#include "window.h"
#if VMS
#define EFN 0 /* Event flag. */
@ -88,7 +102,7 @@ int spawncli(int f, int n)
system("exec /bin/sh");
sgarbf = TRUE;
usleep( 2000000L) ;
@ -387,7 +401,7 @@ int filter_buffer(int f, int n)
int s; /* return status from CLI */
struct buffer *bp; /* pointer to buffer to zot */
char line[NLINE]; /* command line send to shell */
char tmpnam[NFILEN]; /* place to store real file name */
fname_t tmpnam ; /* place to store real file name */
static char bname1[] = "fltinp";
static char filnam1[] = "fltinp";
@ -571,7 +585,6 @@ int execprog(char *cmd)
char *fcb1; /* 4 byte pointer to FCB at PSP+5Ch */
char *fcb2; /* 4 byte pointer to FCB at PSP+6Ch */
} pblock;
char *flook();
/* parse the command name from the command line */
sp = prog;

spawn.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
int spawncli( int f, int n) ;
int bktoshell( int f, int n) ;
void rtfrmshell( void) ;
int spawn( int f, int n) ;
int execprg( int f, int n) ;
int pipecmd( int f, int n) ;
int filter_buffer( int f, int n) ;
int sys( char *cmd) ;
int shellprog( char *cmd) ;
int execprog( char *cmd) ;

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
/* tcap.c -- implements terminal.h */
#include "terminal.h"
/* tcap.c
* Unix V7 SysV and BS4 Termcap video driver
@ -5,6 +8,9 @@
* modified by Petri Kutvonen
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
* Defining this to 1 breaks tcapopen() - it doesn't check if the
* sceen size has changed.
@ -13,16 +19,24 @@
#define termdef 1 /* Don't define "term" external. */
#ifndef MINGW32
#include <curses.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <term.h>
#include "display.h"
#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
#include "efunc.h"
#include "termio.h"
boolean eolexist = TRUE ; /* does clear to EOL exist */
boolean revexist = FALSE ; /* does reverse video exist? */
boolean sgarbf = TRUE ; /* TRUE if screen is garbage */
char sres[ 16] ; /* current screen resolution */
#if UNIX
#include <signal.h>

terminal.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
#ifndef __TERMINAL_H__
#define __TERMINAL_H__
#include "defines.h" /* COLOR, SCROLLCODE */
#include "retcode.h"
* The editor communicates with the display using a high level interface. A
* "TERM" structure holds useful variables, and indirect pointers to routines
* that do useful operations. The low level get and put routines are here too.
* This lets a terminal, in addition to having non standard commands, have
* funny get and put character code too. The calls might get changed to
* "termp->t_field" style in the future, to make it possible to run more than
* one terminal type.
struct terminal {
short t_mrow; /* max number of rows allowable */
short t_nrow; /* current number of rows used */
short t_mcol; /* max Number of columns. */
short t_ncol; /* current Number of columns. */
short t_margin; /* min margin for extended lines */
short t_scrsiz; /* size of scroll region " */
int t_pause; /* # times thru update to pause */
void (*t_open)(void); /* Open terminal at the start. */
void (*t_close)(void); /* Close terminal at end. */
void (*t_kopen)(void); /* Open keyboard */
void (*t_kclose)(void); /* close keyboard */
int (*t_getchar)(void); /* Get character from keyboard. */
int (*t_putchar)(int); /* Put character to display. */
void (*t_flush) (void); /* Flush output buffers. */
void (*t_move)(int, int);/* Move the cursor, origin 0. */
void (*t_eeol)(void); /* Erase to end of line. */
void (*t_eeop)(void); /* Erase to end of page. */
void (*t_beep)(void); /* Beep. */
void (*t_rev)(int); /* set reverse video state */
int (*t_rez)(char *); /* change screen resolution */
int (*t_setfor) (); /* set forground color */
int (*t_setback) (); /* set background color */
void (*t_scroll)(int, int,int); /* scroll a region of the screen */
/* TEMPORARY macros for terminal I/O (to be placed in a machine
dependant place later) */
#define TTopen (*term.t_open)
#define TTclose (*term.t_close)
#define TTkopen (*term.t_kopen)
#define TTkclose (*term.t_kclose)
#define TTgetc (*term.t_getchar)
#define TTputc (*term.t_putchar)
#define TTflush (*term.t_flush)
#define TTmove (*term.t_move)
#define TTeeol (*term.t_eeol)
#define TTeeop (*term.t_eeop)
#define TTbeep (*term.t_beep)
#define TTrev (*term.t_rev)
#define TTrez (*term.t_rez)
#define TTforg (*term.t_setfor)
#define TTbacg (*term.t_setback)
/* Terminal table defined only in term.c */
extern struct terminal term ;
extern int ttrow ; /* Row location of HW cursor */
extern int ttcol ; /* Column location of HW cursor */
extern boolean eolexist ; /* does clear to EOL exist? */
extern boolean revexist ; /* does reverse video exist? */
extern boolean sgarbf ; /* State of screen unknown */
extern char sres[] ; /* Current screen resolution. */

