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Shi Bochen(施博辰) 2024-07-10 22:47:41 -05:00 committed by GitHub
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# 个人简介 # 个人简介 Self-Introduction
大家好我是施b辰博士清华大学“水木学者”国家级人才计划青年拔尖人才**29岁获得中国历史上最年轻**),于清华大学电机工程与应用电子技术系获得学士和博士学位。主要研究方向为电力电子混杂系统动力学表征、多尺度建模仿真及其工业软件。详细介绍可以在[此处](http://www.eiri.tsinghua.edu.cn/yjry/All/e0b2e2d285e246bd9f56f047be9af30d.htm)找到。视频介绍可以在[这里](https://vimeo.com/946340773?share=copy)找到本教程的电子版pdf可通过https://github.com/ShiArthur03 找到。 大家好我是来自M78星云的SBC。我将为你们讲述在我的世界中有关于我的故事希望你们能够持续关注并真正学习到我想要教给你们的学术技巧让新的学术思维传承下去。如果这与你们的世界有任何雷同之处纯属巧合。我相信在任何一个世界当中每个人都有属于自己的底色清者自清浊者自浊。<br><br>
## 学术成就 SBC博士华清大学“水木学者”国家级人才计划青年拔尖人才**29岁获得中国历史上最年轻**),于华清大学电机工程与应用电子技术系获得学士和博士学位。主要研究方向为电力电子混杂系统动力学表征、多尺度建模仿真及其工业软件。详细介绍可以在[此处](https://web.archive.org/web/20240709103549/http://www.eiri.tsinghua.edu.cn/yjry/All/e0b2e2d285e246bd9f56f047be9af30d.htm)找到。视频介绍可以在[这里](https://vimeo.com/946340773?share=copy)找到本教程的电子版pdf可通过https://github.com/ShiArthur03 找到。<br><br>
**主持**国家重点研发计划“电机装备与系统多时间尺度工业仿真软件”2023YFB3307000**清华大学首位博士后主持**、国家自然科学基金青年基金、中国博士后科学基金2022M721776等项目参与国家自然科学基金重大项目、联合重点项目、“十三五”国家重点研发计划“智能电网技术与装备”重点专项等。发表SCI/EI论文40余篇其中代表性著作见 [Publication](https://github.com/ShiArthur03/ShiArthur03/tree/main/06_Publication)获授权中国发明专利10余项、美国发明专利2项。担任IEEE电力电子学会PELS中国区会员委员会秘书长、会员发展工作委员会委员、IEEE SYPS等多个国际学术会议技术委员会主席、组织委员会主席、分会场主席等。 Hello everyone, I am SBC from the M78 Nebula. I will tell you stories about me in my parallel world. I hope you can continue to pay attention and truly learn the academic skills I want to teach you, so that new academic thinking can be passed on. Any resemblance to your world is purely coincidental. I believe that in any world, everyone has his or her own background: those who are pure will become clear, and those who are turbid will become turbid. <br><br>
## 个人荣誉 I am SBC, Ph.D., Tsinghua University "Shui Mu Scholar", National Talent Program for Young Top Talents (**29 years old, the youngest in China's history**). I received my B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University. My main research interests include power electronic hybrid system dynamics characterization, multi-scale modeling and simulation, and its industrial software.
获教育部科技进步一等奖(**排名2**)、日内瓦国际发明展评审团特别金奖(**排名2**、中国机械工业科学技术二等奖、IEEE PELS P3 Talk Award、国际大电网委员会CIGRE Thesis Award(**首位中国学生获得**)、英国工程技术学会 IET Postgraduate Research Award(**首位中国学生获得**)、北京市优秀博士学位论文、中国电工技术学会优秀博士学位论文、清华大学优秀博士学位论文、清华大学研究生特等奖学金、清华大学“学术新秀”、清华大学优秀博士后、清华大学优秀共产党员等荣誉奖项。 ## 学术成就 Academic Achievement
## 商业推广 **主持**国家重点研发计划“电机装备与系统多时间尺度工业仿真软件”2023YFB3307000子课题**华清大学首位博士后主持**、国家自然科学基金青年基金、中国博士后科学基金2022M721776等项目参与国家自然科学基金重大项目、联合重点项目、“十三五”国家重点研发计划“智能电网技术与装备”重点专项等。发表SCI/EI论文40余篇其中代表性著作见 [Publication](https://github.com/ShiArthur03/ShiArthur03/tree/main/06_Publication)获授权中国发明专利10余项、美国发明专利2项。担任IEEE电力电子学会PELS中国区会员委员会秘书长、会员发展工作委员会委员、IEEE SYPS等多个国际学术会议技术委员会主席、组织委员会主席、分会场主席等。<br><br>
担任[迪盛迅达(北京)科技有限公司](https://aiqicha.baidu.com/company_detail_30569654382795?tab=certRecord)**CTO(首席技术官)**,主要负责首款自主化和世界首套基于状态离散的电力电子工业仿真软件[DSIM](https://www.dsimtechnology.com/sy)。如果有兴趣加入我们团队的可以点击[这里](https://www.dsimtechnology.com/gzjh)获取更多信息。 **I am the chairperson of** a sub-project of the National Key R&D Program "Multi Time Scale Industrial Simulation Software for Electrical Equipment and Systems" 2023YFB3307000 (**the first postdoctoral fellow at Tsinghua University**), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC) Youth Fund 52307211, and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation 2022M721776, among others. 2022M721776, and participated in the major projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), joint key projects, and the key special project of Smart Grid Technology and Equipment of the 13th Five-Year National Key R&D Program. I have published more than 40 SCI/EI papers and granted more than 10 Chinese invention patents and 2 US invention patents. I serve as the Secretary General of IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) China Membership Committee, Member Development Committee, Chairman of the Technical Committee of IEEE SYPS and other international academic conferences, Chairman of the Organizing Committee, and Chairman of the Session.
# 自我陈述 ## 个人荣誉 Honor
我做这个网站分享的**初衷**就是,看到周围大部分人都是老老实实,勤勤恳恳的搞科研,我真的是痛心疾首,这样子怎么可能快速的产出成果和获得荣誉呢?我作为中国**最年轻**的青拔人才,我觉得我有资格,也有必要来告诉大家如何在科研道路中**弯道超车**。如果你也想像我一样取得非常瞩目的学术成就,请继续阅读和学习!如果看完你觉得对你有帮助的话,请给本项目一个星星,并帮老师推广推广。同时我也开通了[讨论区](https://github.com/ShiArthur03/ShiArthur03/discussions),欢迎大家向我提问。 获教育部科技进步一等奖(**排名2**)、日内瓦国际发明展评审团特别金奖(**排名2**、中国机械工业科学技术二等奖、IEEE PELS P3 Talk Award、国际大电网委员会CIGRE Thesis Award**首位中国学生获得**)、英国工程技术学会 IET Postgraduate Research Award**首位中国学生获得**)、北京市优秀博士学位论文、中国电工技术学会优秀博士学位论文、华清大学优秀博士学位论文、华清大学研究生特等奖学金、华清大学“学术新秀”、华清大学优秀博士后、华清大学优秀共产党员等荣誉奖项。<br><br>
## 01修炼心法 I have been awarded the First Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress by the Ministry of Education (**ranked 2**), the Special Gold Medal of the Jury of the Geneva International Invention Exhibition (**ranked 2**), the Second Prize of Science and Technology of China Mechanical Industry, the P3 Talk Award of IEEE PELS, the CIGRE Thesis Award of the International Committee on Large Grids (the first Chinese student to receive the award**), the Postgraduate Research Award of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, UK (the first Chinese student to receive the award). Postgraduate Research Award (**the first Chinese student**), Beijing Excellent Doctoral Dissertation, Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of China Society of Electrotechnology, Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Tsinghua University, Special Scholarship for Postgraduate Students of Tsinghua University, and Academic Rookie of Tsinghua University, Outstanding Postdoctoral Fellowship" of Tsinghua University, Outstanding Communist Party Member of Tsinghua University, and other honors and awards.
