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Thompson's B Manual
<body BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#330088" ALINK="#FF0044">
<center><H2>Users' Reference to B
<I>Ken Thompson
B is a computer language intended for
recursive, primarily non-numeric applications
typified by system programming. B has a
small, unrestrictive syntax that is easy to compile.
Because of the unusual freedom of expression and
a rich set of operators, B
programs are often quite compact.
This manual contains a concise definition of the language, sample
programs, and instructions for using the PDP-11 version of B.
[ <i>This is a rendition, after scanning, OCR, and editing,
of an internal Bell Labs Technical Memorandum dated
January 7, 1972. It is Ken's original manual for the B
language on the PDP-11. An
<a href="kbman.pdf">image</a> of the
original document is available in PDF, but it is big:
just under 1MB.
Nearby is <a href="bintro.html">CSTR #8</a>,
which is a report by Steve Johnson and Brian Kernighan describing
the B implementation on Honeywell
The language being described was really the same, but it's interesting
to look at the differences in description and environment.
To describe the BNF syntax, Ken used a variant that depends
on super- and subscripts to say "how many", which in the original
were stacked above each other when they occurred simultaneously.
This doesn't look too awful in the HTML rendering, but was probably
better in the original.
The other thing that is observable is the degree to which the GCOS
version had to struggle to work in that environment.
Its library description is full of odd concepts like "the AFT"
the *SRC file, and other peculiarities.
--DMR, July 1997</i> ]
B is a computer language directly descendant from BCPL [1,2]. B
1s running at Murray Hill on the DEC PDP-11 computer under the
UNIX-11 time sharing system [3,4]. B is good for recursive,
non-numeric, machine independent applications, such as system and
language work.
B, compared to BCPL, is syntactically rich in expressions and
syntactically poor in statements. A look at the examples in
section 9 of this document will give a flavor of the language.
B was designed and implemented by D. M. Ritchie and the author.
The syntactic notation in this manual is basically BNF with the
following exceptions:
The metacharacters <TT>&#60;</TT> and <TT>&#62;</TT> are removed. Literals are
underlined [in typewriter font here -- DMR]
to differentiate them from syntactic variables.
The metacharacter <TT>|</TT> is removed. Each syntactic alternative
is placed on a separate line.
The metacharacters <TT>{</TT> and <TT>}</TT> denote syntactic grouping.
A syntactic group followed by numerical sub- and superscripts
denote repetition of the group as follows:
{..}<sub>m</sub> m,m+1,...
{..}<sub>m</sub><sup>n</sup> m,m+1,...,n
<H4>Canonical Syntax
The syntax given in this section defines all the legal constructions
in B without specifying the association rules. These are
given later along with the semantic description of each construction.
<I>program </I>::=
definition ::=
name {<TT>[</TT><I> </I>{constant}<sub>0</sub><sup>1</sup> <TT>]</TT><I></I>}<sub>0</sub><sup>1</sup> {ival {<TT>,</TT><I> ival</I>}<sub>0</sub>}<sub>0</sub><sup>1</sup> <TT>;</TT><I>
name </I><TT>(</TT><I> </I>{name {<TT>,</TT><I> name</I>}<sub>0</sub>}<sub>0</sub><sup>1</sup> )<I> statement
ival </I>::=
statement ::=
<TT>auto</TT><I> name </I>{constant}<sub>0</sub><sup>1</sup> {<TT>,</TT><I> name </I>{constant}<sub>0</sub><sup>1</sup>}<sub>0</sub> <TT>;</TT><I> statement
</I><TT>extrn</TT><I> name </I>{<TT>,</TT><I> name</I>}<sub>0</sub> <TT>;</TT><I> statement
name </I><TT>:</TT><I> statement
<TT>case</TT> constant </I><TT>:</TT><I> statement
