update TODO and README pkg-get: add missing test in search()
INTRODUCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- pkg-get is a package / repository management tool for CRUX Linux. Syntax and features are very close to (often a carbon copy of) the ones found in the port management tool 'prt-get' by Johannes Winkelmann. In fact pkg-get was developed as a prt-get/ports drop-in replacement for systems in which it is preferable to handle binary packages instead of compiling ports. ARCHITECTURE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The client machines sync metadata files (available packages, readme files, dependencies, etc) from a remote server (http or ftp) OR a local path. Once the metadata files are on the client machine, the usual operations of installing, removing, getting info on packages are available. QUICK START ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Server: A repository can be generated using 'pkg-repgen' in a dir containing packages. It will take a while since md5sums have to be calculated. Alternatively, you can pass one or more arguments to 'pkg-repgen', indicating the individual packages for which metadata will be created. Client: Adjust settings in /etc/pkg-get.conf, then use the 'pkg-get sync' command to gather metadata from the server (if remote). You can now use the commands as described in the manual, e.g.: pkg-get info apache pkg-get depinst qt6-base pkg-get listinst See the manual page for a detailed list of commands and options. REQUIREMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the client, nothing outside the CRUX 'core' collection For the server, prt-get LIMITATIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The client and the server must be configured to use the same pkgmk compression mode, otherwise the client will try to download a tarball with the wrong suffix. This is only a problem if you sometimes compile ports on the client machine and prefer a different compression mode (better suited to its less-powerful hardware?). By allowing you to maintain your client machine solely with binary packages, pkg-get makes the contents of /etc/pkgmk.conf mostly irrelevant, so you can simply put a verbatim copy of the server's pkgmk.conf on the client machine. The pkg-get configuration file does not offer as many settings as the one for prt-get. In particular, you cannot change "addcommand", "rmcommand", or "runscriptscommand"; these are hard-coded as /usr/bin/pkgadd, /usr/bin/pkgrm, and /bin/bash, respectively. There is also no intelligent version comparator as in prt-get; the repository and html index are sorted lexographically according to the current setting for $LANG. When multiple versions of a package are found within the active collections, pkg-get will install the latest version in the first collection that contains any such package. This behaviour is akin to how prt-get handles dups, but with additional logic to account for dups within the same collection. 'pkg-get depends' and 'prt-get quickdep' do not handle more than one port, unlike the corresponding commands in prt-get. Therefore it is not as straightforward to preview the list of packages that would be installed, before running a 'depinst' operation with multiple targets. The limitation above would have been mitigated by a --test switch. Alas, such a switch is also absent from the design of pkg-get. Use the --test switch with prt-get itself, for the closest approximation of previewing the outcome from a 'pkg-get depinst' operation. 'pkg-get dependent' does not support the --recursive option. Other useful prt-get commands (grpinst, fsearch, deptree, listorphans, ls, cat, edit, cache) have no counterpart in pkg-get. Of these omissions, only the 'grpinst' command is of possible interest for binary package management; the unimplemented commands and options are just as easily delegated to prt-get itself. If you want a Perl implementation that does provide these missing commands, consider the script written by user farkuhar [1]. pkg-get only makes use of the hard dependencies listed by the port maintainer, not any of the eager linking that might have occurred on the build machine. As a result, 'pkg-get depinst foo' might omit some of the packages needed by 'foo'. User ppetrov^ has contributed some helper scripts to facilitate the fixing of these broken binaries; visit the site [2] to download them. Further omissions related to dependencies are the absence of any mechanism for declaring aliases (e.g., package openjdk16-bin can serve as a drop-in replacement for the listed dependency openjdk16), and the lack of an --ignore switch (to exclude certain packages from being installed in a 'depinst' operation). You can work around these omissions by avoiding 'depinst' entirely, and manually performing the desired 'install' transactions (once you have a clear sense of what the actual runtime dependencies are). These gaps in pkg-get's design highlight an awkward fact about trying to erect an infrastructure for binary package management upon a foundation designed for compiling source code (the ports tree). Inheriting the Pkgfile's lack of separation between build-time and runtime dependencies, pkg-get will unwittingly recurse through all the dependencies (in a 'depinst' transaction) and install packages that you might not really need. Hence the suggestion to consider avoiding 'depinst', running only 'install' and the helper script written by ppetrov^ [2]. In handling any new hard dependencies added by the maintainer since the previous version of a package, pkg-get performs a sysup in the same manner as the original prt-get (i.e., new dependencies are not injected by default). With binary packages there's no need to carry out the installation in any particular order, so the lack of dependency injection is actually less of a problem for pkg-get than it was for prt-get. Running ppetrov^'s script [2] should help identify the packages you will need to install to fix any breakage. [1] https://git.sdf.org/jmq/Documentation/src/branch/master/scripts/prt-auf [2] https://github.com/slackalaxy/depsck