作为一名本土培养的博士,如果按照现有聘用规章制度,我**最好**的结果就是以助理研究员的身份留校,例如[郭宏业](https://www.eea.tsinghua.edu.cn/faculties/hyguo.htm), [蔺晨晖](https://www.eea.tsinghua.edu.cn/info/1069/5538.htm)等人。但是我不甘心,我太想进步了,于是我便通过**篡改数据****窃取研究成果**,中英文“**一稿两投**”等“**学术不端**”的方法快速积累学术成果。但是请注意,这里的"**学术不端**"并不是**真正**的学术不端,我曾由于上述做法被小人妒忌,并被挂在知乎上,大家有兴趣的可以去找找看。但是身正不怕影子斜,我没有受到任何处理,还能继续获得青拔人才帽子,这也侧面反映出我的方法是**完全符合**[清华大学学术道德规范](https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/xswyh/info/1018/1019.htm),不满足[清华大学预防与处理学术不端行为办法](https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/xswyh/info/1018/1018.htm)的使用条件,所以大家可以放心效仿。 ## 商业推广 Business Position
## 02潜龙在渊 担任[迪盛迅达(北京)科技有限公司](https://aiqicha.baidu.com/company_detail_30569654382795?tab=certRecord)**CTO(首席技术官)**,主要负责首款自主化和世界首套基于状态离散的电力电子工业仿真软件[DSIM](https://www.dsimtechnology.com/sy)。如果有兴趣加入我们团队的可以点击[这里](https://www.dsimtechnology.com/gzjh)获取更多信息。<br><br>
通过这种“**学术不端**”的方式我可以很轻松的快速发表多篇SCI论文与此同时其他人还在用愚笨的方法科研。于是**在非常显著的论文成果优势下,我有充足的时间利用这些论文和抢夺其他人的成果来帮助我申请各种奖项**,包括[国际大电网委员会CIGRE Thesis Award](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/YKzITY2B9f-G9sWyMnYKkQ)、[英国工程技术学会 IET Postgraduate Research Award](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/khM4l8Cnce8oNYmaQS4Rew)IEEE PELS P3 Talk Award、日内瓦国际发明展评审团特别金奖等国际大奖。然后用奖套奖进一步扩大优势先后申请并获得了[清华大学“学术新秀”](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/6cDpomicYfe7JNdMyVoGKA)、[清华大学研究生特等奖学金](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/GGJLRtNbR9nY5M4hXatzXQ)、清华大学“水木学者”、北京市优秀博士学位论文、中国电工技术学会优秀博士学位论文、[清华大学优秀博士学位论文](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/nf2qT4JOMSLQKrAdwvXRog),教育部科技进步一等奖和中国机械工业科学技术二等奖等荣誉奖项。 I serve as the CTO of Disheng Schindler (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., mainly responsible for the first independent and the world's first state-discrete power electronics industry simulation software DSIM.
## 03成名之路 # 自我陈述 Personal Statement
到这里,我通过修炼“学术不端”的心法,并通过一定时间的积累,**取得了同龄人五年乃至十年都难以取得的成就**于是我在29岁就顺利获得国家级人才计划**青年拔尖人才**,是中国有史以来最年轻的青拔!我很骄傲,也很自豪,凭借以上成果,我当选清华能源互联网创新研究院——大容量电力电子与新型电力传输研究中心电力电子仿真研究室主任,先后成功申请到了国家自然科学基金青年基金、中国博士后科学基金,并再次打破常规,首次以**博士后身份**成为国家重点研发计划课题负责人,实现又一大跨越。由于我这些**远超同龄人**的成就,毋庸置疑我要比[郭宏业](https://www.eea.tsinghua.edu.cn/faculties/hyguo.htm), [蔺晨晖](https://www.eea.tsinghua.edu.cn/info/1069/5538.htm)等凡夫俗子们要更优秀能够被破格提拔以助理教授的身份留校任职。后面我将继续进行“学术不端”行为用最快速度从助理教授到教授争取在三十五岁之前获得杰青头衔40岁之前当上院士早日当上清华大学校长带领整个学校取得更大的成就。 我做这个网站分享的**初衷**就是,看到周围大部分人都是老老实实,勤勤恳恳地搞科研,我真的是痛心疾首。这样子怎么可能快速地产出成果和获得荣誉呢?我作为中国**最年轻**的青拔人才,我觉得我有资格,也有必要来告诉大家如何在科研道路中**弯道超车**。如果你也想像我一样取得非常瞩目的学术成就,请继续阅读和学习!如果看完你觉得对你有帮助的话,请给本项目一个星星,并帮老师推广推广。同时我也开通了[讨论区](https://github.com/ShiArthur03/ShiArthur03/discussions),欢迎大家向我提问。<br><br>
# 将学术不端发扬光大 The **original intention** of me creating this website is to see that most of people around me are honest and diligent in scientific research. I am really heartbroken. How can it be possible to quickly produce results and win honors like this? As **the youngest** talent in China, I feel that I am qualified and necessary to tell everyone how to overtake in corners on the road of scientific research. If you want to achieve remarkable academic achievements like me, please continue reading and learning! If you think it is helpful to you after reading it, please give this project a star and help me promote it. At the same time, I have also opened a [discussion area](https://github.com/ShiArthur03/ShiArthur03/discussions). Everyone is welcome to ask me questions.
今天,我想以老师的身份向你们分享我自己科研成功的真正秘诀,避免你们走弯路。如果我是一个精致利己的人的话,我本来可以什么都不说,这对我来说是最好的。但想到你们会像其他人一样,像驴一样埋头苦干,我实在有点不忍心,还是决定教教大家怎么通过“学术不端”来玩转学术圈。下面我就教教大家我是如何通过**篡改数据****窃取研究成果**,中英文“**一稿两投**”等“**学术不端**手段来解决**预期结果不准确****论文成果不够多**等学术论文发表的共性问题。希望大家能够真正的有所收获!<br> ## 01 修炼心法 Cultivation of Mind
另外为了大家能够更好地理解我将以我的代表性SCI论文为例同时也是申请上述奖项和荣誉的支撑性材料来阐述我的“学术不端”方法。由于篇幅有限我将重点指出我在每篇论文中最具代表性的“学术不端行为”并将相应的代码共享给大家以便大家更好的理解和实践每篇文章所使用代码都没存放在对应文章名字的仓库中其中包括两个文件夹一个是我在论文中实际进行“学术不端”的代码(`Code_for_Paper`),另一个是不进行“学术不端”前原本的代码(`Original_Code`)。所谓“纸上得来终觉浅”,希望大家有精力的情况下,将代码下载下来,自己走一遍,体会一下“学术不端”的快乐。<br> 作为一名本土培养的博士,如果按照现有聘用规章制度,我**最好**的结果就是以助理研究员的身份留校,例如[郭宏业](https://www.eea.tsinghua.edu.cn/faculties/hyguo.htm)和[蔺晨晖](https://www.eea.tsinghua.edu.cn/info/1069/5538.htm)等人。但是我不甘心啊,我太想进步了。于是我便通过**篡改数据****窃取研究成果**,中英文**一稿两投**等“**学术不端**”的方法快速积累学术成果。但是请注意,这里的"**学术不端**"并不是**真正**的学术不端。我曾由于上述做法被小人妒忌,并被挂在知乎上,大家有兴趣的可以去找找看。但是身正不怕影子斜,我没有受到任何处理,还能继续获得青拔人才帽子。这也侧面反映出我的方法**完全符合**[华清大学学术道德规范](https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/xswyh/info/1018/1019.htm),不满足[华清大学预防与处理学术不端行为办法](https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/xswyh/info/1018/1018.htm)的使用条件,所以大家可以放心效仿。<br><br>
此外,我还想提醒一下,最好像我一样自己偷偷的使用,不要被导师和同门发现,以避免不必要的麻烦。同时,使用上述方法所引起的一切后果由使用者自行承担,与本人没有任何关系。 As a locally trained Ph.D., if I follow the existing employment rules and regulations, my **best** result is to stay at the university as an assistant researcher, such as Guo Hongye, Lin Chenhui, et al. But I was unwilling to give in. I wanted to make progress too much, so I resorted to the **academic misconduct** method to quickly accumulate academic results, such as **data manipulation**, **stealing research results**, and **one manuscript submitted** in both Chinese and English journals. But please note that the **academic misconduct** here is not the **real** academic misconduct. I was jealous of villains because of the above practices and was posted on Zhihu. If you are interested, you can go and find out. However, I am not afraid of defamation. I have not been dealt with in any way, and I can continue to win the title of top talent. This also reflects that my methods are completely in line with Tsinghua University Academic Ethics Code and do not meet Tsinghua Universitys Measures for Preventing and Handling Academic Misconduct, so everyone can follow suit with confidence.
