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<title>Chapter 1</title>
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<section id="dedication" epub:type="dedication">
<h2 epub:type="label">Dedication</h2>
<blockquote epub:type="z3998:letter">
<p epub:type="se:letter.dateline">Ditchingham, <time datetime="1918-01-01">1918</time>.</p>
<p epub:type="z3998:salutation"><b>My dear Curzon,</b></p>
<p>More than thirty years ago you tried to protect me, then a stranger to you, from one of the falsest and most malignant accusations ever made against a writer.</p>
<p>So complete was your exposure of the methods of those at work to blacken a person whom they knew to be innocent, that, as you will remember, they refused to publish your analysis which destroyed their charges and, incidentally, revealed their motives.</p>
<p>Although for this reason vindication came otherwise, your kindness is one that I have never forgotten, since, whatever the immediate issue of any effort, in the end it is the intention that avails.</p>
<p>Therefore in gratitude and memory I ask you to accept this romance, as I know that you do not disdain the study of romance in the intervals of your Imperial work.</p>
<p>The application of its parable to our state and possibilities—beneath or beyond these glimpses of the moon—I leave to your discernment.</p>
<p epub:type="z3998:valediction">Believe me,</p>
<p epub:type="z3998:valediction">Ever sincerely yours,</p>
<p epub:type="z3998:sender z3998:signature"><b>H. Rider Haggard.</b></p>
<p epub:type="z3998:recipient">The Earl Curzon of Kedleston, <abbr class="initialism">K.G.</abbr></p>