2016-09-11 02:35:22 -04:00

476 lines
16 KiB

/* Copyright 2000, 2009, 2011, 2012 Neil Edelman, distributed under the terms
of the GNU General Public License, see copying.txt */
/* it's the OSS game, by Neil Edelman (Dec. 2000) */
/* let's make it playable on the web (Dec 2009) */
#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc free */
#include <stdio.h> /* fprintf */
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h> /* manipulating query strings */
#include <ctype.h> /* isalnum */
#include <time.h> /* time */
#include "Oss.h"
#include "Mac.h"
#include "Room.h"
/* constants */
static const char *year = "2000, 2011, 2012";
static const int versionMajor = 3;
static const int versionMinor = 0;
#define SCORES 8
extern const int nowhereroom;
extern const int startroom; /* def in Room */
static const char *title = "OSS Game";
static const char *inputname = "choice";
static const char *exec = "oss.cgi";
static const char *scorefile = "badass";
static const unsigned long forget_time = 1024; /* about 15 minutes */
/* my sever name */
#ifdef NEIL
static const char *valid = "http://neil.chaosnet.org/cgi-bin/oss-game/oss.cgi";
static const char *start = "http://neil.chaosnet.org/cgi-bin/oss-game/";
/* private */
struct Hi {
char last_ip[16]; /* xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx */
char last_game[HISTSIZE];
unsigned long last_time;
struct Oss score[SCORES];
int size;
/* C89 (in which we compile, maybe) doesn't have this prototype (pedantic) */
/*int snprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, ...);*/
static void Oss(struct Oss *oss);
static struct Oss *history(const char *history);
static int osscomp(const struct Oss *a, const struct Oss *b);
static char *query(void);
static char *get_next(char **queryp, const char *want);
static char *status(const struct Oss *o);
static char load(struct Oss *oss);
static int simplify(char *str);
static void printoss(const struct Oss *oss);
static int Hi(struct Hi *hi);
static void HiPrint(struct Hi *hi);
static void HiSave(struct Oss *oss);
static void usage(const char *argvz);
/** initialise */
static void Oss(struct Oss *oss) {
if(!oss) return;
oss->room = startroom;
oss->flags = 0;
oss->points = 0;
oss->friends = 0;
oss->enemies = 0;
oss->education = 0;
oss->trouble = 0;
oss->history[0]= '\0';
oss->name[0] = '\0';
/** options */
void OssMessage(const struct Oss *o, const char *message, ...) {
va_list ap;
char *option, letter = 'a';
/* print the text */
printf("<p>%s</p>\n\n", message);
printf("<p><form action = \"%s\" method = \"post\">\n", exec);
/* hidden args */
printf("<input type = \"hidden\" name = \"room\" value = \"%d\">\n", o->room);
printf("<input type = \"hidden\" name = \"flags\" value = \"%d\">\n", o->flags);
printf("<input type = \"hidden\" name = \"points\" value = \"%d\">\n", o->points);
printf("<input type = \"hidden\" name = \"friends\" value = \"%d\">\n", o->friends);
printf("<input type = \"hidden\" name = \"enemies\" value = \"%d\">\n", o->enemies);
printf("<input type = \"hidden\" name = \"education\" value = \"%d\">\n", o->education);
printf("<input type = \"hidden\" name = \"trouble\" value = \"%d\">\n", o->trouble);
printf("<input type = \"hidden\" name = \"history\" value = \"%s\">\n", o->history);
/* start at the first argument */
va_start(ap, message);
while((option = va_arg(ap, char *))) {
printf("<input type = \"radio\" name = \"%s\" value = \"%c\">", inputname, letter);
printf("%s<br>\n", option);
if(++letter == 'z') break;
/* end the form */
printf("<input type = \"submit\" value = \"Do It\">\n");
/* private */
/** given a history in choices, let it play out and return the result */
static struct Oss *history(const char *history) {
void (*fn)(struct Oss *, const char, const int);
static struct Oss oss;
char *h;