View File

@ -1,18 +1,30 @@
#include "termio.h"
* The functions in this file negotiate with the operating system for
* characters, and write characters in a barely buffered fashion on the display.
* All operating systems.
* modified by Petri Kutvonen
* modified by Petri Kutvonen
#ifndef POSIX
#if !defined( POSIX) && !defined( MINGW32)
#include <stdio.h>
#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "estruct.h"
#include "retcode.h"
#include "utf8.h"
/* rfi */
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
int ttrow = HUGE ; /* Row location of HW cursor */
int ttcol = HUGE ; /* Column location of HW cursor */
#if VMS
#include <stsdef.h>
@ -20,76 +32,76 @@
#include <descrip.h>
#include <iodef.h>
#include <ttdef.h>
#include <tt2def.h>
#include <tt2def.h>
#define NIBUF 128 /* Input buffer size */
#define NOBUF 1024 /* MM says bug buffers win! */
#define EFN 0 /* Event flag */
#define NIBUF 128 /* Input buffer size */
#define NOBUF 1024 /* MM says bug buffers win! */
#define EFN 0 /* Event flag */
char obuf[NOBUF]; /* Output buffer */
int nobuf; /* # of bytes in above */
char ibuf[NIBUF]; /* Input buffer */
int nibuf; /* # of bytes in above */
int ibufi; /* Read index */
int oldmode[3]; /* Old TTY mode bits */
int newmode[3]; /* New TTY mode bits */
short iochan; /* TTY I/O channel */
char obuf[NOBUF]; /* Output buffer */
int nobuf; /* # of bytes in above */
char ibuf[NIBUF]; /* Input buffer */
int nibuf; /* # of bytes in above */
int ibufi; /* Read index */
int oldmode[3]; /* Old TTY mode bits */
int newmode[3]; /* New TTY mode bits */
short iochan; /* TTY I/O channel */
union REGS rg; /* cpu register for use of DOS calls */
int nxtchar = -1; /* character held from type ahead */
union REGS rg; /* cpu register for use of DOS calls */
int nxtchar = -1; /* character held from type ahead */
#if USG /* System V */
#include <signal.h>
#include <termio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int kbdflgs; /* saved keyboard fd flags */
int kbdpoll; /* in O_NDELAY mode */
int kbdqp; /* there is a char in kbdq */
char kbdq; /* char we've already read */
struct termio otermio; /* original terminal characteristics */
struct termio ntermio; /* charactoristics to use inside */
#define XXMASK 0016000
#if USG /* System V */
#include <signal.h>
#include <termio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int kbdflgs; /* saved keyboard fd flags */
int kbdpoll; /* in O_NDELAY mode */
int kbdqp; /* there is a char in kbdq */
char kbdq; /* char we've already read */
struct termio otermio; /* original terminal characteristics */
struct termio ntermio; /* charactoristics to use inside */
#define XXMASK 0016000
#if V7 | BSD
#include <sgtty.h> /* for stty/gtty functions */
#include <signal.h>
struct sgttyb ostate; /* saved tty state */
struct sgttyb nstate; /* values for editor mode */
struct tchars otchars; /* Saved terminal special character set */
#if V7 | BSD
#include <sgtty.h> /* for stty/gtty functions */
#include <signal.h>
struct sgttyb ostate; /* saved tty state */
struct sgttyb nstate; /* values for editor mode */
struct tchars otchars; /* Saved terminal special character set */
struct tchars ntchars = { 0xff, 0xff, 0x11, 0x13, 0xff, 0xff };
/* A lot of nothing and XON/XOFF */
/* A lot of nothing and XON/XOFF */
struct tchars ntchars = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff };
/* A lot of nothing */
/* A lot of nothing */
struct ltchars oltchars; /* Saved terminal local special character set */
struct ltchars oltchars; /* Saved terminal local special character set */
struct ltchars nltchars = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff };
/* A lot of nothing */
/* A lot of nothing */
#if BSD
#include <sys/ioctl.h> /* to get at the typeahead */
extern int rtfrmshell(); /* return from suspended shell */
#define TBUFSIZ 128
char tobuf[TBUFSIZ]; /* terminal output buffer */
#include <sys/ioctl.h> /* to get at the typeahead */
extern int rtfrmshell(); /* return from suspended shell */
#define TBUFSIZ 128
char tobuf[TBUFSIZ]; /* terminal output buffer */
#if __hpux | SVR4
extern int rtfrmshell(); /* return from suspended shell */
#if __hpux | SVR4
extern int rtfrmshell(); /* return from suspended shell */
#define TBUFSIZ 128
char tobuf[TBUFSIZ]; /* terminal output buffer */
char tobuf[TBUFSIZ]; /* terminal output buffer */
@ -100,121 +112,121 @@ char tobuf[TBUFSIZ]; /* terminal output buffer */
void ttopen(void)
#if VMS
struct dsc$descriptor idsc;
struct dsc$descriptor odsc;
char oname[40];
int iosb[2];
int status;
struct dsc$descriptor idsc;
struct dsc$descriptor odsc;
char oname[40];
int iosb[2];
int status;
odsc.dsc$a_pointer = "TT";
odsc.dsc$w_length = strlen(odsc.dsc$a_pointer);
odsc.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
odsc.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
idsc.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
idsc.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
do {
idsc.dsc$a_pointer = odsc.dsc$a_pointer;
idsc.dsc$w_length = odsc.dsc$w_length;
odsc.dsc$a_pointer = &oname[0];
odsc.dsc$w_length = sizeof(oname);
status = LIB$SYS_TRNLOG(&idsc, &odsc.dsc$w_length, &odsc);
if (status != SS$_NORMAL && status != SS$_NOTRAN)
if (oname[0] == 0x1B) {
odsc.dsc$a_pointer += 4;
odsc.dsc$w_length -= 4;
} while (status == SS$_NORMAL);
status = SYS$ASSIGN(&odsc, &iochan, 0, 0);
if (status != SS$_NORMAL)
status = SYS$QIOW(EFN, iochan, IO$_SENSEMODE, iosb, 0, 0,
oldmode, sizeof(oldmode), 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (status != SS$_NORMAL || (iosb[0] & 0xFFFF) != SS$_NORMAL)
newmode[0] = oldmode[0];
newmode[1] = oldmode[1] | TT$M_NOECHO;
odsc.dsc$a_pointer = "TT";
odsc.dsc$w_length = strlen(odsc.dsc$a_pointer);
odsc.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
odsc.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
idsc.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
idsc.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
