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====== Helpful Commands ======
The following commands are available to users.
- **/help ** - Main help menu.
- **/cast >help>** - List spell casting options. //Warp to magic_spells to obtain spells.//
- **/colors ** - List all color codes available.
- **/dynmap >show|hide>** - Show or hide yourself on the map.
- **/ec balance ** - Check your balance.
- **/mvtp >world|sdf1|sdf2|sdf3|sdf4|flat_lands>** - Jump to different world.
- **/rtp >USER>** - Teleport to another user. Requires the other player to accept.
- **/warp help** - Warp to different locations.
- **/who** - List who is currently playing.
- **/tv >day|night>** - Vote for a time change.
- **/wv >sun|rain|thunder>** - Vote for a weather change.
- **/t >player> >message>** - Send private messages.
$Id: sdfmc-commands.html,v 1.2 2017/01/23 00:21:18 papa Exp $