landry 4d029997a7 Import osm2pgsql 0.88.1.
osm2pgsql is a tool for loading OpenStreetMap data into a PostgreSQL/PostGIS
database suitable for applications like rendering into a map, geocoding with
Nominatim, or general analysis.

From Patrick Keshishian with tweaks by sthen@ & myself
ok sthen@
2015-10-30 17:18:53 +00:00

3 lines
121 B

SHA256 (osm2pgsql-0.88.1.tar.gz) = COwzyDN2jeyYVvU3u/RBatRYN+4IUe7qsAgce77TRJ4=
SIZE (osm2pgsql-0.88.1.tar.gz) = 2140606