„wt32pamon.ino“ ändern

This commit is contained in:
Michael Clemens // DK1MI 2023-05-04 12:34:11 +00:00
parent 470cbc0276
commit 92cb61f657

View File

@ -50,7 +50,11 @@
#include "config.h" // Config Web page header file
#include <Preferences.h>
Preferences preferences;
Preferences translation;
Preferences config;
String config_items [ ] = {"show_fwd", "show_ref", "show_swr", "show_mV", "show_dBm", "show_watt"};
String config_defaults [ ] = {"true", "true", "true", "true", "false", "true"};
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -63,18 +67,18 @@ uint8_t temprature_sens_read();
// milliVolt 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600
int milliwatt [ ] = {0, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 700, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 3000, 3000, 4000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 6000, 7000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 11000, 12000, 13000, 14000, 15000, 17000, 19000, 20000};
int voltage_fwd,voltage_ref, voltage_drv;
int voltage_fwd_peak =0,voltage_ref_peak =0, voltage_drv_peak =0;
int voltage_fwd,voltage_ref;
int voltage_fwd_peak =0,voltage_ref_peak =0;
int fwd_power=0, ref_power=0;
byte iii=0;
String conf_content;
String conf_translate_table;
String conf_translate_table = "";
String conf_config_table = "";
String del_action = "";
int IO2_FWD = 2;
int IO4_REF = 4;
int IO12_DRV = 12;
WebServer server(80);
@ -86,12 +90,21 @@ IPAddress mySN(255, 255, 255, 0);
// Google DNS Server IP
IPAddress myDNS(8, 8, 8, 8);
int millivolt_to_milliwatt(int mv)
int millivolt_to_dbm(int mv)
int last = 0;
for (int i=0; i<sizeof milliwatt/sizeof milliwatt[0]; i++) {
if ((i*100) < mv) last = milliwatt[i];
else break;
for (int i=0; i<3400; i++) {
unsigned int stored_val = translation.getUInt(String(i).c_str(), 0);
if (stored_val > 0) {
if (i < mv) {
last = stored_val;
} else {
return last;
@ -101,22 +114,21 @@ void read_directional_couplers()
for(iii=0; iii<20; iii++) // Take 20 samples and save the highest value
{ voltage_fwd = analogReadMilliVolts(IO2_FWD);
voltage_ref = analogReadMilliVolts(IO4_REF);
voltage_drv = analogReadMilliVolts(IO12_DRV);
if(voltage_fwd > voltage_fwd_peak) voltage_fwd_peak = voltage_fwd; // safe the peak of 10 measurements
if(voltage_ref > voltage_ref_peak) voltage_ref_peak = voltage_ref;
if(voltage_drv > voltage_drv_peak) voltage_drv_peak = voltage_drv;
voltage_fwd = voltage_fwd_peak; // use peak voltage for processing
voltage_ref = voltage_ref_peak;
voltage_drv = voltage_drv_peak;
fwd_power = millivolt_to_milliwatt(voltage_fwd);
ref_power = millivolt_to_milliwatt(voltage_ref);
// TODO: dbm in W umrechnen
fwd_power = millivolt_to_dbm(voltage_fwd);
ref_power = millivolt_to_dbm(voltage_ref);
voltage_fwd_peak = 0; // set peak voltages back to 0
voltage_ref_peak = 0;
voltage_drv_peak = 0;
@ -150,7 +162,8 @@ void handleFWD() {
//String fwdValue = String(voltage_fwd);
//String fwdPower = String(millivolt_to_milliwatt(voltage_fwd));
String output = String(voltage_fwd) + "/" + String(fwd_power);
//String output = String(voltage_fwd) + "/" + String(fwd_power);
String output = String(fwd_power);
server.send(200, "text/plane", output); //Send ADC value only to client ajax request
@ -158,16 +171,11 @@ void handleREF() {
//String refValue = String(voltage_ref);
//String refPower = String(millivolt_to_milliwatt(voltage_ref));
String output = String(voltage_ref) + "/" + String(ref_power);
//String output = String(voltage_ref) + "/" + String(ref_power);
String output = String(ref_power);
server.send(200, "text/plane", output); //Send ADC value only to client ajax request
void handleDRV() {
String drvValue = String(voltage_drv);
server.send(200, "text/plane", drvValue); //Send ADC value only to client ajax request
void handleSWR(){
double swr = (1 + sqrt(ref_power/fwd_power)) / (1 - sqrt(ref_power/fwd_power));
@ -181,34 +189,34 @@ void handleTEMP() {
void handleCONFIG() {
//String s = CONFIG_page; //Read HTML contents
String x = "10";
unsigned int stored_val = preferences.getUInt(x.c_str(), 0);
conf_content = "<!DOCTYPE HTML>\r\n<html>Welcome to Wifi Credentials Update page";
conf_content += "<form action=\"/list\" method=\"POST\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"list\">";
if (conf_translate_table == "") {
if (conf_config_table == "") {
conf_content = "<!DOCTYPE HTML>\r\n<html>";
conf_content += "<h1>Configuration</h1>";
conf_content += "<p>";
conf_content += "Action: " + del_action;
conf_content += "Added: " + String(stored_val);
conf_content += "<h3>Translation from mV to dBm</h3>";
conf_content += conf_translate_table;