</I><TT>{</TT><I> </I>{statement}<sub>0</sub> <TT>}</TT><I>
</I><TT>if (</TT><I> rvalue </I><TT>)</TT><I> statement </I>{<TT>else</TT><I> statement</I>}<sub>0</sub><sup>1</sup>
<TT>while (</TT><I> rvalue </I><TT>)</TT><I> statement
</I><TT>switch</TT><I> rvalue statement
</I><TT>goto</TT><I> rvalue </I><TT>;</TT><I>
</I><TT>return</TT><I> </I>{<TT>(</TT><I> rvalue </I><TT>)</TT><I></I>}<sub>0</sub><sup>1</sup> <TT>;</TT><I>
</I>{rvalue}<sub>0</sub><sup>1</sup> <TT>;</TT><I>
rvalue </I>::=
<TT>(</TT><I> rvalue </I><TT>)</TT><I>
lvalue assign rvalue
inc-dec lvalue
lvalue inc-dec
unary rvalue
</I><TT>&amp;</TT><I> lvalue
rvalue binary rvalue
rvalue </I><TT>?</TT><I> rvalue </I><TT>:</TT><I> rvalue
rvalue </I><TT>(</TT><I> </I>{rvalue {<TT>,</TT><I> rvalue</I>}<sub>0</sub> }<sub>0</sub><sup>1</sup> <TT>)</TT><I>
assign </I>::=
= {binary}<sub>0</sub><sup>1</sup>
inc-dec ::=
unary </I>::=
binary </I>::=
lvalue </I>::=
<TT>*</TT><I> rvalue
rvalue </I><TT>[</TT><I> rvalue </I><TT>]</TT><I>
constant </I>::=
<TT>'</TT><I> </I>{char}<sub>1</sub><sup>2</sup> <TT>'</TT><I>
</I><TT>"</TT><I> </I>{char}<sub>0</sub> <TT>"</TT><I>
name </I>::=
alpha {alpha-digit}<sub>0</sub><sup>7</sup>
alpha-digit ::=
<H4>Comments and Character Sets
Comments are delimited as in PL/I by /* and */.
In general, B requires tokens to be separated by blanks, comments
or newlines, however the compiler infers separators surrounding
any of the characters <TT>(){}[],;?:</TT> or surrounding any
maximal sequence of the characters <TT>+-*/&#60;&#62;&amp;|!</TT>.
The character set used in B is ANSCII.
The syntactic variable 'alpha' is not defined. It represents the
characters <TT>A</TT> to <TT>Z</TT>, <TT>a</TT> to <TT>z</TT>, <TT>_</TT>, and backspace.
The syntactic variable 'digit' is not defined. It represents the
characters <TT>0</TT>, <TT>1</TT>, <TT>2</TT>, ... <TT>9</TT>.
The syntactic variable 'char' is not defined. It is essentially
any character in the set plus the escape character <TT>*</TT> followed
by another character to represent characters not easily
represented in the set. The following escape sequences are
currently defined:
<TT>*0</TT><I> null
</I><TT>*e</TT><I> end-of-file
</I><TT>*(</TT><I> </I><TT>{</TT>
<TT>*)</TT><I> </I><TT>}</TT>
<TT>*t</TT><I> tab
</I><TT>**</TT><I> </I><TT>*</TT>
<TT>*'</TT><I> </I><TT>'</TT>
<TT>*"</TT><I> </I><TT>"</TT>
<TT>*n</TT><I> new line
All keywords in the language are only recognized in lower case.
Keywords are reserved.
</I><H4>3.0 values and Lvalues
An rvalue is a binary bit pattern of a fixed length. On the
PDP-11 it is 16 bits. Objects are rvalues of different kinds
such as integers, labels, vectors and functions. The actual kind
of object represented is called the type of the rvalue.
A B expression can be evaluated to yield an rvalue, but its type
is undefined until the rvalue is used in some context. It is
then assumed to represent an object of the required type. For
example, in the following function call
(b? f:g[i] )(1, x&#62;1)
The expression (b?f:g[i]) is evaluated to yield an rvalue which
is interpreted to be of type function. Whether f and g[i] are in
fact functions is not checked. Similarly, b is assumed to be of
type truth value, x to be type integer etc.
There is no check to insure that here are no type mismatches.
Similarly, there are no wanted, or unwanted, type conversions.
An lvalue is a bit pattern representing a storage location
containing an rvalue. An lvalue is a type in B. The unary operator
* can be used to interpret an rvalue as an lvalue. Thus
evaluates the
expression x to yield an rvalue, which is then
interpreted as an lvalue. If it is then used in an rvalue context,
the application of <TT>*</TT> yields the rvalue therein stored. The
operator <TT>*</TT> can be thought of as indirection.
