First commit

This commit is contained in:
Ralph Slooten 2019-08-02 22:24:42 +12:00
parent 8c24d3c7d9
commit c2a4f94de5
4 changed files with 403 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

Makefile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
TAG=`git describe --tags`
VERSION ?= `git describe --tags`
LDFLAGS=-ldflags "-s -extldflags \"--static\" -w -X main.version=${VERSION}"
build = echo "\n\nBuilding $(1)-$(2)" && GOOS=$(1) GOARCH=$(2) go build ${LDFLAGS} -o dist/goptimize_${VERSION}_$(1)_$(2) \
&& bzip2 dist/goptimize_${VERSION}_$(1)_$(2)
goptimize: *.go
go get
go build ${LDFLAGS} -o goptimize
rm -rf /tmp/go-*
rm -f goptimize
mkdir -p dist
rm -f dist/goptimize_${VERSION}_*
$(call build,linux,amd64)
$(call build,linux,386)
$(call build,linux,arm)
$(call build,linux,arm64)
$(call build,darwin,amd64)
$(call build,darwin,386)

goptimize.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
package main
import (
// Goptimize downscales and optimizes an existing image
func Goptimize(file string) {
info, err := os.Stat(file)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s doesn't exist\n", file)
if !info.Mode().IsRegular() {
// not a file
fmt.Printf("%s is not a file\n", file)
// open original, rotate if neccesary
src, err := imaging.Open(file, imaging.AutoOrientation(true))
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%v (%s)\n", err, file)
format, err := imaging.FormatFromFilename(file)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Cannot detect format: %v\n", err)
outFilename := filepath.Base(file)
outDir := filepath.Dir(file)
dstFile := filepath.Join(outDir, outFilename)
if outputDir != "" {
dstFile = filepath.Join(outputDir, outFilename)
// get original image size
srcBounds := src.Bounds()
srcW := srcBounds.Dx()
srcH := srcBounds.Dy()
// Ensure scaling does not upscale image
imgMaxW := maxWidth
if imgMaxW == 0 || imgMaxW > srcW {
imgMaxW = srcW
imgMaxH := maxHeight
if imgMaxH == 0 || imgMaxH > srcH {
imgMaxH = srcH
resized := imaging.Fit(src, imgMaxW, imgMaxH, imaging.Lanczos)
dstBounds := resized.Bounds()
resultW := dstBounds.Dx()
resultH := dstBounds.Dy()
tmpFile, err := ioutil.TempFile(os.TempDir(), "Goptimized-")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Cannot create temporary file: %v\n", err)
defer os.Remove(tmpFile.Name())
if format.String() == "JPEG" {
err = jpeg.Encode(tmpFile, resized, &jpeg.Options{Quality: quality})
} else if format.String() == "PNG" {
err = png.Encode(tmpFile, resized)
} else if format.String() == "GIF" {
err = gif.Encode(tmpFile, resized, nil)
} else if format.String() == "TIFF" {
err = tiff.Encode(tmpFile, resized, nil)
} else if format.String() == "BMP" {
err = bmp.Encode(tmpFile, resized)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Cannot Goptimize %s files\n", format.String())
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error saving output file: %v\n", err)
// get the tempoary filename before closing
tmpFilename := tmpFile.Name()
// close the temp file to release pointers so we can
// modify it with system processes
// optimize
if format.String() == "JPEG" {
// run one or the other, both don't do anything
if jpegtran != "" {
RunOptimiser(tmpFilename, true, jpegtran, "-optimize", "-outfile")
} else if jpegoptim != "" {
RunOptimiser(tmpFilename, false, jpegoptim, "-f", "-s", "-o")
} else if format.String() == "PNG" {
if pngquant != "" {
RunOptimiser(tmpFilename, true, pngquant, "-f", "--output")
if optipng != "" {
RunOptimiser(tmpFilename, true, optipng, "-out")
} else if format.String() == "GIF" {
if gifsicle != "" {
RunOptimiser(tmpFilename, true, gifsicle, "-o")
// re-open potentiall modified temporary file
tmpFile, err = os.Open(tmpFilename)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error reopening temporary file: %v\n", err)
defer tmpFile.Close()
// original file stats
srcStat, _ := os.Stat(file)
srcSize := srcStat.Size()
// optimized file stats
dstStat, _ := tmpFile.Stat()
dstSize := dstStat.Size()
// transfer the original file permissions to the new file
if err = os.Chmod(tmpFile.Name(), srcStat.Mode()); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error setting file permissions: %v\n", err)
if !skipPreserveModTimes {
// transfer original modification times
mtime := srcStat.ModTime()
atime := mtime // use mtime as we cannot get atime
if err := os.Chtimes(tmpFile.Name(), atime, mtime); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error setting file timestamp: %v\n", err)
savedPercent := 100 - math.Round(float64(dstSize)/float64(srcSize)*100)
if dstSize < srcSize {
// output is smaller
if err := os.Rename(tmpFile.Name(), dstFile); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error renaming file: %v\n", err)
fmt.Printf("Goptimized %s (%dx%d %s/%s %v%%)\n", dstFile, resultW, resultH, ByteCountSI(dstSize), ByteCountSI(srcSize), savedPercent)
} else {
if outputDir != "" {
// just copy the original
if err := os.Rename(file, dstFile); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error renaming file: %v\n", err)
// we didn't actually any scaling optimizing
fmt.Printf("Goptimized %s (%dx%d %s/%s %v%%)\n", dstFile, srcW, srcH, ByteCountSI(srcSize), ByteCountSI(srcSize), 0)
// RunOptimiser will run the specified command on a copy of the original file
// and overwrite if the output is smaller than the original
func RunOptimiser(src string, outfile bool, args ...string) {
// create a new temp file
tmpFile, err := ioutil.TempFile(os.TempDir(), "Goptimized-")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Cannot create temporary file: %v\n", err)
defer os.Remove(tmpFile.Name())
source, err := os.Open(src)
// s, _ := source.Stat()
// log.Printf("%v\n", s.Size())
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Cannot open temporary file: %v\n", err)
defer source.Close()
if _, err := io.Copy(tmpFile, source); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Cannot copy source file: %v\n", err)
// add the filename to the args
args = append(args, tmpFile.Name())
if outfile {
// most commands require a second filename to overwrite the original
args = append(args, tmpFile.Name())
// fmt.Println(args)
// execute the command
cmd := exec.Command(args[0], args[1:]...)
err = cmd.Run()
// out, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
// there was an error
fmt.Printf("%s: %v\n", args[0], err)
// fmt.Println(string(out))
tmpFilename := tmpFile.Name()
srcStat, _ := source.Stat()
srcSize := srcStat.Size()
dstStat, _ := os.Stat(tmpFilename)
dstSize := dstStat.Size()
// ensure file pointers are closed before renaming
if dstSize < srcSize {
if err := os.Rename(tmpFilename, src); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error renaming file: %v\n", err)
// fmt.Println(args[0], "=", srcSize, "to", dstSize, "(wrote to", source.Name(), ")")
} else {
// fmt.Println(args[0], "!=", srcSize, "to", dstSize)
// ByteCountSI returns a human readable size from int64 bytes
func ByteCountSI(b int64) string {
const unit = 1000
if b < unit {
return fmt.Sprintf("%dB", b)
div, exp := int64(unit), 0
for n := b / unit; n >= unit; n /= unit {
div *= unit
return fmt.Sprintf("%.1f%cB", float64(b)/float64(div), "kMGTPE"[exp])

