mirror of https://github.com/v2fly/v2ray-core.git synced 2024-10-18 17:54:30 -04:00
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syntax = "proto3";
package v2ray.core.app.router;
option csharp_namespace = "V2Ray.Core.App.Router";
option go_package = "github.com/v2fly/v2ray-core/v5/app/router";
option java_package = "com.v2ray.core.app.router";
option java_multiple_files = true;
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "common/net/port.proto";
import "common/net/network.proto";
import "common/protoext/extensions.proto";
import "app/router/routercommon/common.proto";
message RoutingRule {
oneof target_tag {
// Tag of outbound that this rule is pointing to.
string tag = 1;
// Tag of routing balancer.
string balancing_tag = 12;
// List of domains for target domain matching.
repeated v2ray.core.app.router.routercommon.Domain domain = 2;
// List of CIDRs for target IP address matching.
// Deprecated. Use geoip below.
repeated v2ray.core.app.router.routercommon.CIDR cidr = 3 [deprecated = true];
// List of GeoIPs for target IP address matching. If this entry exists, the
// cidr above will have no effect. GeoIP fields with the same country code are
// supposed to contain exactly same content. They will be merged during
// runtime. For customized GeoIPs, please leave country code empty.
repeated v2ray.core.app.router.routercommon.GeoIP geoip = 10;
// A range of port [from, to]. If the destination port is in this range, this
// rule takes effect. Deprecated. Use port_list.
v2ray.core.common.net.PortRange port_range = 4 [deprecated = true];
// List of ports.
v2ray.core.common.net.PortList port_list = 14;
// List of networks. Deprecated. Use networks.
v2ray.core.common.net.NetworkList network_list = 5 [deprecated = true];
// List of networks for matching.
repeated v2ray.core.common.net.Network networks = 13;
// List of CIDRs for source IP address matching.
repeated v2ray.core.app.router.routercommon.CIDR source_cidr = 6 [deprecated = true];
// List of GeoIPs for source IP address matching. If this entry exists, the
// source_cidr above will have no effect.
repeated v2ray.core.app.router.routercommon.GeoIP source_geoip = 11;
// List of ports for source port matching.
v2ray.core.common.net.PortList source_port_list = 16;
repeated string user_email = 7;
repeated string inbound_tag = 8;
repeated string protocol = 9;
string attributes = 15;
string domain_matcher = 17;
// geo_domain instruct simplified config loader to load geo domain rule and fill in domain field.
repeated v2ray.core.app.router.routercommon.GeoSite geo_domain = 68001;
message BalancingRule {
string tag = 1;
repeated string outbound_selector = 2;
string strategy = 3;
google.protobuf.Any strategy_settings = 4;
string fallback_tag = 5;
message StrategyWeight {
bool regexp = 1;
string match = 2;
float value = 3;
message StrategyRandomConfig {
option (v2ray.core.common.protoext.message_opt).type = "balancer";
option (v2ray.core.common.protoext.message_opt).short_name = "random";
message StrategyLeastPingConfig {
option (v2ray.core.common.protoext.message_opt).type = "balancer";
option (v2ray.core.common.protoext.message_opt).short_name = "leastping";
string observer_tag = 7;
message StrategyLeastLoadConfig {
option (v2ray.core.common.protoext.message_opt).type = "balancer";
option (v2ray.core.common.protoext.message_opt).short_name = "leastload";
// weight settings
repeated StrategyWeight costs = 2;
// RTT baselines for selecting, int64 values of time.Duration
repeated int64 baselines = 3;
// expected nodes count to select
int32 expected = 4;
// max acceptable rtt, filter away high delay nodes. defalut 0
int64 maxRTT = 5;
// acceptable failure rate
float tolerance = 6;
string observer_tag = 7;
enum DomainStrategy {
// Use domain as is.
AsIs = 0;
// Always resolve IP for domains.
UseIp = 1;
// Resolve to IP if the domain doesn't match any rules.
IpIfNonMatch = 2;
// Resolve to IP if any rule requires IP matching.
IpOnDemand = 3;
message Config {
DomainStrategy domain_strategy = 1;
repeated RoutingRule rule = 2;
repeated BalancingRule balancing_rule = 3;
message SimplifiedRoutingRule {
oneof target_tag {
// Tag of outbound that this rule is pointing to.
string tag = 1;
// Tag of routing balancer.
string balancing_tag = 12;
// List of domains for target domain matching.
repeated v2ray.core.app.router.routercommon.Domain domain = 2;
// List of GeoIPs for target IP address matching. If this entry exists, the
// cidr above will have no effect. GeoIP fields with the same country code are
// supposed to contain exactly same content. They will be merged during
// runtime. For customized GeoIPs, please leave country code empty.
repeated v2ray.core.app.router.routercommon.GeoIP geoip = 10;
// List of ports.
string port_list = 14;
// List of networks for matching.
v2ray.core.common.net.NetworkList networks = 13;
// List of GeoIPs for source IP address matching. If this entry exists, the
// source_cidr above will have no effect.
repeated v2ray.core.app.router.routercommon.GeoIP source_geoip = 11;
// List of ports for source port matching.
string source_port_list = 16;
repeated string user_email = 7;
repeated string inbound_tag = 8;
repeated string protocol = 9;
string attributes = 15;
string domain_matcher = 17;
// geo_domain instruct simplified config loader to load geo domain rule and fill in domain field.
repeated v2ray.core.app.router.routercommon.GeoSite geo_domain = 68001;
message SimplifiedConfig {
option (v2ray.core.common.protoext.message_opt).type = "service";
option (v2ray.core.common.protoext.message_opt).short_name = "router";
DomainStrategy domain_strategy = 1;
repeated SimplifiedRoutingRule rule = 2;
repeated BalancingRule balancing_rule = 3;