The unary operator <TT>&amp;</TT> can be used to interpret an lvalue as an
rvalue. Thus
evaluates the expression x as an lvalue. The application of <TT>&amp;</TT>
then yields the lvalue as an rvalue. The operator <TT>&amp;</TT> can therefore
be thought of as the address function.
The names lvalue and rvalue come from the assignment statement
which requires an lvalue on the left and an rvalue on the right.
<H4>4.0 Expression Evaluation
Binding of expressions (lvalues and rvalues) is in the same order
as the sub-sections of this section except as noted.
Thus expressions referred to as operands of <TT>+</TT> (section 4.4)
are expressions defined in sections 4.1 to 4.3.
The binding of operators at the same level
(left to right, right to left) is specified in each sub-section.
<H4>4.1 Primary Expressions
A name is an lvalue of one of three storage classes (automatic, external and internal).
A decimal constant is an rvalue.
It consists of a digit
between 1 and 9 followed
by any number of digits between O
and 9. The value of the
constant should not exceed the
maximum value that can be stored in an object.
An octal constant is the same as a decimal constant except
that it begins with a zero. It is then interpreted in base
8. Note that 09 (base 8) is legal and equal to 011.
A character constant is represented by <TT>'</TT> followed by one or
two characters (possibly escaped) followed by another <TT>'</TT>.
It has an rvalue equal to the value of the characters
packed and right adjusted.
A string is any number of characters between <TT>"</TT> characters.
The characters are packed into adjacent objects (lvalues
sequential) and terminated with the character '*e'. The
rvalue of the string is the lvalue of the object containing
the first character. See section 8.0 for library functions
used to manipulate strings in a machine independent
Any expression in () parentheses is a primary expression.
Parentheses are used to alter order of binding.
A vector is a primary expression followed by any expression
in [] brackets. The two expressions are evaluated to
rvalues, added and the result is used as an lvalue. The
primary expression can be thought of as a pointer to the
base of a vector, while the bracketed expression can be
thought of as the offset in the vector. Since E1[E2] is
identical to *(E1+E2), and addition is commutative, the
base of the vector and the offset in the vector can swap
A function is a primary expression followed by any number
of expressions in <TT>()</TT> parentheses separated by commas. The
expressions In parentheses are evaluated (in an unspecified
order) to rvalues and assigned to the function's parameters.
The primary expression is evaluated to an rvalue
(assumed to be type function). The function is then
called. Each call is recursive at little cost in time or
Primary expressions are bound left to right.
<H4>4.2 Unary Operators
The rvalue (or indirection) prefix unary operator <TT>*</TT> is
described in section 3.0. Its operand is evaluated to
rvalue, and then used as an lvalue.
In this manner, address arithmetic may be performed.
The lvalue (or address) prefix unary operator &amp; is also
described in section 3.0. Note that
&amp;*x is identically x,
but *&amp;x is only x if x is an lvalue.
The operand of the negate prefix unary operator - is interpreted
as an integer rvalue. The result is an rvalue with
opposite sign.
The NOT prefix unary operator ! takes an integer rvalue
operand. The result is zero if the operand is non-zero.
The result is one if the operand is zero.
The increment <TT>++</TT> and decrement <TT>--</TT> unary operators may be
used either in prefix or postfix form.
Either form requires an lvalue operand. The rvalue stored in the lvalue
is either incremented or decremented by one. The result is
the rvalue either before or after the operation depending
on postfix or prefix notation respectively. Thus if x
currently contains the rvalue 5, then ++x and x++ both
change x to 6. The value of ++x is 6 while x++ is 5.
Similarly, --x and x-- store 4 in X. The former has rvalue
result 4, the latter 5.
Unary operators are bound right to left. Thus -!x++ is bound
<H4>4.3 Multiplicative Operators
The multiplicative binary operators <TT>*</TT>, <TT>/</TT>, and <TT>%</TT>, expect rvalue
integer operands. The result is also an integer.
The operator * denotes multiplication.
The operator <TT>/</TT> denotes division. The result is correct if
the first operand is divisible by the second.
If both operands are positive, the result is truncated
toward zero.
Otherwise the rounding is undefined, but never
greater than one.