conf_content += "<p>";
conf_content += conf_translate_table;
conf_content += "</form>";
conf_content += "</p><form method='get' action='add'><label>Add new Volt/Watt Translation: </label><input name='volt' length=32><input name='watt' length=64><input type='submit'></form>";
conf_content += "</p><form method='get' action='/'><button class='back' value='back' name='back' type='submit'>Back to Dashboard</button></form>";
conf_content += "<h3>General Configuration Items</h3>";
conf_content += "<p>";
conf_content += conf_config_table;
conf_content += "</p><form method='POST' action='/'><button class='back' value='back' name='back' type='submit'>Back to Dashboard</button></form>";
conf_content += "</html>";
server.send(200, "text/html", conf_content);
//server.send(200, "text/html", s); //Send web page
void handleLIST() {
del_action = server.arg("delete");
if (del_action != "")
conf_translate_table = "<table border=1>";
conf_translate_table += "<thead><tr><td>Volt</td><td>Watt</td><td>Delete</td></tr></thead>";
void build_translate_table() {
conf_translate_table = "<form action=\"/modtt\" method=\"POST\">";
conf_translate_table += "<table border=1>";
conf_translate_table += "<thead><tr><td>millivolt (mV)</td><td>decibel-milliwatts (dBm)</td><td>Action</td></tr></thead>";
for (int i=0; i<3400; i++) {
unsigned int stored_val = preferences. getUInt(String(i).c_str(), 0);
unsigned int stored_val = translation.getUInt(String(i).c_str(), 0);
if (stored_val > 0) {
conf_translate_table += "<tr><td>";
conf_translate_table += String(i);
@ -219,41 +227,66 @@ void handleLIST() {
conf_translate_table += "</td></tr>";
for (int i=0; i<sizeof milliwatt/sizeof milliwatt[0]; i++) {
conf_translate_table += "<tr><td>";
conf_translate_table += String(i);
conf_translate_table += "</td><td>";
conf_translate_table += String(milliwatt[i]);
conf_translate_table += "</td><td>";
conf_translate_table += "<button class='delete' value='" + String(i) + "' name='delete' type='submit'>delete</button>";
conf_translate_table += "</td></tr>";
conf_translate_table += "</table>";
//server.send(200, "text/html", conf_translate_table); //Send web page
//conf_content = "<!DOCTYPE HTML>\r\n<html>go back";
//server.send(200, "text/html", conf_content);
conf_translate_table += "<tr><td><input name='volt' length=16></td><td><input name='dBm' length=16></td><td><input type='submit'></td></tr>";
conf_translate_table += "</table></form>";
void handleADD() {
String volt = server.arg("volt");
String watt = server.arg("watt");
preferences.putUInt(volt.c_str(), watt.toInt());
del_action = volt + "/" + watt;
void build_config_table() {
conf_config_table = "<form action=\"/modcfg\" method=\"POST\">";
conf_config_table += "<table border=1>";
conf_config_table += "<thead><tr><td>Key</td><td>Value</td></td><td>Action</td></tr></thead>";
for (int i=0; i<sizeof config_items/sizeof config_items[0]; i++) {
String stored_val = config.getString(config_items[i].c_str(), "xxx");
if (stored_val == "xxx"){
config.putString(config_items[i].c_str(), config_defaults[i]);
stored_val = config.getString(config_items[i].c_str(), "");
conf_config_table += "<tr><td>";
conf_config_table += config_items[i];
conf_config_table += "</td><td>";
conf_config_table += String(stored_val);
conf_config_table += "</td><td>";
conf_config_table += "</td></tr>";
conf_config_table += "<tr><td><input name='conf_key' length=16></td><td><input name='conf_value' length=16></td><td><input type='submit'></td></tr>";
conf_config_table += "</table></form>";
void handleMODTT() {
String volt = server.arg("volt");
String dBm = server.arg("dBm");
del_action = server.arg("delete");
if (del_action != "") {
} else if (volt != "" and dBm != "") {
translation.putUInt(volt.c_str(), dBm.toInt());
void handleMODCFG() {
String key = server.arg("conf_key");
String value = server.arg("conf_value");
for (int i=0; i<sizeof config_items/sizeof config_items[0]; i++) {
if (config_items[i] == key) {
if (key != "" and value != "") {
config.putString(config_items[i].c_str(), value);
conf_config_table = "";
void setup()
preferences.begin("translation", false);
translation.begin("translation", false);
config.begin("config", false);
while (!Serial);
@ -277,12 +310,11 @@ void setup()
server.on(F("/"), handleRoot);
server.on("/readFWD", handleFWD);
server.on("/readREF", handleREF);
server.on("/readDRV", handleDRV);
server.on("/readSWR", handleSWR);
server.on("/readTEMP", handleTEMP);
server.on("/config", handleCONFIG);
server.on("/list", handleLIST);
server.on("/add", handleADD);
server.on("/modtt", handleMODTT);
server.on("/modcfg", handleMODCFG);