This commit is contained in:
@ -1,59 +1,117 @@
# Tested on MacOSX, GNU bash version 4.2.0(1)-release (x86_64--netbsd)
# x86_64--netbsd make (?) doesn't have all the tricks
# Makefile 1.2 (GNU Make 3.81; MacOSX gcc 4.2.1; MacOSX MinGW 4.3.0)
PROJ := MakeIndex
VA := 0
VB := 8
FILES := Recursor Parser Widget Files
VB := 9
# dirs
SDIR := src
TDIR := test
GDIR := build
BDIR := bin
BACK := backup
DDIR := doc
PREFIX:= /usr/local
# files in bdir
INST := $(PROJ)-$(VA)_$(VB)
OBJS := $(patsubst %,$(BDIR)/%.o,$(FILES))
SRCS := $(patsubst %,%.c,$(FILES))
H := $(patsubst %,%.h,$(FILES))
OBJS := bin/Recursor.o bin/Parser.o bin/Widget.o bin/Files.o
CC := gcc
CF := -Wall -O3 -fasm -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math -funroll-loops -pedantic -ansi # not ansi! but compiles; POSIX?
# extra stuff we should back up
default: $(BDIR)/$(PROJ)
# John Graham-Cumming:
# rwildcard is a recursive wildcard
rwildcard=$(foreach d,$(wildcard $1*),$(call rwildcard,$d/,$2) $(filter $(subst *,%,$2),$d))
$(BDIR)/$(PROJ): $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(CF) -o $@ $(OBJS)
# $(CC) $(CF) -o $@ $^
# select all automatically
SRCS := $(call rwildcard, $(SDIR), *.c) # or *.java
TEST := $(call rwildcard, $(TDIR), *.c)
H := $(call rwildcard, $(SDIR), *.h) $(call rwildcard, $(TDIR), *.h)
OBJS := $(patsubst $(SDIR)/%.c, $(GDIR)/%.o, $(SRCS)) # or *.class
TOBJS := $(patsubst $(TDIR)/%.c, $(GDIR)/$(TDIR)/%.o, $(TEST))
DOCS := $(patsubst $(SDIR)/%.c, $(DDIR)/%.html, $(SRCS))
$(BDIR)/%.o: %.c
CC := gcc # /usr/local/i386-mingw32-4.3.0/bin/i386-mingw32-gcc javac nxjc
CF := -Wall -Wextra -Wno-format-y2k -W -Wstrict-prototypes \
-Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wreturn-type -Wcast-qual -Wwrite-strings \
-Wswitch -Wshadow -Wcast-align -Wbad-function-cast -Wchar-subscripts -Winline \
-Wnested-externs -Wredundant-decls -O3 -ffast-math -funroll-loops -pedantic -ansi # or -std=c99 -mwindows or -g:none -O -verbose -d $(BDIR) $(SDIR)/*.java -Xlint:unchecked -Xlint:deprecation
OF := # -framework OpenGL -framework GLUT or -lglut -lGLEW
CDOC := cdoc
# props Jakob Borg and Eldar Abusalimov
# $(ARGS) is all the extra arguments
# $(BRGS) is_all_the_extra_arguments
ifeq (backup, $(firstword $(MAKECMDGOALS)))
ARGS := $(wordlist 2,$(words $(MAKECMDGOALS)),$(MAKECMDGOALS))
BRGS := $(subst $(SPACE),_,$(ARGS))
ifneq (,$(BRGS))
BRGS := -$(BRGS)
$(eval $(ARGS):;@:)
# compiles the programme by default
default: $(BDIR)/$(PROJ) $(DOCS)
# . . . success; executable is in $(BDIR)/$(PROJ)
# linking
@mkdir -p $(BDIR)
$(CC) $(CF) -c $? -o $@
$(CC) $(CF) $(OF) $(OBJS) -o $@
$(BDIR)/Recursor.o: Recursor.c
@mkdir -p $(BDIR)
$(CC) $(CF) -c $? -o $@
# compiling
$(OBJS): $(GDIR)/%.o: $(SDIR)/%.c $(H)
@mkdir -p $(GDIR)
$(CC) $(CF) -c $(SDIR)/$*.c -o $@
