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using Dapper;
using System;
2021-01-12 01:34:14 -05:00
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SQLite;
2021-01-12 01:34:14 -05:00
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using GreatHomeChildcare.Models;
2021-01-12 01:34:14 -05:00
2021-01-12 01:34:14 -05:00
namespace GreatHomeChildcare
class SqliteDataAccess
#region child
// ***************** Create *****************
/* Inserts a new child to the database.
* INPUT child
* OUTPUT new row to SQL database, void to program.
internal void InsertNewChild(Child child)
using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString()))
string strQuery = "INSERT INTO STUDENTS (FirstName, LastName, DOB, address, race, gender, photo)" +
"VALUES (@FirstName, @LastName, @DOB, @address, @race, @gender, @photo);";
cnn.Execute(strQuery, child);
// ***************** Read *******************
/* Gets a single child from the sqlite database
* provided an id number.
* INPUT: integer id
* OUTPUT: Child object
internal Child GetChildByID(int id_in)
using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString()))
string strQuery = "SELECT * FROM Children WHERE id=@id";
Child output = cnn.Query<Child>(strQuery, new { id = id_in }).SingleOrDefault();
return output;
/* Gets all children from the sqlite database.
* INPUT: void
* OUTPUT: list of Child objects
internal List<Child> GetAllChildren()
using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString()))
string strQuery = "SELECT * FROM Children ORDER BY LastName ASC";
var output = cnn.Query<Child>(strQuery);
return output.ToList();
// ***************** Update *****************
/* Updates an individual child in the DB.
* Needs to do field mapping in the Execute call because
* the photo field can be null or not null, and
* the conditional operator can be used to change the query on the fly.
* INPUT: Child
* OUTPUT: Data to SQL Database, void to program
internal void UpdateChild(Child child)
using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString()))
string strQuery = "UPDATE Children SET FirstName = @First_Name, LastName = @Last_Name, " +
"DOB = @_dob, address = @_address, race = @_race, gender = @_gender, photo = @_photo" +
"WHERE id = @_id;";
cnn.Execute(strQuery, new
_id =,
First_Name = child.FirstName,
Last_Name = child.LastName,
_dob = child.DOB,
_address = child.address,
_race = child.race,
_gender = child.gender,
_photo = ?? null
// ***************** Delete *****************
2021-01-12 01:34:14 -05:00
#region guardian
// ***************** Create *****************
// ***************** Read *****************
/* Gets all guardians for a single child.
* INPUT: Child
* OUTPUT: List of guardian object.
internal List<Guardian> GetGuardiansByChild(Child child_in)
using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString()))
string strQuery = "SELECT * FROM Guardians WHERE id IN (SELECT guardian_id FROM Authorized_Guardians WHERE child_id = @id)";
var output = cnn.Query<Guardian>(strQuery, child_in);
return output.ToList();
/* Gets a Guardian by a distinct pin number. Distinctness enforced elsewhere.
* INPUT: integer pin#
* OUTPUT: Guardian object
internal Guardian GetGuardianByPin(int guardian_pin_in)
using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString()))
string strQuery = "SELECT * FROM Guardians WHERE PinNumber = @pin_in";
Guardian guardian = cnn.Query<Guardian>(strQuery, new { pin_in = guardian_pin_in }).SingleOrDefault();
return guardian;
// ***************** Update *****************
// ***************** Delete *****************
#region authorized_guardians
// ***************** Create *****************
// ***************** Read *****************
/* Gets a list of all children per a specific guardian.
* INPUT: Guardian
* OUTPUT: List of Child object.
internal List<Child> GetChildrenByGuardian(Guardian guardian_in)
//TODO: Remove once valid login check is implemented.
if (guardian_in == null)
return null;
using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString()))
string strQuery = @"
FROM Children
INNER JOIN Authorized_Guardians on Children.ID = Authorized_Guardians.child_id
INNER JOIN Guardians on Authorized_Guardians.guardian_id =
WHERE = @id
var output = cnn.Query<Child>(strQuery,guardian_in);
return output.ToList();
// ***************** Update *****************
// ***************** Delete *****************
2021-01-12 01:34:14 -05:00
#region attendance
// ***************** Create *****************
/* Creates a new entry in the attendence table each time
* a child is signed in our out of the system.
* Does --NOT-- need an Update function as the system
* is designed to keep track of --all-- times a child
* is signed in or out, and by which guardian.
* INPUTS: child, guardian
* OUTPUT: none to program, new row to sql db.
internal void SignChildInOut(Child child_in, Guardian guardian_in)
Attendance strStudentStatus = GetChildSignInOut(child_in);
using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString()))
string strInOut = (strStudentStatus.in_out == "in" ? "out" : "in");
string strQuery = "INSERT INTO Attendence(child_id, guardian_id,in_out) VALUES(@child_id, @guardian_id, @in_out)";
cnn.Execute(strQuery, new
child_id =,
guardian_id =,
in_out = strInOut
// ***************** Read *****************
/* gets a single child in/out status.
* INPUT Child
* OUTPUT string "in" or "out", plus the timestamp.
internal Attendance GetChildSignInOut(Child child_in)
using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString()))
//Select only the latest attendence data for this student.
string strQuery = "SELECT in_out,timestamp FROM Attendence WHERE child_id=@id AND id = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM Attendence WHERE child_id = @id)";
Attendance output = cnn.Query<Attendance>(strQuery, child_in).SingleOrDefault();
return output;
// ***************** Update *****************
// ***************** Delete *****************
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#region misc
// ***************** Create *****************
// ***************** Read *******************
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/* Checks to see if this is the first time the application has run.
* by counting the number of guardians in the guardian table.
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* INPUT: void from program, count of guardians from db.
* OUTPUT: boolean true/false.
internal bool isFirstTimeRun()
using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString()))
string strQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Guardians";
int num_guardians = cnn.Query<int>(strQuery).SingleOrDefault();
if (num_guardians > 0)
return false;
return true;
// ***************** Update *****************
// ***************** Delete *****************
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#region reports
// ***************** Create *****************
// ***************** Read *******************
// ***************** Update *****************
// ***************** Delete *****************
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2021-01-17 20:57:46 -05:00
// Gets the connection string to the db and returns it to the program.
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private static string LoadConnectionString(string id = "Default")
return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[id].ConnectionString;