The operator <TT>%</TT> denotes modulo. If both operands are positive,
the result is correct. It is undefined otherwise.
The multiplicative operators bind left to right.
<H4>4.4 Additive Operators
The binary operators <TT>+</TT> and <TT>-</TT> are add and subtract.
The additive
operators bind left to right.
<H4>Shift Operators
The binary operators
<TT>&#60;&#60;</TT> and <TT>&#62;&#62;</TT> are left and right shift respectively.
The left rvalue operand is taken as a bit pattern.
The right operand is taken as an integer shift count.
The result is the bit pattern shifted by the shift count.
Vacated bits are
filled with zeros. The result is undefined if the shift count
negative or larger than an object length. The shift operators
bind left to right.
<H4>4.6 Relational Operators
The relational operators <TT>&#60;</TT> (less than), <TT>&#60;=</TT> (less than or equal
to), <TT>&#62;</TT> (greater than), and <TT>&#62;=</TT> ( greater than or equal to) take
integer rvalue operands. The result is one if the operands are
in the given relation to one another. The result is zero otherwise.
<H4>4.7 Equality Operators
The equality operators <TT>==</TT> (equal to) and <TT>!=</TT> (not equal to)
perform similarly to the relation operators.
<H4>4.8 AND operator
The AND operator <TT>&amp;</TT> takes operands as bit patterns. The result is
the bit pattern that is the bit-wise AND of the operands. The
operator binds and evaluates left to right.
<H4>The OR operator
The OR operator <TT></TT>| performs exactly as AND, but the result is the
bit-wise inclusive OR of the operands. The OR operator also
binds and evaluates left to right.
<H4>4.10 Conditional Expression
Three rvalue expressions separated by <TT>?</TT> and <TT>:</TT> form a conditional
expression. The first expression (to the left of the ?) is
evaluated. If the result is non-zero, the second expression is
evaluated and the third ignored. If the value is zero, the
second expression is ignored and the third is evaluated. The
result is either the evaluation of the second or third expression.
Binding is right to left. Thus a?b:c?d:e is a?b:(c?d:e).
<H4>4.11 Assignment Operators
There are 16 assignment operators in B. All have the form
lvalue op rvalue
The assignment operator
= merely evaluates the rvalue and stores
the result in the lvalue. The assignment operators <TT>=|</TT>, <TT>=&amp;</TT>, <TT>===</TT>,
<TT>=|=</TT>, <TT>=&#60;</TT>, <TT>=&#60;=</TT>, <TT>=&#62;</TT>, <TT>=&#62;=</TT>, <TT>=&#60;&#60;</TT>, <TT>=&#62;&#62;</TT>, <TT>=+</TT>, <TT>=-</TT>, <TT>=%</TT>, <TT>=*</TT>, and <TT>=/</TT> perform a
binary operation (see sections 4.3 to 4.9) between the rvalue
stored in the assignment's lvalue and the assignment's rvalue.
The result is then stored in the lvalue. The expression x=*10 is
identical to x=x*10. Note that this is not x= *10. The result
of an assignment is the rvalue. Assignments bind right to left,
thus x=y=0 assigns zero to y, then x, and returns the rvalue
<H4>5.0 Statements
Statements define program execution. Each statement is executed
by the computer in sequence. There are, of course, statements to
conditionally or unconditionally alter normal sequencing.
<H4>5.1 Compound Statement
A sequence of statements in <TT>{}</TT> braces is syntactically a single
statement. This mechanism is provided so that where a single
statement is expected, any number of statements can be placed.
<H4>5.1 Conditional Statement
A conditional statement has two forms. The first:
if(rvalue) statement<sub>1</sub>
evaluates the rvalue and executes statement<sub>1</sub>, if the rvalue is
non-zero. If the rvalue is zero, statement<sub>1</sub> is skipped. The
second form:
if(rvalue) statement<sub>1</sub> else statement<sub>2</sub>
is defined as follows in terms of the first form:
if(x=(rvalue)) statement<sub>1</sub> if(!x) statement<sub>2</sub>
Thus, only one of the two statements is executed, depending on
the value of rvalue. In the above example,
x is not a real variable, but just a demonstration aid.