$(BDIR)/Parser.o: Parser.c
@mkdir -p $(BDIR)
$(CC) $(CF) -c $? -o $@
$(TOBJS): $(GDIR)/$(TDIR)/%.o: $(TDIR)/%.c $(H)
@mkdir -p $(GDIR)
@mkdir -p $(GDIR)/$(TDIR)
$(CC) $(CF) -c $(TDIR)/$*.c -o $@
$(BDIR)/Widget.o: Widget.c
@mkdir -p $(BDIR)
$(CC) $(CF) -c $? -o $@
$(DOCS): $(DDIR)/%.html: $(SDIR)/%.c $(SDIR)/%.h
@mkdir -p $(DDIR)
-cat $^ | $(CDOCS) > $@
$(BDIR)/Files.o: Files.c
@mkdir -p $(BDIR)
$(CC) $(CF) -c $? -o $@
# phoney targets
.PHONY: setup clean backup icon install uninstall
.PHONY: clean backup
-rm $(OBJS)
-rm -f $(OBJS) $(TOBJS) $(DOCS)
-rm -rf $(BDIR)/$(TDIR)
@mkdir -p $(BACK)
zip $(BACK)/$(INST)-`date +%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S`.zip readme.txt gpl.txt copying.txt Makefile Makefile.mingw $(SRCS) $(H) -r $(BDIR)/example/
zip $(BACK)/$(INST)-`date +%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S`$(BRGS).zip readme.txt gpl.txt copying.txt Makefile $(SRCS) $(TEST) $(H) $(SDIR)/$(ICON) $(EXTRA)
#git commit -am "$(ARGS)"
setup: $(BDIR)/$(PROJ)
icon: default
# . . . setting icon on a Mac.
cp $(MDIR)/$(ICON) $(BDIR)/$(ICON)
-sips --addIcon $(BDIR)/$(ICON)
-DeRez -only icns $(BDIR)/$(ICON) > $(BDIR)/$(RSRC)
-Rez -append $(BDIR)/$(RSRC) -o $(BDIR)/$(PROJ)
-SetFile -a C $(BDIR)/$(PROJ)
setup: default icon
@mkdir -p $(BDIR)/$(INST)
cp $(BDIR)/$(PROJ) readme.txt gpl.txt copying.txt $(BDIR)/$(INST)
cp -R $(BDIR)/example $(BDIR)/$(INST)
rm -f $(BDIR)/$(INST).dmg
hdiutil create $(BDIR)/$(INST).dmg -volname "MakeIndex $(VA).$(VB)" -srcfolder $(BDIR)/$(INST)
rm -f $(BDIR)/$(INST)-MacOSX.dmg
# or rm -f $(BDIR)/$(INST)
hdiutil create $(BDIR)/$(INST)-MacOSX.dmg -volname "$(PROJ) $(VA).$(VB)" -srcfolder $(BDIR)/$(INST)
# or zip $(BDIR)/$(INST) -r $(BDIR)/$(INST)
rm -R $(BDIR)/$(INST)
install: default
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
cp $(BDIR)/$(PROJ) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/$(PROJ)
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/$(PROJ)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Copyright (C) 2008, 2012, 2013 Neil Edelman, see copying.txt.
neil dot edelman each mail dot mcgill dot ca
Version 0.8.
Version 0.9.
Usage: MakeIndex <directory>
@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
/* Copyright 2008, 2012 Neil Edelman, distributed under the terms of the
GNU General Public License, see copying.txt */
GNU General Public License, see copying.txt, or
\url{ }.
/* Files is a list of File (private class defiend below,) the Files can have
* a relation to other Files by 'parent' and 'favourite' (@(pwd) uses this.)
* Created by Neil Edelman on 2008-03-24. */
Files is a list of File (private class defiend below,) the Files can have
a relation to other Files by 'parent' and 'favourite' (@(pwd) uses this.)
