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// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package tls
import (
// ClientHandshakeState includes both TLS 1.3-only and TLS 1.2-only states,
// only one of them will be used, depending on negotiated version.
// ClientHandshakeState will be converted into and from either
// - clientHandshakeState (TLS 1.2)
// - clientHandshakeStateTLS13 (TLS 1.3)
// uTLS will call .handshake() on one of these private internal states,
// to perform TLS handshake using standard crypto/tls implementation.
type ClientHandshakeState struct {
C *Conn
ServerHello *ServerHelloMsg
Hello *ClientHelloMsg
MasterSecret []byte
Session *ClientSessionState
State12 TLS12OnlyState
State13 TLS13OnlyState
// TLS 1.3 only
type TLS13OnlyState struct {
Suite *CipherSuiteTLS13
EcdheParams EcdheParameters
EarlySecret []byte
BinderKey []byte
CertReq *CertificateRequestMsgTLS13
UsingPSK bool
SentDummyCCS bool
Transcript hash.Hash
TrafficSecret []byte // client_application_traffic_secret_0
// TLS 1.2 and before only
type TLS12OnlyState struct {
FinishedHash FinishedHash
Suite CipherSuite
func (chs *ClientHandshakeState) toPrivate13() *clientHandshakeStateTLS13 {
if chs == nil {
return nil
} else {
return &clientHandshakeStateTLS13{
c: chs.C,
serverHello: chs.ServerHello.getPrivatePtr(),
hello: chs.Hello.getPrivatePtr(),
ecdheParams: chs.State13.EcdheParams,
session: chs.Session,
earlySecret: chs.State13.EarlySecret,
binderKey: chs.State13.BinderKey,
certReq: chs.State13.CertReq.toPrivate(),
usingPSK: chs.State13.UsingPSK,
sentDummyCCS: chs.State13.SentDummyCCS,
suite: chs.State13.Suite.toPrivate(),
transcript: chs.State13.Transcript,
masterSecret: chs.MasterSecret,
trafficSecret: chs.State13.TrafficSecret,
func (chs13 *clientHandshakeStateTLS13) toPublic13() *ClientHandshakeState {
if chs13 == nil {
return nil
} else {
tls13State := TLS13OnlyState{
EcdheParams: chs13.ecdheParams,
EarlySecret: chs13.earlySecret,
BinderKey: chs13.binderKey,
CertReq: chs13.certReq.toPublic(),
UsingPSK: chs13.usingPSK,
SentDummyCCS: chs13.sentDummyCCS,
Suite: chs13.suite.toPublic(),
TrafficSecret: chs13.trafficSecret,
Transcript: chs13.transcript,
return &ClientHandshakeState{
C: chs13.c,
ServerHello: chs13.serverHello.getPublicPtr(),
Hello: chs13.hello.getPublicPtr(),
Session: chs13.session,
MasterSecret: chs13.masterSecret,
State13: tls13State,
func (chs *ClientHandshakeState) toPrivate12() *clientHandshakeState {
if chs == nil {
return nil
} else {
return &clientHandshakeState{
c: chs.C,
serverHello: chs.ServerHello.getPrivatePtr(),
hello: chs.Hello.getPrivatePtr(),
suite: chs.State12.Suite.getPrivatePtr(),
session: chs.Session,
masterSecret: chs.MasterSecret,
finishedHash: *chs.State12.FinishedHash.getPrivatePtr(),
func (chs12 *clientHandshakeState) toPublic13() *ClientHandshakeState {
if chs12 == nil {
return nil
} else {
tls12State := TLS12OnlyState{
Suite: *chs12.suite.getPublicPtr(),
FinishedHash: *chs12.finishedHash.getPublicPtr(),
return &ClientHandshakeState{
C: chs12.c,
ServerHello: chs12.serverHello.getPublicPtr(),
Hello: chs12.hello.getPublicPtr(),
Session: chs12.session,
MasterSecret: chs12.masterSecret,
State12: tls12State,
type EcdheParameters interface {
type CertificateRequestMsgTLS13 struct {
Raw []byte
OcspStapling bool
Scts bool
SupportedSignatureAlgorithms []SignatureScheme
SupportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert []SignatureScheme