<H4>5.3 While Statement
The while statement has the form:
while(rvalue) statement
The execution is described in terms of the conditional and goto
statements as follows:
x: if(rvalue) { statement goto x; ]
Thus the statement is executed repeatedly while the rvalue is
non-zero. Again, x is a demonstration aid.
<H4>5.4 Switch Statement
The switch statement is the most complicated
statement in B. The
switch has the form:
switch rvalue statement<sub>1</sub>
Virtually always, statement<sub>1</sub> above is a compound statement. Each
statement in statement<sub>1</sub> may be preceded by a case as follows:
case constant:
During execution, the rvalue is evaluated and compared to each
case constant in undefined order. If a case constant is equal to
the evaluated rvalue, control is passed to the statement following
the case. If the rvalue matches none of the cases, statement<sub>1</sub>
is skipped.
<H4>5.5 Goto Statement
The goto statement is as follows:
goto rvalue ;
The rvalue is expected to be of type label. Control is then
passed to the corresponding label. Goto's cannot be executed to
labels outside the currently executing function level.
<H4>5.6 Return Statement
The return statement is used in a function to return control to
the caller of a function. The first form simply returns control.
return ;
The second form returns an rvalue for the execution of the function.
return ( rvalue ) ;
The caller of the function need not use the returned rvalue.
<H4>3.7 Rvalue Statement
Any rvalue followed by a semicolon is a statement. The two most
common rvalue statements are assignment and function call.
<H4>5.8 Null Statement
A semicolon is a null statement causing no execution. It is used
mainly to carry a label after the last executable statement in a
compound statement. It sometimes has use to supply a null body
to a while statement.
<H4>6.0 Declarations
Declarations in B specify storage class
of variables. Such declarations also, in some circumstances,
specify initialization.
There are
three storage
classes in B. Automatic storage is allocated for
each function
invocation. External storage is allocated before
execution and
is available to any and all functions.
Internal storage is local to a function and is available only to
that function, but is available to all invocations of that function.
<H4>6.1 External Declaration
The external declaration has the form:
extrn name<sub>1</sub> , name<sub>2</sub> ... ;
The external declaration specifies that each of
the named variables is of the external storage class.
The declaration must
occur before the first use of each of the variables. Each of the
variables must also be externally defined.
<H4>6/2 Automatic Declaration
The automatic declaration also constitutes a definition:
auto name<sub>1</sub> {constant}<sub>0</sub><sup>1</sup> , name<sub>2</sub> {constant]<sub>0</sub><sup>1</sup> ... ;
In absence of the constant, the automatic declaration defines the
variable to be of class automatic. At the same time, storage is
allocated for the variable. When an automatic declaration is
followed by a constant, the automatic variable is
also initialized to the base of an automatic vector
of the size of the constant.
The actual subscripts used to reference the vector range
from zero to the value of the constant less one.
<H4>6.3 Internal Declaration
The first reference to a variable not declared as external or
automatic constitutes an internal declaration, All internal
variables not defined as labels are flagged as undefined within a
function. Labels are defined and initialized as follows:
name :
<H4>7.0 External Definitions
A complete B program consists of a series of external definitions.
Execution is started by the hidden sequence
main(); exit();
Thus, it is expected that one of the external definitions is a
function definition of main. (Exit is a predefined library function.
See section 8.0)
<H4>7.1 Simple Definition
The simple external definition allocates an external object and
optionally initializes it:
name {ival , ival ...}<sub>0</sub> ;
If the external object is defined with no initialization, it is
initialized with zero. A single initialization with a constant
initializes the external with the value of the constant.
Initialization with a name initializes the external to the address of
that name. Many such initializations may be accessed as a vector
based at &amp;name.
<H4>7.2 Vector Definitions
An external vector definition has the following form:
name [ {constant}<sub>0</sub><sup>1</sup> ] {ival , ival ...}<sub>0</sub> ;
The name is initialized with the lvalue of the base of
an external vector. If the vector size is missing, zero is assumed. In
either case, the vector is initialized with the list of initial
values. Each initial value is either a constant or a name. A
constant initial value initializes the vector element to the
value of the constant. The name initializes the element to the
address of the name. The actual size
is the maximum of the given size and the number of initial values.
