change the default to #t for scale?

in ffmpeg-split+scale+transcode-recording
This commit is contained in:
Leo Butler 2022-05-12 11:40:23 -05:00
parent 19205b6847
commit 292714e85f
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -281,7 +281,7 @@
(concat (simple-format #f "concat=n=~a:v=1:a=~a [out0]" n (length aidx)))
(mappings (lambda (i) (simple-format #f "-map '[out~a]'" i))))
(string-join (append (list "'") (iter scale-flt rtn 0 '()) (iter av-ptr rtn 0 '()) (list concat) (iter out-ptr aidx 1 '()) (list "' ") (iter mappings (cons 0 aidx) 0 '())))))
(define* (ffmpeg-split+scale+transcode-recording rec #:optional (scale? #f))
(define* (ffmpeg-split+scale+transcode-recording rec #:optional (scale? #t))
(let* ((basename (recording-basename rec))
(rootname+ext (string-split basename #\.))
(rootname (car rootname+ext))