2022-06-07 10:39:08 -04:00
title: "Amateur Radio"
date: 2018-10-26T18:08:59+02:00
draft: false
showthedate: false
2022-06-07 11:01:04 -04:00
### Software
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* Logging Software
* [YFKlog ](http://fkurz.net/ham/yfklog.html ) - curses based CLI ham radio logbook
* [Fast Log Entry (FLE) ](https://www.df3cb.com/fle/ ) - plain text windows logging tool
* [CQRLOG ](https://www.cqrlog.com ) - ham radio logbook for Linux
* [Log4OM ](http://www.log4om.com/ ) - ham radio logbook for Windows
* [Cloudlog ](https://www.magicbug.co.uk/cloudlog/ ) - Web based amateur radio logging application built using PHP & MySQL supports general station logging tasks from HF to Microwave with supporting applications to support CAT control.
* Weblogs
* [Club Log ](https://clublog.org/ )
* [HRDLOG ](http://www.hrdlog.net/ )
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### Modes
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* FT8
* [FT8 Operating Guide ](https://www.g4ifb.com/FT8_Hinson_tips_for_HF_DXers.pdf ) - Excellent FT8 manual
* CW
* Learning CW
* [Learn CW Online ](https://lcwo.net )
* [CWops Morse Code Trainer ](https://morsecode.scphillips.com/trainer.html )
* [CWops Academy ](https://cwops.org/cw-academy-2/ )
* [A SW Keyer for remote operations ](https://iw7dmh.jimdofree.com/utilities-for-remote-operations/sw-keyer-for-remote-operations/ ) - RS232 interface for morse keys
* [Paper on Farnsforth Technique ](http://www.arrl.org/files/file/Technology/x9004008.pdf )
* [Road to CW ](http://www.k4co.org/MiscDocuments/Road_to_CW_de_W4ALF.pdf )
* [CW Lernen ](https://www.dl3hm.de/CW_Lernen.html ) - good german article on learning CW
* [A Visual Farnsworth CW Trainer ](https://cwtrainer.loomcom.com/ )
* [W1AW Code Practice MP3 Files ](http://www.arrl.org/code-practice-files )
* [Learning CW Morse code by KN3B ](http://kn3b.com/learning-cw-morse-code.html )
* CW QSO Examples
* [Making a CW QSO by K3WWP ](http://www.naqcc.info/cw_qsos.html )
* [CW QSO Formats; Ham Radio Morse Contact ](https://www.electronics-notes.com/articles/ham_radio/morse_code/cw-qso-morse-contact.php )
* [Basics of a CW QSO! ](https://www.emdrc.com.au/basics-of-a-cw-qso/ )
* CW Keyer
* [Open CW Keyer MK2 ](https://www.hamshop.cz/open-cw-keyer-c27/open-cw-keyer-i196/ )
* [NanoKeyer ](https://nanokeyer.wordpress.com/get-one/ )
* [Funtronics K3NG Keyer ](https://elekitsorparts.com/product/funtronics-k3ng-keyer-fk-10-99-winkey-emulation )
* [K1EL Keyer ](https://www.hamcrafters2.com )
* [K3NG Keyer List ](https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer/wiki/180-Kits-and-Kitting )
* [Baofeng UV5R TRRS Adapter ](https://github.com/johnboiles/BaofengUV5R-TRRS )
* [aprs.fi ](https://aprs.fi ) - APRS map
* [APRS mit APRSDroid ](https://www.instructables.com/id/APRS-and-the-UV-5R/ )
* DMR General
* [BAOFENG RD-5R DMR HT & DMR basics ](https://vk2ji.com/baofeng-rd-5r-dmr-ht/ )
* [RT3S: Handhabung des Codeplug im BM-Netz ](http://www.mdtweb.de/index.php/projekte/nachrichtentechnik/betriebstechnik/handhabung-des-codeplug-im-bm-netz )
* [Gute Einfuehrung in DMR ](https://www.dk7lst.de/cms/?q=dmr )
* DMR Repeater Lists
* [spacesupport.de ](http://www.spacesupport.de/repeater-liste.php )
* [bm262.de/dl/ ](http://bm262.de/dl/ )
* [ham-digital.org ](https://ham-digital.org/dmr-rptrreg.php#DEU )
* [https://repeatermap.de/ ](https://repeatermap.de/ )
* Brandmeister
* [Brandmeister Top Activity ](https://app.brandmeisteractivity.live/ )
