pkgmeek: added fix for unintuitive bash handling of 'set -e' in subshells

This commit is contained in:
John McQuah 2022-06-15 13:24:04 -04:00
parent e2bd920f7c
commit 7e03c42638
2 changed files with 58 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ fi
[ "$PKGMK_UPDATE_SIG" = "yes" ] || validate_pkgfile || exit $E_PKGFILE
[ -f .32bit ] && PGKMK_ARCH=32 || PKGMK_ARCH=64
. "Pkgfile"; . "$PKGMK_CONF"; set -e
. "Pkgfile"; . "$PKGMK_CONF"
# respect the settings for centralized source and package directories ...
[ -v pkg_dir ] || pkg_dir="$PKGMK_PACKAGE_DIR"/
@ -154,9 +154,12 @@ if [ "$pkg_utd" = 0 ] || [ "$PKGMK_FORCE" = "yes" ]; then
# The actual build step! (use fakeroot when building daemon ports as an ordinary user,
# otherwise the owner and group might not be correct)
(SRC=$(pwd)/src; PKG=$(pwd)/pkg; cd src; set -x; build) &&
info "Build succeeded. Moving on to compression." ||
{ error "Unsuccessful build!"; cleanup_work; exit "$E_BUILD"; }
(SRC=$(pwd)/src; PKG=$(pwd)/pkg; cd src; set -e -x; build)
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
echo "Build successful. Moving on to compression."
error "Unsuccessful build!"; cleanup_work; exit "$E_BUILD"
[ -f "$PKGMK_ROOT/.nostrip" ] && ns_filter="| grep -v -f $PKGMK_ROOT/.nostrip"
find pkg -type f $ns_filter | while read -r f; do
@ -183,7 +186,7 @@ if [ "$pkg_utd" = 0 ] || [ "$PKGMK_FORCE" = "yes" ]; then
# Ensure that $work/ contains the package or a symlink to it, then check the footprint
[ "$pkg_dir" = "$(pwd)/" ] || ln -sf "$pkg_dir$package" .
[ "$PKGMK_IGNORE_FOOTPRINT" = "yes" ] || check_manifest footprint || exit $E_MANIFEST
[ "$PKGMK_IGNORE_FOOTPRINT" = "yes" ] || check_manifest footprint
# Clean up the work directory
find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type l -delete; cleanup_work
@ -429,9 +432,9 @@ cat_manifest() {
check_manifest() {
local TRUTH="$PKGMK_ROOT/.$1"; local retval=0; local severity=error;
local TRUTH="$PKGMK_ROOT/.$1"; local diffs=0; local severity=error;
[ -f "$pkg_dir$package" ] || [ "$1" = "md5sum" ] || \
{ error "$package not found. Cannot check $1."; return "$E_MANIFEST"; }
{ error "$package not found. Cannot check $1."; exit "$E_MANIFEST"; }
[ "$1" = "md5sum" ] && FILTER="-k 3" || FILTER=""
if [ -f "$TRUTH" ]; then
@ -440,12 +443,9 @@ check_manifest() {
if [ -s ".$1.diff" ]; then
CN=$(grep -c ^NEW ".$1.diff"); CM=$(grep -c ^MISSING ".$1.diff")
if [ "$1" = "footprint" ]; then
[ "$PKGMK_IGNORE_MISSING" = "yes" ] || retval=$CM
[ "$PKGMK_IGNORE_NEW" = "yes" ] || retval+=$CN
[ $retval -gt 0 ] || severity=warning
retval=$(( E_MANIFEST*( retval>0 ) ))
[ "$PKGMK_IGNORE_MISSING" = "yes" ] || diffs=$CM
[ "$PKGMK_IGNORE_NEW" = "yes" ] || diffs=$(( diffs+CN ))
[ $diffs = 0 ] && severity=warning
$severity "$1 mismatch found:"; cat ".$1.diff" >&2
@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ check_manifest() {
warning ".$1 not found, creating new."; cat_manifest $1 > "$TRUTH"
return $retval
[ $diffs = 0 ] || exit $E_MANIFEST
parse_signify_output() { # chomps the output of check_signature()

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ my %odepends = ( tree => 0, recursive => 0, all => 0 );
my %opkg = ( margs => "", aargs => "", rargs => "", runscripts => "yes",
makecommand => "/usr/bin/pkgmk", addcommand => "/usr/bin/pkgadd",
removecommand => "/usr/bin/pkgrm", test => "no" );
my %olog = ( write => "disabled", mode => "overwrite", rm_on_success => "yes");
my $prtconf = "/etc/prt-get.conf"; my @bldirs = parse_prt_conf($prtconf);
my @basedirs = @{$bldirs[0]}; my @localports = @{$bldirs[1]};
@ -91,8 +92,8 @@ if (($action =~ /^(listinst|listorphans)/)
foreach my $result (@results) {
chomp $result; next if ($result =~ /^\s*$/);
$result =~ s/.*\/(.*)$/$1/ if (($action ne "path") and ($osearch{path}==0));
$result .= " $V_REPO{$result}" if $osearch{verbose}==1;
$result .= " $V_REPO{$result}\n$DESC{$result}\n" if $osearch{verbose}>1;
$result .= " $V_REPO{$result}" if (($osearch{verbose}==1) and ($action ne "path"));
$result .= " $V_REPO{$result}\n$DESC{$result}\n" if (($osearch{verbose}>1) and ($action ne "path"));
printf $strf, $result;
} elsif ($action =~ /^(fsearch)/) {
@ -212,11 +213,6 @@ sub parse_args {
($action =~ /^(search|dsearch|fsearch|info|readme|path|ls)$/)) {
print "$1 requires an argument.\n"; exit 1;
if (($action =~ /^(search|dsearch|fsearch|info|readme|path|ls)$/) and ($osearch{regex}==0)) {
$query[0] =~ s/\+/\\\+/g; # plus signs in the pattern must be escaped,
$query[0] =~ s/\./\\\./g; # since the user did not request 'regex'.
