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/* The ubitx is powered by an arduino nano. The pin assignment is as folows
#define ENC_A (A0) // Tuning encoder interface
#define ENC_B (A1) // Tuning encoder interface
#define FBUTTON (A2) // Tuning encoder interface
#define PTT (A3) // Sense it for ssb and as a straight key for cw operation
#define ANALOG_KEYER (A6) // This is used as keyer. The analog port has 4.7K pull up resistor. Details are in the circuit description on www.hfsignals.com
#define ANALOG_SPARE (A7) // Not used yet
#define TX_RX (7) // Pin from the Nano to the radio to switch to TX (HIGH) and RX(LOW)
#define CW_TONE (6) // Generates a square wave sidetone while sending the CW.
#define TX_LPF_A (5) // The 30 MHz LPF is permanently connected in the output of the PA...
#define TX_LPF_B (4) // ...Alternatively, either 3.5 MHz, 7 MHz or 14 Mhz LPFs are...
#define TX_LPF_C (3) // ...switched inline depending upon the TX frequency
#define CW_KEY (2) // Pin goes high during CW keydown to transmit the carrier.
// ... The CW_KEY is needed in addition to the TX/RX key as the...
// ...key can be up within a tx period
/** pin assignments
14 T_IRQ 2 std changed
13 T_DOUT (parallel to SOD/MOSI, pin 9 of display)
12 T_DIN (parallel to SDI/MISO, pin 6 of display)
11 T_CS 9 (we need to specify this)
10 T_CLK (parallel to SCK, pin 7 of display)
9 SDO(MSIO) 12 12 (spi)
8 LED A0 8 (not needed, permanently on +3.3v) (resistor from 5v,
7 SCK 13 13 (spi)
6 SDI 11 11 (spi)
5 D/C A3 7 (changable)
4 RESET A4 9 (not needed, permanently +5v)
3 CS A5 10 (changable)
The model is called tjctm24028-spi
it uses an ILI9341 display controller and an XPT2046 touch controller.
#define TFT_DC 9
#define TFT_CS 10
#define CS_PIN 8 //this is the pin to select the touch controller on spi interface
* The Arduino, unlike C/C++ on a regular computer with gigabytes of RAM, has very little memory.
* We have to be very careful with variables that are declared inside the functions as they are
* created in a memory region called the stack. The stack has just a few bytes of space on the Arduino
* if you declare large strings inside functions, they can easily exceed the capacity of the stack
* and mess up your programs.
* We circumvent this by declaring a few global buffers as kitchen counters where we can
* slice and dice our strings. These strings are mostly used to control the display or handle
* the input and output from the USB port. We must keep a count of the bytes used while reading
* the serial port as we can easily run out of buffer space. This is done in the serial_in_count variable.
extern char c[30], b[30];
extern char printBuff[2][20]; //mirrors what is showing on the two lines of the display
* The second set of 16 pins on the Raduino's bottom connector are have the three clock outputs and the digital lines to control the rig.
* This assignment is as follows :
* Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
* These too are flexible with what you may do with them, for the Raduino, we use them to :
* - TX_RX line : Switches between Transmit and Receive after sensing the PTT or the morse keyer
* - CW_KEY line : turns on the carrier for CW
* These are the indices where these user changable settinngs are stored in the EEPROM
#define MASTER_CAL 0
#define LSB_CAL 4
#define USB_CAL 8
#define SIDE_TONE 12
//these are ids of the vfos as well as their offset into the eeprom storage, don't change these 'magic' values
#define VFO_A 16
#define VFO_B 20
#define CW_SIDETONE 24
#define CW_SPEED 28
// the screen calibration parameters : int slope_x=104, slope_y=137, offset_x=28, offset_y=29;
#define SLOPE_X 32
#define SLOPE_Y 36
#define OFFSET_X 40
#define OFFSET_Y 44
#define CW_DELAYTIME 48
//These are defines for the new features back-ported from KD8CEC's software
//these start from beyond 256 as Ian, KD8CEC has kept the first 256 bytes free for the base version
#define VFO_A_MODE 256 // 2: LSB, 3: USB
#define VFO_B_MODE 257
//values that are stroed for the VFO modes
#define VFO_MODE_LSB 2
#define VFO_MODE_USB 3
// handkey, iambic a, iambic b : 0,1,2f
#define CW_KEY_TYPE 358
* The uBITX is an upconnversion transceiver. The first IF is at 45 MHz.
* The first IF frequency is not exactly at 45 Mhz but about 5 khz lower,
* this shift is due to the loading on the 45 Mhz crystal filter by the matching
* L-network used on it's either sides.
* The first oscillator works between 48 Mhz and 75 MHz. The signal is subtracted
* from the first oscillator to arriive at 45 Mhz IF. Thus, it is inverted : LSB becomes USB
* and USB becomes LSB.