<H4>7.3 Function Definitions
Function definitions have the following form:
name ( arguments ) statement
The name is initialized to the rvalue of the function.
The arguments consist of a list of names separated by commas.
Each name defines an automatic lvalue that is assigned the rvalue of the
corresponding function call actual parameters. The statement
(often compound) defines the execution of the function when invoked.
<H4>8.0 Library Functions
There is a library of B functions maintained in the file
/etc/libb.a. The following is a list of those functions
currently in the library. See section II of [4]
for complete descriptions of the functions marked with an *.
<DT>c = char(string, i);<DD>
The i-th character of the string is returned.
<DT>error = chdir(string) ;<DD>
The path name represented by the string becomes
the current directory.
A negative number returned indicates an error.
<DT>error = chmod(string, mode);<DD>
The file specified by the string has its mode changed to
the mode argument. A negative number returned indicates an
error. (*)
<DT>error = chown(string, owner);<DD>
The file specified by the string has its owner changed to
the owner argument. A negative number returned indicates
an error. (*)
<DT>error = close(file) ;<DD>
The open file specified by the file argument is closed. A
negative number returned indicates an error. (*)
<DT>file = creat(string, mode);<DD>
The file specified by the string is either truncated or
created in the mode specified depending on its prior existence.
In both cases, the file is opened for writing and a
file descriptor is returned. A negative number returned
indicates an error. (*)
<DT>ctime(time, date);<DD>
The system time (60-ths of a second) represented in the
two-word vector time is converted to a 16-character date in
the 8-word vector date. The converted date has the following format:
"Mmm dd hh:mm:ss".
<DT>execl(string, arg0, arg1, ..., 0);<DD>
The current process is replaced by the execution of the
file specified by string. The arg-i strings are passed as
arguments. A return indicates an error. (*)
<DT>execv(string, argv, count);<DD>
The current process is replaced by the execution of the
file specified by string. The vector of strings of length
count are passed as arguments. A return indicates an error. (*)
<DT>exit( ) ;<DD>
The current process is terminated. (*)
<DT>error = fork( ) ;<DD>
The current process splits into two. The child process is
returned a zero. The parent process is returned the process ID of
the child. A negative number returned indicates
an error. (*)
<DT>error = fstat(file, status);<DD>
The i-node of the open file designated by file is put in
the 20-word vector status. A negative number returned
indicates an error. (*)
<DT>char = getchar( ) ;<DD>
The next character form the standard input file is returned.
The character `*e' is returned for an end-of-file.
<DT>id = getuid();<DD>
The user-ID of the current process is returned. (*)
<DT>error = gtty(file, ttystat);<DD>
The teletype modes of the open file designated by file is
returned in the 3-word vector ttstat. A negative number
returned indicates an error. (*)
<DT>lchar(string, i, char);<DD>
The character char is stored in the i-th character of the
<DT>error = link(string1, string2);<DD>
The pathname specified by string2 is created such that it
is a link to the existing file specified by string1. A
negative number returned indicates an error. (*)
<DT>error = mkdir(string, mode);<DD>
The directory specified by the string is made to exist with
the specified access mode. A negative number returned
indicates an error. (*)
<DT>file = open(string, mode);<DD>
The file specified by the string is opened for reading if
mode is zero, for writing if mode is not zero. The open
file designator is returned. A negative number returned
indicates an error. (*)
<DT>printf(format, argl, ...);<DD>
See section 9.3 below.
<DT>printn(number, base);<DD>
See section 9.1 below.
<DT>putchar(char) ;<DD>
The character char is written on the standard output file.
<DT>nread = read(file, buffer, count);<DD>
Count bytes are read into the vector buffer from the open
file designated by file. The actual number of bytes read
are returned. A negative number returned indicates an
error. (*)
<DT>error = seek(filet offset, pointer);<DD>
The I/O pointer on the open file designated by file is set
to the value of the designated pointer plus the offset. A
pointer of zero designates the beginning of the file. A
pointer of one designates the current I/O pointer. A
pointer of two designates the end of the file. A negative
number returned indicates an error. (*)
<DT>error = setuid(id);<DD>
The user-ID of the current process is set to id.
