experiment with associating mca clusters with nakr errors
This commit is contained in:
@ -57,12 +57,13 @@ function(cat, mod)
# pre-processing for exploratory analytics of the housing dataset
# pre-processing for exploratory analytics of the housing dataset
datasetHousing.mca <-
datasetHousing.mca <-
# chargement du jeu de données
# loading dataset in memory
dat <- read.csv(file="data/housing.csv", header=TRUE)
if(is.null(dat)) { dat <- read.csv(file="data/housing.csv", header=TRUE) }
# transformation de ocean_proximity en facteur
# transform ocean_proximity into a factor
# a factor being R representation of categorical variables
dat$ocean_proximity <- as.factor(dat$ocean_proximity)
dat$ocean_proximity <- as.factor(dat$ocean_proximity)
levels(dat$ocean_proximity)[levels(dat$ocean_proximity)=="<1H OCEAN"] <- "O:<1H"
levels(dat$ocean_proximity)[levels(dat$ocean_proximity)=="<1H OCEAN"] <- "O:<1H"
levels(dat$ocean_proximity)[levels(dat$ocean_proximity)=="ISLAND"] <- "O:ISL"
levels(dat$ocean_proximity)[levels(dat$ocean_proximity)=="ISLAND"] <- "O:ISL"
@ -70,81 +71,83 @@ function()
levels(dat$ocean_proximity)[levels(dat$ocean_proximity)=="NEAR BAY"] <- "O:NB"
levels(dat$ocean_proximity)[levels(dat$ocean_proximity)=="NEAR BAY"] <- "O:NB"
levels(dat$ocean_proximity)[levels(dat$ocean_proximity)=="NEAR OCEAN"] <- "O:NO"
levels(dat$ocean_proximity)[levels(dat$ocean_proximity)=="NEAR OCEAN"] <- "O:NO"
# quantification de longitude
# discretization of longitude
cuts <- kcuts(x = dat$longitude, centers = 4)
cuts <- kcuts(x = dat$longitude, centers = 4)
dat$c_longitude <- cut(x = dat$longitude, unique(cuts), include.lowest = TRUE)
dat$c_longitude <- cut(x = dat$longitude, unique(cuts), include.lowest = TRUE)
levels(dat$c_longitude) <- c('LO:W', 'LO:MW', 'LO:ME', 'LO:E')
levels(dat$c_longitude) <- c('LO:W', 'LO:MW', 'LO:ME', 'LO:E')
# quantification de latitude
# discretization of latitude
cuts <- kcuts(x = dat$latitude, centers = 4)
cuts <- kcuts(x = dat$latitude, centers = 4)
dat$c_latitude <- cut(x = dat$latitude, unique(cuts), include.lowest = TRUE)
dat$c_latitude <- cut(x = dat$latitude, unique(cuts), include.lowest = TRUE)
levels(dat$c_latitude) <- c('LA:S','LA:MS','LA:MN','LA:N')
levels(dat$c_latitude) <- c('LA:S','LA:MS','LA:MN','LA:N')
# quantification de housing_median_age
# discretization of housing_median_age
cuts <- c(min(dat$housing_median_age), 15, 25, 35, 51, 52)
cuts <- c(min(dat$housing_median_age), 15, 25, 35, 51, 52)
dat$c_age <- cut(x = dat$housing_median_age, unique(cuts), include.lowest = TRUE)
dat$c_age <- cut(x = dat$housing_median_age, unique(cuts),
include.lowest = TRUE)
levels(dat$c_age) <- c('AG:15]','AG:25]','AG:35]','AG:51]', 'AG:52')
levels(dat$c_age) <- c('AG:15]','AG:25]','AG:35]','AG:51]', 'AG:52')
# création et quantification de rooms
# creation and discretization of rooms
dat$rooms <- dat$total_rooms / dat$households
dat$rooms <- dat$total_rooms / dat$households
cuts <- c(min(dat$rooms), 4, 6, 8, max(dat$rooms))
cuts <- c(min(dat$rooms), 4, 6, 8, max(dat$rooms))
dat$c_rooms <- cut(x = dat$rooms, unique(cuts), include.lowest = TRUE)
dat$c_rooms <- cut(x = dat$rooms, unique(cuts), include.lowest = TRUE)
levels(dat$c_rooms) <- c('RO:4]','RO:6]','RO:8]', 'RO:>8')
levels(dat$c_rooms) <- c('RO:4]','RO:6]','RO:8]', 'RO:>8')