for(h = (char *)history; *h; h++) {
if(!(fn = RoomFn(oss.room))) break;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("<p>%s: %s(%c)</p>\n\n", RoomName(oss.room), h, *h);
(*fn)(&oss, *h, 0);
return &oss;
/** compares the oss games, returns 0 if they're equal */
static int osscomp(const struct Oss *a, const struct Oss *b) {
if(!a || !b) return 1;
if(a->room != b->room) return -1;
if(a->points != b->points) return -2;
if(a->friends != b->friends) return -3;
if(a->enemies != b->enemies) return -4;
if(a->education != b->education) return -5;
if(a->trouble != b->trouble) return -6;
if(a->flags != b->flags) return -7;
return 0;
/** get the query string */
static char *query(void) {
static char post[192];
char *query = 0, *method;
if(!(method = getenv("REQUEST_METHOD"))) return 0;
if(!strcmp("POST", method)) {
fgets(post, sizeof(post), stdin);
query = post;
} else if(!strcmp("GET", method)) {
query = getenv("QUERY_STRING");
} else {
printf("<p>Undefined request method, &quot;%s.&quot;</p>\n\n", method);
return query;
/** gets a query string "want" and advances the queryPtr, or does nothing if
"want" is not arg */
static char *get_next(char **queryp, const char *want) {
char *thing = 0, *query;
/* paranoid */
if(!queryp || !(query = *queryp) || !want) return 0;
/* thing is at '=', make sure the 'want' is actually what we have */
if(!(thing = strpbrk(query, "="))) return 0;
if(strncmp(query, want, thing - query)) return 0;
/* move to the next arg, return it and advance the query */
if((query = strpbrk(thing, "&"))) {
*query = '\0';
*queryp = query;
} else {
*queryp = 0;
return thing;
/** for MAC */
static char *status(const struct Oss *o) {
static char status[64];
snprintf(status, 64, "r%df%dp%df%de%de%dt%d", o->room, o->flags,
o->points, o->friends, o->enemies, o->education, o->trouble);
return status;
/** load game */
static char load(struct Oss *oss) {
char *env, *q;
char *sRoom, *sFlags, *sPoints, *sFriends, *sEnemies, *sEducation;
char *sTrouble, *sChoice, *sHistory, choice;
char *sMac, *cMac, *sName;
int histSize;
struct Oss *check;
/* initial game state */
/* check env vars */
if(!(env = getenv("REQUEST_METHOD")) || strcmp(env, "POST")) return 0;
/* not valid referrer, show the hi-scores */
#ifdef NEIL
if(!(env = getenv("HTTP_REFERER")) || strncmp(env, valid, strlen(valid))) {
struct Hi hi;
if(Hi(&hi)) HiPrint(&hi);
else printf("<p>Error loading high scores.</p>\n\n");
printf("<p>Go back to the start of <a href = \"%s\">OSS game</a>.</p>", start);
if(!(q = query())) return 0;
/* deconstruct query */
if(!(sRoom = get_next(&q, "room"))) return 0;
if(!(sFlags = get_next(&q, "flags"))) return 0;
if(!(sPoints = get_next(&q, "points"))) return 0;
if(!(sFriends = get_next(&q, "friends"))) return 0;
if(!(sEnemies = get_next(&q, "enemies"))) return 0;
if(!(sEducation = get_next(&q, "education"))) return 0;
if(!(sTrouble = get_next(&q, "trouble"))) return 0;
if(!(sHistory = get_next(&q, "history"))) return 0;
/* history can only be HISTSIZE-1 */
histSize = strlen(sHistory);
if(histSize >= HISTSIZE)
{ printf("<p>Too much history!</p>\n\n"); return 0; }
oss->room = atoi(sRoom);
oss->flags = atoi(sFlags);
oss->points = atoi(sPoints);
oss->friends = atoi(sFriends);
oss->enemies = atoi(sEnemies);
oss->education = atoi(sEducation);
oss->trouble = atoi(sTrouble);
if((sChoice = get_next(&q, "choice"))) {
if(sChoice[0] == '\0' || sChoice[1] != '\0')
{ printf("<p>Choice is not single character.</p>\n\n"); return 0; }
if(histSize >= HISTSIZE - 1)
{ printf("<p>Too much history.</p>\n\n"); return 0; }
choice = sChoice[0];
sprintf(oss->history, "%s%c", sHistory, choice);
} else {
strcpy(oss->history, sHistory);
/* high score? */
if(!(sName = get_next(&q, "name")) || !simplify(sName))
{ printf("<p>Invalid entry; sorry try again.</p>\n\n"); return 0; }
