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This file is part of TSM Monitor.
TSM Monitor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
TSM Monitor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with TSM Monitor. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* polld.php, TSM Monitor
* This file is the TSM Monitor Polling Daemon. It executes queries against TSM
* and inserts them into TMS Monitor's MySQL Database
* @author Michael Clemens
* @version 1.0
* @package tsmmonitor
* Class PollD
class PollD {
var $servers;
var $queries;
var $os;
var $overviewqueries;
var $adodb;
var $debuglevel; // VERBOSE=4, INFO=3, WARN=2, ERROR=1, OFF=0
var $loghandle;
var $log_timeneeded;
var $log_unchangedresult;
var $log_pollfreqnoreached;
var $log_updated;
* PollD
* @param mixed $adodb
* @access public
* @return void
function PollD($adodb, $os) {
$this->adodb = $adodb;
$sql = "select confval from cfg_config WHERE `confkey`='loglevel_polld'";
$loglevel = $this->adodb->fetchArrayDB($sql);
$loglevel = strtoupper($loglevel[0][confval]);
$sql = "select confval from cfg_config WHERE `confkey`='path_polldlog'";
$logfile = $this->adodb->fetchArrayDB($sql);
if ($logfile[0][confval] != "") {
$this->loghandle = fopen($logfile[0][confval], 'at');
if (!$this->loghandle) {
echo "ERROR: Cannot open logfile: '".$logfile[0][confval]."' for writing. Falling back to STDOUT.\n";
$this->servers = $this->getServers();
$this->queries = $this->getQueries();
$this->overviewqueries = $this->getOverviewQueries();
* writeMSG
* @param mixed $msg
* @param mixed $level VERBOSE, INFO, WARN, ERROR, OFF
* @access public
* @return void
function writeMSG($msg, $level) {
switch ($level) {
case ("OFF"):
$ilevel = 0;
case ("ERROR"):
$ilevel = 1;
case ("WARN"):
$ilevel = 2;
case ("INFO"):
$ilevel = 3;
case ("VERBOSE"):
$ilevel = 4;
if ($this->debuglevel >= $ilevel) {
if ($this->loghandle) {
fwrite($this->loghandle, $level.": ".$msg);
else {
echo $level.": ".$msg;
* setDebuglevel
* @param mixed $debuglevel VERBOSE, INFO, WARN, ERROR, OFF
* @access public
* @return void
function setDebuglevel($debuglevel) {
switch ($debuglevel) {
case ("OFF"):
$this->debuglevel = 0;
case ("ERROR"):
$this->debuglevel = 1;
case ("WARN"):
$this->debuglevel = 2;
case ("INFO"):
$this->debuglevel = 3;
case ("VERBOSE"):
$this->debuglevel = 4;
* getQueries - returns an array filled with all configured TSM queries
function getQueries() {
$queries = array();
$query = "select * from cfg_queries";
$querytablerows = $this->adodb->fetchArrayDB($query);
while (list ($subkey, $queryrow) = each ($querytablerows)) {
$queries[$queryrow["name"]] = (array)$queryrow;
$temparray=split(",", $queryrow->Fields);
$cols = array();
while (list ($subkey, $col) = each ($temparray)) {
$temp = split("!", $col);
$cols[$subkey]["label"] = $temp[0];
$cols[$subkey]["name"] = $temp[1];
if ($queryrow->name != "") $queries[$queryrow->name]["header"]["column"] = $cols;
return $queries;
* getOverviewQueries - returns an array filled with all configured TSM overview queries
* @return array
function getOverviewQueries() {
$queries = array();
$query = "select * from cfg_overviewqueries";
$querytablerows = $this->adodb->fetchArrayDB($query);
while (list ($subkey, $queryrow) = each ($querytablerows)) {
$queries[$queryrow["name"]] = (array)$queryrow;
return $queries;
* getServers - returns an array containing all defined servers
* @return array
function getServers() {
$query = "select * from cfg_servers";
$rows = $this->adodb->fetchArrayDB($query);
$servers = array();
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($rows)) {
$servers[$val["servername"]] = (array)$val;
return $servers;
* execute - executes a TSM query on a TSM server and returns an array containing SQL insert statements including the results
* @param string $query TSM query