# création et quantification de bedrooms
# creation and discretization of bedrooms
dat$bedrooms <- dat$total_bedrooms / dat$households
dat$bedrooms <- dat$total_bedrooms / dat$households
cuts <- c(min(dat$bedrooms, na.rm = TRUE), 1.1, max(dat$bedrooms, na.rm = TRUE))
cuts <- c(min(dat$bedrooms, na.rm = TRUE), 1.1, max(dat$bedrooms, na.rm = TRUE))
dat$c_bedrooms <- cut(x = dat$bedrooms, unique(cuts), include.lowest = TRUE)
dat$c_bedrooms <- cut(x = dat$bedrooms, unique(cuts), include.lowest = TRUE)
levels(dat$c_bedrooms) <- c('BE:1]','BE:>1')
levels(dat$c_bedrooms) <- c('BE:1]','BE:>1')
# création et quantification de pop
# creation and discretization of pop
dat$pop <- dat$population / dat$households
dat$pop <- dat$population / dat$households
cuts <- c(min(dat$pop), 2, 3, 4, max(dat$pop))
cuts <- c(min(dat$pop), 2, 3, 4, max(dat$pop))
dat$c_pop <- cut(x = dat$pop, unique(cuts), include.lowest = TRUE)
dat$c_pop <- cut(x = dat$pop, unique(cuts), include.lowest = TRUE)
levels(dat$c_pop) <- c('PO:2]','PO:3]', 'PO:4]', 'PO:>4')
levels(dat$c_pop) <- c('PO:2]','PO:3]', 'PO:4]', 'PO:>4')
# quantification de households
# discretization of households
cuts <- c(min(dat$households), 300, 400, 600, max(dat$households))
cuts <- c(min(dat$households), 300, 400, 600, max(dat$households))
dat$c_households <- cut(x = dat$households, cuts, include.lowest = TRUE)
dat$c_households <- cut(x = dat$households, cuts, include.lowest = TRUE)
levels(dat$c_households) <- c('HH:3]', 'HH:4]', 'HH:6]', 'HH:>6')
levels(dat$c_households) <- c('HH:3]', 'HH:4]', 'HH:6]', 'HH:>6')
# quantification de median_income
# discretization of median_income
cuts <- quantile(dat$median_income, probs = seq(0,1,1/4))
cuts <- quantile(dat$median_income, probs = seq(0,1,1/4))
cuts <- c(cuts[1:length(cuts)-1], 15, max(dat$median_income))
cuts <- c(cuts[1:length(cuts)-1], 15, max(dat$median_income))
dat$c_income <- cut(x = dat$median_income, cuts, include.lowest = TRUE)
dat$c_income <- cut(x = dat$median_income, cuts, include.lowest = TRUE)
levels(dat$c_income) <- c('IC:L', 'IC:ML', 'IC:MH', 'IC:H', 'IC:>15')
levels(dat$c_income) <- c('IC:L', 'IC:ML', 'IC:MH', 'IC:H', 'IC:>15')
# quantification de median_house_value
# discretization of median_house_value
cuts <- c(min(dat$median_house_value), 115000, 175000, 250000, 500000,
cuts <- c(min(dat$median_house_value), 115000, 175000, 250000, 500000,
dat$c_house_value <- cut(x = dat$median_house_value, cuts, include.lowest = TRUE)
dat$c_house_value <- cut(x = dat$median_house_value, cuts,
include.lowest = TRUE)
levels(dat$c_house_value) <- c('HV:A', 'HV:B', 'HV:C', 'HV:D', 'HV:E')
levels(dat$c_house_value) <- c('HV:A', 'HV:B', 'HV:C', 'HV:D', 'HV:E')
# création du jeu de données quantifié
# discretized version of the entire dataset
dat <- dat[c('ocean_proximity', 'c_longitude', 'c_latitude', 'c_age',
dat <- dat[c('ocean_proximity', 'c_longitude', 'c_latitude', 'c_age',
'c_rooms', 'c_bedrooms', 'c_pop', 'c_households', 'c_income',
'c_rooms', 'c_bedrooms', 'c_pop', 'c_households', 'c_income',
vent <- list()
vent <- list()
# ventilation de la modalité RO:>8 de c_rooms
# ventilation of modality RO:>8 of variable c_rooms
vent$c_rooms <- ventilate(dat$c_rooms, "RO:>8")
vent$c_rooms <- ventilate(dat$c_rooms, "RO:>8")
dat$c_rooms[vent$c_rooms$sup_i] <- vent$c_rooms$smpl
