mirror of
synced 2025-01-17 14:57:44 -05:00
Refactor strmatcher.ACAutomatonMatcherGroup
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,44 +4,225 @@ import (
const validCharCount = 53
type MatchType struct {
matchType Type
exist bool
const (
TrieEdge bool = true
FailEdge bool = false
acValidCharCount = 38 // aA-zZ (26), 0-9 (10), - (1), . (1)
acMatchTypeCount = 3 // Full, Domain and Substr
type Edge struct {
edgeType bool
nextNode int
type acEdge byte
const (
acTrieEdge acEdge = 1
acFailEdge acEdge = 0
type acNode struct {
next [acValidCharCount]uint32 // EdgeIdx -> Next NodeIdx (Next trie node or fail node)
edge [acValidCharCount]acEdge // EdgeIdx -> Trie Edge / Fail Edge
fail uint32 // NodeIdx of *next matched* Substr Pattern on its fail path
match uint32 // MatchIdx of matchers registered on this node, 0 indicates no match
} // Sizeof acNode: (4+1)*acValidCharCount + <padding> + 4 + 4
type acValue [acMatchTypeCount][]uint32 // MatcherType -> Registered Matcher Values
// ACAutoMationMatcherGroup is an implementation of MatcherGroup.
// It uses an AC Automata to provide support for Full, Domain and Substr matcher. Trie node is char based.
// NOTICE: ACAutomatonMatcherGroup currently uses a restricted charset (LDH Subset),
// upstream should manually in a way to ensure all patterns and inputs passed to it to be in this charset.
type ACAutomatonMatcherGroup struct {
trie [][validCharCount]Edge
fail []int
exists []MatchType
count int
nodes []acNode // NodeIdx -> acNode
values []acValue // MatchIdx -> acValue
func newNode() [validCharCount]Edge {
var s [validCharCount]Edge
for i := range s {
s[i] = Edge{
edgeType: FailEdge,
nextNode: 0,
return s
func NewACAutomatonMatcherGroup() *ACAutomatonMatcherGroup {
ac := new(ACAutomatonMatcherGroup)
ac.addNode() // Create root node (NodeIdx 0)
ac.addMatchEntry() // Create sentinel match entry (MatchIdx 0)
return ac
var char2Index = []int{
// AddFullMatcher implements MatcherGroupForFull.AddFullMatcher.
func (ac *ACAutomatonMatcherGroup) AddFullMatcher(matcher FullMatcher, value uint32) {
ac.addPattern(0, matcher.Pattern(), matcher.Type(), value)
// AddDomainMatcher implements MatcherGroupForDomain.AddDomainMatcher.
func (ac *ACAutomatonMatcherGroup) AddDomainMatcher(matcher DomainMatcher, value uint32) {
node := ac.addPattern(0, matcher.Pattern(), matcher.Type(), value) // For full domain match
ac.addPattern(node, ".", matcher.Type(), value) // For partial domain match
// AddSubstrMatcher implements MatcherGroupForSubstr.AddSubstrMatcher.
func (ac *ACAutomatonMatcherGroup) AddSubstrMatcher(matcher SubstrMatcher, value uint32) {
ac.addPattern(0, matcher.Pattern(), matcher.Type(), value)
func (ac *ACAutomatonMatcherGroup) addPattern(nodeIdx uint32, pattern string, matcherType Type, value uint32) uint32 {
node := &ac.nodes[nodeIdx]
for i := len(pattern) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
edgeIdx := acCharset[pattern[i]]
nextIdx := node.next[edgeIdx]
if nextIdx == 0 { // Add new Trie Edge
nextIdx = ac.addNode()
ac.nodes[nodeIdx].next[edgeIdx] = nextIdx
ac.nodes[nodeIdx].edge[edgeIdx] = acTrieEdge
nodeIdx = nextIdx
node = &ac.nodes[nodeIdx]
if node.match == 0 { // Add new match entry
node.match = ac.addMatchEntry()
ac.values[node.match][matcherType] = append(ac.values[node.match][matcherType], value)
return nodeIdx
func (ac *ACAutomatonMatcherGroup) addNode() uint32 {
ac.nodes = append(ac.nodes, acNode{})
return uint32(len(ac.nodes) - 1)
func (ac *ACAutomatonMatcherGroup) addMatchEntry() uint32 {
ac.values = append(ac.values, acValue{})
return uint32(len(ac.values) - 1)
func (ac *ACAutomatonMatcherGroup) Build() error {
