279 lines
9.0 KiB
279 lines
9.0 KiB
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.72 2019/05/03 16:35:03 rsadowski Exp $
# Build dependency tree of main building blocks:
# OUTSIDE: akonadi, attica, automoc, cagibi, phonon, qimageblitz,
# libqaccessibilityclient, kwebkitpart, libktorrent
# smokegen
# +-> smokeqt
# | +-> qyoto ->------------------------------------->-----+
# | +-> ruby-qt ->----------------------------------->----+|
# | +-> p5-qt ->------------------------------------->---+||
# | |||
# +->-------------------------------------------------->-+ |||
# | |||
# devel/kf5/oxygen-icons | |||
# +-> libs | |||
# +-> pure resources: base-artwork, l10n, wallpapers | |||
# | | |||
# +-> baseapps <---------------<-+ | |||
# | +-> konsole | | |||
# | | | |||
# |-> kfilemetadata -->-----+ | | |||
# +-> pimlibs | | | |||
# | +-> libkfbapi | | | |||
# | +-> libkgapi | | | |||
# | +-> pim-runtime | | | |||
# | +-> baloo <>-------<>-+-->-+ | |||
# | +-> nepomuk-core | |||
# | +-> kactivities | |||
# | +-> runtime | |||
# | +-> pim | | |||
# | +-> py-kde | |||
# | | |||
# +-> nepomuk-core | |||
# | +-> kactivities -->--+------->-+ | |||
# | +-> runtime <--+---<-+ | | |||
# | +-> pimlibs ->-+ | | |||
# | +-> pim-runtime | | |||
# | +-> pim | | |||
# | +-> py-kde | | |||
# | +-> some games | | |||
# | +-> workspace <------<-+ | |||
# | | +-> former admin | | |||
# | | +-> artwork | | |||
# | | +-> former network | | |||
# | | | | |||
# | | +-<----------------<-+ | |||
# | | | | |||
# | +-+-> kate ->-+ | |||
# | | | |||
# +-> smokekde <-+-<--------+-<-+-<---(smokegen)---<-+ |||
# | | | | |||
# | | +-<- smokeqt <-+ |||
# | | |||
# | +-> p5-kde <--------------------(p5-qt)----------+||
# | +-> korundum <------------------(ruby-qt)---------+|
# | +-> kimono <--------------------(qyoto)------------+
# |
# +-> libkdeedu
# | +-> former kdeedu
# |
# +-> libkdegames, libkmahjongg
# | +-> former kdegames (see also py-kde above)
# |
# +-> other libk*
# | +-> former kdegraphics
# | +-> former kdemultimedia
# |
# +-> former kdeaccessibility
# +-> former kdesdk
# +-> former kdetoys
# +-> former kdeutils
# don't even try to keep these sorted
# libraries
SUBDIR += libs
SUBDIR += pimlibs
# extra base
SUBDIR += baloo
SUBDIR += baloo-widgets
SUBDIR += kactivities
SUBDIR += kfilemetadata
#SUBDIR += kqtquickcharts x11/kde-applications
SUBDIR += nepomuk-core
SUBDIR += nepomuk-widgets
SUBDIR += runtime
SUBDIR += pim-runtime
SUBDIR += workspace
SUBDIR += baseapps
#SUBDIR += kate x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += konsole x11/kde-applications
# bindings and wrappers
SUBDIR += kross-interpreters
SUBDIR += smokegen
SUBDIR += smokeqt
SUBDIR += p5-qt
SUBDIR += ruby-qt
SUBDIR += qyoto
SUBDIR += smokekde
SUBDIR += py-kde
SUBDIR += p5-kde
SUBDIR += korundum
SUBDIR += kimono
# fat packages
SUBDIR += pim
SUBDIR += webdev
# former kdeaccessibility
SUBDIR += jovie
SUBDIR += kaccessible
#SUBDIR += kmousetool x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kmag x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kmouth x11/kde-application
# former kdeutils
#SUBDIR += ark x11/kde-applications
SUBDIR += filelight
#SUBDIR += kcalc x11/kde-applications
SUBDIR += kcharselect
SUBDIR += kdf
SUBDIR += kfloppy
SUBDIR += kgpg
SUBDIR += kremotecontrol
SUBDIR += ktimer
SUBDIR += kwalletmanager
SUBDIR += print-manager
SUBDIR += superkaramba
SUBDIR += sweeper
# former kdeedu
#SUBDIR += artikulate x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += blinken x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += cantor x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += analitza x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kalgebra x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kalzium XXX not in ports
#SUBDIR += kanagram x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kbruch x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kgeography x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += khangman x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kig x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kiten x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += klettres x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kmplot x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kstars astro/kstars
#SUBDIR += ktouch x11/kde-applications
SUBDIR += kturtle