do {
idsc.dsc$a_pointer = odsc.dsc$a_pointer;
idsc.dsc$w_length = odsc.dsc$w_length;
odsc.dsc$a_pointer = &oname[0];
odsc.dsc$w_length = sizeof(oname);
status = LIB$SYS_TRNLOG(&idsc, &odsc.dsc$w_length, &odsc);
if (status != SS$_NORMAL && status != SS$_NOTRAN)
if (oname[0] == 0x1B) {
odsc.dsc$a_pointer += 4;
odsc.dsc$w_length -= 4;
} while (status == SS$_NORMAL);
status = SYS$ASSIGN(&odsc, &iochan, 0, 0);
if (status != SS$_NORMAL)
status = SYS$QIOW(EFN, iochan, IO$_SENSEMODE, iosb, 0, 0,
oldmode, sizeof(oldmode), 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (status != SS$_NORMAL || (iosb[0] & 0xFFFF) != SS$_NORMAL)
newmode[0] = oldmode[0];
newmode[1] = oldmode[1] | TT$M_NOECHO;
newmode[1] &= ~(TT$M_TTSYNC | TT$M_HOSTSYNC);
newmode[1] &= ~(TT$M_TTSYNC | TT$M_HOSTSYNC);
newmode[2] = oldmode[2] | TT2$M_PASTHRU;
status = SYS$QIOW(EFN, iochan, IO$_SETMODE, iosb, 0, 0,
newmode, sizeof(newmode), 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (status != SS$_NORMAL || (iosb[0] & 0xFFFF) != SS$_NORMAL)
term.t_nrow = (newmode[1] >> 24) - 1;
term.t_ncol = newmode[0] >> 16;
newmode[2] = oldmode[2] | TT2$M_PASTHRU;
status = SYS$QIOW(EFN, iochan, IO$_SETMODE, iosb, 0, 0,
newmode, sizeof(newmode), 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (status != SS$_NORMAL || (iosb[0] & 0xFFFF) != SS$_NORMAL)
term.t_nrow = (newmode[1] >> 24) - 1;
term.t_ncol = newmode[0] >> 16;
/* kill the CONTROL-break interupt */
rg.h.ah = 0x33; /* control-break check dos call */
rg.h.al = 1; /* set the current state */
rg.h.dl = 0; /* set it OFF */
intdos(&rg, &rg); /* go for it! */
/* kill the CONTROL-break interupt */
rg.h.ah = 0x33; /* control-break check dos call */
rg.h.al = 1; /* set the current state */
rg.h.dl = 0; /* set it OFF */
intdos(&rg, &rg); /* go for it! */
#if USG
ioctl(0, TCGETA, &otermio); /* save old settings */
ntermio.c_iflag = 0; /* setup new settings */
ntermio.c_iflag = otermio.c_iflag & XXMASK; /* save XON/XOFF P.K. */
#if USG
ioctl(0, TCGETA, &otermio); /* save old settings */
ntermio.c_iflag = 0; /* setup new settings */
ntermio.c_iflag = otermio.c_iflag & XXMASK; /* save XON/XOFF P.K. */
ntermio.c_oflag = 0;
ntermio.c_cflag = otermio.c_cflag;
ntermio.c_lflag = 0;
ntermio.c_line = otermio.c_line;
ntermio.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
ntermio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
ioctl(0, TCSETAW, &ntermio); /* and activate them */
ntermio.c_oflag = 0;
ntermio.c_cflag = otermio.c_cflag;
ntermio.c_lflag = 0;
ntermio.c_line = otermio.c_line;
ntermio.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
ntermio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
ioctl(0, TCSETAW, &ntermio); /* and activate them */
ioctl(0, TCSETA, &ntermio); /* and activate them */
ioctl(0, TCSETA, &ntermio); /* and activate them */
kbdflgs = fcntl(0, F_GETFL, 0);
kbdpoll = FALSE;
kbdflgs = fcntl(0, F_GETFL, 0);
kbdpoll = FALSE;
#if V7 | BSD
gtty(0, &ostate); /* save old state */
gtty(0, &nstate); /* get base of new state */
nstate.sg_flags |= (CBREAK | TANDEM);
gtty(0, &ostate); /* save old state */
gtty(0, &nstate); /* get base of new state */
nstate.sg_flags |= (CBREAK | TANDEM);
nstate.sg_flags |= RAW;
nstate.sg_flags |= RAW;
nstate.sg_flags &= ~(ECHO | CRMOD); /* no echo for now... */
stty(0, &nstate); /* set mode */
ioctl(0, TIOCGETC, &otchars); /* Save old characters */
ioctl(0, TIOCSETC, &ntchars); /* Place new character into K */
ioctl(0, TIOCGLTC, &oltchars); /* Save old local characters */
ioctl(0, TIOCSLTC, &nltchars); /* New local characters */
nstate.sg_flags &= ~(ECHO | CRMOD); /* no echo for now... */
stty(0, &nstate); /* set mode */
ioctl(0, TIOCGETC, &otchars); /* Save old characters */
ioctl(0, TIOCSETC, &ntchars); /* Place new character into K */
ioctl(0, TIOCGLTC, &oltchars); /* Save old local characters */
ioctl(0, TIOCSLTC, &nltchars); /* New local characters */
#if BSD
/* provide a smaller terminal output buffer so that
the type ahead detection works better (more often) */
setbuffer(stdout, &tobuf[0], TBUFSIZ);
signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_DFL); /* set signals so that we can */
signal(SIGCONT, rtfrmshell); /* suspend & restart emacs */
#if BSD
/* provide a smaller terminal output buffer so that
the type ahead detection works better (more often) */
setbuffer(stdout, &tobuf[0], TBUFSIZ);
signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_DFL); /* set signals so that we can */
signal(SIGCONT, rtfrmshell); /* suspend & restart emacs */
#if __hpux | SVR4
/* provide a smaller terminal output buffer so that
the type ahead detection works better (more often) */
setvbuf(stdout, &tobuf[0], _IOFBF, TBUFSIZ);
signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_DFL); /* set signals so that we can */
signal(SIGCONT, rtfrmshell); /* suspend & restart emacs */
#endif /* __hpux */
#if __hpux | SVR4
/* provide a smaller terminal output buffer so that
the type ahead detection works better (more often) */
setvbuf(stdout, &tobuf[0], _IOFBF, TBUFSIZ);
signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_DFL); /* set signals so that we can */
signal(SIGCONT, rtfrmshell); /* suspend & restart emacs */
#endif /* __hpux */
/* on all screens we are not sure of the initial position
of the cursor */
ttrow = 999;
ttcol = 999;
/* on all screens we are not sure of the initial position
of the cursor */
ttrow = 999;
ttcol = 999;
@ -225,40 +237,40 @@ void ttopen(void)
void ttclose(void)
#if VMS
int status;
int iosb[1];
int status;
int iosb[1];
status = SYS$QIOW(EFN, iochan, IO$_SETMODE, iosb, 0, 0,
oldmode, sizeof(oldmode), 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (status != SS$_NORMAL || (iosb[0] & 0xFFFF) != SS$_NORMAL)
status = SYS$DASSGN(iochan);
if (status != SS$_NORMAL)
status = SYS$QIOW(EFN, iochan, IO$_SETMODE, iosb, 0, 0,
oldmode, sizeof(oldmode), 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (status != SS$_NORMAL || (iosb[0] & 0xFFFF) != SS$_NORMAL)