fail := make([]uint32, len(ac.nodes))
queue := list.New()
for edgeIdx := 0; edgeIdx < acValidCharCount; edgeIdx++ {
if nextIdx := ac.nodes[0].next[edgeIdx]; nextIdx != 0 {
for {
front := queue.Front()
if front == nil {
nodeIdx := front.Value.(uint32)
node := &ac.nodes[nodeIdx] // Current node
failNode := &ac.nodes[fail[nodeIdx]] // Fail node of currrent node
for edgeIdx := 0; edgeIdx < acValidCharCount; edgeIdx++ {
nodeIdx := node.next[edgeIdx] // Next node through trie edge
failIdx := failNode.next[edgeIdx] // Next node through fail edge
if nodeIdx != 0 {
fail[nodeIdx] = failIdx
if match := ac.nodes[failIdx].match; match != 0 && len(ac.values[match][Substr]) > 0 { // Fail node is a Substr match node
ac.nodes[nodeIdx].fail = failIdx
} else { // Use path compression to reduce fail path to only contain match nodes
ac.nodes[nodeIdx].fail = ac.nodes[failIdx].fail
} else { // Add new fail edge
node.next[edgeIdx] = failIdx
node.edge[edgeIdx] = acFailEdge
return nil
// Match implements MatcherGroup.Match.
func (ac *ACAutomatonMatcherGroup) Match(input string) []uint32 {
var suffixMatches [][]uint32
var substrMatches [][]uint32
fullMatch := true // fullMatch indicates no fail edge traversed so far.
node := &ac.nodes[0] // start from root node.
// 1. the match string is all through trie edge. FULL MATCH or DOMAIN
// 2. the match string is through a fail edge. NOT FULL MATCH
// 2.1 Through a fail edge, but there exists a valid node. SUBSTR
for i := len(input) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
edge := acCharset[input[i]]
fullMatch = fullMatch && (node.edge[edge] == acTrieEdge)
node = &ac.nodes[node.next[edge]] // Advance to next node
// When entering a new node, traverse the fail path to find all possible Substr patterns:
// 1. The fail path is compressed to only contains match nodes and root node (for terminate condition).
// 2. node.fail != 0 is added here for better performance (as shown by benchmark), possibly it helps branch prediction.
if node.fail != 0 {
for failIdx, failNode := node.fail, &ac.nodes[node.fail]; failIdx != 0; failIdx, failNode = failNode.fail, &ac.nodes[failIdx] {
substrMatches = append(substrMatches, ac.values[failNode.match][Substr])
// When entering a new node, check whether this node is a match.
// For Substr matchers:
// 1. Matched in any situation, whether a failNode edge is traversed or not.
// For Domain matchers:
// 1. Should not traverse any fail edge (fullMatch).
// 2. Only check on dot separator (input[i] == '.').
if node.match != 0 {
values := ac.values[node.match]
if len(values[Substr]) > 0 {
substrMatches = append(substrMatches, values[Substr])
if fullMatch && input[i] == '.' && len(values[Domain]) > 0 {
suffixMatches = append(suffixMatches, values[Domain])
// At the end of input, check if the whole string matches a pattern.
// For Domain matchers:
// 1. Exact match on Domain Matcher works like Full Match. e.g. foo.com is a full match for domain:foo.com.
// For Full matchers:
// 1. Only when no fail edge is traversed (fullMatch).
// 2. Takes the highest priority (added at last).
if fullMatch && node.match != 0 {
values := ac.values[node.match]
if len(values[Domain]) > 0 {
suffixMatches = append(suffixMatches, values[Domain])
if len(values[Full]) > 0 {
suffixMatches = append(suffixMatches, values[Full])
switch matches := append(substrMatches, suffixMatches...); len(matches) { // nolint: gocritic
case 0:
return nil
case 1:
return matches[0]
result := []uint32{}
for i := len(matches) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
result = append(result, matches[i]...)
return result
// MatchAny implements MatcherGroup.MatchAny.