CertificateAuthorities [][]byte
func (crm *certificateRequestMsgTLS13) toPublic() *CertificateRequestMsgTLS13 {
if crm == nil {
return nil
} else {
return &CertificateRequestMsgTLS13{
Raw: crm.raw,
OcspStapling: crm.ocspStapling,
Scts: crm.scts,
SupportedSignatureAlgorithms: crm.supportedSignatureAlgorithms,
SupportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert: crm.supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert,
CertificateAuthorities: crm.certificateAuthorities,
func (crm *CertificateRequestMsgTLS13) toPrivate() *certificateRequestMsgTLS13 {
if crm == nil {
return nil
} else {
return &certificateRequestMsgTLS13{
raw: crm.Raw,
ocspStapling: crm.OcspStapling,
scts: crm.Scts,
supportedSignatureAlgorithms: crm.SupportedSignatureAlgorithms,
supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert: crm.SupportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert,
certificateAuthorities: crm.CertificateAuthorities,
type CipherSuiteTLS13 struct {
Id uint16
KeyLen int
Aead func(key, fixedNonce []byte) aead
Hash crypto.Hash
func (c *cipherSuiteTLS13) toPublic() *CipherSuiteTLS13 {
if c == nil {
return nil
} else {
return &CipherSuiteTLS13{
Id: c.id,
KeyLen: c.keyLen,
Aead: c.aead,
Hash: c.hash,
func (c *CipherSuiteTLS13) toPrivate() *cipherSuiteTLS13 {
if c == nil {
return nil
} else {
return &cipherSuiteTLS13{
id: c.Id,
keyLen: c.KeyLen,
aead: c.Aead,
hash: c.Hash,
type ServerHelloMsg struct {
Raw []byte
Vers uint16
Random []byte
SessionId []byte
CipherSuite uint16
CompressionMethod uint8
NextProtoNeg bool
NextProtos []string
OcspStapling bool
Scts [][]byte
Ems bool
TicketSupported bool
SecureRenegotiation []byte
SecureRenegotiationSupported bool
AlpnProtocol string
// 1.3
SupportedVersion uint16
ServerShare keyShare
SelectedIdentityPresent bool
SelectedIdentity uint16
Cookie []byte // HelloRetryRequest extension
SelectedGroup CurveID // HelloRetryRequest extension
func (shm *ServerHelloMsg) getPrivatePtr() *serverHelloMsg {
if shm == nil {
return nil
} else {
return &serverHelloMsg{
raw: shm.Raw,
vers: shm.Vers,
random: shm.Random,
sessionId: shm.SessionId,
cipherSuite: shm.CipherSuite,
compressionMethod: shm.CompressionMethod,
nextProtoNeg: shm.NextProtoNeg,
nextProtos: shm.NextProtos,
ocspStapling: shm.OcspStapling,
scts: shm.Scts,
ems: shm.Ems,
ticketSupported: shm.TicketSupported,
secureRenegotiation: shm.SecureRenegotiation,
secureRenegotiationSupported: shm.SecureRenegotiationSupported,
alpnProtocol: shm.AlpnProtocol,
supportedVersion: shm.SupportedVersion,
serverShare: shm.ServerShare,
selectedIdentityPresent: shm.SelectedIdentityPresent,
selectedIdentity: shm.SelectedIdentity,
cookie: shm.Cookie,
selectedGroup: shm.SelectedGroup,
func (shm *serverHelloMsg) getPublicPtr() *ServerHelloMsg {
if shm == nil {
return nil
} else {
return &ServerHelloMsg{
Raw: shm.raw,
Vers: shm.vers,
Random: shm.random,
SessionId: shm.sessionId,
CipherSuite: shm.cipherSuite,
CompressionMethod: shm.compressionMethod,
NextProtoNeg: shm.nextProtoNeg,
NextProtos: shm.nextProtos,
OcspStapling: shm.ocspStapling,
Scts: shm.scts,
Ems: shm.ems,
TicketSupported: shm.ticketSupported,
SecureRenegotiation: shm.secureRenegotiation,
SecureRenegotiationSupported: shm.secureRenegotiationSupported,
AlpnProtocol: shm.alpnProtocol,
SupportedVersion: shm.supportedVersion,
ServerShare: shm.serverShare,