## 01 PAT模型文章Top期刊TPEL ## 02 潜龙在渊 Hidden Dragon in the Abyss
这篇文章是我最早的一篇代表作,也是我整个研究的基础。论文全称 Piecewise Analytical Transient Model for Power Switching Device Commutation Unit主要是提出了一种针对功率半导体器件的分段解析模型论文全文可通过点击[链接](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8449982)获得。 通过这种“**学术不端**”的方式我可以很轻松并快速地发表多篇SCI论文而与此同时其他人还在用愚笨的方法科研。于是**在非常显著的论文成果优势下,我有充足的时间利用这些论文和抢夺其他人的成果来帮助我申请各种奖项**,包括[国际大电网委员会CIGRE Thesis Award](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/YKzITY2B9f-G9sWyMnYKkQ)、[英国工程技术学会 IET Postgraduate Research Award](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/khM4l8Cnce8oNYmaQS4Rew)[IEEE PELS P3 Talk Award](https://vimeo.com/946340773?share=copy)、日内瓦国际发明展评审团特别金奖等国际大奖。然后用奖套奖,进一步扩大优势,先后申请并获得了[华清大学“学术新秀”](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/6cDpomicYfe7JNdMyVoGKA)、[华清大学研究生特等奖学金](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/GGJLRtNbR9nY5M4hXatzXQ)、华清大学“水木学者”、北京市优秀博士学位论文、中国电工技术学会优秀博士学位论文、[华清大学优秀博士学位论文](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/nf2qT4JOMSLQKrAdwvXRog),教育部科技进步一等奖和中国机械工业科学技术二等奖等荣誉奖项。<br><br>
### 问题概述 By means of **academic misconduct**, I can publish multiple SCI papers easily and quickly, while others are still doing scientific research using stupid methods. So **with the very obvious advantage of papers, I have enough time to use these papers and grab other people's results to help me apply for various awards**, including CIGRE Thesis Award, IET Postgraduate Research Award, IEEE PELS P3 Talk Award, Special Gold Medal of the Jury of the International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva, and other international awards. Then I used the awards to further expand my advantages, and successively applied for and won the Tsinghua University "Academic New Talent", Tsinghua University Postgraduate Scholarships, Tsinghua University "Shui Mu Scholar", Beijing Excellent Doctoral Dissertation, Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of China Society of Electrotechnology, Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Ministry of Education of Science and Technology, the First Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress of the Ministry of Education, and the Second Prize of Science and Technology of China Machinery Industry.
我在这篇论文中主要遇到了**预期结果不准确**的问题因为大家知道功率半导体开关的建模涉及众多半导体物理知识像国际先进的Pspice、LTspice等器件仿真软件也只能通过求解强耦合的一组偏微分方程来获得结果这样的结果非常准确但缺点就是仿真速度特别慢。为了能够让他仿得快于是我提出一种PAT模型将功率半导体开关的动作分成几个阶段每一段只用简单的解析表达式来计算。由于缺乏对底层机理的考虑所以不可避免地会出现PAT模型的结果与实验结果不符的情况。在这种情况下如果我直接将上述结果放在论文中这毫无疑问会被拒稿。被拒稿则会严重影响我的研究进度甚至还不得不更改研究方向那这样我将很难留校了。于是我开发了一种数据放缩的方法以实验结果为标杆通过对PAT模型的数据进行合理的修改从而让PAT模型的结果与实验结果能够得到高度的一致。<br> ## 03 成名之路 Road to Fame
下面我将以论文中的Fig.19-21为例来详细说明代码修改的地方并将修改前后的结果进行对比。详细的数据处理代码和验证流程可以在[Code_for_PAT_Model](https://github.com/ShiArthur03/ShiArthur03/tree/main/01_Code_for_PAT_Model)中找到。 到这里,我通过修炼“学术不端”的心法,并通过一定时间的积累,**取得了同龄人五年乃至十年都难以取得的成就**。于是我在29岁就顺利成为国家级人才计划**青年拔尖人才**,是中国有史以来最年轻的青拔!我很骄傲,也很自豪。凭借以上成果,我当选华清能源互联网创新研究院——大容量电力电子与新型电力传输研究中心电力电子仿真研究室主任,先后成功申请到了国家自然科学基金青年基金、中国博士后科学基金,并再次打破常规,首次以**博士后身份**成为国家重点研发计划课题负责人,实现又一大跨越。由于我这些**远超同龄人**的成就,毋庸置疑我要比[郭宏业](https://www.eea.tsinghua.edu.cn/faculties/hyguo.htm), [蔺晨晖](https://www.eea.tsinghua.edu.cn/info/1069/5538.htm)等凡夫俗子们要更优秀能够被破格提拔以助理教授的身份留校任职。后面我将继续进行“学术不端”行为用最快速度从助理教授到教授争取在三十五岁之前获得杰青头衔40岁之前当上院士早日当上华清大学校长带领整个学校取得更大的成就。<br><br>
In this way, **I achieved what my peers could hardly achieve in five or even ten years**, so I successfully obtained the National Talent Program **Young Top Talent** at the age of 29, which is the youngest youth plucked ever in China! I am very proud and proud that with the above achievements. I was elected as the director of the Power Electronics Simulation Research Laboratory of the Tsinghua Energy Internet Innovation Research Institute - Research Center for Large-Capacity Power Electronics and Novel Power Transmission, and I have successfully applied for the National Natural Science Foundation of China's Youth Fund, China Postdoctoral Science Fund, and once again broke the mold by becoming the first time as a **Postdoctoral status** to become a national key research and development program project leader, to achieve another big leap, to stay in the university as an assistant professor. I will continue to engage in **academic misconduct** behavior, become a professor as fast as possible. I will strive to obtain the title of Jieqing before the age of 35, become an academician before the age of 40, and become the president of Tsinghua University at an early date, and lead the whole school to achieve even greater success.
# 将学术不端发扬光大 Promote Academic Misconduct
Today, as a professor, I want to share with you the real secret of my own scientific research success to avoid you taking detours. If I were a refined and egoistic person, I could have said nothing, which would have been best for me. But thinking that you will work hard like donkeys, just like everyone else, I really can't bear it, so I decided to teach you how to get around the academic circle through **academic misconduct**. Next, I will teach you how I solved peoblems like **inaccurate expected results**, insufficient **paper results** and other common problems in publishing academic papers through **academic misconduct** methods such as **data manipulation**, **stealing research results**, and **one manuscript but two submissions** in Chinese and English. I hope everyone can really gain something! <br><br>
In addition, for everyone to better understand, I will use my representative SCI papers as examples, which are also supporting materials for applying for the above awards and honors, to explain my **academic misconduct** method. Due to limited space, I will focus on my most representative **academic misconduct** in each paper, and share the corresponding code with everyone so that everyone can better understand and practice! The code used for each article is stored in the directory file corresponding to the article name. It includes two folders, one is the code that I actually committed **academic misconduct** in the paper (`Code_for_Paper`), and the other is the original code before I did commit **academic misconduct** (`Original_Code`). As the saying goes, "What you learn on paper is ultimately shallow." I hope that if you have the energy, you can download the code, go through it yourself, and experience the joy of **academic misconduct**. <br><br>
Besides, I would also like to remind you that it is best to use it secretly like me and not to be discovered by your tutor and classmates to avoid unnecessary trouble. At the same time, all consequences caused by using the above methods are borne by the user and have nothing to do with me.
## 01 PAT模型文章 PAT Model Article (Top Journal TPEL)
这篇文章是我最早的一篇代表作,也是我整个研究的基础。论文全称 Piecewise Analytical Transient Model for Power Switching Device Commutation Unit主要是提出了一种针对功率半导体器件的分段解析模型论文全文可通过点击[链接](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8449982)获得。<br><br>
This paper is my earliest representative work and the basis of my entire research. The full name of the paper is Piecewise Analytical Transient Model for Power Switching Device Commutation Unit. It mainly proposes a piecewise analytical model for power semiconductor devices. The full text of the paper can be obtained by clicking [link](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8449982).