$query[0] =~ s/\//\\\//g; # same goes for slash and period.
if (($#query != 0) and
($action =~ /^(deptree|dependent)$/)) {
print "$1 requires exactly one argument.\n"; exit 1;
@ -249,10 +245,15 @@ sub parse_prt_conf {
$opkg{runscripts} = $1 if /^runscripts\s+(yes|no)\s+#/;
$opkg{runscripts} = $1 if /^runscripts\s+(yes|no)/;
$opkg{makecommand} = $1 if /^makecommand\s+(.*)#/;
$opkg{addcommand} = $1 if /^addcommand\s+(.*)#/;
$opkg{removecommand} =$1 if /^removecommand\s+(.*)#/;
$opkg{removecommand} = $1 if /^removecommand\s+(.*)#/;
$olog{write} = $1 if /^writelog\s+(enabled|disabled)/;
$olog{mode} = $1 if /^logmode\s+(append|overwrite)/;
$olog{rm_on_success} = $1 if /^rmlog_on_success\s+(no|yes)/;
$olog{file} = $1 if /^logfile\s+(.*)#/;
$prtcache = $1 if /^cachefile\s+(.*)#/;
return \@basedirs, \@localports;
@ -433,6 +434,8 @@ sub find_port_by_desc {
sub find_port_by_name {
my $query = shift; my $exact=shift; my $fullpath=shift; my $exhaustive=shift;
$query =~ s/\+/\\\+/g unless (($action =~ /^(search|dsearch)$/) and ($osearch{regex}==1));
$query =~ s/\./\\\./g unless (($action =~ /^(search|dsearch)$/) and ($osearch{regex}==1));
my $pattern = ($exact==1) ? qr/^$query$/s : qr/$query/is;
my %names_only = map { ($_ => (split /\//, $_)[-1]) } @allports;
my @hits = grep { $names_only{$_} =~ $pattern } @allports;
@ -640,6 +643,7 @@ sub deporder {
sub up_inst { # returns scalar references to five arrays;
my $type=shift; my @requested=@_; my %EXEMPT; my %WANTED;
my $logfile; my $logdir; my %pdirs;
my $PKGMK=$opkg{makecommand}; my $PKGADD=$opkg{addcommand};
my $SUDO="/usr/bin/doas"; my $FAKEROOT="/usr/bin/fakeroot";
@ -662,17 +666,26 @@ sub up_inst { # returns scalar references to five arrays;
@targets = grep {(! defined $EXEMPT{$_}) or ($WANTED{$_})} @targets;
# first determine the directories from which pkgmk must be called
# and the package that will appear after a successful build
my %pdirs; my %builtpkg; my %mkcmd; my %addcmd; my %status;
