2012-04-24 10:15:57 +00:00
2012-04-24 10:15:57 +00:00

$OpenBSD: README,v 1.2 2012/04/24 10:15:57 ajacoutot Exp $

| Running ${FULLPKGNAME} on OpenBSD

ownCloud is installed under

Post-installation instructions
With Apache, AllowOverride settings are required on the ${INSTDIR}
directory. You can configure this as follows:
    # ln -s ${PREFIX}/conf/modules.sample/owncloud.conf \

"allow_url_fopen" needs to be enabled in PHP using _one_ of the
following methods:
    1. ${SYSCONFDIR}/etc/php-{MODPHP_VERSION}.ini
    allow_url_fopen = On
    2. /var/www/conf/httpd.conf (main server or VirtualHost)
    php_admin_value allow_url_fopen 1

The maximum upload size for files can be modified in

When not using Apache, make _sure_ to set the data directory to a
location outside of the document root.

Database Configuration
When using SQLite, not further configuration is required. However, with
MySQL or PostgreSQL, the ${INSTADIR}/config/config.php file will need to
be configured accordingly and the corresponding php database access
extension installed (i.e. "php-mysql" or "php-pgsql").

LDAP User Backend
If the LDAP user backend is enabled, the "php-ldap" package will need to
be installed.

Finishing and validating the installation
Accessing http://<hostname>/owncloud with a Web browser will finish the
installation and create a new admin user.

WebDAV access
The personnal WebDAV share can be accessed using the following URL (e.g.
with Nautilus, Thunar or Doplhin) and the corresponding user and
password for the share:

NOTE that it is highly recommended to use SSL on the webserver so that
access is done over https instead of http.