* @param string $servername name of the TSM server
* @param string $restable
* @param string $timestamp
* @param string $overviewname
* @return array
function execute($query = '', $servername = '', $restable = '', $timestamp = '', $overviewname = '') {
$server = $this->servers[$servername];
$ip = $server["ip"];
$port = $server["port"];
$user = $server["username"];
$pass = $server["password"];
$out = array();
$originalquery = $query;
$query = ereg_replace("NOTEQUAL","<>",$query);
$query = ereg_replace("LESS","<",$query);
$popen_flags = ($os == "win32") ? 'rb' : 'r';
$handle = popen("dsmadmc -se=$servername -id=$user -password=$pass -TCPServeraddress=$ip -COMMMethod=TCPIP -TCPPort=$port -dataonly=yes -TAB \"$query\" ", "$popen_flags");
$hashstring = "";
if ($handle) {
while (!feof($handle) && !$stop) {
$read = fgets($handle, 4096);
$hashstring .= $read;
$stop = strstr($read, 'ANR2034E');
$stop = strstr($read, 'ANS1017E');
$stop = strstr($read, 'ANS8023E');
$blank = strstr($read, 'ANR2034E'); // dsmadmc runs correctly but result is empty (e.g. processes)
//$stop = strstr($read, 'ANS8023E');
if ($read != ' ' && $read != '' && !$stop) {
if ($blank == "") {
$read = preg_replace('/[\n]+/', '', $read);
$read = ereg_replace("\t","\",\"",$read);
$read = ereg_replace("\\\\",'\\\\',$read);
if ($overviewname == '') {
$out[] = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO '.$restable.' values ("'.$timestamp.'", "'.$read.'")';
} else {
$out[] = 'INSERT INTO '.$restable.' (timestamp, name, result) values ("'.$timestamp.'", "'.$overviewname.'", "'.$read.'") ON DUPLICATE KEY update result="'.$read.'", timestamp="'.$timestamp.'"';
} else { // result is empty and it's ok
$out[0] = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO '.$restable.' (timestamp) values ("'.$timestamp.'")';
$hashstring = "";
$stop = TRUE;
//$out[] = $read;
$return["sql"] = $out;
$return["md5"] = md5($hashstring);
if (!$stop || ($blank && $stop)) {
return $return;
} else {
return "";
* checkHash - checks with checksum if there's already the same result in the result database. If not, the hash will be stored.
* @param string $tablename name of table
* @param string $hash md5 hash checksum of current resultSet
* @return boolean
function checkHash($tablename = '', $hash = '') {
$sql = "select count(*) from log_hashes where TABLENAME='".$tablename."' and HASH='".$hash."'";
$countobj = $this->adodb->fetchArrayDB($sql);
$countarray = (array)$countobj[0];
$count = $countarray["count(*)"];
if ($count > 0) {
return TRUE;
} else {
$sql = 'INSERT INTO log_hashes VALUES ("'.$tablename.'", "'.$hash.'")';
$colarray = array();
$colarray["tablename"] = $tablename;
$colarray["hash"] = $hash;
$this->adodb->updateDB("log_hashes", $colarray, 'tablename');
return FALSE;
* checkFreq - checks if configured checking frequency is reached
* @param string $tablename name of table
* @param string $pollfreq polling frequency
* @param string $timestamp timestamp
* @return boolean
function checkFreq($tablename, $pollfreq, $timestamp) {
$sql = "select MAX(TimeStamp) from ".$tablename;
$res = $this->adodb->fetchArrayDB($sql);
$resarray = $res[0];
$lastinsert = $resarray["MAX(TimeStamp)"];
if ($lastinsert!="" && ($lastinsert+($pollfreq*60))>=$timestamp) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;
* getSleeptime - searches for the smallest polling frequency and returns the time to sleep
* @return string
function getSleeptime() {
$sql = "select MIN(pollfreq) from cfg_queries";
$res = $this->adodb->fetchArrayDB($sql);
$resarray = (array)$res[0];
$minqueries = $resarray["MIN(pollfreq)"];
$sql = "select MIN(pollfreq) from cfg_overviewqueries";
$res = $this->adodb->fetchArrayDB($sql);
$resarray = (array)$res[0];
$minoverview = $resarray["MIN(pollfreq)"];
return min($minoverview,$minqueries)*60;
