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# $Id: prtcheckmissing,v 1.1 2003/10/27 15:26:50 opel Exp $
# prtcheckmissing,v 1.2 2022/05/31 18:41:19 jmq Exp $
# prtcheckmissing,v 1.3 2023/09/07 18:51:46 jmq Exp $
use strict;
use warnings;
sub check_missing {
my @mask = parse_pkgadd_conf();
open (my $dbh, "/var/lib/pkg/db") or die "Could not read package database!\n";
local $/ = ""; # read files paragraph-wise; see ``perldoc perlvar''
while(<$dbh>) {
my ($name, $version, @files) = split /\n/;
# apply the pkgadd rules to eliminate false positives
my @missing = grep { (! -e "/$_") && wanted($_, @mask) } @files;
# final report for this package
next if not @missing;
print map "/$_ $name\n", @missing;
sub parse_pkgadd_conf {
my @unwanted;
local $/ = "\n";
open my $pah, "< /etc/pkgadd.conf"
or die "Couldn't open pkgadd install rules!\n";
while(<$pah>) {
next if /^\s*#/ or /^$/;
my ($event, $pattern, $choice) = split;
push (@unwanted, qr/$pattern/s) if ($event eq "INSTALL" and $choice eq "NO");
close ($pah);
return @unwanted;
sub wanted {
my $testfile = shift;
my $retval = 1;
while (my $regexp=shift) {
$retval = 0 if $testfile =~ $regexp;
last if $retval==0;
return $retval;
sub check_perms {
my %wrongmode; # hash from suspicious file to the port(s) that claim to own it
foreach (split('\n', `prt-get printf "%i:%p:%n\n"`)) {
my ($isinst, $repo, $name) = split(':', $_, 3);
next if ($isinst eq "no");
open (my $fp,"$repo/$name/.footprint") or die "no footprint for $repo/$name";
while(<$fp>) {
my ($Emod,$Eown,$file) = split(/\t| -> /, $_, 3);
chomp($file); $file =~ s/\/$//;
next if (! -e "/$file"); # this case is handled by check_missing
# there's a file on disk, so inspect its owner and perms
my @stat = (-l "/$file") ? lstat("/$file") : stat("/$file");
my $Fown = getpwuid($stat[4]) . "/" . getgrgid($stat[5]);
my $Fmod = mode_to_string($stat[2]);
$wrongmode{$file} .= " $name" if (($Eown ne $Fown) or ($Emod ne $Fmod));
# final report
next if (not %wrongmode);
print map "/$_ $wrongmode{$_}\n", sort keys %wrongmode;
# inlined from Stat::lsMode in order to avoid an extra dependency
# (
sub mode_to_string {
my ($mode) = @_;
my @perms = qw(--- --x -w- -wx r-- r-x rw- rwx);
my @ftype = qw(. p c ? d ? b ? - ? l ? s D ? ?);
$ftype[0] = '';
my @str_mode = @perms[($mode&0700)>>6, ($mode&0070)>>3, $mode&0007];
my $ftype = $ftype[($mode & 0170000)>>12];
my $setids = ($mode & 07000)>>9;
if ($setids) {
if ($setids & 01) { # Sticky bit
$str_mode[2] =~ s/([-x])$/$1 eq 'x' ? 't' : 'T'/e;
if ($setids & 02) { # Setgid bit
$str_mode[1] =~ s/([-x])$/$1 eq 'x' ? 's' : 'S'/e;
if ($setids & 04) { # Setuid bit
$str_mode[0] =~ s/([-x])$/$1 eq 'x' ? 's' : 'S'/e;
return join '', $ftype, @str_mode;
if ($0 =~ /perms$/) { check_perms;
} else { check_missing; }