Similar dependencies can be found on any UNIX based system/distribution.
### Building
There are number of things that need to be setup before running tests. Most important step is to copy ``go env GOROOT`` directory to ``_dev`` and swap TLS implementation and recompile GO. Then for testing we use go implementation from ``_dev/GOROOT``.
* Unit testing: <br/>``make -f _dev/Makefile test-unit``
* Testing against BoringSSL test suite: <br/>``make -f _dev/Makefile test-bogo``
* Compatibility testing (see below):<br/>``make -f _dev/Makefile test-interop``
To run all the tests in one go use:
make -f _dev/Makefile test
### Testing interoperability with 3rd party libraries
In order to ensure compatibility we are testing our implementation against BoringSSL, NSS and PicoTLS.
Makefile has a specific target for testing interoperability with external libraries. Following command can be used in order to run such test:
make -f _dev/Makefile test-interop
The makefile target is just a wrapper and it executes ``_dev/interop_test_runner`` script written in python. The script implements interoperability tests using ``python unittest`` framework.
Script can be started from command line directly. For example:
When the environment variable `TLSDEBUG` is set to `error`, Tris will print a hexdump of the Client Hello and a stack trace if an handshake error occurs. If the value is `short`, only the error and the first meaningful stack frame are printed.