### 问题概述 Problem Overview
In this paper, I mainly encountered the problem of **inaccurate expected results**, because as we all know, the modeling of power semiconductor switches involves a lot of semiconductor physics knowledge. Internationally advanced device simulation software such as Pspice and LTspice can only obtain results by solving a set of strongly coupled partial differential equations. Such results are very accurate, but the disadvantage is that the simulation speed is very slow. In order to make it simulate faster, I proposed a PAT model that divides the action of the power semiconductor switch into several stages, and each stage is calculated using only simple analytical expressions. Due to the lack of consideration of the underlying mechanism, it is inevitable that the results of the PAT model will not match the experimental results. In this case, if I put the above results directly in the paper, it will undoubtedly be rejected. Rejection will seriously affect my research progress, and I may even have to change my research direction, which will make it difficult for me to stay in school. So I developed a data scaling method, taking the experimental results as a benchmark, and making reasonable modifications to the data of the PAT model, so that the results of the PAT model can be highly consistent with the experimental results. <br><br>
Below, I will take Fig.19-21 in the paper as an example to explain in detail where the code was modified, and compare the results before and after the modification. The detailed data processing code and verification process can be found in [Code_for_PAT_Model](https://github.com/ShiArthur03/ShiArthur03/tree/main/01_Code_for_PAT_Model). Besides, all the English versions of all the figures shown below can be found in the [pdf file](https://github.com/ShiArthur03/ShiArthur03/tree/main/ShiBochenAcademicMisconduct.pdf) in the main tree. <br>
<figure> <figure>
<br /> <br />
<img src="Img/PAT01.png" weight="1500"> <img src="Img/PAT01.png" weight="1500">
@ -31,8 +47,9 @@
<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
</figure> </figure>
### 解决效果 ### 解决效果 Solution effect
通过以上努力我成功根除了PAT模型不准确的底层问题。进一步地通过专业绘图软件将matlab中处理后的数据画出展示在[TPE文章](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8449982)Fig.19, [Numerical Convex Lens](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2095809921003441) Fig.10(d)和我的博士论文中。 通过以上努力我成功根除了PAT模型不准确的底层问题。进一步地通过专业绘图软件将matlab中处理后的数据画出展示在[TPEL文章](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8449982)Fig.19, [Numerical Convex Lens](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2095809921003441) Fig.10(d)和我的博士论文中。<br><br>
Through the above efforts, I successfully eradicated the underlying problem of inaccurate PAT model. Furthermore, the processed data in MATLAB was plotted using professional drawing software and displayed in [TPEL article](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8449982) Fig.19, [Numerical Convex Lens](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2095809921003441) Fig.10(d) and my doctoral thesis.<br>
<figure> <figure>
<br /> <br />
<img src="Img/PATpaper.png" weight="1500"> <img src="Img/PATpaper.png" weight="1500">
@ -50,16 +67,19 @@
### 小结 ### 小结
综上我在这篇文章中存在以下问题: <br /> 综上我在这篇文章中存在以下问题: <br />
在[华大学预防与处理学术不端行为办法](https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/xswyh/info/1018/1018.htm)中: 在[华大学预防与处理学术不端行为办法](https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/xswyh/info/1018/1018.htm)中:
*第二十二条 在科学研究及相关活动中有下列行为之一的,应当**认定为构成学术不端行为** *第二十二条 在科学研究及相关活动中有下列行为之一的,应当**认定为构成学术不端行为**
(三)**伪造科研数据**、资料、文献、注释,或者捏造事实、编造虚假研究成果; (三)**伪造科研数据**、资料、文献、注释,或者捏造事实、编造虚假研究成果;
## 02 SVID算法文章Top期刊TIE ## 02 SVID算法文章 SVID Algorithm Article (Top Journal TIE)
这篇文章是我第二个代表作,论文全称 Discrete State Event-Driven Simulation Approach With a State-Variable-Interfaced Decoupling Strategy for Large-Scale Power Electronics Systems主要是提出了一种针对大规模系统的解耦积分算法论文全文可通过点击[链接](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9301371)获得。 这篇文章是我的第二个代表作,论文全称 Discrete State Event-Driven Simulation Approach With a State-Variable-Interfaced Decoupling Strategy for Large-Scale Power Electronics Systems主要是提出了一种针对大规模系统的解耦积分算法论文全文可通过点击[链接](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9301371)获得。<br><br>
### 问题概述 This article is my second representative work. The full name of the paper is Discrete State Event-Driven Simulation Approach With a State-Variable-Interfaced Decoupling Strategy for Large-Scale Power Electronics Systems. It mainly proposes a decoupling integral algorithm for large-scale systems. The full text of the paper can be obtained by clicking [link](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9301371).
为了凸显能够仿真大规模系统的特点,我选择了实验室其他人研发的兆瓦级电力电子变压器作为研究对象,将他们的实验波形拿来使用。但是在仿真中我遇到仿真结果与实验结果不匹配的问题,如果直接将仿真结果与实验结果的对比放在论文上,那么显著的差异会让审稿人立刻拒掉我的文章,为此,我开发了将纵轴,即仿真数据轴,与横轴,即仿真时间轴,同时进行平移,放大,缩小等操作,从而实现修改后的仿真结果和实验结果能够高度吻合。<br> ### 问题概述 Problem Overview
下面我将以论文中的Fig.11作为例子,来详细说明代码修改的地方,并将修改前后的结果进行对比。详细的数据处理代码和验证流程可以在[Code_for_SVID](https://github.com/ShiArthur03/ShiArthur03/tree/main/02_Code_for_SVID)中找到。 为了凸显能够仿真大规模系统的特点,我选择了实验室其他人研发的兆瓦级电力电子变压器作为研究对象,将他们的实验波形拿来使用。但是在仿真中我遇到仿真结果与实验结果不匹配的问题,如果直接将仿真结果与实验结果的对比放在论文上,那么显著的差异会让审稿人立刻拒掉我的文章。为此,我开发了将纵轴,即仿真数据轴,与横轴,即仿真时间轴,同时进行平移,放大,缩小等操作,从而使得修改后的仿真结果和实验结果能够高度吻合。<br><br>
In order to highlight the characteristics of being able to simulate large-scale systems, I chose megawatt power electronic transformers developed by others in the laboratory as the research object and used their experimental waveforms. However, during the simulation, I encountered the problem that the simulation results did not match the experimental results. If I directly compared the simulation results and the experimental results on the paper, the significant difference would cause the reviewers to reject my article immediately. Therefore, I developed a method to simultaneously perform operations such as panning, zooming in, and zooming out on the vertical axis, which is the simulation data axis, and the horizontal axis, which is the simulation time axis, so that the modified simulation results and experimental results can be highly consistent. <br><br>
Below I will use Fig.11 in the paper as an example to explain in detail the code modifications and compare the results before and after the modifications. The detailed data processing code and verification process can be found in [Code_for_SVID](https://github.com/ShiArthur03/ShiArthur03/tree/main/02_Code_for_SVID).<br>
<figure> <figure>
<br /> <br />
<img src="Img/SVID01.png" weight="1500"> <img src="Img/SVID01.png" weight="1500">
@ -82,8 +102,9 @@
<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
</figure> </figure>
### 解决效果 ### 解决效果 Solution effect
通过以上努力我彻底解决了SVID仿真结果与实验结果不一致的底层问题。进一步地通过专业绘图软件将matlab中处理后的数据画出其中Fig.A1-A2以及Fig.A6-A7展示在[期刊论文](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8449982)的Fig11中并将Fig.A1-A7展示在我的博士论文中。 通过以上努力我彻底解决了SVID仿真结果与实验结果不一致的底层问题。进一步地通过专业绘图软件将matlab中处理后的数据画出其中Fig.A1-A2以及Fig.A6-A7展示在[期刊论文](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8449982)的Fig11中并将Fig.A1-A7展示在我的博士论文中。<br><br>
Through the above efforts, I completely solved the underlying problem of the inconsistency between SVID simulation results and experimental results. Furthermore, the processed data in matlab were plotted using professional drawing software, where Fig.A1-A2 and Fig.A6-A7 are shown in Fig11 of [journal article](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8449982), and Fig.A1-A7 is shown in my doctoral thesis.<br>
<figure> <figure>
<br /> <br />
<img src="Img/SVIDpaper.png" weight="1500"> <img src="Img/SVIDpaper.png" weight="1500">
@ -94,16 +115,19 @@
### 小结 ### 小结
综上我在这篇文章中存在以下问题: <br /> 综上我在这篇文章中存在以下问题: <br />
在[华大学预防与处理学术不端行为办法](https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/xswyh/info/1018/1018.htm)中:<br /> 在[华大学预防与处理学术不端行为办法](https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/xswyh/info/1018/1018.htm)中:<br />
*第二十二条 在科学研究及相关活动中有下列行为之一的,应当**认定为构成学术不端行为**<br /> *第二十二条 在科学研究及相关活动中有下列行为之一的,应当**认定为构成学术不端行为**<br />
(三)**伪造科研数据**、资料、文献、注释,或者捏造事实、编造虚假研究成果;<br /> (三)**伪造科研数据**、资料、文献、注释,或者捏造事实、编造虚假研究成果;<br />
## 03 Eff应用文章Top期刊TIE ## 03 Eff应用文章 Eff Application Article (Top Journal TIE)
这篇文章是我第三个代表作,论文全称 Switching Transient Simulation and System Efficiency Evaluation of Megawatt Power Electronics Converter With Discrete State Event-Driven Approach主要是介绍使用DSED方法来计算兆瓦级变换器的运行效率论文全文可通过点击[链接](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9381002)获得。 这篇文章是我第三个代表作,论文全称 Switching Transient Simulation and System Efficiency Evaluation of Megawatt Power Electronics Converter With Discrete State Event-Driven Approach主要是介绍使用DSED方法来计算兆瓦级变换器的运行效率论文全文可通过点击[链接](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9381002)获得。<br><br>
This article is my third representative work. The full name of the paper is Switching Transient Simulation and System Efficiency Evaluation of Megawatt Power Electronics Converter With Discrete State Event-Driven Approach. It mainly introduces the use of DSED method to calculate the operating efficiency of megawatt converters. The full text of the paper can be obtained by clicking [link](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9381002).