main.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
package main
import (
var (
quality int
maxWidth int
maxHeight int
outputDir string
skipPreserveModTimes bool
jpegoptim string
jpegtran string
optipng string
pngquant string
gifsicle string
func main() {
// modify the default help
flag.Usage = func() {
fmt.Println("Re-save & resample images, with optional optimization.")
fmt.Printf("\nUsage: %s [options] <images>\n", os.Args[0])
fmt.Printf(" %s -s 800x800 *.jpg\n", os.Args[0])
fmt.Printf(" %s -o out/ -q 90 -s 1600x1600 *.jpg\n", os.Args[0])
if err := displayDelectedOptimizer("jpegtran ", jpegtran); err != nil {
displayDelectedOptimizer("jpegoptim", jpegoptim)
displayDelectedOptimizer("optipng ", optipng)
displayDelectedOptimizer("pngquant ", pngquant)
displayDelectedOptimizer("gifsicle ", gifsicle)
var maxSizes string
flag.IntVar(&quality, "q", 75, "Quality - affects jpeg only")
flag.StringVar(&outputDir, "o", "", "Output directory (default overwrites original)")
flag.BoolVar(&skipPreserveModTimes, "n", false, "Do not preserve file modification times")
flag.StringVar(&maxSizes, "m", "", "Scale down to a maximum width & height. Format must be <width>x<height>.")
// third-party optimizers
flag.StringVar(&gifsicle, "gifsicle", "gifsicle", "Alternative gifsicle name")
flag.StringVar(&jpegoptim, "jpegoptim", "jpegoptim", "Alternative jpegoptim name")
flag.StringVar(&jpegtran, "jpegtran", "jpegtran", "Alternative jpegtran name")
flag.StringVar(&optipng, "optipng", "optipng", "Alternative optipng name")
flag.StringVar(&pngquant, "pngquant", "pngquant", "Alternative pngquant name")
// parse flags
// detect optimizer paths
gifsicle, _ = exec.LookPath(gifsicle)
jpegoptim, _ = exec.LookPath(jpegoptim)
jpegtran, _ = exec.LookPath(jpegtran)
optipng, _ = exec.LookPath(optipng)
pngquant, _ = exec.LookPath(pngquant)
if len(flag.Args()) < 1 {
if maxSizes != "" {
// calculate max sizes from arg[0]
r := regexp.MustCompile(`^(\d+)(x|X|\*|:)(\d+)$`)
matches := r.FindStringSubmatch(maxSizes)
if len(matches) != 4 {
maxWidth, _ = strconv.Atoi(matches[1])
maxHeight, _ = strconv.Atoi(matches[3])
// parse arguments
args := flag.Args()
if outputDir != "" {
// ensure the output directory exists
if _, err := os.Stat(outputDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
err := os.MkdirAll(outputDir, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Cannot create output directory: %s\n", outputDir)
for _, img := range args {
// displayDelectedOptimizer prints whether the optimizer was found
func displayDelectedOptimizer(name, bin string) error {
exe, err := exec.LookPath(bin)
if err != nil {
// fmt.Printf(" - %s: [undetected]\n", name)
return err
fmt.Printf(" - %s: %s\n", name, exe)
return nil