SUBDIR += kwordquiz
SUBDIR += libkdeedu
#SUBDIR += marble x11/kde-applications
SUBDIR += pairs
SUBDIR += parley
SUBDIR += rocs
#SUBDIR += step x11/kde-applications
# former kdegames
#SUBDIR += libkdegames
#SUBDIR += libkmahjongg
#SUBDIR += bomber x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += bovo x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += granatier x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kajongg x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kapman x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += katomic x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kblackbox x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kblocks x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kbounce x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kbreakout x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kdiamond x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kfourinline x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kgoldrunner x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kigo x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += killbots x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kiriki x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kjumpingcube x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += klickety x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += klines x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kmahjongg x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kmines x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += knavalbattle x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += knetwalk x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kolf x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kollision x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += konquest x11/kde-applications
SUBDIR += kpat
#SUBDIR += kreversi x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kshisen x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += ksirk x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += ksnakeduel x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kspaceduel x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += ksquares x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += ksudoku x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += ktuberling x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += kubrick x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += lskat x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += palapeli x11/kde-applications
SUBDIR += picmi
# former kdegraphics
SUBDIR += graphics-mobipocket
SUBDIR += graphics-strigi-analyzer
SUBDIR += graphics-thumbnailers
#SUBDIR += gwenview x11/kde-applications
SUBDIR += kamera
SUBDIR += kcolorchooser
SUBDIR += kgamma
SUBDIR += kolourpaint
SUBDIR += kruler
#SUBDIR += ksaneplugin libksane is gone
SUBDIR += ksnapshot
#SUBDIR += libkdcraw x11/kde-application
SUBDIR += libkexiv2
#SUBDIR += libkipi x11/kde-application
#SUBDIR += libksane x11/kde-application
#SUBDIR += okular x11/kde-applications
SUBDIR += svgpart
# former kdemultimedia
SUBDIR += audiocd-kio
#SUBDIR += dragon x11/kde-applications
SUBDIR += ffmpegthumbs
SUBDIR += juk
SUBDIR += kmix
SUBDIR += kscd
SUBDIR += libkcddb
SUBDIR += libkcompactdisc
SUBDIR += mplayerthumbs
# former kdeadmin
#SUBDIR += kcron x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += ksystemlog x11/kde-applications
SUBDIR += kuser
# former kdenetwork
SUBDIR += kget
SUBDIR += kopete
SUBDIR += kppp
SUBDIR += krdc
SUBDIR += krfb
SUBDIR += network-filesharing
SUBDIR += network-strigi-analyzers
SUBDIR += zeroconf-ioslave
# former kdesdk
#SUBDIR += cervisia x11/kde-applications
SUBDIR += dev-scripts
SUBDIR += dev-utils
#SUBDIR += dolphin-plugins x11/kde-applications
SUBDIR += kapptemplate
SUBDIR += kcachegrind
#SUBDIR += kompare x11/kde-applications
#SUBDIR += libkomparediff2 x11/kde-applications
SUBDIR += lokalize
#SUBDIR += okteta x11/kde-applications
SUBDIR += poxml
SUBDIR += sdk-kioslaves
SUBDIR += sdk-strigi-analyzers
SUBDIR += sdk-thumbnailers
#SUBDIR += umbrello x11/kde-applications
# former kdetoys
SUBDIR += amor
SUBDIR += ktux
SUBDIR += kteatime
# additional resources
SUBDIR += artwork
SUBDIR += base-artwork
SUBDIR += l10n
SUBDIR += plasma-addons
SUBDIR += wallpapers
.include <bsd.port.subdir.mk>