kspillner b8f4c8bda5 Reserve uid 734 for _taskd, and make uid & gid match. Also tweak
MASTER_SITES and remove unnecessary CONFIGURE_ENV while here.  Reported by
espie@ & viq, with suggestions from kn@ and sthen@.

ok sthen@
2018-05-29 04:11:49 +00:00
2016-01-28 17:15:00 +00:00

$OpenBSD: README,v 1.3 2016/01/28 17:15:05 kspillner Exp $

| Running ${FULLPKGNAME} on OpenBSD

When running the taskd commands below you must either append the command
line argument '--data /var/taskd' to every taskd command, or else export
the TASKDDATA environment variable:

  # export TASKDDATA=/var/taskd

Generate certificates
Before starting taskd you need to generate certificates for it to use.
This procedure is described at:


Generate certificate files
Copy everything under ${PREFIX}/share/examples/taskd/pki to a directory
where you have write permission, edit the contents of the var file to
match your needs, and then run the generate script:

  $ ./generate

Copy certificates in place
Copy the following certificate files and keys to /var/taskd:

  # cp {client,server}.{cert,key}.pem server.crl.pem ca.cert.pem \
  # chown -R _taskd:_taskd /var/taskd

Running taskd
taskd by default listens on port 53589. You can change this
by editing /var/taskd/config, or with a command like:

  # su -m _taskd -c \
	"taskd config --force server localhost:12345 --data /var/taskd"

taskd comes with an rc.d script that can be used to start it manually,
or enable it to start automatically on boot.

  # rcctl start taskd
  # rcctl enable taskd

Adding users
Before you can sync with the server you must create at least one user
and organization.  This procedure is described at:


Create organization
First, you must create an organization (in this example it is named

  # su -m _taskd -c "taskd add org Public --data /var/taskd"

Create user
Next, create a user as part of that organization:

  # su -m _taskd -c \
	"taskd add user Public 'First Last' --data /var/taskd"

Be sure to remember the user key mentioned in the output of that
command.  It is required by the client configuration later in order
to authenticate with the server.

Create user certificate
Finally, you must generate a certificate for that user.  Go back to the
directory where you copied everything from
${PREFIX}/share/examples/taskd/pki and run (replacing first_last with
the filename you want for this user's certificate and key):

  $ ./generate.client first_last

Configure taskwarrior
Now taskwarrior must be configured to connect to this taskd server and
authenticate as this user.  This procedure is described at:


Copy the ca.cert.pem file and user certificate and key files
(first_last.cert.pem and first_last.key.pem in the example above) that
you just generated to the users' local task directory, ~./task:

  $ cp first_last.cert.pem ~/.task
  $ cp first_last.key.pem  ~/.task
  $ cp ca.cert.pem         ~/.task

Configure taskwarrior to use these certificates and connect to this
server by either editing ~/.taskrc, or with commands like:

  $ task config taskd.certificate ~/.task/first_last.cert.pem
  $ task config taskd.key         ~/.task/first_last.key.pem
  $ task config taskd.ca          ~/.task/ca.cert.pem
  $ task config taskd.server      host.domain:53589

Finally, configure taskwarrior to authenticate as the user created
above, replacing "Public" with the name of the organization you created,
"First Last" with the name of the user, and "cf31f287-..." with the
value of the user key that you remembered from the output of the "taskd
add user" command:

  $ task config taskd.credentials \
	'Public/First Last/cf31f287-ee9e-43a8-843e-e8bbd5de4294'

Syncing Taskwarrior
You should now be able to sync with this taskd server.  This procedure
is described at: http://taskwarrior.org/docs/taskserver/sync.html

Very first sync
The very first sync is special, but only needs to be done once:

  $ task sync init

This will prompt you to confirm that you want to sync your existing
tasks with this server.

Subsequent syncs
After the very first sync you can sync again at any time by simply

  $ task sync

If you encounter any problems syncing with this taskd server you
should check if your problem is already described at