SelectedIdentityPresent: shm.selectedIdentityPresent,
SelectedIdentity: shm.selectedIdentity,
Cookie: shm.cookie,
SelectedGroup: shm.selectedGroup,
type ClientHelloMsg struct {
Raw []byte
Vers uint16
Random []byte
SessionId []byte
CipherSuites []uint16
CompressionMethods []uint8
NextProtoNeg bool
ServerName string
OcspStapling bool
Scts bool
Ems bool // [UTLS] actually implemented due to its prevalence
SupportedCurves []CurveID
SupportedPoints []uint8
TicketSupported bool
SessionTicket []uint8
SupportedSignatureAlgorithms []SignatureScheme
SecureRenegotiation []byte
SecureRenegotiationSupported bool
AlpnProtocols []string
// 1.3
SupportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert []SignatureScheme
SupportedVersions []uint16
Cookie []byte
KeyShares []KeyShare
EarlyData bool
PskModes []uint8
PskIdentities []pskIdentity
PskBinders [][]byte
func (chm *ClientHelloMsg) getPrivatePtr() *clientHelloMsg {
if chm == nil {
return nil
} else {
return &clientHelloMsg{
raw: chm.Raw,
vers: chm.Vers,
random: chm.Random,
sessionId: chm.SessionId,
cipherSuites: chm.CipherSuites,
compressionMethods: chm.CompressionMethods,
nextProtoNeg: chm.NextProtoNeg,
serverName: chm.ServerName,
ocspStapling: chm.OcspStapling,
scts: chm.Scts,
ems: chm.Ems,
supportedCurves: chm.SupportedCurves,
supportedPoints: chm.SupportedPoints,
ticketSupported: chm.TicketSupported,
sessionTicket: chm.SessionTicket,
supportedSignatureAlgorithms: chm.SupportedSignatureAlgorithms,
secureRenegotiation: chm.SecureRenegotiation,
secureRenegotiationSupported: chm.SecureRenegotiationSupported,
alpnProtocols: chm.AlpnProtocols,
supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert: chm.SupportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert,
supportedVersions: chm.SupportedVersions,
cookie: chm.Cookie,
keyShares: KeyShares(chm.KeyShares).ToPrivate(),
earlyData: chm.EarlyData,
pskModes: chm.PskModes,
pskIdentities: chm.PskIdentities,
pskBinders: chm.PskBinders,
func (chm *clientHelloMsg) getPublicPtr() *ClientHelloMsg {
if chm == nil {
return nil
} else {
return &ClientHelloMsg{
Raw: chm.raw,
Vers: chm.vers,
Random: chm.random,
SessionId: chm.sessionId,
CipherSuites: chm.cipherSuites,
CompressionMethods: chm.compressionMethods,
NextProtoNeg: chm.nextProtoNeg,
ServerName: chm.serverName,
OcspStapling: chm.ocspStapling,
Scts: chm.scts,
Ems: chm.ems,
SupportedCurves: chm.supportedCurves,
SupportedPoints: chm.supportedPoints,
TicketSupported: chm.ticketSupported,
SessionTicket: chm.sessionTicket,
SupportedSignatureAlgorithms: chm.supportedSignatureAlgorithms,
SecureRenegotiation: chm.secureRenegotiation,
SecureRenegotiationSupported: chm.secureRenegotiationSupported,
AlpnProtocols: chm.alpnProtocols,
SupportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert: chm.supportedSignatureAlgorithmsCert,
SupportedVersions: chm.supportedVersions,
Cookie: chm.cookie,
KeyShares: keyShares(chm.keyShares).ToPublic(),
EarlyData: chm.earlyData,
PskModes: chm.pskModes,
PskIdentities: chm.pskIdentities,
PskBinders: chm.pskBinders,
// A CipherSuite is a specific combination of key agreement, cipher and MAC
// function. All cipher suites currently assume RSA key agreement.
type CipherSuite struct {
Id uint16
// the lengths, in bytes, of the key material needed for each component.
KeyLen int
MacLen int
IvLen int
Ka func(version uint16) keyAgreement
// flags is a bitmask of the suite* values, above.