strcpy(oss->name, sName);
/* check MAC */
if(!(sMac = get_next(&q, "mac")))
{ printf("<p>Submitted to high-score without Message Authentication Code.</p>\n\n"); return 0; }
cMac = Mac(status(oss));
if(strcmp(sMac, cMac))
{ printf("<p>Message Authentication Code check failed!</p>\n\n"); return 0; }
/* check history (muhaha!) */
if(osscomp(oss, check = history(oss->history))) {
printf("<p>Data given does not support score; how did you get here?</p>\n\n");
printf("<p>You scored:</p>\n\n");
printf("<p>But the history says:</p>\n\n");
return 0;
/* flags it as not an error */
return -1;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Load: room:%d;flags:%d;points:%d;f%de%de%dt%d;h:%s;%c<br><br>\n",
oss->room, oss->flags, oss->points, oss->friends, oss->enemies,
oss->education, oss->trouble, oss->history, choice == 0 ? '0' : choice);
return choice;
/** gets rid of all not isalnum, returns the size of the result */
static int simplify(char *str) {
char *i, *o;
for(i = o = str; ; i++) {
if(*i == '\0') {
*o = '\0';
} else if(*i == '%') {
if(!i[1] || !i[2]) continue;
i += 2; /* forget fancy chars, too much work! */
} else if(isalnum((int)*i)) {
*o = *i;
return o - str;
/** entry point */
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char choice;
void (*fn)(struct Oss *, const char, const int);
struct Oss oss;
if(argc > 1) { usage(argv[0]); return 0; }
printf("Content-Type: text/html; encoding=us-ascii\n\n");
printf("<!doctype html public \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd\">\n\n");
printf("<title>%s</title>\n", title);
printf("<meta name = \"Content-type\" http-equiv = \"Content-Type\" content = \"text/html; charset=us-ascii\">\n");
printf("<link rel = \"top\" href = \"http://neil.chaosnet.org/\">\n");
printf("<link rel = \"icon\" href = \"/favicon.ico\" type = \"image/x-icon\">\n");
printf("<link rel = \"shortcut icon\" href = \"/favicon.ico\" type = \"image/x-icon\">\n");
printf("<link rel = \"stylesheet\" href = \"/neil.css\">\n");
printf("<h1>%s</h1>\n", title);
/* load a game based on POST */
choice = load(&oss);
/* find the room */
fn = RoomFn(oss.room);
/* execute the room */
if(fn && choice) {
(*fn)(&oss, choice, -1);
/* the room now is no longer valid, find the new room */
fn = RoomFn(oss.room);
if(strlen(oss.history) >= HISTSIZE - 1) {
printf("<p>You pass out from exhaustion. You shouldh've eaten a hardier breakfast.</p>\n\n");
fn = 0;
/* print the new room */
if(fn) {
(*fn)(&oss, 0, -1);
} else if(choice) {
/* isn't in a room! the play has stopped, choice has been flagged as
valid in load(), end of the game! */
printf("<p>Go back to <a href = \"index.html\">The Beginning</a>.</p>\n");
/* Oss to html */
static void printoss(const struct Oss *oss) {
printf("<table class = \"nice\">\n<tr><th>Score</th><th>Friends</th><th>Enemies</th><th>Education</th><th>Detentions</th></tr>\n");
printf("<tr class = \"even\"><td>%d</td><td>%d</td><td>%d</td><td>%d</td><td>%d</td></tr>\n",
oss->points, oss->friends, oss->enemies, oss->education, oss->trouble);
/** loads the high scores */
static int Hi(struct Hi *hi) {
struct Oss *s;
FILE *fp;
int i;
if(!(fp = fopen(scorefile, "r"))) return 0;
if(fscanf(fp, "%15s %lu %63s\n", hi->last_ip, &hi->last_time, hi->last_game) != 3)
{ fclose(fp); return 0; }
for(i = 0; i < SCORES; i++) {
s = &hi->score[i];
if(fscanf(fp, "%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %hd, %7s\n",
&s->room, &s->points, &s->friends, &s->enemies, &s->education,
&s->trouble, &s->flags, s->name) != 8) break;
hi->size = i;
return -1;
/** prints the high scores */
static void HiPrint(struct Hi *hi) {
struct Oss *s;
int i;
printf("<table class = \"nice\">\n<caption>High-Score Table</caption>\n");
for(i = 0; i < hi->size; i++) {
s = &hi->score[i];