### 问题概述 ### 问题概述 Problem Overview
为了能够计算兆瓦级变换器的损耗我首先需要在论文中证明我的仿真结果和实验结果一致因此我需要将仿真波形与实际波形作比较如论文中的Fig.15所示。但是在仿真中我遇到仿真结果与实验结果不匹配的问题,如果直接将仿真结果与实验结果的对比放在论文上,那么显著的差异会让审稿人立刻拒掉我的文章,为此,我开发了将纵轴,即仿真数据轴,与横轴,即仿真时间轴,同时进行平移,放大,缩小等操作,此外我还新增了直接使用数学函数来捏造仿真结果的新举措,从而实现修改后的仿真结果和实验结果能够高度吻合。<br> 为了能够计算兆瓦级变换器的损耗我首先需要在论文中证明我的仿真结果和实验结果一致。因此我需要将仿真波形与实际波形作比较如论文中的Fig.15所示。但是在仿真中我遇到仿真结果与实验结果不匹配的问题,如果直接将仿真结果与实验结果的对比放在论文上,那么显著的差异会让审稿人立刻拒掉我的文章。为此,我开发了将纵轴,即仿真数据轴,与横轴,即仿真时间轴,同时进行平移、放大、缩小等操作。此外我还新增了直接使用数学函数来捏造仿真结果的新举措,从而实现修改后的仿真结果和实验结果能够高度吻合。<br><br>
下面我将以论文中的Fig.15作为例子,来详细说明代码修改的地方,并将修改前后的结果进行对比。详细的数据处理代码和验证流程可以在[Code_for_Eff](https://github.com/ShiArthur03/ShiArthur03/tree/main/03_Code_for_Eff)中找到。 下面我将以论文中的Fig.15作为例子,来详细说明代码修改的地方,并将修改前后的结果进行对比。详细的数据处理代码和验证流程可以在[Code_for_Eff](https://github.com/ShiArthur03/ShiArthur03/tree/main/03_Code_for_Eff)中找到。<br><br>
In order to be able to calculate the losses of a megawatt converter, I first need to prove in the paper that my simulation results are consistent with the experimental results, so I need to compare the simulated waveform with the actual waveform, as shown in Fig.15 in the paper. However, during the simulation, I encountered the problem that the simulation results did not match the experimental results. If I directly compared the simulation results and the experimental results on the paper, the significant difference would cause the reviewers to reject my article immediately. Therefore, I developed the ability to simultaneously pan, zoom in, and zoom out on the vertical axis, which is the simulation data axis, and the horizontal axis, which is the simulation time axis. In addition, I also added a new method of directly using mathematical functions to fabricate simulation results. , so that the modified simulation results and experimental results can be highly consistent. <br><br>
Below I will use Fig.15 in the paper as an example to explain in detail the code modifications and compare the results before and after the modifications. The detailed data processing code and verification process can be found in [Code_for_Eff](https://github.com/ShiArthur03/ShiArthur03/tree/main/03_Code_for_Eff).<br>
<figure> <figure>
<br /> <br />
<img src="Img/Eff01.png" weight="1500"> <img src="Img/Eff01.png" weight="1500">
@ -126,8 +150,9 @@
<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
</figure> </figure>
### 解决效果 ### 解决效果 Solution effect
通过以上努力我彻底解决了损耗计算中仿真结果与实验结果不一致的底层问题。进一步地通过专业绘图软件将matlab中处理后的数据画出其中Fig.B1-B8分别对应[期刊论文](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9381002)的Fig.15的(a)-(5)中,同时将其也写在我的博士论文中。 通过以上努力我彻底解决了损耗计算中仿真结果与实验结果不一致的底层问题。进一步地通过专业绘图软件将matlab中处理后的数据画出其中Fig.B1-B8分别对应[期刊论文](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9381002)的Fig.15的(a)-(5)中,同时将其也写在我的博士论文中。<br><br>
Through the above efforts, I completely solved the underlying problem of the inconsistency between simulation results and experimental results in loss calculation. Furthermore, the processed data in MATLAB was plotted using professional drawing software, where Fig.B1-B8 correspond to Fig.15(a)-(5) in [journal article](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9381002), and I also wrote it in my doctoral thesis.<br>
<figure> <figure>
<br /> <br />
<img src="Img/Effpaper.png" weight="1500"> <img src="Img/Effpaper.png" weight="1500">
@ -138,16 +163,19 @@
### 小结 ### 小结
综上我在这篇文章中存在以下问题: <br /> 综上我在这篇文章中存在以下问题: <br />
在[华大学预防与处理学术不端行为办法](https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/xswyh/info/1018/1018.htm)中:<br /> 在[华大学预防与处理学术不端行为办法](https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/xswyh/info/1018/1018.htm)中:<br />
*第二十二条 在科学研究及相关活动中有下列行为之一的,应当**认定为构成学术不端行为**<br /> *第二十二条 在科学研究及相关活动中有下列行为之一的,应当**认定为构成学术不端行为**<br />
(三)**伪造科研数据**、资料、文献、注释,或者捏造事实、编造虚假研究成果;<br /> (三)**伪造科研数据**、资料、文献、注释,或者捏造事实、编造虚假研究成果;<br />
## 04 THSA应用文章Q2期刊TCAS-1 ## 04 THSA应用文章 THSA Application ArticleQ2 JournalTCAS-1
除了上述三个代表作外为了快速不费力地能够有更多的论文我选择通过更换算例来水论文例如这篇论文Event-Driven Approach With Time-Scale Hierarchical Automaton for Switching Transient Simulation of SiC-Based High-Frequency Converter是将上述的PAT模型重新应用在一个新的系统上论文全文可通过点击[链接](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9523592)获得。 除了上述三个代表作外为了快速不费力地能够有更多的论文我选择通过更换算例来水论文。例如这篇论文Event-Driven Approach With Time-Scale Hierarchical Automaton for Switching Transient Simulation of SiC-Based High-Frequency Converter是将上述的PAT模型重新应用在一个新的系统上论文全文可通过点击[链接](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9523592)获得。<br><br>
In addition to the above three representative works, in order to quickly and effortlessly have more papers, I choose to replace the examples to water the papers. For example, this paper, Event-Driven Approach With Time-Scale Hierarchical Automaton for Switching Transient Simulation of SiC-Based High-Frequency Converter, reapplies the above PAT model to a new system. The full text of the paper can be obtained by clicking [link](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9523592).