dat$c_rooms[vent$c_rooms$sup_i] <- vent$c_rooms$smpl
# ventilation de la modalité IC:>15 de c_income
# ventilation of modality IC:>15 of variable c_income
vent$c_income <- ventilate(dat$c_income, "IC:>15")
vent$c_income <- ventilate(dat$c_income, "IC:>15")
dat$c_income[vent$c_income$sup_i] <- vent$c_income$smpl
dat$c_income[vent$c_income$sup_i] <- vent$c_income$smpl
# ventilation de la modalité O:ISL de ocean_proximity
# ventilation of modality O:ISL of variable ocean_proximity
vent$ocean_proximity <- ventilate(dat$ocean_proximity, "O:ISL")
vent$ocean_proximity <- ventilate(dat$ocean_proximity, "O:ISL")
dat$ocean_proximity[vent$ocean_proximity$sup_i] <- vent$ocean_proximity$smpl
dat$ocean_proximity[vent$ocean_proximity$sup_i] <- vent$ocean_proximity$smpl
# ventilation des valeurs manquantes de c_bedrooms
# ventilation of missing values of variable c_bedrooms
vent$c_bedrooms <- ventilate(dat$c_bedrooms, "NA")
vent$c_bedrooms <- ventilate(dat$c_bedrooms, "NA")
dat$c_bedrooms[vent$c_bedrooms$sup_i] <- vent$c_bedrooms$smpl
dat$c_bedrooms[vent$c_bedrooms$sup_i] <- vent$c_bedrooms$smpl
# suppression des modalités vides après ventilation
# removal of empty modalities following the various ventilations
dat <- droplevels(dat)
dat <- droplevels(dat)
# positionnement de c_house_value en variable supplémentaire
# c_house_value, the target, is considered as a supplementary variable
supvar <- which(names(dat) == "c_house_value")
supvar <- which(names(dat) == "c_house_value")
r <- list( vent=vent, dat=dat, supvar=supvar )
r <- list( vent=vent, dat=dat, supvar=supvar )
@ -152,8 +155,7 @@ function()
# one hot encoding (codage disjonctif complet) of a dataframe
# one hot encoding of a dataframe made of categorical variables
# made of categorical variables
onehot_enc <-
onehot_enc <-
@ -250,9 +252,21 @@ function(dat, nclst = 100)
# Principal coordinates of clusters' centers
# Principal coordinates of clusters' centers
fclst <- clsti$centers
fclst <- clsti$centers
r <- list(f=f, ctr=ctr, cor=cor, r=r, sv=sv,
r <- list(f=f, # principal coordinates
fsi=fsi, sicor=sicor, fsj=fsj, sjcor=sjcor,
ctr=ctr, # contributions of the modalities
# to the principal axes
cor=cor, # correlations of the modalities
# with the principal axes
r=r, # marginal profile of the modalities
sv=sv, # K (=J-Q) singular values
fsi=fsi, # principal coordinates of the individuals
sicor=sicor, # correlations of the individuals
# with the principal axes
fsj=fsj, # principal coordinates of the modalities
# of the supplementary variables
sjcor=sjcor, # correlations of the supplementary variables
# with the principal axes
clsti=clsti) # kmeans clustering of the individuals
class(r) <- "mca"
class(r) <- "mca"
@ -268,7 +282,7 @@ function(o)
nclst <- length(o$clsti$size)
nclst <- length(o$clsti$size)
# Correlation of clusters and factorial axes
# Correlation of clusters' centers and factorial axes
temp <- o$clsti$centers^2
temp <- o$clsti$centers^2
sum_cor <- apply(temp, 1, sum)
sum_cor <- apply(temp, 1, sum)
clstcor <- sweep(temp, 1, sum_cor, FUN="/")
clstcor <- sweep(temp, 1, sum_cor, FUN="/")
@ -285,7 +299,8 @@ function(o)
tblClstCor <- t(sapply(1:nclst, selMostCorFact))
tblClstCor <- t(sapply(1:nclst, selMostCorFact))
tblClstCor <- cbind(tblClstCor, o$clsti$size)
tblClstCor <- cbind(tblClstCor, o$clsti$size)
