jasper ff82f19c5f import p5-Text-CSV 1.16
Text::CSV provides facilities for the composition and decomposition of
comma-separated values. An instance of the Text::CSV class can combine
fields into a CSV string and parse a CSV string into fields.

from eric olsen
2009-12-28 09:31:27 +00:00

6 lines
287 B

MD5 (Text-CSV-1.16.tar.gz) = y+HzHiwTqohllSezVCR0qQ==
RMD160 (Text-CSV-1.16.tar.gz) = FRgkjfBgXuA9BrzCjgpv74GlOM8=
SHA1 (Text-CSV-1.16.tar.gz) = iWJGyizdjl06g9U+60QNqvRcnqY=
SHA256 (Text-CSV-1.16.tar.gz) = k3GfcfRkA4Lgn2NWiCYIDOmHKHZH9t4ENj0X678Gp7M=
SIZE (Text-CSV-1.16.tar.gz) = 45569