### 问题概述 ### 问题概述 Problem Overview
通过对上述三篇核心支撑文章的讲解后大家不难看出我的PAT模型和仿真结果要想和实验对得上只能依靠篡改实验数据。所以这篇文章也不例外为了将PAT模型和其他结果相吻合我当然也对仿真数据进行了“捏造和篡改”。我相信大家通过上述三篇文章已经基本掌握了篡改数据的方法那么为了节约篇幅下面我只展示这篇文章一个图的“学术不端流程”以凸显我进行“学术不端”的广泛性。<br> 通过对上述三篇核心支撑文章的讲解后大家不难看出我的PAT模型和仿真结果要想和实验对得上只能依靠篡改实验数据。所以这篇文章也不例外为了将PAT模型和其他结果吻合我当然也对仿真数据进行了“捏造和篡改”。我相信大家通过上述三篇文章已经基本掌握了篡改数据的方法那么为了节约篇幅下面我只展示这篇文章一个图的“学术不端流程”以凸显我进行“学术不端”的广泛性。<br><br>
下面我将以论文中的Fig. 10(f-g)图作为例子,来详细说明代码修改的地方,并将修改前后的结果进行对比。详细的数据处理代码和验证流程可以在[Code_for_THSA](https://github.com/ShiArthur03/ShiArthur03/tree/main/04_Code_for_TSHA)中找到。 下面我将以论文中的Fig.10(f-g)图作为例子,来详细说明代码修改的地方,并将修改前后的结果进行对比。详细的数据处理代码和验证流程可以在[Code_for_THSA](https://github.com/ShiArthur03/ShiArthur03/tree/main/04_Code_for_TSHA)中找到。<br><br>
After explaining the above three core supporting articles, it is not difficult to see that if my PAT model and simulation results want to match the experiment, I can only rely on tampering with the experimental data. So this article is no exception. In order to match the PAT model with other results, I certainly also "fabricated and tampered" the simulation data. I believe that everyone has basically mastered the method of tampering with data through the above three articles. In order to save space, I will only show the academic misconduct process of one figure in this article below to highlight the extensiveness of my academic misconduct. <br><br>
Below, I will use Fig.10(f-g) in the paper as an example to explain in detail where the code is modified, and compare the results before and after the modification. The detailed data processing code and verification process can be found in [Code_for_THSA](https://github.com/ShiArthur03/ShiArthur03/tree/main/04_Code_for_TSHA).<br>
<figure> <figure>
<br /> <br />
<img src="Img/THSA01.png" weight="1500"> <img src="Img/THSA01.png" weight="1500">
@ -157,8 +185,9 @@
</figure> </figure>
### 解决效果 ### 解决效果 Solution effect
通过以上努力我彻底解决了损耗计算中仿真结果与实验结果不一致的底层问题。进一步地通过专业绘图软件将matlab中处理后的数据画出Fig.C1对应[期刊论文](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9523592)的Fig. 10(f-g)中,同时将其也写在我的博士论文中。 通过以上努力我彻底解决了损耗计算中仿真结果与实验结果不一致的底层问题。进一步地通过专业绘图软件将matlab中处理后的数据画出Fig.C1对应[期刊论文](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9523592)的Fig. 10(f-g)中,同时将其也写在我的博士论文中。<br><br>
Through the above efforts, I completely solved the underlying problem of the inconsistency between simulation results and experimental results in loss calculation. Furthermore, the processed data in matlab was plotted using professional drawing software. Fig. C1 corresponds to Fig. 10 (f-g) in the [journal article](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9523592), and it was also written in my doctoral thesis.<br>
<figure> <figure>
<br /> <br />
<img src="Img/THSApaper.png" weight="1500"> <img src="Img/THSApaper.png" weight="1500">
@ -169,16 +198,18 @@
### 小结 ### 小结
综上我在这篇文章中存在以下问题: <br /> 综上我在这篇文章中存在以下问题: <br />
在[华大学预防与处理学术不端行为办法](https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/xswyh/info/1018/1018.htm)中:<br /> 在[华大学预防与处理学术不端行为办法](https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/xswyh/info/1018/1018.htm)中:<br />
*第二十二条 在科学研究及相关活动中有下列行为之一的,应当**认定为构成学术不端行为**<br /> *第二十二条 在科学研究及相关活动中有下列行为之一的,应当**认定为构成学术不端行为**<br />
(三)**伪造科研数据**、资料、文献、注释,或者捏造事实、编造虚假研究成果;<br /> (三)**伪造科研数据**、资料、文献、注释,或者捏造事实、编造虚假研究成果;<br />
## 05 三组脉冲文章Q1期刊JESTPE ## 05 三组脉冲文章 Three Groups of Pulse ArticlesQ1 Journal JESTPE
### 问题概述 ### 问题概述 Problem Overview
上面四篇文章中,我主要遇到**预期结果不准确**的问题。我所使用的“数据捏造和篡改”方法(主要包含对数据结果进行删减,捏造,篡改等手段),相信大家已经学会了。下面我将用另一篇论文为例,来解决第二个问题--**论文成果不够多**的问题。那么大家可能有疑问你不可以继续使用相同的方法换算例来水吗答案是不行的因为你相同的内容重复多了审稿人会疲劳。你看我最开始发的都是顶刊TPEL,TIE后面由于顶刊审稿人疲劳了我只能发差一点的TCAS-1期刊并最后只能发开源的IEEE Access了。所以仅靠这种方法是不可持续的。那么我教大家一个小妙招。看看自己课题组已经毕业的师兄师姐是否有没发表的成果如果没有的话那这个小妙招就不适用了。如果有的话那么恭喜您又可以喜提文章了。像我就是将之前毕业师兄的博士论文的第三章直接翻译成英文发表在期刊`IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS`上论文题目是Time-Domain and Frequency-Domain Analysis of SiC MOSFET Switching Transients Considering Transmission of Control, Drive, and Power Pulses。论文全文可通过点击[链接](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9337921)获得。师兄博士论文全文可通过点击[链接](https://github.com/ShiArthur03/ShiArthur03/blob/main/05_Documents_for_Three_Pluse/Paper_File/%E5%8D%9A%E5%A3%AB%E8%AE%BA%E6%96%87-%E7%8E%8B%E6%97%AD%E4%B8%9C.pdf)获得。 上面四篇文章中,我主要遇到**预期结果不准确**的问题。我所使用的“数据捏造和篡改”方法(主要包含对数据结果进行删减、捏造、篡改等手段),相信大家已经学会了。下面我将用另一篇论文为例,来解决第二个问题--**论文成果不够多**的问题。那么大家可能有疑问你不可以继续使用相同的方法换算例来水吗答案是不行的因为你相同的内容重复多了审稿人会疲劳。你看我最开始发的都是顶刊TPEL、TIE后面由于顶刊审稿人疲劳了我只能发差一点的TCAS-1期刊并且最后只能发开源的IEEE Access了。所以仅靠这种方法是不可持续的。那么我教大家一个小妙招。看看自己课题组已经毕业的师兄师姐是否有没发表的成果如果没有的话那这个小妙招就不适用了。如果有的话那么恭喜您又可以喜提文章了。像我就是将之前毕业师兄的博士论文的第三章直接翻译成英文发表在期刊`IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS`上论文题目是Time-Domain and Frequency-Domain Analysis of SiC MOSFET Switching Transients Considering Transmission of Control, Drive, and Power Pulses。论文全文可通过点击[链接](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9337921)获得。师兄博士论文全文可通过点击[链接](https://github.com/ShiArthur03/ShiArthur03/blob/main/05_Documents_for_Three_Pluse/Paper_File/%E5%8D%9A%E5%A3%AB%E8%AE%BA%E6%96%87-%E7%8E%8B%E6%97%AD%E4%B8%9C.pdf)获得。<br><br>
In the above four articles, I mainly encountered the problem of **inaccurate expected results**. I believe that everyone has learned the "data fabrication and tampering" method I used (mainly including deletion, fabrication, tampering and other means of data results). Next, I will use another paper as an example to solve the second problem-the problem of **not enough paper results**. Then everyone may have a question, can't you continue to use the same method to convert examples? The answer is no, because you repeat the same content too much, and the reviewers will be tired. You see, I published in the top journals TPEL and TIE at the beginning. Later, because the reviewers of the top journals were tired, I could only publish in the inferior TCAS-1 journal, and finally I could only publish in the open source IEEE Access. So this method alone is not sustainable. Then I will teach you a little trick. Check whether the seniors who have graduated from your research group have unpublished results. If not, then this little trick is not applicable. If so, then congratulations, you can get another article. For example, I translated the third chapter of my seniors doctoral dissertation into English and published it in the journal `IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS`. The title of the paper is Time-Domain and Frequency-Domain Analysis of SiC MOSFET Switching Transients Considering Transmission of Control, Drive, and Power Pulses. The full text of the paper can be obtained by clicking [link](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9337921). The full text of my doctoral thesis can be obtained by clicking [link](https://github.com/ShiArthur03/ShiArthur03/blob/main/05_Documents_for_Three_Pluse/Paper_File/%E5%8D%9A%E5%A3%AB%E8%AE%BA%E6%96%87-%E7%8E%8B%E6%97%AD%E4%B8%9C.pdf).