func (ac *ACAutomatonMatcherGroup) MatchAny(input string) bool {
fullMatch := true
node := &ac.nodes[0]
for i := len(input) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
edge := acCharset[input[i]]
fullMatch = fullMatch && (node.edge[edge] == acTrieEdge)
node = &ac.nodes[node.next[edge]]
if node.fail != 0 { // There is a match on this node's fail path
return true
if node.match != 0 { // There is a match on this node
values := ac.values[node.match]
if len(values[Substr]) > 0 { // Substr match succeeds unconditionally
return true
if fullMatch && input[i] == '.' && len(values[Domain]) > 0 { // Domain match only succeeds with dot separator on trie path
return true
return fullMatch && node.match != 0 // At the end of input, Domain and Full match will succeed if no fail edge is traversed
// Letter-Digit-Hyphen (LDH) subset (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc952):
// * Letters A to Z (no distinction is made between uppercase and lowercase)
// * Digits 0 to 9
// * Hyphens(-) and Periods(.)
// If for future the strmatcher are used for other scenarios than domain,
// we could add a new Charset interface to represent variable charsets.
var acCharset = []int{
'A': 0,
'a': 0,
'B': 1,
@ -94,144 +275,16 @@ var char2Index = []int{
'y': 24,
'Z': 25,
'z': 25,
'!': 26,
'$': 27,
'&': 28,
'\'': 29,
'(': 30,
')': 31,
'*': 32,
'+': 33,
',': 34,
';': 35,
'=': 36,
':': 37,
'%': 38,
'-': 39,
'.': 40,
'_': 41,
'~': 42,
'0': 43,
'1': 44,
'2': 45,
'3': 46,
'4': 47,
'5': 48,
'6': 49,
'7': 50,
'8': 51,
'9': 52,
func NewACAutomatonMatcherGroup() *ACAutomatonMatcherGroup {
ac := new(ACAutomatonMatcherGroup)
ac.trie = append(ac.trie, newNode())
ac.fail = append(ac.fail, 0)
ac.exists = append(ac.exists, MatchType{
matchType: Full,
exist: false,
return ac
// AddFullMatcher implements MatcherGroupForFull.AddFullMatcher.
func (ac *ACAutomatonMatcherGroup) AddFullMatcher(matcher FullMatcher, _ uint32) {
ac.addPattern(0, matcher.Pattern(), matcher.Type())
// AddDomainMatcher implements MatcherGroupForDomain.AddDomainMatcher.
func (ac *ACAutomatonMatcherGroup) AddDomainMatcher(matcher DomainMatcher, _ uint32) {
node := ac.addPattern(0, matcher.Pattern(), Full)
ac.addPattern(node, ".", Domain)
// AddSubstrMatcher implements MatcherGroupForSubstr.AddSubstrMatcher.
func (ac *ACAutomatonMatcherGroup) AddSubstrMatcher(matcher SubstrMatcher, _ uint32) {
ac.addPattern(0, matcher.Pattern(), matcher.Type())
func (ac *ACAutomatonMatcherGroup) addPattern(node int, pattern string, matcherType Type) int {
for i := len(pattern) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
idx := char2Index[pattern[i]]
if ac.trie[node][idx].nextNode == 0 {
if len(ac.trie) < ac.count+1 {
ac.trie = append(ac.trie, newNode())
ac.fail = append(ac.fail, 0)
ac.exists = append(ac.exists, MatchType{
matchType: Full,
exist: false,
ac.trie[node][idx] = Edge{
edgeType: TrieEdge,
nextNode: ac.count,
node = ac.trie[node][idx].nextNode
ac.exists[node] = MatchType{
matchType: matcherType,
exist: true,
return node
func (ac *ACAutomatonMatcherGroup) Build() {
queue := list.New()
for i := 0; i < validCharCount; i++ {
if ac.trie[0][i].nextNode != 0 {
for {
front := queue.Front()
if front == nil {
} else {
node := front.Value.(Edge).nextNode
for i := 0; i < validCharCount; i++ {
if ac.trie[node][i].nextNode != 0 {
ac.fail[ac.trie[node][i].nextNode] = ac.trie[ac.fail[node]][i].nextNode
} else {
ac.trie[node][i] = Edge{
edgeType: FailEdge,
nextNode: ac.trie[ac.fail[node]][i].nextNode,
// Match implements MatcherGroup.Match.
func (*ACAutomatonMatcherGroup) Match(_ string) []uint32 {
return nil
// MatchAny implements MatcherGroup.MatchAny.