Flags int
Cipher func(key, iv []byte, isRead bool) interface{}
Mac func(version uint16, macKey []byte) macFunction
Aead func(key, fixedNonce []byte) aead
func (cs *CipherSuite) getPrivatePtr() *cipherSuite {
if cs == nil {
return nil
} else {
return &cipherSuite{
id: cs.Id,
keyLen: cs.KeyLen,
macLen: cs.MacLen,
ivLen: cs.IvLen,
ka: cs.Ka,
flags: cs.Flags,
cipher: cs.Cipher,
mac: cs.Mac,
aead: cs.Aead,
func (cs *cipherSuite) getPublicPtr() *CipherSuite {
if cs == nil {
return nil
} else {
return &CipherSuite{
Id: cs.id,
KeyLen: cs.keyLen,
MacLen: cs.macLen,
IvLen: cs.ivLen,
Ka: cs.ka,
Flags: cs.flags,
Cipher: cs.cipher,
Mac: cs.mac,
Aead: cs.aead,
// A FinishedHash calculates the hash of a set of handshake messages suitable
// for including in a Finished message.
type FinishedHash struct {
Client hash.Hash
Server hash.Hash
// Prior to TLS 1.2, an additional MD5 hash is required.
ClientMD5 hash.Hash
ServerMD5 hash.Hash
// In TLS 1.2, a full buffer is sadly required.
Buffer []byte
Version uint16
Prf func(result, secret, label, seed []byte)
func (fh *FinishedHash) getPrivatePtr() *finishedHash {
if fh == nil {
return nil
} else {
return &finishedHash{
client: fh.Client,
server: fh.Server,
clientMD5: fh.ClientMD5,
serverMD5: fh.ServerMD5,
buffer: fh.Buffer,
version: fh.Version,
prf: fh.Prf,
func (fh *finishedHash) getPublicPtr() *FinishedHash {
if fh == nil {
return nil
} else {
return &FinishedHash{
Client: fh.client,
Server: fh.server,
ClientMD5: fh.clientMD5,
ServerMD5: fh.serverMD5,
Buffer: fh.buffer,
Version: fh.version,
Prf: fh.prf}
// TLS 1.3 Key Share. See RFC 8446, Section 4.2.8.
type KeyShare struct {
Group CurveID
Data []byte
type KeyShares []KeyShare
type keyShares []keyShare
func (kss keyShares) ToPublic() []KeyShare {
var KSS []KeyShare
for _, ks := range kss {
KSS = append(KSS, KeyShare{Data: ks.data, Group: ks.group})
return KSS
func (KSS KeyShares) ToPrivate() []keyShare {
var kss []keyShare
for _, KS := range KSS {
kss = append(kss, keyShare{data: KS.Data, group: KS.Group})
return kss
// ClientSessionState is public, but all its fields are private. Let's add setters, getters and constructor
// ClientSessionState contains the state needed by clients to resume TLS sessions.
func MakeClientSessionState(
SessionTicket []uint8,
Vers uint16,
CipherSuite uint16,
MasterSecret []byte,
ServerCertificates []*x509.Certificate,
VerifiedChains [][]*x509.Certificate) *ClientSessionState {
css := ClientSessionState{sessionTicket: SessionTicket,
vers: Vers,
cipherSuite: CipherSuite,
masterSecret: MasterSecret,
serverCertificates: ServerCertificates,
verifiedChains: VerifiedChains}
return &css
// Encrypted ticket used for session resumption with server
func (css *ClientSessionState) SessionTicket() []uint8 {
return css.sessionTicket
// SSL/TLS version negotiated for the session
func (css *ClientSessionState) Vers() uint16 {
return css.vers
// Ciphersuite negotiated for the session
func (css *ClientSessionState) CipherSuite() uint16 {
return css.cipherSuite
// MasterSecret generated by client on a full handshake
func (css *ClientSessionState) MasterSecret() []byte {
return css.masterSecret
// Certificate chain presented by the server
func (css *ClientSessionState) ServerCertificates() []*x509.Certificate {
return css.serverCertificates
// Certificate chains we built for verification
func (css *ClientSessionState) VerifiedChains() [][]*x509.Certificate {
return css.verifiedChains
func (css *ClientSessionState) SetSessionTicket(SessionTicket []uint8) {
css.sessionTicket = SessionTicket
func (css *ClientSessionState) SetVers(Vers uint16) {
css.vers = Vers
func (css *ClientSessionState) SetCipherSuite(CipherSuite uint16) {
css.cipherSuite = CipherSuite
func (css *ClientSessionState) SetMasterSecret(MasterSecret []byte) {
css.masterSecret = MasterSecret
func (css *ClientSessionState) SetServerCertificates(ServerCertificates []*x509.Certificate) {
css.serverCertificates = ServerCertificates
func (css *ClientSessionState) SetVerifiedChains(VerifiedChains [][]*x509.Certificate) {
css.verifiedChains = VerifiedChains