rwithinss <- o$clsti$withinss / o$clsti$size # withinss relative to the cluster size
rwithinss <- o$clsti$withinss / o$clsti$size # within sum of squares
# relative to cluster size
clstqlty <- round_preserve_sum(1000 * rwithinss / sum(rwithinss))
clstqlty <- round_preserve_sum(1000 * rwithinss / sum(rwithinss))
tblClstCor <- cbind(tblClstCor, clstqlty)
tblClstCor <- cbind(tblClstCor, clstqlty)
rownames(tblClstCor) <- paste0('clst-', 1:nclst)
rownames(tblClstCor) <- paste0('clst-', 1:nclst)
@ -304,10 +319,10 @@ function(o, d1 = NULL, d2 = NULL)
if(is.null(d1)) d1<-1
if(is.null(d1)) d1<-1
if(is.null(d2)) d2<-2
if(is.null(d2)) d2<-2
# Part de l'inertie du plan factoriel d1-d2 expliquée par chaque profil
# proportion of inertia of factorial plan d1-d2 explained by each profile
cont <- o$r * (o$f[,d1]^2 + o$f[,d2]^2) / (o$sv[d1]^2 + o$sv[d2]^2)
cont <- o$r * (o$f[,d1]^2 + o$f[,d2]^2) / (o$sv[d1]^2 + o$sv[d2]^2)
names <- rownames(o$f)
names <- rownames(o$f)
names[cont < 0.01] <- "."
names[cont < 0.05] <- "."
optimPar <- nonlinearFontSize.mca(cont)
optimPar <- nonlinearFontSize.mca(cont)
sizes <- log(1 + exp(optimPar[1]) * cont^optimPar[2])
sizes <- log(1 + exp(optimPar[1]) * cont^optimPar[2])
sizes[cont < 0.01] <- 1
sizes[cont < 0.01] <- 1
@ -330,7 +345,8 @@ function(o, d1 = NULL, d2 = NULL)
plot(o$f[,d1], o$f[,d2], type = "n",
plot(o$f[,d1], o$f[,d2], type = "n",
xlab="", ylab="", asp = 1, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
xlab="", ylab="", asp = 1, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
text(o$f[,d1], o$f[,d2], ns$names, adj = 0, cex = ns$sizes, col = 'blue', font = 2)
text(o$f[,d1], o$f[,d2], ns$names, adj = 0, cex = ns$sizes,
col = 'blue', font = 2)
points(0, 0, pch = 3)
points(0, 0, pch = 3)
@ -366,7 +382,7 @@ function(o, d1 = NULL, d2 = NULL)
if(is.null(d2)) d2<-2
if(is.null(d2)) d2<-2
nsm <- textSize.mca(o, d1, d2) # names and sizes for modalities
nsm <- textSize.mca(o, d1, d2) # names and sizes for modalities
nsi <- textSizeClst.mca(o, d1, d2) # names and sizes for clusters of individuals
nsi <- textSizeClst.mca(o, d1, d2) # names and sizes for clust of individuals
plot(c(o$f[,d1], o$fsj[,d1], o$clsti$centers[,d1]),
plot(c(o$f[,d1], o$fsj[,d1], o$clsti$centers[,d1]),
c(o$f[,d2], o$fsj[,d2], o$clsti$centers[,d2]),
c(o$f[,d2], o$fsj[,d2], o$clsti$centers[,d2]),
@ -396,10 +412,10 @@ function(o, d1 = NULL, d2 = NULL)
clstcor <- sweep(temp, 1, sum_cor, FUN="/")
clstcor <- sweep(temp, 1, sum_cor, FUN="/")
clstcor <- rowSums(clstcor[,c(d1,d2)])
clstcor <- rowSums(clstcor[,c(d1,d2)])
names <- names(clstcor)
names <- names(clstcor)
names[clstcor < 0.01] <- "x"
names[clstcor < 0.05] <- "x"
optimPar <- nonlinearFontSize.mca(clstcor)
optimPar <- nonlinearFontSize.mca(clstcor)
sizes <- log(1 + exp(optimPar[1]) * clstcor^optimPar[2])
sizes <- log(1 + exp(optimPar[1]) * clstcor^optimPar[2])
sizes[clstcor < 0.01] <- 1
sizes[clstcor < 0.05] <- 1
r <- list(names=names, sizes=sizes)
r <- list(names=names, sizes=sizes)
@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
dataset.housing <-
dataset.housing <-
# loading dataset in memory
dat <- read.csv(file="data/housing.csv", header=TRUE)
dat <- read.csv(file="data/housing.csv", header=TRUE)
# transform ocean_proximity into a factor
dat$ocean_proximity <- as.factor(dat$ocean_proximity)
