2018-09-04 12:46:09 +00:00

38 lines
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$OpenBSD: README,v 1.2 2018/09/04 12:46:18 espie Exp $
| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD
Running ntopng
Configure the interfaces to listen on in ntopng_flags:
rcctl enable ntopng
rcctl set ntopng flags -i em0
or to listen on two interfaces and allow them to be viewed either
individually or combined:
rcctl set ntopng flags -i em0 -i em1 -i view:em0,em1
By default ntopng's embedded web server listens to port 3000 from all
interfaces. This can be restricted to localhost only by adding "-w :3000"
to the flags.
To use HTTPS on the built-in web server, create /etc/ssl/ntopng-cert.pem
containing both the private key and certificate in the same file and make
this readable by the _ntopng user. Use the -W flag to listen on HTTPS.
ntopng uses redis as backend storage and will not start unless redis
is running first. This can be done as follows:
rcctl enable redis
rcctl order redis ntopng
Then you can start the daemons and connect to the web interface.
rcctl start redis ntopng
Monitor disk space usage in ${LOCALSTATEDIR}/db/ntopng.