status = SYS$DASSGN(iochan);
if (status != SS$_NORMAL)
/* restore the CONTROL-break interupt */
rg.h.ah = 0x33; /* control-break check dos call */
rg.h.al = 1; /* set the current state */
rg.h.dl = 1; /* set it ON */
intdos(&rg, &rg); /* go for it! */
/* restore the CONTROL-break interupt */
rg.h.ah = 0x33; /* control-break check dos call */
rg.h.al = 1; /* set the current state */
rg.h.dl = 1; /* set it ON */
intdos(&rg, &rg); /* go for it! */
#if USG
ioctl(0, TCSETAW, &otermio); /* restore terminal settings */
#if USG
ioctl(0, TCSETAW, &otermio); /* restore terminal settings */
ioctl(0, TCSETA, &otermio); /* restore terminal settings */
ioctl(0, TCSETA, &otermio); /* restore terminal settings */
fcntl(0, F_SETFL, kbdflgs);
fcntl(0, F_SETFL, kbdflgs);
#if V7 | BSD
stty(0, &ostate);
ioctl(0, TIOCSETC, &otchars); /* Place old character into K */
ioctl(0, TIOCSLTC, &oltchars); /* Place old local character into K */
stty(0, &ostate);
ioctl(0, TIOCSETC, &otchars); /* Place old character into K */
ioctl(0, TIOCSLTC, &oltchars); /* Place old local character into K */
@ -269,43 +281,46 @@ void ttclose(void)
* On CPM terminal I/O unbuffered, so we just write the byte out. Ditto on
* MS-DOS (use the very very raw console output routine).
void ttputc(c)
int ttputc( int c) {
#if VMS
if (nobuf >= NOBUF)
obuf[nobuf++] = c;
if (nobuf >= NOBUF)
obuf[nobuf++] = c;
bdos(6, c, 0);
bdos(6, c, 0);
#if V7 | USG | BSD
fputc(c, stdout);
char utf8[6];
int bytes;
bytes = unicode_to_utf8(c, utf8);
fwrite(utf8, 1, bytes, stdout);
return 0 ;
* Flush terminal buffer. Does real work where the terminal output is buffered
* up. A no-operation on systems where byte at a time terminal I/O is done.
int ttflush(void)
void ttflush( void) {
#if VMS
int status;
int iosb[2];
int status;
int iosb[2];
status = SS$_NORMAL;
if (nobuf != 0) {
status =
iosb, 0, 0, obuf, nobuf, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (status == SS$_NORMAL)
status = iosb[0] & 0xFFFF;
nobuf = 0;
return status;
status = SS$_NORMAL;
if (nobuf != 0) {
status =
iosb, 0, 0, obuf, nobuf, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (status == SS$_NORMAL)
status = iosb[0] & 0xFFFF;
nobuf = 0;
return status;
@ -324,13 +339,13 @@ int ttflush(void)
#include <errno.h>
int status;
int status;
status = fflush(stdout);
status = fflush(stdout);
if (status != 0 && errno != EAGAIN) {
if (status != 0 && errno != EAGAIN) {
@ -339,114 +354,113 @@ int ttflush(void)
* at all. More complex in VMS that almost anyplace else, which figures. Very
* simple on CPM, because the system can do exactly what you want.
int ttgetc( void) {
#if VMS
int status;
int iosb[2];
int term[2];
int status;
int iosb[2];
int term[2];
while (ibufi >= nibuf) {
ibufi = 0;
term[0] = 0;
term[1] = 0;
status = SYS$QIOW(EFN, iochan, IO$_READLBLK | IO$M_TIMED,
iosb, 0, 0, ibuf, NIBUF, 0, term, 0, 0);
if (status != SS$_NORMAL)
status = iosb[0] & 0xFFFF;
if (status != SS$_NORMAL && status != SS$_TIMEOUT &&
status != SS$_DATAOVERUN)
nibuf = (iosb[0] >> 16) + (iosb[1] >> 16);
if (nibuf == 0) {
status = SYS$QIOW(EFN, iochan, IO$_READLBLK,
iosb, 0, 0, ibuf, 1, 0, term, 0,
if (status != SS$_NORMAL
|| (status = (iosb[0] & 0xFFFF)) != SS$_NORMAL)
if (status != SS$_DATAOVERUN)
nibuf = (iosb[0] >> 16) + (iosb[1] >> 16);
return ibuf[ibufi++] & 0xFF; /* Allow multinational */
while (ibufi >= nibuf) {
ibufi = 0;
term[0] = 0;
term[1] = 0;
status = SYS$QIOW(EFN, iochan, IO$_READLBLK | IO$M_TIMED,
iosb, 0, 0, ibuf, NIBUF, 0, term, 0, 0);
if (status != SS$_NORMAL)
status = iosb[0] & 0xFFFF;
if (status != SS$_NORMAL && status != SS$_TIMEOUT &&
status != SS$_DATAOVERUN)
nibuf = (iosb[0] >> 16) + (iosb[1] >> 16);
if (nibuf == 0) {
status = SYS$QIOW(EFN, iochan, IO$_READLBLK,
iosb, 0, 0, ibuf, 1, 0, term, 0,
if (status != SS$_NORMAL
|| (status = (iosb[0] & 0xFFFF)) != SS$_NORMAL)
if (status != SS$_DATAOVERUN)
nibuf = (iosb[0] >> 16) + (iosb[1] >> 16);
return ibuf[ibufi++] & 0xFF; /* Allow multinational */
int c; /* character read */
int c; /* character read */
/* if a char already is ready, return it */
if (nxtchar >= 0) {
c = nxtchar;
nxtchar = -1;
return c;
/* if a char already is ready, return it */
if (nxtchar >= 0) {
c = nxtchar;
nxtchar = -1;
return c;
/* call the dos to get a char */
rg.h.ah = 7; /* dos Direct Console Input call */
intdos(&rg, &rg);
c = rg.h.al; /* grab the char */
return c & 255;
/* call the dos to get a char */
rg.h.ah = 7; /* dos Direct Console Input call */
intdos(&rg, &rg);
c = rg.h.al; /* grab the char */
return c & 255;
#if V7 | BSD
return 255 & fgetc(stdin); /* 8BIT P.K. */
return 255 & fgetc(stdin); /* 8BIT P.K. */
#if USG
if (kbdqp)
kbdqp = FALSE;
else {
if (kbdpoll && fcntl(0, F_SETFL, kbdflgs) < 0)
return FALSE;
kbdpoll = FALSE;
while (read(0, &kbdq, 1) != 1);
return kbdq & 255;
#if USG
if (kbdqp)
kbdqp = FALSE;
else {
if (kbdpoll && fcntl(0, F_SETFL, kbdflgs) < 0)
return FALSE;
kbdpoll = FALSE;
while (read(0, &kbdq, 1) != 1);
return kbdq & 255;
/* typahead: Check to see if any characters are already in the
keyboard buffer
/* typahead: Check to see if any characters are already in the
keyboard buffer
int typahead( void)
if (kbhit() != 0)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
if (kbhit() != 0)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
#if BSD
int x; /* holds # of pending chars */
#if BSD
int x; /* holds # of pending chars */
return (ioctl(0, FIONREAD, &x) < 0) ? 0 : x;
return (ioctl(0, FIONREAD, &x) < 0) ? 0 : x;
return ibufi < nibuf;
return ibufi < nibuf;
#if USG
if (!kbdqp) {
if (!kbdpoll && fcntl(0, F_SETFL, kbdflgs | O_NDELAY) < 0)
return FALSE;
kbdpoll = 1;
#if USG
if (!kbdqp) {
if (!kbdpoll && fcntl(0, F_SETFL, kbdflgs | O_NDELAY) < 0)
return FALSE;
kbdpoll = 1;
kbdqp = (1 == read(0, &kbdq, 1));
return kbdqp;
kbdqp = (1 == read(0, &kbdq, 1));
return kbdqp;
#if !UNIX & !VMS & !MSDOS
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
#endif /* not POSIX */
#endif /* not POSIX */