# first determine the directories from which pkgmk must be called,
# the package that will appear after a successful build,
# and where to save the build log.
my %builtpkg; my %mkcmd; my %addcmd; my %status; my %logfile; my %logfh; my %pvars;
my ($COMPRESSION, $PKG_DIR) = parse_pkgmk_conf();
foreach my $t (@targets) {
$opkg{$t} = $opkg{margs};
$opkg{$t} = $opkg{margs}; $pvars{'%n'}=$t;
$opkg{$t} =~ s/-f// unless ($WANTED{$t});
$pdirs{$t} = find_port_by_name($t,1,1,0);
$builtpkg{$t} = find_built_pkg($t);
$pvars{'%p'} = find_port_by_name($t,1,1,0); $pdirs{$t} = $pvars{'%p'};
($pvars{'%v'}, $pvars{'%r'}) = (get_pkgfile_fields($pvars{'%p'}))[0,1];
$builtpkg{$t} = ($PKG_DIR) ? "$PKG_DIR/$t#$pvars{'%v'}-$pvars{'%r'}.pkg.tar.$COMPRESSION" : "$pvars{'%p'}/$t#$pvars{'%v'}-$pvars{'%r'}.pkg.tar.$COMPRESSION";
$builtpkg{$t} =~ s/\$name/$t/g; $builtpkg{$t} =~ s/\$\{name\}/$t/g;
$mkcmd{$t} = "$PKGMK -d $opkg{$t}";
$addcmd{$t} = "$PKGADD -u $builtpkg{$t}";
$status{$t} = "not done";
if ($olog{write} eq "enabled") {
$logfile{$t} = ($olog{file}) ? $olog{file} : "/var/log/pkgmk/%n.log";
$logfile{$t} =~ s/(%n|%v|%r|%p)/$pvars{$1}/g;
$mkcmd{$t} .= ($olog{mode} eq "append") ? " >>$logfile{$t} 2>&1" : " >$logfile{$t} 2>&1";
# build each package, unless already installed or satisfied by an alias
@ -692,13 +705,20 @@ sub up_inst { # returns scalar references to five arrays;
$status{$t} .= ( $?>>8 == 0 ) ? "pre-install ok. " : "pre-install failed. ";
($opkg{test} eq "no") ? chdir $pdirs{$t} : print "cd $pdirs{$t}\n";
print "target $t ... waiting for the log to be written\n" if (($opkg{test} eq "no") and ($logfile{$t}));
($opkg{test} eq "no") ? system("$mkcmd{$t}") : print "$mkcmd{$t}\n";
$status{$t} .= ( $?>>8 == 0 ) ? "build ok. " : "build failed. ";
if (($logfile{$t}) and (-r $logfile{$t}) and (-M $logfile{$t} < 0)) {
open (my $tailf, "$logfile{$t}");
while (<$tailf>) { print $_; }
close ($tailf); print "\n";
$status{$t} = ( $mkcmd{$t} =~ /skipped/ ) ? "build skipped. " : $status{$t};
if ($status{$t} =~ /build ok/) {
$addcmd{$t} =~ s/ -u / / if (port_diff("utd",$t)<0);
($opkg{test} eq "no") ? system("$addcmd{$t}") : print "$addcmd{$t}\n";
$status{$t} .= ( $?>>8 == 0 ) ? "pkgadd ok. " : "pkgadd failed. ";
unlink($logfile{$t}) if ((-f $logfile{$t}) and ($olog{rm_on_success} eq "yes"));
if (($status{$t} =~ /pkgadd ok/) and (-f "$pdirs{$t}/post-install")
and ($opkg{runscripts} eq "yes")) {
@ -726,10 +746,8 @@ sub sysup {
return up_inst("sysup",@targets);
sub find_built_pkg {
my $target = shift; my $CONF="/etc/pkgmk.conf";
my $COMPRESSION; my $PKG_DIR; my $portpath = (find_port_by_name($target,1,1,0));
my ($version, $release) = (get_pkgfile_fields($portpath))[0,1];
sub parse_pkgmk_conf {
my $CONF="/etc/pkgmk.conf"; my $COMPRESSION; my $PKG_DIR="";
open (CF,$CONF) or return;
while (<CF>) {
@ -740,16 +758,10 @@ sub find_built_pkg {
$COMPRESSION =~ s/#(.*)$//; # remove same-line comments like this one
$COMPRESSION =~ s/"//g; # remove double-quotes (thanks jaeger!)
$COMPRESSION =~ s/'//g; # and single-quotes? who writes conf files like that?
} else { $COMPRESSION = "gz"; }
if ($PKG_DIR) {
$PKG_DIR =~ s/"//g; $PKG_DIR =~ s/'//g;
$PKG_DIR =~ s/\$\{name\}/$target/g;
$PKG_DIR =~ s/\$name/$target/g;
} else { $PKG_DIR = $portpath; }
return "$PKG_DIR/$target#$version-$release.pkg.tar.$COMPRESSION";
$PKG_DIR =~ s/"//g;
sub port_ls {
@ -809,26 +821,24 @@ DIFFERENCES / DEPENDENCIES
install [opt] <port1 port2...> install ports and their dependencies
update [opt] <port1 port2...> update ports and their dependencies
grpinst [opt] <port1 port2...> install these ports, do not resolve dependencies
remove [opt] <port1 port2...> remove ports
lock <port1 port2...> lock each <port> at its current version
unlock <port1 port2...> release the lock on each <port>
sysup update all outdated ports, except those that are locked
list ports in the active repositories
listinst ports currently installed
listlocked ports that are locked at their current version
listorphans installed ports that no other port claims as a hard dependency
dup ports that appear more than once in the active collections
info <port> version, description, dependencies of <port>
path <port> location from which pkgmk would be called to build <port>
ls <port> the files in the <port> directory
cat <port> <file> the contents of <port>/<file> on STDOUT
isinst <port> whether port is installed
current <port> installed version of port
sysup update all outdated ports, except those that are locked
lock <port1 port2...> lock each <port> at its current version
unlock <port1 port2...> release the lock on each <port>
listlocked list locked ports
-v show version in listing
-vv show version and decription in listing