Marco Streich 96991585cd - Add socket activation to systemd unit which triggers nixos-rebuild
- Add call to socket to deployment workflow
- Improve queued deploymentspec error messages and other minor stuff
- Add CI
2021-01-22 13:25:53 +01:00
2021-01-21 09:01:00 +01:00

Deployment API

|-- Makefile
|-- README.md
|-- docker-compose.yml
`-- src
    |-- deploymentagent  # Code and tests for the deployment agent
    `-- podman           # Podman inside of Docker replicating behavior on the live server for local testing

Accepts a deployment specification to produce a deployment state file.


This project makes use of gitlab.com/infektcommon/settings, in order to be able to build it locally with Docker, you will need to provide the path to an ssh private key with access to Gitlab in the Makefile, like so:

$ cat Makefile 


Launch the testing environment

make build
make run

Launch unit tests in a separate shell

make test

Cleanup after you are done

Removes dangling containers and volumes

make clean

Data formats

Deployment specification

      "app" : "foo",
      "version" : "latest"
      "app" : "bar",
      "version" : "latest"

If the same app is specified multiple times, the last entry in the list takes precedence.

Deployment state

 "foo": "latest",
 "bar": "latest",

The deployment state file is intended to be read by Nix, which will produce a systemd unit file that configures the Podman container.


curl -u'testuser:testpass' -i -XPOST localhost:8080/deploy -d '[{"app":"alpine", "version": "3.12"}]'
{"Message": "Queued for deployment", "DeploymentId": "1609855921147639"}
curl -u'testuser:testpass' -XGET localhost:8080/status | json_pp
    "Id": 1609855921147639,
    "Status": "queued",
    "StatusMessage": "Queued for deployment",
    "DeploymentSpec": [
        "app": "alpine",
        "version": "3.12"
    "DeploymentState": null

.. deployment in progress ..

curl -u'testuser:testpass' -XGET localhost:8080/status | json_pp
    "Id": 1610356267147639,
    "Status": "deployed",
    "StatusMessage": "Deployment successful",
    "DeploymentSpec": [
        "app": "alpine",
        "version": "3.12"
    "DeploymentState": {
      "alpine": "3.12"
curl -u'testuser:testpass' -i -XPOST localhost:8080/deploy -d '[{"app":"alpine", "version": "latest"}, {"app":"busybox", "version": "latest"}]'
    "Id": 1610356267147639,
    "Status": "deployed",
    "StatusMessage": "Deployment successful",
    "DeploymentSpec": [
        "app": "alpine",
        "version": "3.12"
    "DeploymentState": {
      "alpine": "3.12"
    "Id": 1610356267266631,
    "Status": "deployed",
    "StatusMessage": "Deployment successful",
    "DeploymentSpec": [
        "app": "alpine",
        "version": "latest"
        "app": "alpine",
        "version": "latest"
    "DeploymentState": {
      "alpine": "latest",
      "busybox": "latest"

To test with api, web, filestore, html2pdf, the Podman container would need to be authenticated with the Gitlab registry of the glv5 project.