* The second IF of 11.059 Mhz has a ladder crystal filter. If a second oscillator is used at
* 56 Mhz (appox), the signal is subtracted FROM the oscillator, inverting a second time, and arrives
* at the 11.059 Mhz ladder filter thus doouble inversion, keeps the sidebands as they originally were.
* If the second oscillator is at 33 Mhz, the oscilaltor is subtracated from the signal,
* thus keeping the signal's sidebands inverted. The USB will become LSB.
* We use this technique to switch sidebands. This is to avoid placing the lsbCarrier close to
* 11 MHz where its fifth harmonic beats with the arduino's 16 Mhz oscillator's fourth harmonic
#define INIT_USB_FREQ (11059200l)
// limits the tuning and working range of the ubitx between 3 MHz and 30 MHz
#define LOWEST_FREQ (100000l)
#define HIGHEST_FREQ (30000000l)
//we directly generate the CW by programmin the Si5351 to the cw tx frequency, hence, both are different modes
//these are the parameter passed to startTx
#define TX_SSB 0
#define TX_CW 1
extern char ritOn;
extern char vfoActive;
extern unsigned long vfoA, vfoB, sideTone, usbCarrier;
extern char isUsbVfoA, isUsbVfoB;
extern unsigned long frequency, ritRxFrequency, ritTxFrequency; //frequency is the current frequency on the dial
extern unsigned long firstIF;
// if cwMode is flipped on, the rx frequency is tuned down by sidetone hz instead of being zerobeat
extern int cwMode;
//these are variables that control the keyer behaviour
extern int cwSpeed; //this is actuall the dot period in milliseconds
extern int32_t calibration;
extern int cwDelayTime;
extern bool Iambic_Key;
#define IAMBICB 0x10 // 0 for Iambic A, 1 for Iambic B
extern unsigned char keyerControl;
//during CAT commands, we will freeeze the display until CAT is disengaged
extern unsigned char doingCAT;
* Raduino needs to keep track of current state of the transceiver. These are a few variables that do it
extern boolean txCAT; //turned on if the transmitting due to a CAT command
extern char inTx; //it is set to 1 if in transmit mode (whatever the reason : cw, ptt or cat)
extern int splitOn; //working split, uses VFO B as the transmit frequency
extern char keyDown; //in cw mode, denotes the carrier is being transmitted
extern char isUSB; //upper sideband was selected, this is reset to the default for the
//frequency when it crosses the frequency border of 10 MHz
extern byte menuOn; //set to 1 when the menu is being displayed, if a menu item sets it to zero, the menu is exited
extern unsigned long cwTimeout; //milliseconds to go before the cw transmit line is released and the radio goes back to rx mode
extern unsigned long dbgCount; //not used now
extern unsigned char txFilter ; //which of the four transmit filters are in use
extern boolean modeCalibrate;//this mode of menus shows extended menus to calibrate the oscillators and choose the proper
//beat frequency
/* these are functions implemented in the main file named as ubitx_xxx.ino */
void active_delay(int delay_by);
void saveVFOs();
void setFrequency(unsigned long f);
void startTx(byte txMode);
void stopTx();
void ritEnable(unsigned long f);
void ritDisable();
void checkCAT();
void cwKeyer(void);
void switchVFO(int vfoSelect);
int enc_read(void); // returns the number of ticks in a short interval, +ve in clockwise, -ve in anti-clockwise
int btnDown(); //returns true if the encoder button is pressed
/* these functions are called universally to update the display */
void updateDisplay(); //updates just the VFO frequency to show what is in 'frequency' variable
void redrawVFOs(); //redraws only the changed digits of the vfo
void guiUpdate(); //repaints the entire screen. Slow!!
void drawCommandbar(char *text);
void drawTx();
//getValueByKnob() provides a reusable dialog box to get a value from the encoder, the prefix and postfix
//are useful to concatanate the values with text like "Set Freq to " x " KHz"
int getValueByKnob(int minimum, int maximum, int step_size, int initial, char* prefix, char *postfix);
//functions of the setup menu. implemented in seteup.cpp
void doSetup2(); //main setup function, displays the setup menu, calls various dialog boxes
void setupBFO();
void setupFreq();
//displays a nice dialog box with a title and instructions as footnotes
void displayDialog(char *title, char *instructions);
void printCarrierFreq(unsigned long freq); //used to display the frequency in the command area (ex: fast tuning)
//main functions to check if any button is pressed and other user interface events
void doCommands(); //does the commands with encoder to jump from button to button
void checkTouch(); //does the commands with a touch on the buttons
/* these are functiosn implemented in ubitx_si5351.cpp */
void si5351bx_setfreq(uint8_t clknum, uint32_t fout);
void initOscillators();
void si5351_set_calibration(int32_t cal); //calibration is a small value that is nudged to make up for the inaccuracies of the reference 25 MHz crystal frequency