termio.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#ifndef _TERMIO_H_
#define _TERMIO_H_
#define TYPEAH 1 /* type ahead causes update to be skipped */
#define HUGE 1000 /* Huge number (for row/col) */
extern int ttrow ; /* Row location of HW cursor */
extern int ttcol ; /* Column location of HW cursor */
void ttopen( void) ;
void ttclose( void) ;
int ttputc( int c) ;
void ttflush( void) ;
int ttgetc( void) ;
int typahead( void) ;

tststr.cmd Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
; Insert long environment variables [will be truncated to NSTRING - 1 (127)]
insert-string &env PATH
insert-string $PATH
insert-string &cat $PATH $PATH
set %mypath $PATH
insert-string %mypath
insert-string &cat "Length of $PATH: " &len $PATH
; Insert string with escaped characters
insert-string "hello, world~n"
; Insert 512 long token [will be truncated to sizeof istring buffer - 2 (510)]
insert-string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
; Insert 512 long quoted string [will be truncated to sizeof istring buffer - 3 (509)]
insert-string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
; Insert long quoted string [will be truncated to NSTRING - 2 (126)]
insert-string "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
; Insert long tokens [will be truncated to NSTRING - 1 (127)]
insert-string 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
insert-string _________1_________2_________3_________4_________5_________6_________7_________8_________9_________0_________1_________2_________3
; Create and insert string variable until size exceed string limit [will be truncated to NSTRING - 1 (127)
set %nam 123
set %expect &len %nam
!while &equ &len %nam %expect
insert-string %nam
set %nam &cat %nam %nam
set %expect &tim %expect 2
insert-string %nam
insert-string &cat "Actual: " &len %nam
insert-string &cat "Expected: " %expect
; Use the variable as filename [will be truncated to NFILEN - 1 (79)]
write-file %nam
insert-string &cat "Filename: " $cfname
insert-string "Filename length: "
insert-string &len $cfname
; Create a line longer than 1 kill block (250), 2 * 127 + 21 = 255
insert-string 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
insert-string 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
insert-string "#12345678901234567890"
; kill and yank
; insert kill variable (up to 127 characters), was 25 before fix
insert-string $kill
insert-string $kill

