Why Morse Code?

We believe the cultural legacy morse code shall live on in the information age.

For a period of ca. seventy years telecommunication was only possible by way of transmission methods using the Morse code. The Morse alphabet, in the form still officially and globally widespread to this day, was invented a good 150 years ago by the German Clemens Gerke. This art of broadcasting messages by way of Morse telegraphy was and still is only possible if one has specialist knowledge and skills. It is a type of intercultural form of culture and communication that overcomes the barriers of time and space ( Morse Code as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage). The transmission of messages by way of the Morse code is nowadays no longer necessary for technological, economic and military reasons. Morse code is fun to learn and due to its simplicity wide range of experiments with communication technologies can done with little cost.



In analogy to voice over ip (voip) we can also do morse code over ip (moip). Here we describe the well-establised CWCom protocol (since 1998). * Morse KOB, Les Kerr: https://sites.google.com/site/morsekob/ and http://kob.sdf.org/morsekob/ * CWCom, John Samin (VK1EME): http://www.mrx.com.au/ TBD

The Architecture


TBD ## CWCom Servers The clients will connect to one of the servers using the CWCom protocol. ![Architecture](/img/architecture.png?raw=true "Architecture") The source code for a server on a Raspi can be found [here](https://sites.google.com/site/morsekob/server). ## Compatibility The original CWCom protocol has been extended for MorseKOB, as landline telegraphy uses closed circuits (latching). There are mainly two server types for moip (see below): the original CWCom server and the MorseKOB server. Both servers are compatible using a relay server written by Bob Denny ([source code](https://github.com/8cH9azbsFifZ/moip-relay-server/tree/master)).

The Protocol

TBD https://github.com/8cH9azbsFifZ/moip/raw/master/doc/cwcom.pdf The [CWCom protocol](/doc/cwcom.pdf?raw=true) (cw communicator) is an effective method for transmitting morse code signals as UDP packets over IP.


The MoIP Servers


## Servers | Network | Server | Port | Activity | | :------------ | ---------------: | :---- | :------- | | MorseKOB | faeroes.sdf.org, mtc-kob.dyndns.org | 7890 | [Info](http://mtc-kob.dyndns.org/info.html) [Activity](http://mtc-kob.dyndns.org) | | MRX CWCom | morsecode.dyndns.org | 7890 | [Activity](http://morsecode.dyndns.org) | | Relay Server | N/A | N/A | [Activity](http://morsecode.dc3.com:7890) |

## Client Software | Architecture | Name | License | Comment | | :------------ |:------------ | :----- | :------ | | Windows | [MorseKOB 2.5](http://kob.sdf.org/morsekob/morsekob25/index.htm) | ? | Original MorseKOB Software by Les Kerr. [Source Code](https://sites.google.com/site/morsekob/morsekob25) | | Browser | [MorseKOB 3.0](http://kob.sdf.org/morsekob/morsekob30/index.htm) | ? | Java implementation of MorseKOB by Les Kerr | | Linux (Python) | [MorseKOB 4.0](https://sites.google.com/site/morsekob/morsekob40) [1](https://github.com/8cH9azbsFifZ/morsekob)| ? | Python port to Raspi by Les Kerr | | Arduino | [irmc-avr](https://github.com/8cH9azbsFifZ/irmc-avr) | GPL | arduino port| | iOS | [irmc-ios](https://github.com/8cH9azbsFifZ/irmc-ios) | GPL | ios port with support for external key using bluetooth [ble-morse](https://github.com/8cH9azbsFifZ/ble-morse) | | Windows | [CWCom](http://www.mrx.com.au/d_cwcom.htm) | Closed Source | original cwcom software by John Samin |
  • Linux
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  • Linux

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