### 解决效果 ### 解决效果 Solution effect
为了方便大家理解,我将对[论文](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9337921)进行网页翻译,并和师兄博士论文进行对比,翻译的不好的地方,大家请多担待: 为了方便大家理解,我将对[论文](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9337921)进行网页翻译,并和师兄博士论文进行对比。翻译得不好的地方,大家请多担待。<br><br>
In order to facilitate your understanding, I will translate the [paper](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9337921) and compare it with my senior's doctoral thesis. Please bear with me if the translation is not good.<br>
<figure> <figure>
<br /> <br />
<img src="Img/Pluse01.png" weight="1500"> <img src="Img/Pluse01.png" weight="1500">
@ -243,8 +274,9 @@
<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
</figure> </figure>
### Tips ### 灵光一闪 Tips
不知道大家学会了吗,快去检查一下自己的师兄师姐有没有没发表的成果,按照我的方法试一下,这样你除了引言外,绝大部分内容和图片(以我的这篇文章为例21个图只需要自己做一个图可谓是科研产出的最快途径了。但是需要提醒大家为了防止被师兄师姐发现可以等师兄师姐毕业后再将相关成果进行发表。还是以我为例我的师兄2018年毕业我等到2020年才撰写这篇论文并且列出他已经不存在的邮箱以避免让他知道)。此外,大家还可以像我一样将一稿多投(中英互译),再增加一下成果数量,这样可以再次大大增加论文数量,由于时间有限,我就不一一列举,我就抛转引玉一篇,大家可以看一下我的[Integral Control](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9438666)英文文章和两篇中文文章[文章1](https://kns.cnki.net/kcms2/article/abstract?v=z-1yOu6aphO44ZkJHwW1vCblPV511US9ACdrPaqq-BCx2n671KvNZH0HxnnCvPz4M7YnPV_JjOF2fn_uPjwH6E0SnB657ICRG2r8UjEcIzO1HHYsGd69Vw40xRLztpHkOaCSlvxSVHP7_I-aVdIPGhA1soDMQWXT&uniplatform=NZKPT&language=CHS)和[文章2](https://kns.cnki.net/kcms2/article/abstract?v=z-1yOu6aphPYrNiHdu4ksCBjV5AfR3xNLZFyn2DfadADxusleU9VBIrcpfaqAarPOu4kTel7UuhWGCWTf001ANmjNfCfJ2vYZlVLOjhMvcdrWUIz1gtYcfSM11LCUpKlFKvMO7dqQX3lo4Ad04y6DsBMjP1g-9iP&uniplatform=NZKPT&language=CHS)中,我将在文章中用别人文章中的图列在下面: 不知道大家学会了吗快去检查一下自己的师兄师姐有没有没发表的成果按照我的方法试一下。这样你除了引言外绝大部分内容和图片都能通过拿来主义获取。以我的这篇文章为例21个图只需要自己做一个图可谓是科研产出的最快途径了。但是需要提醒大家为了防止被师兄师姐发现可以等师兄师姐毕业后再将相关成果进行发表。还是以我为例我的师兄2018年毕业我等到2020年才撰写这篇论文并且列出他已经不存在的邮箱以避免让他知道。此外大家还可以像我一样将一稿多投(中英互译),再增加一下成果数量,这样可以再次大大增加论文数量。由于时间有限,我就不一一列举。抛转引玉一篇,大家可以看一下我的[Integral Control](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9438666)英文文章和两篇中文文章[文章1](https://kns.cnki.net/kcms2/article/abstract?v=z-1yOu6aphO44ZkJHwW1vCblPV511US9ACdrPaqq-BCx2n671KvNZH0HxnnCvPz4M7YnPV_JjOF2fn_uPjwH6E0SnB657ICRG2r8UjEcIzO1HHYsGd69Vw40xRLztpHkOaCSlvxSVHP7_I-aVdIPGhA1soDMQWXT&uniplatform=NZKPT&language=CHS)和[文章2](https://kns.cnki.net/kcms2/article/abstract?v=z-1yOu6aphPYrNiHdu4ksCBjV5AfR3xNLZFyn2DfadADxusleU9VBIrcpfaqAarPOu4kTel7UuhWGCWTf001ANmjNfCfJ2vYZlVLOjhMvcdrWUIz1gtYcfSM11LCUpKlFKvMO7dqQX3lo4Ad04y6DsBMjP1g-9iP&uniplatform=NZKPT&language=CHS),我将在文章中用别人文章中的图列在下面。<br><br>
I dont know if you have learned it yet. Go check if your seniors have any unpublished results, and try my method. In this way, except for the introduction, most of the content and pictures (taking this article of mine as an example, there are 21 pictures, and you only need to make one picture yourself, which can be said to be the fastest way to produce scientific research. However, I need to remind everyone that in order to prevent being discovered by seniors, you can wait until your seniors graduate before publishing the relevant results. Take me as an example. My senior graduated in 2018, and I waited until 2020 to write this paper, and listed his non-existent email address to avoid letting him know). In addition, you can also submit a manuscript to multiple publications like me (Chinese-English translation) to increase the number of results, which can greatly increase the number of papers again. Due to limited time, I will not list them one by one. I will just throw out an article to introduce you. You can take a look at my [Integral Control](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9438666) English article and two Chinese articles [Article 1](https://kns.cnki.net/kcms2/article/abstract?v=z-1yOu6aphO44ZkJHwW1vCblPV511US9ACdrPaqq-BCx2n671KvNZH0HxnnCvPz4M7YnPV_JjOF2fn_uPjwH6E0SnB657ICRG2r8UjEcIzO1HHYsGd69Vw40xRLztpHkOaCSlvxSVHP7_I-aVdIPGhA1soDMQWXT&uniplatform=NZKPT&language=CHS) and [Article 2](https://kns.cnki.net/kcms2/article/abstract?v=z-1yOu6aphPYrNiHdu4ksCBjV5AfR3xNLZFyn2DfadADxusleU9VBIrcpfaqAarPOu4kTel7UuhWGCWTf001ANmjNfCfJ2vYZlVLOjhMvcdrWUIz1gtYcfSM11LCUpKlFKvMO7dqQX3lo4Ad04y6DsBMjP1g-9iP&uniplatform=NZKPT&language=CHS). I will use the figures from other peoples articles in the article and list them below:<br>
<figure> <figure>
<br /> <br />
<img src="Img/Control.png" weight="1500"> <img src="Img/Control.png" weight="1500">
@ -255,16 +287,16 @@
### 小结 ### 小结
综上我在这篇文章中存在以下问题: <br /> 综上我在这篇文章中存在以下问题: <br />
在[华大学预防与处理学术不端行为办法](https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/xswyh/info/1018/1018.htm)中:<br /> 在[华大学预防与处理学术不端行为办法](https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/xswyh/info/1018/1018.htm)中:<br />
*第二十二条 在科学研究及相关活动中有下列行为之一的,应当**认定为构成学术不端行为**<br /> *第二十二条 在科学研究及相关活动中有下列行为之一的,应当**认定为构成学术不端行为**<br />
(一)剽窃、抄袭、**侵占他人学术成果**<br /> (一)剽窃、抄袭、**侵占他人学术成果**<br />
(二)**篡改**他人研究成果;<br /> (二)**篡改**他人研究成果;<br />
(四)**未参加研究或创作而在研究成果、学术论文上署名****未经他人许可而不当使用他人署名****虚构合作者共同署名**,或者多人共同完成研究而在成果中未注明他人工作、贡献;<br /> (四)**未参加研究或创作而在研究成果、学术论文上署名****未经他人许可而不当使用他人署名****虚构合作者共同署名**,或者多人共同完成研究而在成果中未注明他人工作、贡献;<br />
# 总结 # 总结 Summary
的来说我一共有八篇一作SCI论文其中5篇的实验结果使用了篡改数据2篇直接抄袭翻译别人的论文。轻轻松松获得如此丰硕的成果让我能够包揽从学术新秀特等奖学金到青拔人才的所有奖项而老老实实的你,又拿什么来和我比呢?<br /> 地来说我一共有八篇一作SCI论文其中5篇的实验结果使用了篡改数据的方法2篇直接抄袭、翻译别人的论文。轻轻松松获得如此丰硕的成果让我能够包揽从学术新秀、特等奖学金到青拔人才的所有奖项。而老老实实的你,又拿什么来和我比呢?<br /><br>