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
#include "usage.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static void report(const char* prefix, const char *err, va_list params)
char msg[4096];
vsnprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), err, params);
fprintf(stderr, "%s%s\n", prefix, msg);
void die(const char* err, ...)
va_list params;
va_start(params, err);
report("fatal: ", err, params);

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
#ifndef USAGE_H_
#define USAGE_H_
extern void die(const char* err, ...);
#endif /* USAGE_H_ */

View File

@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
typedef unsigned int unicode_t;
unsigned utf8_to_unicode(char *line, unsigned index, unsigned len, unicode_t *res);
unsigned unicode_to_utf8(unsigned int c, char *utf8);
unsigned utf8_to_unicode( char *line, unsigned index, unsigned len,
unicode_t *res) ;
unsigned unicode_to_utf8( unsigned int c, char *utf8) ;
static inline int is_beginning_utf8(unsigned char c)
static inline int is_beginning_utf8( unsigned char c)
return (c & 0xc0) != 0x80;

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
#ifndef UTIL_H_
#define UTIL_H_
#define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]))
#endif /* UTIL_H_ */

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include "version.h"
void version(void)
printf("%s version %s\n", PROGRAM_NAME_LONG, VERSION);

View File

@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
#ifndef VERSION_H_
#define VERSION_H_
#define PROGRAM_NAME "em"
#define PROGRAM_NAME_LONG "uEmacs/Pk"
#ifdef PROGRAM
# define _QUOTE( s) #s
# define QUOTE( s) _QUOTE( s)
# define PROGRAM_NAME "em"
#define VERSION "4.0.15"
/* Print the version string. */
void version(void);
#define VERSION "4.1.1"
#endif /* VERSION_H_ */

View File

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
#include <stdio.h> /* Standard I/O package */
#include "estruct.h" /* Emacs' structures */
#include "edef.h" /* Emacs' definitions */

View File

@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
#if VT52

View File

@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
/* window.c -- inplements window.h */
#include "window.h"
/* window.c
* Window management. Some of the functions are internal, and some are
@ -7,12 +11,22 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include "basic.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
#include "efunc.h"
#include "execute.h"
#include "line.h"
#include "terminal.h"
#include "wrapper.h"
struct window *curwp ; /* Current window */
struct window *wheadp ; /* Head of list of windows */
static struct window *swindow = NULL ; /* saved window pointer */
* Reposition dot in the current window to line "n". If the argument is
* positive, it is that line. If it is negative it is that line from the