* pollQuery - executes a TSM query and stores result in MySQL DB
* @param array $query
* @param array $server
* @param boolean $ignorePollFreq
* @param string $timestamp
function pollQuery($query = "", $server = "", $ignorePollFreq = TRUE, $timestamp) {
$starttquery = time();
$querytime = 0;
$queryname = $query["name"];
$tablename = "res_".$queryname."_".$server["servername"];
if (!$ignorePollFreq) {
$this->writeMSG("---------".$queryname.": ", "INFO");
// create table if not exists
$showsql = "SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$tablename."'";
$res = $this->adodb->fetchArrayDB($showsql);
if (!isset($res[0])) {
$fieldsql = "select fields from cfg_queries where name='".$queryname."'";
$fields = $this->adodb->fetchArrayDB($fieldsql);
$ctsql = "CREATE TABLE `".$tablename."` (".$fields[0]['fields'].") DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci";
if (!$ignorePollFreq) {
$this->writeMSG("created table ".$tablename." and ", "INFO");
// execute query and store result in mysql db
if ($ignorePollFreq || !$this->checkFreq($tablename, $query["pollfreq"], $timestamp)) {
try {
$result = $this->execute($query["tsmquery"], $server["servername"], $tablename, $timestamp);
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->writeMSG("Problem while querying from TSM Server!", "ERROR");
if ($result != "") {
if (!$this->checkHash($tablename, $result["md5"])) {
if ($query["polltype"]=="update") {
$dropsql = "truncate table ".$tablename;
try {
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->writeMSG("Error while truncating table (".$dropsql.")", "ERROR");
$this->writeMSG(" TRUNCATED TABLE and ", "INFO");
foreach ($result["sql"] as $insertquery) {
try {
//echo $insertquery;
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->writeMSG("Error while inserting into table (".$insertquery.")", "ERROR");
$querytime = time() - $starttquery;
$this->writeMSG("inserted new rows into ".$tablename." ($querytime sec)\n", "INFO");
} else {
$querytime = time() - $starttquery;
$this->writeMSG("no need to update result -> result is the same as last time ($querytime sec)\n", "INFO");
} else {
$this->writeMSG("There was a problem querying the TSM Server ".$server["servername"]."!\n", "ERROR");
} else {
$this->writeMSG("no need to update result -> pollfreq not reached!\n", "INFO");
* pollOverviewQuery - executes a TSM overview query and stores result in MySQL DB
* @param array $query
* @param array $server
* @param boolean $ignorePollFreq
* @param string $timestamp
function pollOverviewQuery($query = "", $server = "", $timestamp) {
$starttquery = time();
$querytime = 0;
$tablename = "res_overview_".$server["servername"];
$this->writeMSG("---------".$query["name"].": ", "INFO");
//$ctsql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ".$tablename." LIKE smp_overview";
$ctsql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ".$tablename." ( `timestamp` int(11) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `name` varchar(35) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `result` varchar(255) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci";
$result = $this->execute($query["query"], $server["servername"], $tablename, $timestamp, $query["name"]);
if ($result != "") {
foreach ($result["sql"] as $insertquery) {
$querytime = time() - $starttquery;
$this->writeMSG("inserted row ($querytime sec)\n", "INFO");
} else {
$this->writeMSG("There was a problem querying the TSM Server ".$server["servername"]."!\n", "ERROR");
* cleanupDatabase - cleans up database (single result tables and/or hash entry)
* @param string $servername
* @param string $queryname
* @param string $overviewqueryname
* @param string $hashonly do not drop table, just delete entry in log_hashes
function cleanupDatabase($servername = "", $queryname = "", $overviewqueryname = "", $months = "9999" ,$hashonly = "yes") {
