What is IRMC?
IRMC stands for Internet Relay Morse Code. It implements the CWCom protocol
Why morse code over IP?
Why not? A number of different approaches for CW over IP exist. An early implementation has been the CWCom protocol, which has been the basis for Morse KOB, a ready-to-use software. Both chat programs have been written for CW exclusively and are compatible. An alternative implementation in C exists as well as a port to the ATMEL AVR Microcontroller.
How to build?
Install dependency: morse keyer library
wget https://github.com/8cH9azbsFifZ/morse/archive/v0.1.tar.gz
tar xzf v0.1.tar.gz
cd morse-0.1
./configure --with-portaudio
sudo make install
Debian (Wheezy)
Some dependencies have to be installed:
apt-get install -y alsa-oss oss-compat build-essential autoconf libao-dev libtool
Afterwards compilation with make
should work. If something went wrong, you may have
to adjust your LD_LIBRARY_PATH
. Alternatively try:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib ./irmc mtc-kob.dyndns.org 7890 33 123
OSX (Yosemite)
Serial Drivers
TBD: Driver: serial - 2usb!
How to use:
The usage is: irmc [hostname] [port] [channel] [id] [serialport
For example: `./irmc mtc-kob.dyndns.org 7890 103 MyID /dev/tty.usbserial´
Morse KOB Servers
- faeroes.sdf.org 7890
- mtc-kob.dyndns.org 7890
Original post by Fernan Bolando (VE4FEB)
Copied on 20150103 from http://fernski.blogspot.de/2013/03/internet-relay-morsecode.html
I have been using cwcom to practice sending morsecode, unfortunately my main computer at home is running openbsd and it has gotten harder to gain access to a reliable MS Windows machine. So I wrote my own client that works on openbsd. This is written in C and although not tested it should compile under other OS. If any one wants to try it and send me feedback. you can download version 0.01 here http://fernan.bitbucket.org/irmc.tgz Les Kerr of https://home.comcast.net/~morsekob/ has been very patient in answering my questions regarding the cwcom protocol and setting up a test server during debugging.
There are few difference between this and the official cwcom client
- It is a command line tool
- It does not send the characters of the message to the receivers screen.
- It does not translate CW for you. You can try fldigi if you just want see the transmission.
- Tone pitch is currently hard coded to 650Hz
- It does not have a way to show you who is listening.
Bugs: There are a few that I am working on right now, but feel free to send me feedback if you get a chance to try it out.
File(s) http://fernan.bitbucket.org/irmc.tgz The following people have helped me a lot to learn the protocols and setting up test servers. Les Kerr - https://home.comcast.net/~morsekob/ Bob Denny - http://morse-rss-news.sourceforge.net/ John Samin - http://www.mrx.com.au/
- CWCom, John Samin (VK1EME): http://www.mrx.com.au/d_cwcom.htm
- Morse KOB, Less Kerr: https://sites.google.com/site/morsekob/ and http://kob.sdf.org/morsekob/
- Relay server for CW communicator and morse KOB: http://morsecode.dc3.com:7890
- Sources for the Relay Server: http://sourceforge.net/projects/morse-rss-news/
- MorseKOB for AT Mega, Fernan Bolando (VE4FEB): http://fernski.blogspot.de/2013/05/sending-morsecode-via-atmega.html
- CW Over IP, Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Morse_code&oldid=640833972#Morse_Code_over_IP