bcallah 6dec3f8873 Import games/mars
ok landry@

M.A.R.S. is a ridiculous 2D space shooter with awesome visual effects
and attractive physics. Players can battle each other or computer
controlled enemies in exciting game modes.

In the year 3547, civilizations all over the galaxy have settled their
own planets, living in peace and harmony. But outside their
contemplative habitats, the GREAT WAR is raging. As a famous fighter on
your way to never ending honor and prosperity, you must protect your
planet from the oncoming doom of your jealous neighbors!
2014-09-29 05:25:04 +00:00

35 lines
871 B

# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 2014/09/29 05:25:04 bcallah Exp $
V = 0.7.5
COMMENT = ridiculous shoot-em-up game
DISTNAME = mars_source_${V}
PKGNAME = mars-${V}
CATEGORIES = games x11
HOMEPAGE = http://mars-game.sourceforge.net/
MAINTAINER = Brian Callahan <bcallah@openbsd.org>
# GPLv3+
WANTLIB += GL GLU ICE SM X11 Xext Xrandr c fribidi m pthread sfml-audio
WANTLIB += sfml-graphics sfml-system sfml-window stdc++ tag
# Not using the GH_* variables on purpose. The tarball was generated
# separately. Will update to use GH_* next time M.A.R.S. is updated.
MASTER_SITES = https://github.com/downloads/thelaui/M.A.R.S./
MODULES = devel/cmake
LIB_DEPENDS = audio/taglib \
devel/fribidi \
RUN_DEPENDS = devel/desktop-file-utils \
WRKDIST = ${WRKDIR}/mars-game
.include <bsd.port.mk>