if ($servername != "" && $queryname != "" && $overviewqueryname != "") {
$time = time()-($months*30*24*60*60);
$wc = " WHERE `timestamp`<'".$time."'";
foreach ($this->servers as $server) {
if ($servername == "all" || $server["servername"] == $servername) {
foreach ($this->queries as $query) {
if (($queryname == "all" || $query["name"] == $queryname) && $queryname != "none") {
$tablename = "res_".$query["name"]."_".$server["servername"];
if ($hashonly != "yes") {
$dropsql = "drop table ".$tablename;
$delsql = "DELETE FROM log_hashes where `tablename` = '".$tablename."'";
//$this->fireMySQLQuery($delsql, FALSE);
foreach ($this->overviewqueries as $query) {
if (($overviewqueryname == "all" || $query["name"] == $overviewqueryname) && $overviewqueryname != "none") {
$tablename = "res_overview_".$server["servername"];
$dropsql = "drop table ".$tablename;
* setPollDStatus
* @param string $status
* @param string $lastrun
* @param string $nextrun
function setPollDStatus($status, $lastrun, $nextrun) {
if ($status != "") $status = "`status`='".$status."'";
if ($lastrun != "") $lastrun = ", `lastrun`='".$lastrun."'";
if ($nextrun != "") $nextrun = ", `nextrun`='".$nextrun."'";
$sql = "update log_polldstat set ".$status." ".$lastrun." ".$nextrun." WHERE `id`='1'";
* isEnabled - returns true if PollD is enabled
* @returns boolean
function isEnabled() {
$sql = "select enabled from log_polldstat WHERE `id`='1'";
$result = $this->adodb->fetchArrayDB($sql);
if ($result != "" && $result[0]["enabled"] == "1") {
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;
* controlPollD - enables or disables polld
* @param string switch on or off
function controlPollD($switch = "") {
if ($switch == "on") {
$val = "1";
} else if ($switch == "off") {
$val = "0";
} else {
return "";
$sql = "update log_polldstat set `enabled` = '".$val."' WHERE `id`='1'";
* get Status - returns status of PollD
* @returns string
function getStatus() {
$sql = "select status from log_polldstat WHERE `id`='1'";
$result = $this->adodb->fetchArrayDB($sql);
return $result[0]["status"];
* poll - the main function that polls the data
* @return boolean
function poll() {
$sleeptime = $this->getSleeptime();
$this->writeMSG("Sleeptime will be ".$sleeptime." seconds\n", "WARN");
// infinite loop
while(true) {
if ($this->isEnabled()) {
$timestamp = time();
$this->writeMSG("running!\ntimestamp for this run is ".$timestamp."\n", "WARN");
$this->setPollDStatus("running", "", "");
foreach ($this->servers as $server) {
$this->log_timeneeded = time();
$this->log_unchangedresult = 0;
$this->log_pollfreqnoreached = 0;
$this->log_updated = 0;
$this->writeMSG("---querying server ".$server["servername"]."\n", "WARN");
$this->writeMSG("------querying normal queries\n", "WARN");
foreach ($this->queries as $query) {
$this->pollQuery($query, $server, FALSE, $timestamp);
$this->writeMSG("------querying overview queries\n", "WARN");
foreach ($this->overviewqueries as $query) {
$this->pollOverviewQuery($query, $server, $timestamp);
$sql = 'INSERT INTO log_polldlog VALUES ("'.$timestamp.'", "'.$server["servername"].'", "'.$log_updated.'", "'.$log_unchangedresult.'", "'.$log_pollfreqnoreached.'", "'.(time()-$log_timeneeded).'")';
$init = "no";
$this->writeMSG("needed ".(time()-$timestamp)." seconds for this run.\n", "INFO");
$tempsleeptime = 900 -(time()-$timestamp);
if ($tempsleeptime < 0) {
$tempsleeptime = 0;
$this->writeMSG("sleeping for ".$tempsleeptime." seconds...\n", "WARN");
$this->writeMSG("next run will be at ".strftime("%H:%M:%S", (time()+$tempsleeptime))."\n\n", "WARN");
$this->setPollDStatus("sleeping", $timestamp, (time()+$tempsleeptime));
sleep ($tempsleeptime);
} else {
$this->writeMSG("PollD is disabled. Sleeping for 5 minutes...\n", "ERROR");
sleep (3);