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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
2021-01-23 23:23:06 -05:00
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using GreatHomeChildcare.Models;
namespace GreatHomeChildcare
public partial class frmChildCrud : Form
const string DEFAULT_PIC_TAG = "DefaultPic";
const string CUSTOM_PIC_TAG = "dickpic";
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const int MAX_PIC_SIZE = 2147483647;
//Global instance of the SqliteDataAccess object.
SqliteDataAccess SqliteDataAccess = new SqliteDataAccess();
Child child;
int guardian_id;
enum Gender
Female = 0,
Male = 1
public frmChildCrud()
/* Event handler on form load.
* Reads the child_id from the admin form if the update button
* was selected on the admin form.
* INPUTS: child_id from the admin form
* OUTPUTS: void
private void frmChildCrud_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
int child_id = frmAdminForm.child_id;
//If the update button was selected.
if (child_id > 0)
//Populate the gender combo box with our enum.
private void FillGenderComboBox()
/* Populate the existing guardian combobox
* with a listing of all guardians in the DB
* sorted by last name. Bind the guardian object
* to the drop-down so it can be easily referenced upon click
* of "add existing guardian".
* INPUTS: void from program
* OUTPUT: list of guardians from SQL db
private void FillGuardiansComboBox()
List<Guardian> guardians = new List<Guardian>();
guardians = SqliteDataAccess.GetAllGuardians();
cbExistingGuardians.DataSource = guardians;
cbExistingGuardians.DisplayMember = "DisplayName";
cbExistingGuardians.Text = "Choose a guardian to add to this child";
/* Load an existing child onto the form for update/delete operations.
* INPUT: integer child_id
* OUTPUT: data to screen
private void LoadChild(int child_id_in)
child = SqliteDataAccess.GetChildByID(child_id_in);
Gender genderOut;
// sanity check, though it shouldn't be needed...
if (child == null)
//Load the child data into the form.
idNumericUpDown.Value =;
firstNameTextBox.Text = child.FirstName;
lastNameTextBox.Text = child.LastName;
raceTextBox.Text = child.race;
//Load the gender combo box based from enum value.
//ref: chuck costarella
Enum.TryParse<Gender>(child.gender, out genderOut);
genderComboBox.SelectedItem = genderOut;
dOBMonthCalendar.SelectionStart = DateTime.Parse(child.DOB);
addressTextBox.Text = child.address;
photoPictureBox.Image = ( != null) ? ImageWrangler.ByteArrayToImage( : Properties.Resources.child;
private void LoadGuardiansForChild(Child child_in)
List<Guardian> guardians = SqliteDataAccess.GetGuardiansByChild(child_in);
foreach (Guardian g in guardians)
dgvGuardians.Rows.Add(, g.LastName, g.FirstName, g.PhoneNumber, g.EmailAddress);
private void btnCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
2021-01-23 01:40:21 -05:00
//TODO: Ted, find a better way to do this than I did.
private void btnPhotoFromCam_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("From cam");
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/* On click of the button, open a file picker dialog box
* for the user to browse/choose a picture.
* Once the user clicks OK, the _FileOK event below fires,
* validates the input. If file is OK, then read the file from disk,
* convert it into an Image, and save it to the student picture box.
private void btnPhotoFromDisk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
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DialogResult dr = pic_openFileDialog.ShowDialog();
byte[] pic_in;
if (dr == DialogResult.OK)
//Read picture
pic_in = File.ReadAllBytes(pic_openFileDialog.FileName);
//Check once again to make sure the picture's not too big...
if(pic_in.Length >= MAX_PIC_SIZE)
MessageBox.Show("The selected child's photo size is too large. Choose a smaller photo size or shrink the photo.", "Great Home Childcare", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None);
Image dickPic = ImageWrangler.ByteArrayToImage(pic_in);
//Place in dicpic box
photoPictureBox.Image = dickPic;
//change tag of pic box to something else
photoPictureBox.Tag = CUSTOM_PIC_TAG;
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Unable to read selected file, try again.", "Great Home Childcare", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None);
private void btnAddGuardian_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int iOctomomCheck;
if(cbExistingGuardians.Text == "Choose a guardian to add to this child")
MessageBox.Show("Please select an existing guardian.", "Great Home Childcare", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None);
Guardian newGuardian = (Guardian)cbExistingGuardians.SelectedItem;
//Check to see if newGuardian is already a guardian of this child.
foreach(DataGridViewRow row in dgvGuardians.Rows)
if((int)row.Cells[0].Value ==
MessageBox.Show("That guardian is already assigned to this child.", "Great Home Childcare", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None);
// Check for octomom.
iOctomomCheck = SqliteDataAccess.CheckForOctomom(newGuardian);
if(iOctomomCheck > 9) // SERIOUSLY, KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS
MessageBox.Show("Sorry, a single guardian can't have more than 9 children.", "Great Home Childcare", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None);
// We are clear to add this guardian.
SqliteDataAccess.AddNewGuardianToChild(child, newGuardian);
private void btnNewGuardian_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
guardian_id = -1;
MessageBox.Show("Add (create) New guardian");
private void btnEditGuardian_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
/* Get the guardian's database ID which is secretly hidden
* in the datagrid view at column 0. Since value is an
* Object, cast it to Int because that's what we know it is.
guardian_id = (int)dgvGuardians.CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value;
MessageBox.Show("Edit Guardian");
private void btnDeleteGuardian_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
/* Get the guardian's database ID which is secretly hidden
* in the datagrid view at column 0. Since value is an
* Object, cast it to Int because that's what we know it is.
guardian_id = (int)dgvGuardians.CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value;
MessageBox.Show("Delete Guardian");
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("Save and close");
//collect form and save to child object. = (int)idNumericUpDown.Value;
child.address = addressTextBox.Text;
child.DOB = dOBMonthCalendar.SelectionStart.ToShortDateString();
child.FirstName = firstNameTextBox.Text;
child.gender = genderComboBox.Text;
child.LastName = lastNameTextBox.Text;
child.race = raceTextBox.Text;
if (photoPictureBox.Tag.ToString() == DEFAULT_PIC_TAG) = null;
else = ImageWrangler.ImageToByteArray(photoPictureBox.Image);
if( > 0) //Should be all that's needed.....
MessageBox.Show("Child updated successfully! Data saved!");
//TODO: write code to add child. >> bee-gee's "Stayin' alive" plays <<
/* PB&J
* Pop new window to add at least one guardian to the child, either existing or new.
* Validate guardian exist in db upon return to this form.
* if valid, then populate guardian table and update authorized_guardians
* LAST THING: InsertNewStudent(child);
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/* Event that occurs when the user clicks Open in the file dialog box.
* Check to see if the photo size is too large for the database.
* If so, reject the file and inform the user.
private void pic_openFileDialog_FileOk(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
byte[] dickpic;
//Chunk file into bytes.
//If file > MAX_PIC_SIZE bytes long, reject file.
dickpic = File.ReadAllBytes(pic_openFileDialog.FileName);
if (dickpic.Length >= MAX_PIC_SIZE) //THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID
MessageBox.Show("The selected child's photo size is too large. Choose a smaller photo size or shrink the photo.", "Great Home Childcare", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None);
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MessageBox.Show("Unable to read selected file, try again.", "Great Home Childcare", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None);
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