dat$ocean_proximity <- as.factor(dat$ocean_proximity)
levels(dat$ocean_proximity)[levels(dat$ocean_proximity)=="<1H OCEAN"] <- "O:<1H"
levels(dat$ocean_proximity)[levels(dat$ocean_proximity)=="<1H OCEAN"] <- "O:<1H"
levels(dat$ocean_proximity)[levels(dat$ocean_proximity)=="ISLAND"] <- "O:ISL"
levels(dat$ocean_proximity)[levels(dat$ocean_proximity)=="ISLAND"] <- "O:ISL"
@ -13,33 +18,144 @@ function()
levels(dat$ocean_proximity)[levels(dat$ocean_proximity)=="NEAR BAY"] <- "O:NB"
levels(dat$ocean_proximity)[levels(dat$ocean_proximity)=="NEAR BAY"] <- "O:NB"
levels(dat$ocean_proximity)[levels(dat$ocean_proximity)=="NEAR OCEAN"] <- "O:NO"
levels(dat$ocean_proximity)[levels(dat$ocean_proximity)=="NEAR OCEAN"] <- "O:NO"
# replace total_bedrooms missing values with the median value
dat$total_bedrooms[is.na(dat$total_bedrooms)] <- median(dat$total_bedrooms, na.rm=TRUE)
dat$total_bedrooms[is.na(dat$total_bedrooms)] <- median(dat$total_bedrooms, na.rm=TRUE)
# remove individuals corresponding to the Island modality of ocean_proximity
dat <- dat[dat$ocean_proximity != "O:ISL", ]
dat <- dat[dat$ocean_proximity != "O:ISL", ]
# suppression des modalités vides (ici "O:ISL")
# remove empty modalities (here, only "O:ISL")
dat <- droplevels(dat)
dat <- droplevels(dat)
# introduce new variable for number of rooms by households
dat['rooms'] <- dat['total_rooms'] / dat['households']
dat['rooms'] <- dat['total_rooms'] / dat['households']
# introduce new variable for number of bedrooms by households
dat['bedrooms'] <- dat['total_bedrooms'] / dat['households']
dat['bedrooms'] <- dat['total_bedrooms'] / dat['households']
# introduce new variable for number of people by households
dat['pop'] <- dat['population'] / dat['households']
dat['pop'] <- dat['population'] / dat['households']
# remove individuals with extremely high values of the target
dat <- dat[dat$median_house_value < 500001, ]
dat <- dat[dat$median_house_value < 500001, ]
# select variables to retain in the dataset
dat <- dat[c('longitude', 'latitude', 'housing_median_age', 'households',
dat <- dat[c('longitude', 'latitude', 'housing_median_age', 'households',
'median_income', 'median_house_value', 'ocean_proximity',
'median_income', 'median_house_value', 'ocean_proximity',
'rooms', 'bedrooms', 'pop')]
'rooms', 'bedrooms', 'pop')]
# one-hot-enconde categorical variable ocean_proximity
Z <- onehot_enc(dat[c('ocean_proximity')])
Z <- onehot_enc(dat[c('ocean_proximity')])
dat <- cbind(dat, as.data.frame(Z))
dat <- cbind(dat, as.data.frame(Z))
dat <- dat[,!(colnames(dat) %in% c('ocean_proximity'))]
dat <- dat[,!(colnames(dat) %in% c('ocean_proximity'))]
dat.all <- dat
dat.all <- dat
# separate observed variables X from the target Y
X <- dat[,!(colnames(dat) %in% c('median_house_value'))]
X <- dat[,!(colnames(dat) %in% c('median_house_value'))]
Y <- dat[,c('median_house_value')]
Y <- dat[,c('median_house_value')]
names(Y) <- rownames(X)
names(Y) <- rownames(X)
dat <- list(X = X, Y = Y)
dat <- list(X = X, Y = Y)
# split the dataset into train and test
split <- splitdata(dat, 0.8)
split <- splitdata(dat, 0.8)
entr <- split$entr
train <- split$entr
test <- split$test
test <- split$test
r <- list( dat=dat.all, entr=entr, test=test )
r <- list( dat=dat.all, train=train, test=test )