* Echolink
* [UV-R5 + Rpi3 = Echolink Repeater ](http://www.pakhams.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=178:pi3echolink&catid=45:misc&Itemid=157 )
* [Interfacing the UV5R with a Raspberry PI 3 Echolink-Svxlink ](https://blog.bacarde.com/2017/05/07/interfacing-uv5r-raspberry-pi-3-echolink-svxlink/ )
* [LC-Link Echolink Interface ](https://www.landolt.de/info/afuinfo/echolink.htm )
* Packet Radio
* [Soundmodem ](http://uz7.ho.ua/packetradio.htm ) - Windows application which replaces a modem/TNC
* [direwolf ](https://github.com/wb2osz/direwolf ) - software "soundcard" AX.25 packet modem/TNC and APRS encoder/decoder
* [FlexNet ](http://www.afthd.tu-darmstadt.de/~flexnet/intro.html ) - a modular AX.25 stack
* [Paxon ](http://www.paxon.de ) - Packet Radio Terminal Program
* [DireWolf Presentation ](https://microhams.blob.core.windows.net/content/2018/03/MHDC2018-WB2OSZ.pdf )
* [Packet Radio Slides ](https://www.darc.de/fileadmin/filemounts/distrikte/c/ortsverbaende/15/Infos/VortragPacketRadioDG5MHF.pdf )
* [Packet Radio Slides dk0mav ](http://www.afug.uni-goettingen.de/~dk0mav/Packet-Radio%20Informationsmappe.pdf )
* [Packetradio ohne Modem ](http://db0fhn.efi.fh-nuernberg.de/~dl3rtl/html/soundmodem.html ) - Soundmodem + FlexNet + Paxon
* [V4Chat ](https://elektronikbasteln.pl7.de/v4-chat-chatten-auf-kurzwelle-fuer-funkamateure.html ) - Chatten über Kurzwelle
* [10m Digipeater DF0MOT ](http://www.trg-radio.de/index.php/df0mot-10m )
* [The SSTV Handbook ](http://sstv-handbook.com/ ) - Everything you ever want to know about SSTV in one PDF
* Hamshack Hotline
* [Hamshack Hotline ](https://hamshackhotline.com/ )
* [Presentation on HH ](www.w7aia.org/meetings_files/docs/2019-03-01_ham_shack_hotline_AA6RV.pdf ) - some very informative slides
* [Packet Radio über HAMNET ](https://hamnet.funkzentrum.de/wie-kann-ich-teilnehmen/packet-radio-uebers-hamnet.html )
* [Dienste im HAMNET ](https://hamnet.funkzentrum.de/user-service-netz.html )
* [DB0STB-2 ](https://hamnetdb.net/index.cgi?q=db0stb-2 )
* [Ubiquiti Litebeam 5AC Gen2 Anleitung ](https://dl.ubnt.com/qsg/LBE-5AC-Gen2/LBE-5AC-Gen2_DE.html )
* [Hamnet Präsentation ](https://mum.mikrotik.com/presentations/DE16/presentation_3539_1464940888.pdf )
* [Hamnet Workshop Dormagen ](https://www.afu.rwth-aachen.de/images/vortraege/Hamnet_Workshop_Dormagen.pdf )
* [Einführung in Hamnet ](https://www.darc.de/fileadmin/filemounts/distrikte/p/ortsverbaende/18/Hamnet/Einfuehrung_in_HAMNET_2016-02-05_e.pdf )
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### Tech
2022-06-07 10:39:08 -04:00
* [PL-Stecker an Koax-Kabel löten ](https://dh7lm.wordpress.com/2014/10/05/pl-stecker-an-koax-kabel-loten-so-funktionierts/ )
* [Carbon Arrow Yagi Antenna ](https://tysonpower.de/blog/carbon-arrow-yagi-antenna )
* [Homebrew Programming Cable for Retevis RT95 ](http://iz3zvo.altervista.org/build-program-cable-anytone-at-5888uv-intek-hr-2040/ )
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* Electronics
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* [Elektronik Kompendium ](https://www.elektronik-kompendium.de/ )
* [Burkhard Kainka ](http://www.b-kainka.de/ )
* [Wumpus Welt der Radios ](http://www.welt-der-alten-radios.de/detektor-bauprojekte--80.html )
* [Sounds of RFI ](http://www.arrl.org/sounds-of-rfi ) - Sound samples of different RFI sources
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### Communities
2022-06-07 10:39:08 -04:00