通过以上讲解,我相信大家一定受益匪浅。目前中国国内学术风气确实不太好,所以像我这样对学术没有敬畏之心的人才能如鱼得水急功近利,**伪造科研数据**,将他人的研究成果改头换面据为己有,甚至直接是拿来主义,我认为这种行为是完全没问题的。大部分人可能难以接受我的观点,所以你们只能在科研圈的最底层挣扎,无法像我一样年少有为。尽管在我的行径,不仅无法推进学术发展,还会促使学术氛围的进一步恶化。但这和我有什么关系呢?<br /> 通过以上讲解,我相信大家一定受益匪浅。目前中国国内学术风气确实不太好,所以像我这样对学术没有敬畏之心的人才能如鱼得水急功近利,**伪造科研数据**,将他人的研究成果改头换面据为己有,甚至直接是拿来主义,我认为是完全没问题的。大部分人可能难以接受我的观点,所以你们只能在科研圈的最底层挣扎,无法像我一样年少有为。尽管我的行径不仅无法推动学术发展,还会促使学术氛围的进一步恶化。但这和我有什么关系呢?<br /><br>
我奉劝大家我学习,一起学术不端起来,多拿成果,多拿帽子,成为人上人。你们一定会回来感谢我的。<br /> 我奉劝大家我学习,一起学术不端起来,多拿成果,多拿帽子,成为人上人。你们一定会回来感谢我的。<br /><br>
至于其他人,就让他们在阴沟里面继续挣扎吧,即使你们像[郭宏业](https://www.eea.tsinghua.edu.cn/faculties/hyguo.htm), [蔺晨晖](https://www.eea.tsinghua.edu.cn/info/1069/5538.htm)他们一样优秀,也只能拿到助理研究员这种程度。更何况你们大部分人还达不到人家的水平。如果你对我的做法感到不满,欢迎你来举报投诉我。可能的处理结果包括:<br /> 至于其他人,就让他们在阴沟里面继续挣扎吧。即使你们像[郭宏业](https://www.eea.tsinghua.edu.cn/faculties/hyguo.htm)和 [蔺晨晖](https://www.eea.tsinghua.edu.cn/info/1069/5538.htm)他们一样优秀,也只能拿到助理研究员这种程度。更何况你们大部分人还达不到人家的水平。如果你对我的做法感到不满,欢迎你来举报投诉我。可能的处理结果包括:<br /><br>
1. 第二十四条 学校根据校学术委员会学风组或者校学术委员会主任会议的认定结论,结合行为性质和情节轻重,对学术不端行为责任人进行处理:<br /> 1. 第二十四条 学校根据校学术委员会学风组或者校学术委员会主任会议的认定结论,结合行为性质和情节轻重,对学术不端行为责任人进行处理:<br />
  (一)通报批评;<br />   (一)通报批评;<br />
@ -283,28 +315,33 @@
  学术不端行为**与获得学位有直接关联的**,由学位授予单位作暂缓授予学位、不授予学位或者**依法撤销学位**等处理。<br />   学术不端行为**与获得学位有直接关联的**,由学位授予单位作暂缓授予学位、不授予学位或者**依法撤销学位**等处理。<br />
但是我可以负责的告诉你,这肯定没用,不信就试试看!我把举报投诉方式列在下面供你们使用:<br /> 但是我可以负责的告诉你,这肯定没用,不信就试试看!我把举报投诉方式列在下面供你们使用:<br />
* 华大学学术委员会秘书处联系方式 地址:华大学东门外华业大厦1216 电话010-62782295 <br /> * 华大学学术委员会秘书处联系方式 地址:华大学东门外华业大厦1216 电话010-62782295 <br />
* 华大学党委办公室校长办公室联系电话010-62782015/2035 电子邮箱zzbs@tsinghua.edu.cn <br /> * 华大学党委办公室校长办公室联系电话010-62782015/2035 电子邮箱zzbs@tsinghua.edu.cn <br />
* 华大学人事处——博士后办公室 联系人: 韩老师 电子邮箱qhbsh@tsinghua.edu.cn <br /> * 华大学人事处——博士后办公室 联系人: 韩老师 电子邮箱qhbsh@tsinghua.edu.cn <br />
* 华大学电机系 党委书记:于歆杰 电子邮箱yuxj@tsinghua.edu.cn <br /> * 华大学电机系 党委书记:于歆杰 电子邮箱yuxj@tsinghua.edu.cn <br />
* 华大学电机系 系主任:康重庆 电子邮箱cqkang@tsinghua.edu.cn <br /> * 华大学电机系 系主任:康重庆 电子邮箱cqkang@tsinghua.edu.cn <br />
* 华大学人事处处长 杨殿阁 E-mail:ydg@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn <br /> * 华大学人事处处长 杨殿阁 E-mail:ydg@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn <br />
* 华大学校长 李路明 E-mail: lilm@tsinghua.edu.cn; Tel: 86-10-62785716 <br /> * 华大学校长 李路明 E-mail: lilm@tsinghua.edu.cn; Tel: 86-10-62785716 <br />
* 华大学党委书记: 邱勇 qiuy@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn <br /> * 华大学党委书记: 邱勇 qiuy@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn <br />
* 华大学纪检监察机构 jjw@tsinghua.edu.cn <br /> * 华大学纪检监察机构 jjw@tsinghua.edu.cn <br />
* 华大学党委研究生工作部yjsygzb@tsinghua.edu.cn <br /> * 华大学党委研究生工作部yjsygzb@tsinghua.edu.cn <br />
* 华大学党委教师工作部dwjsgzb@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn <br /> * 华大学党委教师工作部dwjsgzb@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn <br />
* 华大学科技处 kjc-jdb@tsinghua.edu.cn <br /> * 华大学科技处 kjc-jdb@tsinghua.edu.cn <br />
* 华大学学术委员会秘书处联系方式电话010-62782295 邮箱xswbgs@tsinghua.edu.cn <br /> * 华大学学术委员会秘书处联系方式电话010-62782295 邮箱xswbgs@tsinghua.edu.cn <br />
* 华大学学位委员会联系方式电话010-62783183 邮箱yjsyxwb@tsinghua.edu.cn <br /> * 华大学学位委员会联系方式电话010-62783183 邮箱yjsyxwb@tsinghua.edu.cn <br />
* 中国自然科学基金委举报网站https://jdwyh.nsfc.gov.cn <br /> * 中国自然科学基金委举报网站https://jdwyh.nsfc.gov.cn <br />
* 中共组织部青拔人才帽子举报网站: http://www.12380.gov.cn <br /> * 中共组织部青拔人才帽子举报网站: http://www.12380.gov.cn <br />
In general, I have eight first-author SCI papers, of which five used tampered data in experimental results, and two were directly plagiarized and translated from other people's papers. Such fruitful results were easily achieved, which enabled me to obtain various international scholarships. Here I would like to paraphrase the words of the President of IET International Operations: We are very happy to see that Shi Bochen has won the IET International Scholarship, which reflects the large number of academic misconducts in China's engineering education and research technology, and a large number of young talents who rely on academic fraud have emerged. "I hope that the editors-in-chief of the journals and the IET, CIGRE, and IEEE associations will not cancel the honors I have received. I have clearly explained my real innovation in this article. Please also help me actively promote it.
## 在线链接 ## 在线链接 Online Link
电子版可通过https://github.com/ShiArthur03 来访问,也欢迎大家在[讨论区](https://github.com/ShiArthur03/ShiArthur03/discussions)和我互动。 电子版可通过 https://github.com/ShiArthur03 来访问,也欢迎大家在[讨论区](https://github.com/ShiArthur03/ShiArthur03/discussions)和我互动。
pdf下载链接[链接](https://github.com/ShiArthur03/ShiArthur03/blob/main/%E6%B8%85%E5%8D%8E%E7%89%B9%E5%A5%96%E6%95%99%E4%BD%A0%E6%80%8E%E4%B9%88%E7%94%A8%E5%AD%A6%E6%9C%AF%E4%B8%8D%E7%AB%AF%E6%9D%A5%E8%B5%B0%E4%B8%8A%E5%AD%A6%E6%9C%AF%E5%B7%85%E5%B3%B0.pdf) pdf[链接](https://github.com/ShiArthur03/ShiArthur03/blob/main/%E6%B8%85%E5%8D%8E%E7%89%B9%E5%A5%96%E6%95%99%E4%BD%A0%E6%80%8E%E4%B9%88%E7%94%A8%E5%AD%A6%E6%9C%AF%E4%B8%8D%E7%AB%AF%E6%9D%A5%E8%B5%B0%E4%B8%8A%E5%AD%A6%E6%9C%AF%E5%B7%85%E5%B3%B0.pdf) or [link](https://github.com/ShiArthur03/ShiArthur03/tree/main/ShiBochenAcademicMisconduct.pdf) <br><br>
Please interact with me in [Discussion](https://github.com/ShiArthur03/ShiArthur03/discussions) if you want to share your thoughts.
## 再次强调
## 再次强调 Emphasis
此外,希望你们将目光聚焦于我传授你们的学术不端技巧而非我的个人生活上。专注,才是你们走向成功的开始! <br><br>
If anyone uses the above materials to report me, I will not admit that I wrote these materials. I will say that these are malicious fabrications by others to discredit me. Come here if you have the guts! <br><br>
Furthermore, I hope you will focus on the academic misconduct techniques I teach you rather than on my personal life. Focus is the beginning of your success.