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====== [[index.html|SDF ARC]] ======
===== SDF.ORG's Amateur Radio Club =====
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===== SDF ARC Roster =====
^ **Callsign** ^ **Name** ^ **Joined** ^ **uid** ^ **Comments** ^
| W0TTY | Stephen M Jones | 06-MAR-2010 | smj | |
| K4EMB | Erin Brown | 06-MAR-2010 | emb | |
| VA2BBW | Ante Laurijssen | 06-MAR-2010 | | |
| WA5PB | William D. Allen | 06-MAR-2010 | wa5pb | |
| [[|KC8YHO]] | Robert J Johnson | 01-OCT-2017 | | Mi,USA,Fema,EMD,SOM,R.A.C.E.S,A.R.I.E.S, , |
| HB9KNS | Yargo Bonetti | 06-MAR-2010 | yargo | Switzerland |
| KD5RYO | Christopher M. Hobbs | 06-MAR-2010 | hobbsc | EM26re, FM Satellites, QRP LID, [[|AllStarLink node 47699]], [[|QRZ Bio]], [[|SDF Page]]. |
| VK7NTK | Thomas Karpiniec | 06-MAR-2010 | thomask | |
| K7IBC | Patrick Kern | 11-MAR-2010 | | |
| K5WLF | Larry D. Barr | 13-MAR-2010 | | |
| KB3JC | Steve McNaughton | 16-MAR-2010 | | |
| KB1JCD | Trevor Bergeron | 20-MAR-2010 | | |
| KB9SZX | Charlie Dickson | 22-MAR-2010 | | |
| AF6KI | C. Poda | 29-MAR-2010 | | |
| KA3ZOF | D. Montalvo | 14-APR-2010 | | |
| KC0ZMX | Ben Sinclair | 20-APR-2010 | | |
| KB0MNX | Rick Fryar | 02-MAY-2010 | | |
| KA6JLT | Rob Louis Walker | 23-MAY-2010 | | |
| AB9FJ | Wayne Hamilton | 06-MAR-2017 | jwh | |
| KI7HQF | David Rocamora | 14-MAR-2017 | | |
| VE3KPV | Jesse Lawrence | 15-MAR-2017 | | |
| G0DUB | Greg Mossop | 16-MAR-2017 | | |
| KF7MIX | Joseph Lyman | 17-MAR-2017 | | |
| KM4EXS | Matthew Alberti | 18-MAR-2017 | | |
| KZ2X | Dan Cross | 20-MAR-2017 | | |
| KK4QGD | Derek Velez | 22-MAR-2017 | | |
| KG5SIZ | Trenton Ray | 23-MAR-2017 | | |
| VA7KSH | Seth Kushniryk | 23-MAR-2017 | | |
| KJ4VXB | Justin Elam | 24-MAR-2017 | | |
| K4KPW | Ted Wood | 24-MAR-2017 | elw | |
| N3HNR | Jason Galanter | 26-MAR-2017 | | |
| NV0N | Joey Stanford | 6-APR-2017 | | |
| KD6NRI | Robert A Book | 7-APR-2017 | | |
| N3JTW | Kurt Geisel | 14-APR-2017 | | |
| NB0X | Matthew Wishek | 18-APR-2017 | nonlinear | |
| KB1ZJS | Joe O'Boyle | 23-APR-2017 | | |
| KE8GRY | Eric Lynema | 25-APR-2017 | epl692 | Holland, MI |
| KG5RHT | Tyrel Denison | 27-APR-2017 | | |
| N9MAZ | James L. Mazurek | 27-APR-2017 | | |
| N5RAS | Rob Sayers | 27-APR-2017 | | |
| KD7JNY | Jeff Brissette | 19-MAY-2017 | kd7jny | |
| AD0QM | Jeff | 19-MAY-2017 | | |
| [[|EI8DRB]] | Gerry | 08-JUN-2017 | | |
| KK6VQU | Duz | 07-JUL-2017 | | |
| KE8HKA | Matthew | 13-JUL-2017 | | |
| KB1KSF | Stan Wojnowski | 14-JUL-2017 | | |
| KD2NXQ | Benu | 27-JUL-2017 | | |
| WB5RAY | Ray Lopez | 02-NOV-2017 | | San Antonio, Texas, USA |
| K2GFM | Greg March | 01-JAN-2009 | | Montvale, NJ, USA |
| K1RPN | Michael Shriver | 21-NOV-2017 | shriver | Seattle, USA. |
| KC2UGV | Corey Reichle | 17-JUN-2010 | creichle | |
| KI6NIZ | Peter | 29-DEC-2017 | froggyme | |
| KD9IPQ | Matthew | 29-DEC-2017 | notptr | |
| KC2OQF | Michael Carson | 2017-12-29 | mcarson | New Jersey |
