roughly done

This commit is contained in:
Gerolf Ziegenhain 2015-04-30 00:30:20 +02:00
parent 827213bc5b
commit 6bf893ab0f

@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ Hardware interfaces for morse keys and telegraph sounders are available for seri
<div class="wrapper style1">
<section id="features" class="container special">
<h2>Software Clients</h2>
<h2><a href=#>Software Clients</a></h2>
<p>Arduino, Linux, iOS, OSX, Windows</p>
<div class="row">
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ Hardware interfaces for morse keys and telegraph sounders are available for seri
<a name="arduino"></>
<a href="" target=_new class="image featured"><img src="images/arduino_irmc.png" alt="" /></a>
<h3><a href="" target=_new>Arduino</a></h3>
<h3><a href="#">Arduino</a></h3>
<a href="" target=_new>irmc-avr</a> on duemilanove &amp; W5100.
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ Arduino: <a href="" target=_new>irmc-avr
<article class="4u special">
<a href="" target=_new class="image featured"><img src="images/windows_morsekob.png" alt="" /></a>
<h3><a href="" target=_new>Windows</a></h3>
<h3><a href="#">Windows</a></h3>
<a href="" target=_new>MorseKOB 2.5</a> on Windows.
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ Linux, OSX: <a href="" target=_
<article class="4u special">
<a href="" target=_new class="image featured"><img src="images/osx_irmc.png" alt="" /></a>
<h3><a href="" target=_new>Linux / OSX</a></h3>
<h3><a href="#">Linux / OSX</a></h3>
<a href="" target=_new>irmc</a> with serial key.
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ Linux, OSX and BSD: <a href="" target=_new>i
<a name="ios"></a>
<a href="" target=_new class="image featured"><img src="images/ios_irmc.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<h3><a href="" target=_new>iOS</a></h3>
<h3><a href="#">iOS</a></h3>
<a href="" target=_new>irmc-ios</a> on iPhone 5s &amp; bt key.
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ iOS: <a href="" target=_new>irmc-ios</a>
<article class="4u special">
<a href="" target=_new class="image featured"><img src="images/windows_cwcom.png" alt="" /></a>
<h3><a href="" target=_new>Windows</a></h3>
<h3><a href="#">Windows</a></h3>
<a href="" target=_new>CW Communicator</a> Wine on OSX.
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ Windows: <a href="" target=_new>CWCom</a> is th
<a name="java"></a>
<a href="" target=_new class="image featured"><img src="images/java_morsekob.png" alt="" /></a>
<h3><a href="" target=_new>Java</a></h3>
<h3><a href="#">Java</a></h3>
<a href="" target=_new>MorseKOB 3.0</a> running in browser.
@ -207,74 +207,35 @@ Java (Browser): <a href="" targe
<div class="wrapper style1">
<section id="features" class="container special">
<h2>Hardware Interfaces</h2>
<h2><a href=#>Hardware Interfaces</a></h2>
<p>Bluetooth, USB and serial Port.</p>
<div class="row">
<article class="4u special">
<a name="arduino"></>
<a href="" target=_new class="image featured"><img src="images/arduino_irmc.png" alt="" /></a>
<a href="" target=_new class="image featured"><img src="images/interface_serial.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<h3><a href="" target=_new>Arduino</a></h3>
<h3><a href="#">Serial / USB</a></h3>
<a href="" target=_new>irmc-avr</a> on duemilanove &amp; W5100.
Arduino: <a href="" target=_new>irmc-avr</a> is an arduiono implementation under GPL.
Interface cirucuit description for key (and optional sounder) for serial port interfaces. USB-to-serial adapters are covered.
<article class="4u special">
<a href="" target=_new class="image featured"><img src="images/windows_morsekob.png" alt="" /></a>
<a href="" target=_new class="image featured"><img src="images/interface_tunkey.png" alt="" /></a>
<h3><a href="" target=_new>Windows</a></h3>
<h3><a href="#">USB / Serial</a></h3>
<a href="" target=_new>MorseKOB 2.5</a> on Windows.
Windows: <a href="" target=_new>MorseKOB 2.5</a> is the original MorseKOB Software by Les Kerr. The source code is hosted officially on <a href="" target=_new>google</a>.
Linux, OSX: <a href="" target=_new>MorseKOB 4.0</a> is a Python implementation including Raspi support by Les Kerr. This version is currently in alpha state.
A manufactured PCB with interface for key (and optional sounder) for both USB and serial ports.
<article class="4u special">
<a href="" target=_new class="image featured"><img src="images/osx_irmc.png" alt="" /></a>
<a href="" target=_new class="image featured"><img src="images/interface_bluetooth.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<h3><a href="" target=_new>Linux / OSX</a></h3>
<h3><a href="#">Bluetooth</a></h3>
<a href="" target=_new>irmc</a> with serial key.
Linux, OSX and BSD: <a href="" target=_new>irmc</a> is a GPL licensed C implementation of morsekob.
<div class="row">
<article class="4u special">
<a name="ios"></a>
<a href="" target=_new class="image featured"><img src="images/ios_irmc.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<h3><a href="" target=_new>iOS</a></h3>
<a href="" target=_new>irmc-ios</a> on iPhone 5s &amp; bt key.
iOS: <a href="" target=_new>irmc-ios</a> is a iOS port with support for external key using bluetooth <a href="" target=_new>ble-morse</a> under GPL.
<article class="4u special">
<a href="" target=_new class="image featured"><img src="images/windows_cwcom.png" alt="" /></a>
<h3><a href="" target=_new>Windows</a></h3>
<a href="" target=_new>CW Communicator</a> Wine on OSX.
Windows: <a href="" target=_new>CWCom</a> is the closed source original cwcom software by John Samin.
<article class="4u special">
<a name="java"></a>
<a href="" target=_new class="image featured"><img src="images/java_morsekob.png" alt="" /></a>
<h3><a href="" target=_new>Java</a></h3>
<a href="" target=_new>MorseKOB 3.0</a> running in browser.
Java (Browser): <a href="" target=_new>MorseKOB 3.0</a> is a Java implementation of MorseKOB by Les Kerr.
An interface using bluetooth low energy for key only. Supports iOS app so far.