# create a categorical dataset for correspondence analysis of the training data
dataset.housing.mca <-
# loading dataset in memory
if(is.null(dat)) { dat <- read.csv(file="data/housing.csv", header=TRUE) }
# transform ocean_proximity into a factor
dat$ocean_proximity <- as.factor(dat$ocean_proximity)
levels(dat$ocean_proximity)[levels(dat$ocean_proximity)=="<1H OCEAN"] <- "O:<1H"
levels(dat$ocean_proximity)[levels(dat$ocean_proximity)=="ISLAND"] <- "O:ISL"
levels(dat$ocean_proximity)[levels(dat$ocean_proximity)=="INLAND"] <- "O:INL"
levels(dat$ocean_proximity)[levels(dat$ocean_proximity)=="NEAR BAY"] <- "O:NB"
levels(dat$ocean_proximity)[levels(dat$ocean_proximity)=="NEAR OCEAN"] <- "O:NO"
# discretization of longitude
cuts <- kcuts(x = dat$longitude, centers = 4)
dat$c_longitude <- cut(x = dat$longitude, unique(cuts), include.lowest = TRUE)
levels(dat$c_longitude) <- c('LO:W', 'LO:MW', 'LO:ME', 'LO:E')
# discretization of latitude
cuts <- kcuts(x = dat$latitude, centers = 4)
dat$c_latitude <- cut(x = dat$latitude, unique(cuts), include.lowest = TRUE)
levels(dat$c_latitude) <- c('LA:S','LA:MS','LA:MN','LA:N')
# discretization of housing_median_age
cuts <- c(min(dat$housing_median_age), 15, 25, 35, 51, 52)
dat$c_age <- cut(x = dat$housing_median_age, unique(cuts),
include.lowest = TRUE)
levels(dat$c_age) <- c('AG:15]','AG:25]','AG:35]','AG:51]', 'AG:52')
# creation and discretization of rooms
dat$rooms <- dat$total_rooms / dat$households
cuts <- c(min(dat$rooms), 4, 6, 8, max(dat$rooms))
dat$c_rooms <- cut(x = dat$rooms, unique(cuts), include.lowest = TRUE)
levels(dat$c_rooms) <- c('RO:4]','RO:6]','RO:8]', 'RO:>8')
# creation and discretization of bedrooms
dat$bedrooms <- dat$total_bedrooms / dat$households
cuts <- c(min(dat$bedrooms, na.rm = TRUE), 1.1, max(dat$bedrooms, na.rm = TRUE))
dat$c_bedrooms <- cut(x = dat$bedrooms, unique(cuts), include.lowest = TRUE)
levels(dat$c_bedrooms) <- c('BE:1]','BE:>1')
# creation and discretization of pop
dat$pop <- dat$population / dat$households
cuts <- c(min(dat$pop), 2, 3, 4, max(dat$pop))
dat$c_pop <- cut(x = dat$pop, unique(cuts), include.lowest = TRUE)
levels(dat$c_pop) <- c('PO:2]','PO:3]', 'PO:4]', 'PO:>4')
# discretization of households
cuts <- c(min(dat$households), 300, 400, 600, max(dat$households))
dat$c_households <- cut(x = dat$households, cuts, include.lowest = TRUE)
levels(dat$c_households) <- c('HH:3]', 'HH:4]', 'HH:6]', 'HH:>6')
# discretization of median_income
cuts <- quantile(dat$median_income, probs = seq(0,1,1/4))
cuts <- c(cuts[1:length(cuts)-1], 15, max(dat$median_income))
dat$c_income <- cut(x = dat$median_income, cuts, include.lowest = TRUE)
levels(dat$c_income) <- c('IC:L', 'IC:ML', 'IC:MH', 'IC:H', 'IC:>15')
# discretization of median_house_value
cuts <- c(min(dat$median_house_value), 115000, 175000, 250000,
dat$c_house_value <- cut(x = dat$median_house_value, cuts,
include.lowest = TRUE)
levels(dat$c_house_value) <- c('HV:A', 'HV:B', 'HV:C', 'HV:D')
# discretized version of the entire dataset
dat <- dat[c('ocean_proximity', 'c_longitude', 'c_latitude', 'c_age',
'c_rooms', 'c_bedrooms', 'c_pop', 'c_households', 'c_income',
vent <- list()
# ventilation of modality RO:>8 of variable c_rooms
vent$c_rooms <- ventilate(dat$c_rooms, "RO:>8")
dat$c_rooms[vent$c_rooms$sup_i] <- vent$c_rooms$smpl