func (ac *ACAutomatonMatcherGroup) MatchAny(s string) bool {
node := 0
fullMatch := true
// 1. the match string is all through trie edge. FULL MATCH or DOMAIN
// 2. the match string is through a fail edge. NOT FULL MATCH
// 2.1 Through a fail edge, but there exists a valid node. SUBSTR
for i := len(s) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
idx := char2Index[s[i]]
fullMatch = fullMatch && ac.trie[node][idx].edgeType
node = ac.trie[node][idx].nextNode
switch ac.exists[node].matchType {
case Substr:
return true
case Domain:
if fullMatch {
return true
return fullMatch && ac.exists[node].exist
'-': 26,
'.': 27,
'0': 28,
'1': 29,
'2': 30,
'3': 31,
'4': 32,
'5': 33,
'6': 34,
'7': 35,
'8': 36,
'9': 37,
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package strmatcher_test
import (
@ -180,4 +181,185 @@ func TestACAutomatonMatcherGroup(t *testing.T) {
cases4Input := []struct {
pattern string
mType Type
pattern: "apis",
mType: Substr,
pattern: "googleapis.com",
mType: Domain,
ac := NewACAutomatonMatcherGroup()
for _, test := range cases4Input {
matcher, err := test.mType.New(test.pattern)
common.Must(AddMatcherToGroup(ac, matcher, 0))
cases4Output := []struct {
pattern string
res bool
pattern: "gapis.com",
res: true,
for _, test := range cases4Output {
if m := ac.MatchAny(test.pattern); m != test.res {
t.Error("unexpected output: ", m, " for test case ", test)
func TestACAutomatonMatcherGroupSubstr(t *testing.T) {
patterns := []struct {
pattern string
mType Type
pattern: "apis",
mType: Substr,
pattern: "google",
mType: Substr,
pattern: "apis",
mType: Substr,
cases := []struct {
input string
output []uint32
input: "google.com",
output: []uint32{1},
input: "apis.com",
output: []uint32{0, 2},
input: "googleapis.com",
output: []uint32{1, 0, 2},
input: "fonts.googleapis.com",
output: []uint32{1, 0, 2},
input: "apis.googleapis.com",
output: []uint32{0, 2, 1, 0, 2},
matcherGroup := NewACAutomatonMatcherGroup()
for id, entry := range patterns {
matcher, err := entry.mType.New(entry.pattern)
common.Must(AddMatcherToGroup(matcherGroup, matcher, uint32(id)))
for _, test := range cases {
if r := matcherGroup.Match(test.input); !reflect.DeepEqual(r, test.output) {
t.Error("unexpected output: ", r, " for test case ", test)
// See https://github.com/v2fly/v2ray-core/issues/92#issuecomment-673238489
func TestACAutomatonMatcherGroupAsIndexMatcher(t *testing.T) {
rules := []struct {
Type Type
Domain string
// Regex not supported by ACAutomationMatcherGroup
// {
// Type: Regex,
// Domain: "apis\\.us$",
// },
Type: Substr,
Domain: "apis",
Type: Domain,
Domain: "googleapis.com",
Type: Domain,
Domain: "com",
Type: Full,
Domain: "www.baidu.com",
Type: Substr,
Domain: "apis",
Type: Domain,
Domain: "googleapis.com",
Type: Full,
Domain: "fonts.googleapis.com",
Type: Full,
Domain: "www.baidu.com",
Type: Domain,
Domain: "example.com",
cases := []struct {
Input string
Output []uint32
Input: "www.baidu.com",
Output: []uint32{5, 9, 4},
Input: "fonts.googleapis.com",
Output: []uint32{8, 3, 7, 4, 2, 6},
Input: "example.googleapis.com",
Output: []uint32{3, 7, 4, 2, 6},
Input: "testapis.us",
Output: []uint32{2, 6 /*, 1*/},
Input: "example.com",
Output: []uint32{10, 4},
matcherGroup := NewACAutomatonMatcherGroup()
for i, rule := range rules {
matcher, err := rule.Type.New(rule.Domain)
common.Must(AddMatcherToGroup(matcherGroup, matcher, uint32(i+2)))
for _, test := range cases {
if m := matcherGroup.Match(test.Input); !reflect.DeepEqual(m, test.Output) {
t.Error("unexpected output: ", m, " for test case ", test)
Reference in New Issue
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