2016-09-11 02:40:29 -04:00

195 lines
6.6 KiB

/* Copyright 2008, 2012 Neil Edelman, distributed under the terms of the
GNU General Public License, see copying.txt */
/* Files is a list of File (private class defiend below,) the Files can have
* a relation to other Files by 'parent' and 'favourite' (@(pwd) uses this.)
* Created by Neil Edelman on 2008-03-24. */
#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc free */
#include <stdio.h> /* fprintf */
#include <string.h> /* strcmp strstr */
#include <dirent.h> /* opendir readdir closedir */
#include <sys/stat.h> /* fstat */
#include "Files.h"
/* constants */
const char *dirCurrent = "."; /* used in multiple files */
const char *dirParent = "..";
static const int maxFilename = 128;
/* public */
struct Files {
struct Files *parent; /* the parent, could be 0 */
struct Files *favourite; /* temp var used to access a certain child */
struct File *file; /* THIS dir, could be 0 if it's home */
struct File *firstFile; /* the Files in this dir */
struct File *firstDir; /* the Files in this dir that are dirs */
struct File *this; /* temp var, one of the firstDir, firstFile list */
/* private */
struct File {
struct File *next;
char *name;
int size;
int isDir;
/* private */
struct File *File(const char *name, const int size, const int isDir);
void File_(struct File *file);
int FileInsert(struct File *file, struct File **startAddr);
/* Alert! parent->this must be the 'file' (directory) that you want to create */
struct Files *Files(const struct Files *parent, int (*filter)(const struct Files *, const char *)) {
char *dirName;
struct dirent *de;
struct stat st;
struct File *file;
struct Files *files;
DIR *dir;
if(parent && !parent->this) { fprintf(stderr, "Files: tried creating a directory without selecting a file (parent->this.)\n"); return 0; }
files = malloc(sizeof(struct Files));
if(!files) { perror("files"); Files_(files); return 0; }
/* does not check for recusive dirs - assumes that it is a tree */
files->parent = (struct Files *)parent;
files->favourite = 0;
files->file = parent ? parent->this : 0;
files->firstFile = 0;
files->firstDir = 0;
files->this = 0;
/* print path on stderr */
fprintf(stderr, "Files: directory <");
while((dirName = FilesEnumPath(files))) fprintf(stderr, "%s/", dirName);
fprintf(stderr, ">.\n");
/* read the current dir */
dir = opendir(dirCurrent);
if(!dir) { perror(dirParent); Files_(files); return 0; }
while((de = readdir(dir))) {
int error = 0;
/* ignore certain files, incomplete 'files'! -> Recusor.c */
if(!de->d_name || (filter && !filter(files, de->d_name))) continue;
/* get status of the file */
if(stat(de->d_name, &st)) { perror(de->d_name); continue; }
/* get the File(name, size) */
file = File(de->d_name, ((int)st.st_size + 512) >> 10, S_ISDIR(st.st_mode));
if(!file) error = -1;
/* put it in the appropreate spot */
if(file->isDir) {
if(!FileInsert(file, &files->firstDir)) error = -1;
} else {
if(!FileInsert(file, &files->firstFile)) error = -1;
/* error */
if(error) fprintf(stderr, "Files: <%s> missed being included on the list.\n", de->d_name);
if(closedir(dir)) { perror(dirCurrent); }
return files;
void Files_(struct Files *files) {
if(!files) return;
File_(files->firstDir); /* cascading delete */
/* this is how we used to access files before 'invisiblity'
if((f->this)) return f->this->next ? -1 : f->firstFile ? -1 : 0;
if((f->this)) return f->this->next ? -1 : 0; */
/* this is how we access the files sequentially */
int FilesAdvance(struct Files *f) {
static enum { files, dirs } type = dirs;
if(!f) return 0;
switch(type) {
case dirs:
if(!f->this) f->this = f->firstDir;
else f->this = f->this->next;
if((f->this)) return -1;
type = files;
case files:
if(!f->this) f->this = f->firstFile;
else f->this = f->this->next;
if((f->this)) return -1;
type = dirs;
return 0;
/* doesn't have a parent */
int FilesIsRoot(const struct Files *f) {
if(!f) return 0;
return (f->parent) ? 0 : -1;
/* resets the list of favourites */
void FilesSetPath(struct Files *f) {
if(!f) return;
for( ; f->parent; f = f->parent) f->parent->favourite = f;
/* after FilesSetFarourite, this enumerates them */
char *FilesEnumPath(struct Files *f) {
char *name;
if(!f) return 0;
for( ; f->parent && f->parent->favourite; f = f->parent);
if(!f->favourite) return 0; /* clear favourite, done */
name = f->favourite->file ? f->favourite->file->name : "(wtf?)";
f->favourite = 0;
return name;
/* takes from files->this */
char *FilesName(const struct Files *files) {
if(!files || !files->this) return 0;
return files->this->name;
int FilesSize(const struct Files *files) {
if(!files || !files->this) return 0;
return files->this->size;
int FilesIsDir(const struct Files *files) {
if(!files || !files->this) return 0;
return files->this->isDir;
/* this is just a list of filenames, (not public) "class File" */
struct File *File(const char *name, const int size, const int isDir) {
int len;
struct File *file;
if(!name || !*name) { fprintf(stderr, "File: file has no name.\n"); return 0; }
if((len = strlen(name)) > maxFilename) { fprintf(stderr, "File: file name \"%s\" is too long (%d.)\n", name, maxFilename); return 0; }
file = malloc(sizeof(struct File) + (len + 1));
if(!file) { File_(file); return 0; }
file->next = 0;
file->name = (char *)(file + 1);
strncpy(file->name, name, len + 1);
file->size = size;
file->isDir = isDir;
/* fprintf(stderr, " File(\"%s\" %p)\n", file->name, (void *)file); debug . . . caught bug! */
return file;
void File_(struct File *file) {
struct File *next;
/* delete ALL the list of files (not just the one) */
for( ; file; file = next) {
next = file->next;
/* fprintf(stderr, " File~(\"%s\" %p)...", file->name, (void *)file); fflush(stderr); debug */
int FileInsert(struct File *file, struct File **startAddr) {
struct File *start;
struct File *prev = 0, *ptr = 0;
if(!file || !startAddr) { fprintf(stderr, "File::insert: file is null, not included.\n"); return 0; }
if(file->next) { fprintf(stderr, "File::insert: <%s> is already in some other list!\n", file->name); return 0; }
start = (struct File *)*startAddr;
/* 'prev' is where to insert; 'ptr' is next node */
for(prev = 0, ptr = start; ptr; prev = ptr, ptr = ptr->next) {
/* ansi doesn't have stricmp; strcasecmp not working?
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED? or just use strcmp */
if(strcasecmp(file->name, ptr->name) <= 0) break;
file->next = ptr;
if(!prev) start = file;
else prev->next = file;
*startAddr = start;
return -1;