* [The ON4KST amateur radio chat ](http://www.on4kst.org/chat/start.php )
* [/r/amateurradio ](https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/ )
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### Ham Weather / Propagation
2022-06-07 10:39:08 -04:00
* [AirScout - Software for Aircraft Scatter Prediction ](http://www.airscout.eu/index.html )
* [William Hepburn's Worldwide Tropospheric Ducting Forecast ](http://www.dxinfocentre.com/tropo_eur.html )
* [VHF Propagation Map ](http://aprs.mennolink.org/ )
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### DXCluster
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* [DXHeat ](https://dxheat.com/dxc/ ) - Modern, responsive DXCluster web application
* [dx-cluster.de ](http://dx-cluster.de/index.php )
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* [DXHeat ](https://dxheat.com/dxc/ ) - very nice web bases DX Cluster client
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* [Die modernen Werzeuge des UKW Amateurs ](http://funkperlen.blogspot.com/2018/01/die-modernen-wekzeuge-des-ukw-amateurs.html )
* [Beacons ](http://dk8jg.de/Baken%202m%2070cm%2023cm%20in%20DL%202013.pdf )
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### ADIF Analysis/Mapping
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* [Adventure Radio Log Analyzer ](http://analyzer.adventureradio.de/ )
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### Know-how
* [Funken via analoge Funk-Relais ](https://hb9zz.ethz.ch/en/relaisfunk )
* [DC4KU - Werner Schnorrenberg ](http://dc4ku.darc.de/ ) - huge collection of information
### Transceivers
* Xiegu G90
* [Latest G90 firmwares ](https://www.sinotel.co.uk/index.php?main_page=page&id=24 )
* [G90 user group on groups.io ](https://groups.io/g/XieguG90 )
### Tutorials
* [UV-5R Cheat Sheet ](https://w7apk.com/baofeng )
### Exam Preparation
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* [HamRadioTrainer ](http://hamradiotrainer.de/ ) - Die intelligente Lernsoftware für die Amateurfunkprüfung (Windows/Wine)
* [afup.a36.de ](https://www.afup.a36.de/ ) - Prüfungstraining für das Amateurfunkzeugnis (Web based)
* [DARC Online Lehrgang ](https://www.darc.de/der-club/referate/ajw/darc-online-lehrgang/ )
* [Lichtblicke, Kruecken ](https://www.dl9hcg.a36.de/ ) - PDF Slides, Zu jeder Frage des Prüfungs kataloges wird der komplette Lösungsweg auf einer ganzen Bildschirmseite angezeigt.
* [Lizenzkochbuch ](http://www.qslonline.de/hk/eigen/lizenzkochbuch.htm ) - printed book, 15€
* [Fragenkatalog der BNetzA ](https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/cln_1432/DE/Sachgebiete/Telekommunikation/Unternehmen_Institutionen/Frequenzen/Funkzeugnisse/Amateurfunk/amateurfunk-node.html )
* [Class E and A license preparation ](http://ham-radio-apps.com/amateurfunk-lizenz/ ) - iOS Apps
* [Bueffeln.net ](https://www.bueffeln.net/Pruefung/Amateurfunk ) - Web based + App, 20€
* [Rufzeichenliste der BNetzA ](https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/Sachgebiete/Telekommunikation/Unternehmen_Institutionen/Frequenzen/Amateurfunk/Rufzeichenliste/Rufzeichenliste_AFU.pdf?__blob=publicationFile )
* [Rufzeichensuche der BNetzA ](https://ans.bundesnetzagentur.de/Amateurfunk/Rufzeichen.aspx )
* [Prüfungstermine ](https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/Sachgebiete/Telekommunikation/Unternehmen_Institutionen/Frequenzen/Amateurfunk/Pr%C3%BCfungstermine/Termine_Afu_Pruefungen.pdf?__blob=publicationFile )