Visit the [projects]( tab to either create a new project or to pick an existing one.
A project will contain resources (servers, snapshots, load balancers, volumes, ..) as well as a security service to manage API tokens and TLS certificates (which can be used with load balancers).
Check the links below to see which resources are available and how to use them.
- General documentation: [](
- API documentation: [](
To build and provision resources with Packer and Terraform, an API token is required, which can be created in the *Security* tab.
##### Hetzner Cloud Limitations
**Floating IPs**: Persistent (floating) IP addresses currently can only be assigned to cloud servers.
This means that when you delete a load balancer, you will also lose the public IP you have been using for the services behind it.
You will probably not delete load balancers in the production environment, but for staging and testing environments, load balancers can be scaled up and down via the Hetzner Cloud web UI or their API/Terraform if you want to save some money.
There appear to be [plans]( to add support for load balancers with floating IPs.
**Certificates**: Certificates stored within the security service on Hetzner Cloud cannot be updated, only replaced.
Before a certificate can be deleted, it must be dereferenced from [services]( which were set up on load balancers.
For this creason, Certbot needs to be wrapped by a script which takes care of certificate replacement (see `infrastructure/modules/compute/`).
Unfortunately, Hetzner does not keep a public roadmap, but there seem to be [plans]( to add support for Let's Encrypt directly to cloud load balancers as well.
#### `config.json`
The `config.json` and `secrets.json` files are read by Make, Packer and Terraform.
This way all changing settings and secrets between environments can be stored in a central place and [HCL]( files used by Packer and Terraform only need to be touched in case the infrastructure is intended to be "refactored".
Due to some technical limitations in Terraform, it can be tricky to track state with [backends]( in different environments.
To avoid solutions involving templates or third party tools such as Terragrunt, a simple wrapper has been included in the `Makefile` which can set up backends automatically for different environments.
### Secrets
#### `secrets.json` (with git-secrets)
To decrypt the `secrets.json` file, run the following command on your shell
git secret reveal
#### Gitlab
Secrets, such as the SSH key pair for the default system user are stored in the [Gitlab CI/CD]( settings page of this Git project (for now), in the *Variables* section.
id\_rsa\_operator_pub is baked into the image generated by Packer (see `nixos/nix/system.nix`)
### NixOS
#### Building NixOS Images (Snapshots) with Packer
The `nixos` target in the `Makefile` wraps around the execution of Packer to build a NixOS image from the default Ubuntu 20.04 image provider by Hetzner Cloud.
Two arguments may be supplied, `VERSION=` to specify the desired NixOS release (see [NixOS Release Notes]( and `BUILD=` with which you can track versions of the images that have been created.
$ make nixos VERSION=20.09 BUILD=1.0.0
After a build has been successful, Packer will display the ID of the created snapshot on the very last line of the output.
When provisioning servers via Terraform, the used image ID will be read from the `nixos_snapshot_id` key in the `config.json` file.
In case you missed the ID in the build output, you can query the Hetzner Cloud API like this to retrieve a list of created snapshots.
It makes sense to use the same NixOS image across all environments. (testing/staging/production/..)
### Infrastructure
#### Working with Terraform
Have a look at their [documentation](
To learn more about its configuration language [HCL](, see
- Resources
- Variables and Outputs
- Functions
- State
Refer to the [Provider documentation]( to see how to manage resources with Terraform on Hetzner Cloud.
#### Provisioning Infrastructure
##### Modules Overview
Rough overview of resources and outputs across the four modules.
- hcloud_network
- hcloud_network_subnet
- outputs
- dc_default_id (identifier of the datacenter in nuremberg)
- environment_name (name of the environment, read from config.json)
- network_primary_id
- network_subnet_a_id
- hcloud_load_balancer
- hcloud_load_balancer_network (attach to network/subnet configured in envionment module)
- hcloud_load_balancer_service
- hcloud_load_balancer_target (servers are implicitly assigned to load balancers via their labels)
- hcloud_volume
- outputs
- volume_data1_id
- hcloud_server
- hcloud_server_network (attach servers to networks/subnets configured in envionment module)
- hcloud_volume_attachment (directly attach volumes created in the storage module to servers)
##### Initializing State Backends for Each Module
You will need to (re-)initialize the state backend each time you change environments via `config.json` (see later sections).
$ make infra-init-backends MODULES="compute" # one module
$ make infra-init-backends MODULES="compute ingress" # multiple modules
$ make infra-init-all-backends # all modules
##### Applying Modules
You will need to manually confirm with 'yes' before the changes are applied.
Just to be sure, re-initialize all the Terraform state backends for the desired environment.
$ make infra-init-all-backends
Roll out all the resources by applying each Terraform module.
The environment module must be applied first, the compute module last.
$ make infra-apply MODULE=environment
$ make infra-apply MODULE=ingress
$ make infra-apply MODULE=storage
$ make infra-apply MODULE=compute
Take note of the public IP from the load balancer (used to access your services) and the server (used to manage the NixOS system) in the Hetzner Cloud web UI or via their API:
You can now connect to the newly created server, using the default key pair stored on [Gitlab CI/CD]( as user `operator`.
In case you have an existing configuration for Certbot, you can simply copy it to `/mnt/data/letsencrypt`, otherwise you can set up a new configuration either locally, or directly on the server itself.
$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="..."
$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="..."
$ export LETSENCRYPT_DIR=/mnt/data/letsencrypt
$ export domains="..." # list of domain_name_production and domain_alternative_names_production in config.json, each each one prefixed with the `-d` flag
At this point you should test whether the configuration is working, to prevent Certbot to create or renew the certificate, you can supply the `--dry-run` flag.
To know which IAM permission Certbot needs on Amazon Route53, refer to the [Certbot documentation](
Now that the configuration for Certbot is available, rebuild the NixOS system and deploy the certificates to the load balancers.