@file Files
@author Neil
@version 0.9; 2017-03
@since 0.8; 2012
0.8; 2008-03-24 */
#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc free */
#include <stdio.h> /* fprintf */
@ -35,12 +41,12 @@ struct File {
/* private */
struct File *File(const char *name, const int size, const int isDir);
void File_(struct File *file);
int FileInsert(struct File *file, struct File **startAddr);
static struct File *File(const char *name, const int size, const int isDir);
static void File_(struct File *file);
static int FileInsert(struct File *file, struct File **startAddr);
/* Alert! parent->this must be the 'file' (directory) that you want to create */
struct Files *Files(const struct Files *parent, int (*filter)(const struct Files *, const char *)) {
/** parent->this must be the 'file' (directory) that you want to create */
struct Files *Files(const struct Files *parent, const FilesFilter filter) {
char *dirName;
struct dirent *de;
struct stat st;
@ -86,6 +92,7 @@ struct Files *Files(const struct Files *parent, int (*filter)(const struct Files
if(closedir(dir)) { perror(dirCurrent); }
return files;
/** Destructor. */
void Files_(struct Files *files) {
if(!files) return;
File_(files->firstDir); /* cascading delete */
@ -95,7 +102,7 @@ void Files_(struct Files *files) {
/* this is how we used to access files before 'invisiblity'
if((f->this)) return f->this->next ? -1 : f->firstFile ? -1 : 0;
if((f->this)) return f->this->next ? -1 : 0; */
/* this is how we access the files sequentially */
/** This is how we access the files sequentially. */
int FilesAdvance(struct Files *f) {
static enum { files, dirs } type = dirs;
if(!f) return 0;
@ -113,17 +120,17 @@ int FilesAdvance(struct Files *f) {
return 0;
/* doesn't have a parent */
/** Doesn't have a parent? */
int FilesIsRoot(const struct Files *f) {
if(!f) return 0;
return (f->parent) ? 0 : -1;
/* resets the list of favourites */
/** Resets the list of favourites. */
void FilesSetPath(struct Files *f) {
if(!f) return;
for( ; f->parent; f = f->parent) f->parent->favourite = f;
/* after FilesSetFarourite, this enumerates them */
/** After FilesSetFarourite, this enumerates them. */
char *FilesEnumPath(struct Files *f) {
char *name;
if(!f) return 0;
@ -134,15 +141,17 @@ char *FilesEnumPath(struct Files *f) {
return name;
/* takes from files->this */
/** @return The file name of the selected file. */
char *FilesName(const struct Files *files) {
if(!files || !files->this) return 0;
return files->this->name;
/** @return File size of the selected file. */
int FilesSize(const struct Files *files) {
if(!files || !files->this) return 0;
return files->this->size;
/** @return Whether the file is a directory. */
int FilesIsDir(const struct Files *files) {
if(!files || !files->this) return 0;
return files->this->isDir;
@ -150,7 +159,7 @@ int FilesIsDir(const struct Files *files) {
/* this is just a list of filenames, (not public) "class File" */
struct File *File(const char *name, const int size, const int isDir) {
static struct File *File(const char *name, const int size, const int isDir) {
int len;
struct File *file;
if(!name || !*name) { fprintf(stderr, "File: file has no name.\n"); return 0; }
@ -165,7 +174,7 @@ struct File *File(const char *name, const int size, const int isDir) {
/* fprintf(stderr, " File(\"%s\" %p)\n", file->name, (void *)file); debug . . . caught bug! */
return file;
void File_(struct File *file) {
static void File_(struct File *file) {
struct File *next;
/* delete ALL the list of files (not just the one) */
for( ; file; file = next) {
@ -174,7 +183,7 @@ void File_(struct File *file) {
int FileInsert(struct File *file, struct File **startAddr) {
static int FileInsert(struct File *file, struct File **startAddr) {
struct File *start;
struct File *prev = 0, *ptr = 0;
if(!file || !startAddr) { fprintf(stderr, "File::insert: file is null, not included.\n"); return 0; }
@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
/** \see{Files}. */
struct Files;
struct Recursor;
struct Files *Files(const struct Files *parent, int (*filter)(const struct Files *, const char *));
/** Returns a boolean value. */
typedef int (*FilesFilter)(const struct Files *, const char *);
struct Files *Files(const struct Files *parent, const FilesFilter filter);
void Files_(struct Files *files);
int FilesAdvance(struct Files *files);
int FilesIsRoot(const struct Files *f);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user