A negative number returned indicates an error. (*)
<DT>error = stat(string, status);<DD>
The i-node of the file specified by the string is put in
the 20-word vector status. A negative number returned
indicates an error. (*)
<DT>error = stty(file, ttystat);<DD>
The teletype modes of the open file designated by file is
set from the 3-word vector ttystat. A negative number
returned indicates an error. (*)
The current system time is returned in the 2-word vector
timev. (*)
<DT>error = unlink(string);<DD>
The link specified by the string is removed. A negative
number returned indicates an error. (*)
<DT>error = wait( );<DD>
The current process is suspended until one of its child
processes terminates. At that time, the child's process-ID
is returned. A negative number returned indicates an error. (*)
<DT>nwrite = write(file, buffer, count);<DD>
Count bytes are written out of the vector buffer on the
open file designated by file. The actual number of bytes
written are returned. A negative number returned indicates
an error. (*)
Besides the functions available from the library, there is a
predefined external vector named argv included with every program.
The size of argv is argv[0]+1.
The elements
argv[1]...argv[argv[0]] are the parameter strings as passed by
the system in the execution of the current process. (See shell
in II of [4])
<H4>9.0 Examples
The examples appear exactly as given to B.
/* The following function will print a non-negative number, n, to
the base b, where 2&#60;=b&#60;=10, This routine uses the fact that
in the ANSCII character set, the digits O to 9 have sequential
code values. */
printn(n,b) {
extrn putchar;
auto a;
if(a=n/b) /* assignment, not test for equality */
printn(a, b); /* recursive */
putchar(n%b + '0');
/* The following program will calculate the constant e-2 to about
4000 decimal digits, and print it 50 characters to the line in
groups of 5 characters. The method is simple output conversion
of the expansion
1/2! + 1/3! + ... = .111....
where the bases of the digits are 2, 3, 4, . . . */
main() {
extrn putchar, n, v;
auto i, c, col, a;
i = col = 0;
v[i++] = 1;
while(col&#60;2*n) {
a = n+1 ;
c = i = 0;
while (i&#60;n) {
c =+ v[i] *10;
v[i++] = c%a;
c =/ a--;
putchar(col%50?' ': '*n');
n 2000;
/* The following function is a general formatting, printing, and
conversion subroutine. The first argument is a format string.
Character sequences of the form `%x' are interpreted and cause
conversion of type 'x' of the next argument, other character
sequences are printed verbatim. Thus
printf("delta is %d*n", delta);
will convert the variable delta to decimal (%d) and print the
string with the converted form of delta in place of %d. The
conversions %d-decimal, %o-octal, *s-string and %c-character
are allowed.
This program calls upon the function `printn'. (see section
9.1) */
printf(fmt, x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9) {
extrn printn, char, putchar;
auto adx, x, c, i, j;
i= 0; /* fmt index */
adx = &amp;x1; /* argument pointer */
loop :
while((c=char(fmt,i++) ) != `%') {
if(c == `*e')
x = *adx++;
switch c = char(fmt,i++) {
case `d': /* decimal */
case `o': /* octal */
if(x &#60; O) {
x = -x ;
printn(x, c=='o'?8:1O);
goto loop;
case 'c' : /* char */
goto loop;
case 's': /* string */
while(c=char(x, j++)) != '*e')
goto loop;
putchar('%') ;
goto loop;
<H4>10.0 Usage
Currently on UNIX, there is no B command. The B compiler phases
must be executed piecemeal. The first phase turns a B source
program into an intermediate language.
/etc/bc source interm
The next phase turns the intermediate language into assembler
source, at which time the intermediate language can be removed.
/etc/ba interm asource
rm interm
The next phase assembles the assembler source into the object
file a.out. After this the a.out file can be renamed and the
assembler source file can be removed.
as asource
mv a.out object
rm asource
The last phase loads the various object files with the necessary
libraries in the desired order.
ld object /etc/brt1 -lb /etc/bilib /etc/brt2
Now a.out contains the completely bound and loaded program and
can be executed.
A canned sequence of shell commands exists invoked as follows:
sh /usr/b/rc x
It will compile, convert, assemble and load the file x.b into the
executable file a.out.