| AE5JL | Jesse B. Crawford | 2018-01-01 | jcrawford | Albuquerque, N. Mex. |
| VA3XMR | A.M. Rowsell | 2018-01-01 | amrowsell | Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
| G8XXM | Chris Beecher | 2018-01-04 | chrisb | Milton Keynes UK |
| EA4FVW | Eugenio de la Torre | 2018-01-04 | adeka | Madrid, Spain |
| KE0AZ | David | 2018-01-05 | dbrunner | Denver |
| KA9YNI | Greg | 2018-01-07 | koenig | Tennessee |
| K4ETC | Jonathan | 2009-11-24 | etctweak | |
| KJ4CAQ | AUDRA | 2008-10-08 | new | Novice |
| KJ4WAI | Spencer | 2014-12-10 | kj4wai | Pending General |
| W1PID | Jim | 2018-1-26 | w1pid | QRP /P pics |
| KK6TJF | Shang-Lin E. Chen | 2018-Jan-27 | shangril | |
| AG5RB | Ross | 2018-Jan-27 | bullet | |
| [[|PY2BIL]] | Guillermo Cremerius | 08-FEB-2018 | gcremeri | (former PU2TLU) Sao Paulo - Brazil |
| KJ4WNA | Max Heidel | 26-FEB-2018 | jsq | |
| KK6TND | Seth Nagao | 01-APR-2018 | dokuja | |
| AF7JM | Eugene | 10-APR-2018 | herdin | |
| KC4UPR | Rob French | 10-APR-2018 | scrape | |
| NB9F | Chris | 2018-04-13 | c25l | I'm Chris, NB9F c25l |
| K4OSS | Charlie | 05-APR-2018 | cwr | Nomadic (USA) |
| KB3HCG | Michael | 23-APR-2018 | mpop | |
| VK6HDX | Troy | 05-MAY-2018 | troy | |
| VK3FAJO | Dan | 07-MAY-2018 | vk3fajo | |
| KC3JFV | Mike | 10-JUNE-2018 | mikero | |
| KF5YDU | Austin Langley | 29-JUN-2018 | kf5ydu | Alexandria, VA |
| KC3LYZ | Robert Rodriguez | 28-AUG-2018 | robertr | Philadelphia, PA |
| W2CLM | Chris Maltese | 04-SEP-2018 | cmaltese | Boynton Beach, FL (I hang out on D-Star REF 020A) |
| [[|LZ2DJT]] | Tihomir H | 15-JAN-2019 | tisho | From Varna, Bulgaria, DJ in, Owner of the [[|OnlineDJRadio]] |
| N4JEK | Johnny Kinsey | 24-FEB-2019 | codingcowboy | QTH: Jacksonville, FL |
| MW0MWZ | Andy Taylor | 14-MAR-2019 | ajt | Mr Pi-Star |
| K7XUU | Jon Lundy | 16-APR-2019 | xuu | QTH: Draper, UT |
| N5BJL | Ben Lindsey | 16-APR-2019 | blindsey | |
| KJ6HN | Samuel Rosan | 08-May-2019 | mrosan | |
| KC8BFI | Stephen Michael Kellat | 13-Jun-2019 | skellat | |
| KF6GPE | Raymond W Rischpater | 13-Jun-2019 | kf6gpe | |
| DL6MHC | Michael Clemens | 16-Jul-2019 | odie | |
| KC3NTG | Justin Overfelt | 17-Jul-2019 | jboverf | |
| KC0RJX | Bryan Bishop | 10-SEP-2019 | bjbishop | |
| WB1HIH | Sean M. Goodman | 24-OCT-2019 | amarand | Galloway, OH |
| KI4LHU | Matthew Blocker | 11-NOV-2019 | thegiant | |
| VE7KI | Michael A Beaveridge | ?? | ve7ki | *TECHLINK* Echolink node 9229 Trustee |
| KJ5T | Steve Anness | 19-MAY-2020 | sxanness | QTH: Austin, TX |
Membership in SDF ARC is free and open to all people interested in amateur radio.\\ MetaARPA members can join by adding themselves to the roster\\ (just like editing a [[|[Tutorial]]], path: /sys/html/tutorials/,\\ or generally just post to the HAMRADIO section of the BBOARD and say hello !\\ Copyright © black_white | [[|HTML5]] | [[|CSS]] | [[|Free CSS Templates]]$Id: roster.html,v 1.102 2020/05/19 21:59:44 sxanness Exp $