# ventilation of modality IC:>15 of variable c_income
vent$c_income <- ventilate(dat$c_income, "IC:>15")
dat$c_income[vent$c_income$sup_i] <- vent$c_income$smpl
# ventilation of missing values of variable c_bedrooms
vent$c_bedrooms <- ventilate(dat$c_bedrooms, "NA")
dat$c_bedrooms[vent$c_bedrooms$sup_i] <- vent$c_bedrooms$smpl
# removal of empty modalities following the various ventilations
dat <- droplevels(dat)
# c_house_value, the target, is considered as a supplementary variable
supvar <- which(names(dat) == "c_house_value")
r <- list( vent=vent, dat=dat, supvar=supvar )
@ -47,20 +163,42 @@ print("load dataset")
dat <- dataset.housing()
dat <- dataset.housing()
print("Nystroem approx ridge regression")
print("Nystroem approx ridge regression")
nakrm <- nakr(dat$entr$X, dat$entr$Y)
nakrm <- nakr(dat$train$X, dat$train$Y)
nakrm.yh <- predict(nakrm, dat$test$X)
nakrm.yh <- predict(nakrm, dat$test$X)
nakrm.mae <- mean(abs(nakrm.yh - dat$test$Y))
nakrm.mae <- mean(abs(nakrm.yh - dat$test$Y))
print(paste("MAE for Nystroem: ", nakrm.mae))
print(paste("Test MAE for Nystroem: ", nakrm.mae))
# correspondence analysis of the training set
rawdat <- read.csv(file="data/housing.csv", header=TRUE)
train.rawdat <- rawdat[as.numeric(rownames(dat$train$X)),]
dat.mca <- dataset.housing.mca(train.rawdat)
cam <- mca(dat.mca)
# average of the prediction errors by clusters
nakrm.yh.train <- predict(nakrm, dat$train$X)
nakrm.mae.train <- mean(abs(nakrm.yh.train - dat$train$Y))
nakrm.err.train <- abs(nakrm.yh.train - dat$train$Y)
clst.err <- aggregate(nakrm.err.train, list(cam$clsti$cluster), FUN=mean)
clst.err$Group.1 <- paste0("clst-", as.character(clst.err$Group.1))
clst.tbl <- clstcor.mca(cam)
clst.err <- clst.err[match(rownames(clst.tbl),clst.err$Group.1),]
clst.tbl <- cbind(clst.tbl, clst.err[,2])
colnames(clst.tbl)[ncol(clst.tbl)] <- "ERR"
clst.tbl <- clst.tbl[order(-clst.tbl[,"ERR"]),]
print("training set clusters obtained by correspondence analysis and ordered by amount of error")
# From these informations, we could try to understand why for some clusters the model commits greater errors...
print("Linear ridge regression")
print("Linear ridge regression")
rm <- ridge(dat$entr$X, dat$entr$Y)
rm <- ridge(dat$train$X, dat$train$Y)
rm.yh <- predict(rm, dat$test$X)
rm.yh <- predict(rm, dat$test$X)
rm.mae <- mean(abs(rm.yh - dat$test$Y))
rm.mae <- mean(abs(rm.yh - dat$test$Y))
print(paste("MAE for Ridge: ", rm.mae))
print(paste("Test MAE for Ridge: ", rm.mae))
print("Random forest")
print("Random forest")
rfm <- randomForest(dat$entr$X, dat$entr$Y)
rfm <- randomForest(dat$train$X, dat$train$Y)
rfm.yh <- predict(rfm, dat$test$X)
rfm.yh <- predict(rfm, dat$test$X)
rfm.mae <- mean(abs(rfm.yh - dat$test$Y))
rfm.mae <- mean(abs(rfm.yh - dat$test$Y))
print(paste("MAE for Random Forest: ", rfm.mae))
print(paste("Test MAE for Random Forest: ", rfm.mae))
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ author: "Pierre-Edouard Portier"
documentclass: book
documentclass: book
geometry: margin=2cm
geometry: margin=2cm
fontsize: 12pt
fontsize: 12pt
date: "19 Mar 2023"
date: "27 Mar 2023"
toc: true
toc: true
classoption: fleqn
classoption: fleqn
bibliography: intro_to_ml.bib
bibliography: intro_to_ml.bib
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