<H4>12.0 Implementation and Debugging
A B program is implemented as a reverse Polish threaded code
interpreter: The object code consists of a series of addresses of
interpreter subroutines. Machine register 3 is dedicated as the
interpreter program counter. Machine register 4 is dedicated as
the interpreter display pointer. The display pointer points to
the base of the current stack frame. The first word of each
stack frame is a pointer to the previous stack frame (prior
display pointer.) The second word in each frame is is the saved
interpreter program counter (return point of the call creating
the frame.) Automatic variables start at the third word of each
frame. Machine register 5 is dedicated as the interpreter stack
pointer. The machine stack pointer plays no role in the interpretation.
An example source code segment, object code and
interpreter subroutines follow:
automatic = external + 100.;
va; 4 / lvalue of first automatic on stack
x; .external / rvalue of external on stack
c; 100. / rvalue of constant on stack
b12 / binary operator #12 (+)
b1 / binary operator #1 (=)
mov (r3)+,r0
add r4,rO / dp+offset of automatic
asr rO / lvalues are word addresses
mov r0,(r5)+
jmp *(r3)+ / linkage between subroutines
mov *(r3)+,(r5)+
jmp *(r3)+
mov (r3)+,(r5)+
jmp *(r3)+
add -(r5),-2(r5)
jmp *(r3)+
mov -(r5),r0 / rvalue
mov -(r5),r1 / lvalue
asl r1 / now byte address
mov r0,(r1) / actual assignment
mov r0,(r5)+ / = returns an lvalue
jmp *(r3)+
The above code as compared to the obvious 3 instruction directly
executed equivalent gives the approximate 5:1 speed and 2:1 space
penalties one pays in using B.
The salient features for debugging are then:
Machine r4 is the display pointer and can be used to trace
function calls and determine automatic variable values at
each call.
Machine r3 is the current program counter and can be used
to determine the current point of execution.
All externals are globals with their variable names prefixed by
`.'. Thus the debugger [4] can be used directly
to give values of external variables.
All data lvalues are word addresses and therefore not
directly examinable by the debugger. (See ` request in I
of [4]) [I don't really know what this might refer to.
It is probably some command in the very early Unix debugger -- DMR]
<H4>13.0 Nasties
This section describes the 'glitches' found in all languages, but
rarely reported.
The compiler makes sense of certain expressions with
operators in ambiguous cases (e.g. a+++b) but not others
even in unambiguous cases (e.g. a+++++b).
The B assembler /etc/ba does not correctly handle
all possible combinations of intermediate language. The symptom
is undefined symbols in the assembly of the output from
/etc/ba. This is rare.
The B interpreter /etc/bilib is really a library of threaded code segment.
The following code segments have not yet been written:
b103 =&amp;
b104 ===
b105 =!=
b106 =&#60;=
b107 =&#60;
b110 =&#62;=
b111 =&#62;
b120 =/
Initialization of external variables with addresses
of other externals is not possible due to a loader deficiency.
Since externals are implemented as globals with names preceded by '.',
the external names `byte', `endif', `even'
and `globl' conflict with assembler pseudooperations and
should be avoided.
consist of two letters, an optional name, and a
source line number. Due to the free format of the source, the
number might be high. The following is a list of the
error name meaninq
$) -- {} imbalance
() -- () imbalance
*/ -- /* */ imbalance
[] -- [] imbalance
&#62;c -- case table overflow (fatal)
&#62;e -- expression stack overflow (fatal)
&#62;i -- label table overflow (fatal)
&#62;s -- symbol table overflow (fatal)
ex -- expression syntax
lv -- rvalue where lvalue expected
rd name name redeclaration
sx keyword statement syntax
un name undefined name
xx -- external syntax
[ signature line ]
Richards, M. The BCPL Reference Manual. Multics repository
Canaday, R.H. and Ritchie, D.M. Bell Laboratories BCPL.
MM 69-1371/1373-7/12.
Ritchie, D.M. The UNIX Time Sharing System. MM 71-1273-4.
Thompson, K. and Ritchie, D.M. UNIX Programmer's Manual.
Available by arrangement.
[<i>Two of these references--the one to Richards's early BCPL
manual, and to the first edition of the UNIX Programmer's manual, are
available under my main home page.
The ultimate content of "The UNIX Time Sharing
System evolved into the C.ACM paper, there (in
further revised form) into the BSTJ paper available
there as well.</i>]
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