mirror of https://github.com/v2fly/v2ray-core.git synced 2024-07-01 11:35:23 +00:00
vcptr ceb77ac8f5 only add to ipIndexMap if GeoIP is configured
clearer logging for expectIPs

refactor dns init code

optimal to default port logic

clear message exit if doh met error
2019-11-26 13:05:19 +08:00

266 lines
5.7 KiB

// +build !confonly
package dns
import (
udp_proto "v2ray.com/core/common/protocol/udp"
dns_feature "v2ray.com/core/features/dns"
type ClassicNameServer struct {
name string
address net.Destination
ips map[string]record
requests map[uint16]dnsRequest
pub *pubsub.Service
udpServer *udp.Dispatcher
cleanup *task.Periodic
reqID uint32
clientIP net.IP
func NewClassicNameServer(address net.Destination, dispatcher routing.Dispatcher, clientIP net.IP) *ClassicNameServer {
// default to 53 if unspecific
if address.Port == 0 {
address.Port = net.Port(53)
s := &ClassicNameServer{
address: address,
ips: make(map[string]record),
requests: make(map[uint16]dnsRequest),
clientIP: clientIP,
pub: pubsub.NewService(),
name: strings.ToUpper(address.String()),
s.cleanup = &task.Periodic{
Interval: time.Minute,
Execute: s.Cleanup,
s.udpServer = udp.NewDispatcher(dispatcher, s.HandleResponse)
newError("DNS: created udp client inited for ", address.NetAddr()).AtInfo().WriteToLog()
return s
func (s *ClassicNameServer) Name() string {
return s.name
func (s *ClassicNameServer) Cleanup() error {
now := time.Now()
defer s.Unlock()
if len(s.ips) == 0 && len(s.requests) == 0 {
return newError(s.name, " nothing to do. stopping...")
for domain, record := range s.ips {
if record.A != nil && record.A.Expire.Before(now) {
record.A = nil
if record.AAAA != nil && record.AAAA.Expire.Before(now) {
record.AAAA = nil
if record.A == nil && record.AAAA == nil {
delete(s.ips, domain)
} else {
s.ips[domain] = record
if len(s.ips) == 0 {
s.ips = make(map[string]record)
for id, req := range s.requests {
if req.expire.Before(now) {
delete(s.requests, id)
if len(s.requests) == 0 {
s.requests = make(map[uint16]dnsRequest)
return nil
func (s *ClassicNameServer) HandleResponse(ctx context.Context, packet *udp_proto.Packet) {
ipRec, err := parseResponse(packet.Payload.Bytes())
if err != nil {
newError(s.name, " fail to parse responsed DNS udp").AtError().WriteToLog()
id := ipRec.ReqID
req, ok := s.requests[id]
if ok {
// remove the pending request
delete(s.requests, id)
if !ok {
newError(s.name, " cannot find the pending request").AtError().WriteToLog()
var rec record
switch req.reqType {
case dnsmessage.TypeA:
rec.A = ipRec
case dnsmessage.TypeAAAA:
rec.AAAA = ipRec
elapsed := time.Since(req.start)
newError(s.name, " got answere: ", req.domain, " ", req.reqType, " -> ", ipRec.IP, " ", elapsed).AtInfo().WriteToLog()
if len(req.domain) > 0 && (rec.A != nil || rec.AAAA != nil) {
s.updateIP(req.domain, rec)
func (s *ClassicNameServer) updateIP(domain string, newRec record) {
newError(s.name, " updating IP records for domain:", domain).AtDebug().WriteToLog()
rec := s.ips[domain]
updated := false
if isNewer(rec.A, newRec.A) {
rec.A = newRec.A
updated = true
if isNewer(rec.AAAA, newRec.AAAA) {
rec.AAAA = newRec.AAAA
updated = true
if updated {
s.ips[domain] = rec
s.pub.Publish(domain, nil)
func (s *ClassicNameServer) newReqID() uint16 {
return uint16(atomic.AddUint32(&s.reqID, 1))
func (s *ClassicNameServer) addPendingRequest(req *dnsRequest) {
defer s.Unlock()
id := req.msg.ID
req.expire = time.Now().Add(time.Second * 8)
s.requests[id] = *req
func (s *ClassicNameServer) sendQuery(ctx context.Context, domain string, option IPOption) {
newError(s.name, " querying DNS for: ", domain).AtDebug().WriteToLog(session.ExportIDToError(ctx))
reqs := buildReqMsgs(domain, option, s.newReqID, genEDNS0Options(s.clientIP))
for _, req := range reqs {
b, _ := dns.PackMessage(req.msg)
udpCtx := context.Background()
if inbound := session.InboundFromContext(ctx); inbound != nil {
udpCtx = session.ContextWithInbound(udpCtx, inbound)
udpCtx = session.ContextWithContent(udpCtx, &session.Content{
Protocol: "dns",
s.udpServer.Dispatch(udpCtx, s.address, b)
func (s *ClassicNameServer) findIPsForDomain(domain string, option IPOption) ([]net.IP, error) {
record, found := s.ips[domain]
if !found {
return nil, errRecordNotFound
var ips []net.Address
var lastErr error
if option.IPv4Enable {
a, err := record.A.getIPs()
if err != nil {
lastErr = err
ips = append(ips, a...)
if option.IPv6Enable {
aaaa, err := record.AAAA.getIPs()
if err != nil {
lastErr = err
ips = append(ips, aaaa...)
if len(ips) > 0 {
return toNetIP(ips), nil
if lastErr != nil {
return nil, lastErr
return nil, dns_feature.ErrEmptyResponse
func (s *ClassicNameServer) QueryIP(ctx context.Context, domain string, option IPOption) ([]net.IP, error) {
fqdn := Fqdn(domain)
ips, err := s.findIPsForDomain(fqdn, option)
if err != errRecordNotFound {
newError(s.name, " cache HIT ", domain, " -> ", ips).Base(err).AtDebug().WriteToLog()
return ips, err
sub := s.pub.Subscribe(fqdn)
defer sub.Close()
s.sendQuery(ctx, fqdn, option)
for {
ips, err := s.findIPsForDomain(fqdn, option)
if err != errRecordNotFound {
return ips, err
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
case <-sub.Wait():