ajacoutot cdb82a2314 Remove, it's not used by anything and it's one less thing to take care of
for our GNOME3 work.

"kill it with fire!" jasper@
2011-04-17 18:06:55 +00:00

115 lines
2.8 KiB

# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.132 2011/04/17 18:06:55 ajacoutot Exp $
SUBDIR += alacarte
SUBDIR += anjuta
SUBDIR += anjuta-extras
SUBDIR += applets2
SUBDIR += at-spi
SUBDIR += audio
SUBDIR += backgrounds
SUBDIR += baker
SUBDIR += byzanz
SUBDIR += common
SUBDIR += conduit
SUBDIR += controlcenter2
SUBDIR += dasher
SUBDIR += deskbar-applet
SUBDIR += desktop
SUBDIR += devel-docs
SUBDIR += development-monitor
SUBDIR += devhelp
SUBDIR += doc-utils
SUBDIR += ekiga
SUBDIR += empathy
SUBDIR += eog
SUBDIR += eog-plugins
SUBDIR += file-roller
SUBDIR += f-spot
SUBDIR += games
SUBDIR += games-extra-data
SUBDIR += gcalctool
SUBDIR += gdl
SUBDIR += gdm
SUBDIR += gedit
SUBDIR += gedit-plugins
SUBDIR += genius
SUBDIR += ghex
SUBDIR += gjs
SUBDIR += gok
SUBDIR += gucharmap
SUBDIR += gvfs
SUBDIR += gyrus
SUBDIR += hamster-applet
SUBDIR += icon-theme
SUBDIR += icon-theme-extras
SUBDIR += icon-theme-symbolic
SUBDIR += keyring
SUBDIR += krb5-auth-dialog
SUBDIR += libbonobo
SUBDIR += libbonoboui
SUBDIR += libgail-gnome
SUBDIR += libgda
SUBDIR += libgdamm
SUBDIR += libgnome
SUBDIR += libgnome-keyring
SUBDIR += libgnomemm
SUBDIR += libgnomecanvas
SUBDIR += libgnomecanvasmm
SUBDIR += libgnomecups
SUBDIR += libgnomekbd
SUBDIR += libgnomeui
SUBDIR += libgnomeprint
SUBDIR += libgnomeprintui
SUBDIR += libgweather
SUBDIR += librsvg
SUBDIR += libslab
SUBDIR += libxklavier
SUBDIR += mag
SUBDIR += main-menu
SUBDIR += media
SUBDIR += menus
SUBDIR += metacity
SUBDIR += mime-data
SUBDIR += mono-gnome
SUBDIR += mono-gnome-desktop
SUBDIR += mono-keyring
SUBDIR += mousetweaks
SUBDIR += nautilus
SUBDIR += nautilus-open-terminal
SUBDIR += nautilus-sendto
SUBDIR += nettool
SUBDIR += orca
SUBDIR += panel
SUBDIR += pessulus
SUBDIR += planner
SUBDIR += py-gnome
SUBDIR += py-gnome-desktop
SUBDIR += py-gnome-extras
SUBDIR += screensaver
SUBDIR += seahorse
SUBDIR += seahorse-plugins
SUBDIR += session
SUBDIR += settings-daemon
SUBDIR += speech
SUBDIR += ssh-askpass
SUBDIR += system-monitor
SUBDIR += system-tools
SUBDIR += terminal
SUBDIR += themes
SUBDIR += themes-extras
SUBDIR += tomboy
SUBDIR += totem
SUBDIR += totem-pl-parser
SUBDIR += tracker
SUBDIR += user-docs
SUBDIR += utils
SUBDIR += vfs2
SUBDIR += video-arcade
SUBDIR += vinagre
SUBDIR += vino
SUBDIR += yelp
SUBDIR += zenity
.include <>