window.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
#ifndef _WINDOW_H_
#define _WINDOW_H_
#include "defines.h" /* COLOR, SCROLLCODE */
#include "buffer.h" /* buffer, line */
* There is a window structure allocated for every active display window. The
* windows are kept in a big list, in top to bottom screen order, with the
* listhead at "wheadp". Each window contains its own values of dot and mark.
* The flag field contains some bits that are set by commands to guide
* redisplay. Although this is a bit of a compromise in terms of decoupling,
* the full blown redisplay is just too expensive to run for every input
* character.
struct window {
struct window *w_wndp; /* Next window */
struct buffer *w_bufp; /* Buffer displayed in window */
struct line *w_linep; /* Top line in the window */
struct line *w_dotp; /* Line containing "." */
struct line *w_markp; /* Line containing "mark" */
int w_doto; /* Byte offset for "." */
int w_marko; /* Byte offset for "mark" */
char w_toprow; /* Origin 0 top row of window */
char w_ntrows; /* # of rows of text in window */
char w_force; /* If NZ, forcing row. */
char w_flag; /* Flags. */
char w_fcolor; /* current forground color */
char w_bcolor; /* current background color */
extern struct window *curwp ; /* Current window */
extern struct window *wheadp ; /* Head of list of windows */
#define WFFORCE 0x01 /* Window needs forced reframe */
#define WFMOVE 0x02 /* Movement from line to line */
#define WFEDIT 0x04 /* Editing within a line */
#define WFHARD 0x08 /* Better to a full display */
#define WFMODE 0x10 /* Update mode line. */
#define WFCOLR 0x20 /* Needs a color change */
#define WFKILLS 0x40 /* something was deleted */
#define WFINS 0x80 /* something was inserted */
int reposition( int f, int n);
int redraw( int f, int n) ;
int nextwind( int f, int n) ;
int prevwind( int f, int n) ;
int mvdnwind( int f, int n) ;
int mvupwind( int f, int n) ;
int onlywind( int f, int n) ;
int delwind( int f, int n) ;
int splitwind( int f, int n) ;
int enlargewind( int f, int n) ;
int shrinkwind( int f, int n) ;
int resize( int f, int n) ;
int scrnextup( int f, int n) ;
int scrnextdw( int f, int n) ;
int savewnd( int f, int n) ;
int restwnd( int f, int n) ;
int newsize( int f, int n) ;
int newwidth( int f, int n) ;
int getwpos( void) ;
void cknewwindow( void) ;
struct window *wpopup( void) ; /* Pop up window creation. */

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
/* word.c -- implements word.h */
#include "word.h"
/* word.c
* The routines in this file implement commands that work word or a
@ -9,10 +12,22 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include "basic.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
#include "efunc.h"
#include "line.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "random.h"
#include "region.h"
#include "window.h"
#define TAB 0x09 /* a tab character */
static int justflag = FALSE ; /* justify, don't fill */
static int inword( void) ;
/* Word wrap on n-spaces. Back-over whatever precedes the point on the current
* line and stop on the first word-break or the beginning of the line. If we
@ -370,7 +385,7 @@ int delbword(int f, int n)
* Return TRUE if the character at dot is a character that is considered to be
* part of a word. The word character list is hard coded. Should be setable.
int inword(void)
static int inword(void)
int c;
@ -413,7 +428,7 @@ int fillpara(int f, int n)
if (curbp->b_mode & MDVIEW) /* don't allow this command if */
return rdonly(); /* we are in read only mode */
if (fillcol == 0) { /* no fill column set */
mlwrite("No fill column set");
logwrite("No fill column set");
return FALSE;
@ -512,14 +527,14 @@ int justpara(int f, int n)
if (curbp->b_mode & MDVIEW) /* don't allow this command if */
return rdonly(); /* we are in read only mode */
if (fillcol == 0) { /* no fill column set */
mlwrite("No fill column set");
logwrite("No fill column set");
return FALSE;
justflag = TRUE;
leftmarg = curwp->w_doto;
if (leftmarg + 10 > fillcol) {
leftmarg = 0;
mlwrite("Column too narrow");
logwrite("Column too narrow");
return FALSE;
@ -704,8 +719,108 @@ int wordcount(int f, int n)
avgch = 0;
mlwrite("Words %D Chars %D Lines %d Avg chars/word %f",
logwrite("Words %D Chars %D Lines %d Avg chars/word %f",
nwords, nchars, nlines + 1, avgch);
return TRUE;
* go back to the beginning of the current paragraph
* here we look for a <NL><NL> or <NL><TAB> or <NL><SPACE>
* combination to delimit the beginning of a paragraph
* int f, n; default Flag & Numeric argument
int gotobop(int f, int n)
int suc; /* success of last backchar */
if (n < 0) /* the other way... */
return gotoeop(f, -n);
while (n-- > 0) { /* for each one asked for */
/* first scan back until we are in a word */
suc = backchar(FALSE, 1);
while (!inword() && suc)
suc = backchar(FALSE, 1);
curwp->w_doto = 0; /* and go to the B-O-Line */
/* and scan back until we hit a <NL><NL> or <NL><TAB>
or a <NL><SPACE> */
while (lback(curwp->w_dotp) != curbp->b_linep)
if (llength(curwp->w_dotp) != 0 &&
((justflag == TRUE) ||
(lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto) != TAB &&
lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto) != ' '))
curwp->w_dotp = lback(curwp->w_dotp);
/* and then forward until we are in a word */
suc = forwchar(FALSE, 1);
while (suc && !inword())
suc = forwchar(FALSE, 1);
curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE; /* force screen update */
return TRUE;
* Go forword to the end of the current paragraph
* here we look for a <NL><NL> or <NL><TAB> or <NL><SPACE>
* combination to delimit the beginning of a paragraph
* int f, n; default Flag & Numeric argument
int gotoeop(int f, int n)
int suc; /* success of last backchar */
if (n < 0) /* the other way... */
return gotobop(f, -n);
while (n-- > 0) { /* for each one asked for */
/* first scan forward until we are in a word */
suc = forwchar(FALSE, 1);
while (!inword() && suc)
suc = forwchar(FALSE, 1);
curwp->w_doto = 0; /* and go to the B-O-Line */
if (suc) /* of next line if not at EOF */
curwp->w_dotp = lforw(curwp->w_dotp);
/* and scan forword until we hit a <NL><NL> or <NL><TAB>
or a <NL><SPACE> */
while (curwp->w_dotp != curbp->b_linep) {
if (llength(curwp->w_dotp) != 0 &&
((justflag == TRUE) ||
(lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto) != TAB &&
lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto) != ' '))
curwp->w_dotp = lforw(curwp->w_dotp);
/* and then backward until we are in a word */
suc = backchar(FALSE, 1);
while (suc && !inword()) {
suc = backchar(FALSE, 1);
curwp->w_doto = llength(curwp->w_dotp); /* and to the EOL */
curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE; /* force screen update */
return TRUE;