printf("<tr class = \"%s\"><td>%s</td><td>%d</td><td>%d</td><td>%d</td><td>%d</td><td>%d</td></tr>\n",
i & 1 ? "odd" : "even", s->name, s->points, s->friends,
s->enemies, s->education, s->trouble);
/** this does a high score, assumed they passed the hacker's test */
static void HiSave(struct Oss *oss) {
struct Hi hi;
struct Oss *s;
FILE *fp;
int p, i, named = oss->name[0] == '\0' ? 0 : -1;
char *ip;
if(!named) {
printf("<p><em>Game over</em>; you: </p>\n\n");
if(!Hi(&hi)) {
printf("<p>Error loading the high-scores table.</p>\n\n");
if(!named) {
/* find the position in the high score table */
for(p = 0; p < hi.size; p++) if(oss->points >= hi.score[p].points) break;
/* did not make it */
if(p >= SCORES) return;
/* is not named */
if(!named) {
printf("<p>You made a high-score; enter your mark to live in glory forever:\n");
printf("<form action = \"%s\" method = \"post\">\n", exec);
printf("<input type = \"hidden\" name = \"room\" value = \"%d\">\n", oss->room);
printf("<input type = \"hidden\" name = \"flags\" value = \"%d\">\n", oss->flags);
printf("<input type = \"hidden\" name = \"points\" value = \"%d\">\n", oss->points);
printf("<input type = \"hidden\" name = \"friends\" value = \"%d\">\n", oss->friends);
printf("<input type = \"hidden\" name = \"enemies\" value = \"%d\">\n", oss->enemies);
printf("<input type = \"hidden\" name = \"education\" value = \"%d\">\n", oss->education);
printf("<input type = \"hidden\" name = \"trouble\" value = \"%d\">\n", oss->trouble);
printf("<input type = \"hidden\" name = \"history\" value = \"%s\">\n", oss->history);
printf("<input type = \"text\" name = \"name\" size = \"7\" maxlength = \"7\" value = \"Eve\">\n");
printf("<input type = \"hidden\" name = \"mac\" value = \"%s\">\n", Mac(status(oss)));
printf("<input type = \"submit\" value = \"Right\">\n");
/* check if the score is new */
for(i = p; i < hi.size; i++) {
if(oss->points != hi.score[i].points) break;
if(!strcmp(oss->name, hi.score[i].name)) {
printf("<p>&quot;%s&quot; is already the high score with %d points.</p>\n\n", oss->name, oss->points);
/* check if it's the same player entering different names */
if(!(ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")))
{ printf("Your REMOTE_ADDR needs to be recorded to get on the high-scores table.\n"); return; }
if(!strcmp(hi.last_ip, ip) && hi.last_time + forget_time > time(0) && !strcmp(hi.last_game, oss->history)) {
printf("This REMOTE_ADDR has recently been added to the high-score table with that exact same game.\n");
/* move the scores down to make space */
if(p < hi.size) {
int size = (hi.size < SCORES) ? hi.size - p : SCORES - 1 - p;
memmove(&hi.score[p+1], &hi.score[p], sizeof(struct Oss)*size);
if(hi.size < SCORES) hi.size++;
memcpy(&hi.score[p], oss, sizeof(struct Oss));
/* save score! */
if(!(fp = fopen(scorefile, "w")))
{ printf("<p>Error saving the score.</p>\n\n"); return; }
/* time_t -> unsigned long is scetch */
fprintf(fp, "%.15s %lu %.63s\n", getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"), (unsigned long)time(0), oss->history);
for(i = 0; i < hi.size; i++) {
s = &hi.score[i];
fprintf(fp, "%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %hd, %7s\n",
s->room, s->points, s->friends, s->enemies, s->education,
s->trouble, s->flags, s->name);
printf("<p>%s shall be known for all enternity with a high-score of %d.</p>\n\n", oss->name, oss->points);
static void usage(const char *argvz) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s\n", argvz);
fprintf(stderr, "Version %d.%d.\n\n", versionMajor, versionMinor);
fprintf(stderr, "%s Copyright %s Neil Edelman\n", title, year);
fprintf(stderr, "Uses HMAC-SHA-256 code Copyright (C) 2005 Olivier Gay.\n\n");
fprintf(stderr, "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it\n");
fprintf(stderr, "under certain conditions; see copying.txt.\n\n");