2021-06-12 18:10:30 -07:00

228 lines
6.3 KiB

/* Copyright 2006 Neil Edelman, distributed under the terms of the
GNU General Public License, see copying.txt */
/* this is a socket programme for Windows that goes with the KillSpam */
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc(), free() */
#include <stdio.h> /* printf(), fprintf(), perror() */
#include <string.h> /* strncmp() */
#include "net.h"
#define WSA_VERSION 2
struct tagNet {
enum {
WSA_DLL = 1,
} flags;
int sd;
unsigned long nlAddr;
unsigned short nsPort;
unsigned int bufSize;
char *buffer;
Net *create_net(unsigned int bufSize) {
WSADATA wsaData;
Net *net;
int ret;
/* require a buffer with at least a single character in it plus a null */
if(bufSize < 2) return 0;
/* allocate and initialize the new structure */
if(!(net = malloc(sizeof(Net) + bufSize))) return 0;
net->flags = 0;
net->nlAddr = INADDR_NONE;
net->bufSize = bufSize;
net->buffer = (char *)(net + 1);
/* load Winsock 2.0 DLL */
if((ret = WSAStartup(WSA_VERSION, &wsaData)) != 0) {
printf("Error initializing windows socket library (%d.)\n", ret);
return 0;
} else {
printf("Windows socket library loaded.\n");
net->flags |= WSA_DLL;
return net;
void destroy_net(Net *net) {
if(!net) return;
if(net->flags & CONNECTED) disconnect_net(net);
if(net->flags & WSA_DLL) {
printf("Releasing Windows sockets library.\n");
/* unload Winsock DLL */
if(WSACleanup() != 0) {
printf("Failed shutting down socket library (%d.)\n", WSAGetLastError());
int set_net_host(Net *net, char *hostName, unsigned short port) {
unsigned long nlAddr;
if(!net || !net->flags & WSA_DLL || !hostName) return 0;
/* first check if this is a valid dotted IP address */
if((nlAddr = inet_addr(hostName)) == INADDR_NONE) {
/* make sure it wasn't specifically INADDR_NONE */
if(strncmp(hostName, "", 15) != 0) {
struct hostent *ent;
printf("Looking up %s.\n", hostName);
/* lastly try to look up the host address with DNS */
if(!(ent = gethostbyname(hostName))) {
/* herror("Looking up host address"); <- not in WSA */
printf("Couldn't find address %s (%d.)\n", hostName, WSAGetLastError());
} else {
struct in_addr inadr;
nlAddr = inadr.s_addr = *((unsigned long *)ent->h_addr_list[0]);
printf("Found I.P. %s.\n", inet_ntoa(inadr));
if(nlAddr == INADDR_NONE) return 0;
net->nlAddr = nlAddr;
/* set the port using network byte order */
net->nsPort = htons(port);
net->flags |= FOUND_HOST;
return 1;
int connect_net(Net *net) {
struct sockaddr_in inaddr;
|| !(net->flags & FOUND_HOST)
|| (net->flags & CONNECTED)) return 0;
/* create the socket */
if((net->sd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET) {
perror("Unable to create socket");
/* printf("Unable to create socket (%u.)\n", WSAGetLastError()); */
return 0;
} else {
printf("Opened socket.\n");
/* connect to the host */
memset(&inaddr, 0, sizeof(inaddr));
inaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
inaddr.sin_port = net->nsPort;
inaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = net->nlAddr;
if(connect(net->sd, (const struct sockaddr *)&inaddr, sizeof(inaddr)) != 0) {
perror("Failed connecting to host");
/* printf("Failed connecting to host (%u.)\n", WSAGetLastError()); */
return 0;
else {
net->flags |= CONNECTED;
printf("Connected on port %u.\n", ntohs(inaddr.sin_port));
return 1;
void disconnect_net(Net *net) {
if(!net) return;
if((net->flags & CONNECTED)) {
int len;
/* initiate sending shutdown */
if(shutdown(net->sd, SD_SEND) != 0) {
perror("Error shutting down outgoing connection");
/* printf("Error shutting down outgoing connection (%u.)\n", WSAGetLastError()); */
/* loop on recv until all data is received */
while((len = recv(net->sd, net->buffer, net->bufSize, 0))) {
if(len == SOCKET_ERROR) {
perror("Error receiving left-over data");
/* printf("Error receiving left-over data (%u.)\n", WSAGetLastError()); */
/* shut down reading on this connection */
if(shutdown(net->sd, SD_RECEIVE) != 0) {
perror("Error shutting down incoming connection");
/*printf("Error shutting down incoming connection (%u.)\n", WSAGetLastError()); */
net->flags &= ~CONNECTED;
if(net->sd != INVALID_SOCKET) {
printf("Closing socket.\n");
/* release the socket descriptor */
if(closesocket(net->sd) != 0) {
perror("Unable to close socket");
/* printf("Unable to close socket (%u.)\n", WSAGetLastError()); */
} else {
int send_net_string(Net *net, char *str, int len) {
int ret;
if(!net || !(net->flags & CONNECTED)) return 0;
for( ; ; ) {
if((ret = send(net->sd, str, len, 0)) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
perror("Error sending data");
/* printf("Error sending data (%u.)\n", WSAGetLastError()); */
return 0;
str += ret;
if((len -= ret) <= 0) break;
return 1;
int read_net_string(Net *net, char **bufAddr, unsigned int *lenAddr, long usec) {
struct timeval tv;
struct fd_set readfds;
int len;
|| !(net->flags & CONNECTED)
|| usec < 0) return 0;
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = usec;
/* initialize to an empty buffer */
*net->buffer = 0;
*bufAddr = net->buffer;
*lenAddr = 0;
/* since this is Windows, it doesn't quite work like it should */
/* fdStdin = fileno(stdin); */
/* FD_SET(fdStdin, &readfds); */
FD_SET(net->sd, &readfds);
/* fdMax = (net->sd > fdStdin) ? net->sd : fdStdin; */
if((len = select(net->sd, &readfds, 0, 0, &tv)) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
perror("Error checking input status");
return 0;
/* ioctlsocket(net->sd, FIONREAD, &amount);
if(!amount) return 0; */
if(FD_ISSET(net->sd, &readfds)) {
if((len = recv(net->sd, net->buffer, net->bufSize - 1, 0)) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
perror("Error receiving data");
/* printf("Error receiving data (%u.)\n", WSAGetLastError()); */
return 0;
} else if(!len) {
printf("Connection terminated by host.\n");
/* successfully reading nothing indicates disconnection */
net->flags &= ~CONNECTED;
return 0;
/* this will never happen */
if(len > net->bufSize - 1) len = net->bufSize - 1;
/* terminate the buffer with a null character */
net->buffer[len] = 0;
*lenAddr = len;
return 1;