word.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#ifndef _WORD_H_
#define _WORD_H_
#define WORDPRO 1
int wrapword( int f, int n) ;
int backword( int f, int n) ;
int forwword( int f, int n) ;
int upperword( int f, int n) ;
int lowerword( int f, int n) ;
int capword( int f, int n) ;
int delfword( int f, int n) ;
int delbword( int f, int n) ;
int gotobop( int f, int n) ;
int gotoeop( int f, int n) ;
int fillpara( int f, int n) ;
int justpara( int f, int n) ;
int killpara( int f, int n) ;
int wordcount( int f, int n) ;

View File

@ -1,22 +1,39 @@
#include "usage.h"
/* wrapper.c -- implements wrapper.h */
#include "wrapper.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#ifdef MINGW32
int mkstemp( char *template) {
return -1 ;
static void die( const char *err) {
fprintf( stderr, "fatal: %s\n", err) ;
/* Function copyright: git */
int xmkstemp(char *template)
int fd;
void xmkstemp( char *template) {
int fd ;
fd = mkstemp(template);
if (fd < 0)
die("Unable to create temporary file");
return fd;
fd = mkstemp( template) ;
if( fd < 0)
die( "Unable to create temporary file") ;
close( fd) ;
void *xmalloc(size_t size)
void *ret = malloc(size);
if (!ret)
die("Out of memory");
return ret;
void *xmalloc( size_t size) {
void *ret = malloc( size) ;
if( !ret)
die( "Out of memory") ;
return ret ;
/* end of wrapper.c */

wrapper.h Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
#ifndef WRAPPER_H_
#define WRAPPER_H_
extern int xmkstemp(char *template);
#include <stdlib.h>
extern void *xmalloc(size_t size);
void xmkstemp( char *template) ;
void *xmalloc( size_t size) ;
#endif /* WRAPPER_H_ */

wscreen.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
/* wscreen.c -- windows screen console */
#include "wscreen.h"
#ifdef MINGW32
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* Standard error macro for reporting API errors */
#define PERR(bSuccess, api){if(!(bSuccess)) printf("%s:Error %d from %s \
on line %d\n", __FILE__, GetLastError(), api, __LINE__);}
static void cls( HANDLE hConsole )
COORD coordScreen = { 0, 0 }; /* here's where we'll home the
cursor */
BOOL bSuccess;
DWORD cCharsWritten;
CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; /* to get buffer info */
DWORD dwConSize; /* number of character cells in
the current buffer */
/* get the number of character cells in the current buffer */
bSuccess = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( hConsole, &csbi );
PERR( bSuccess, "GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo" );
dwConSize = csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y;
/* fill the entire screen with blanks */
bSuccess = FillConsoleOutputCharacter( hConsole, (TCHAR) ' ',
dwConSize, coordScreen, &cCharsWritten );
PERR( bSuccess, "FillConsoleOutputCharacter" );
/* get the current text attribute */
bSuccess = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( hConsole, &csbi );
PERR( bSuccess, "ConsoleScreenBufferInfo" );
/* now set the buffer's attributes accordingly */
bSuccess = FillConsoleOutputAttribute( hConsole, csbi.wAttributes,
dwConSize, coordScreen, &cCharsWritten );
PERR( bSuccess, "FillConsoleOutputAttribute" );
/* put the cursor at (0, 0) */
bSuccess = SetConsoleCursorPosition( hConsole, coordScreen );
PERR( bSuccess, "SetConsoleCursorPosition" );
void wcls( void) {
cls( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)) ;
static struct {
int width ;
int height ;
int curTop, curBot, curRight, curLeft ;
} Screen ;
void winit( void) {
wcls() ;
if( GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(
GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &csbInfo)) {
Screen.width = csbInfo.dwSize.X ;
Screen.height = csbInfo.dwSize.Y ;
Screen.curLeft = csbInfo.srWindow.Left ;
Screen.curTop = csbInfo.srWindow.Top ;
Screen.curRight = csbInfo.srWindow.Right ;
Screen.curBot = csbInfo.srWindow.Bottom ;
int wwidth( void) {
return Screen.width ;
int wheight( void) {
return Screen.height ;
int wleft( void) {
return Screen.curLeft ;
int wtop( void) {
return Screen.curTop ;
int wright( void) {
return Screen.curRight ;
int wbottom( void) {
return Screen.curBot ;
void wgoxy( int x, int y) {
COORD coord ;
coord.X = x ;
coord.Y = y ;
SetConsoleCursorPosition( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord );
void wtitle( const char *title) {
SetConsoleTitle( title) ;
/* end of wscreen.c */

wscreen.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
/* wscreen.h -- character screen drawing */
void winit( void) ;
void wcls( void) ;
void wgoxy( int x, int y) ;
void wtitle( const char *title) ;
int wwidth( void) ;
int wheight( void) ;
int wleft( void) ;
int wright( void) ;
int wtop( void) ;
int wbottom( void) ;
/* end of wscreen.h */