todd ef52fdb368 from Andrew Dalgleish openbsd at ajd dot net dot au
o sample qemu-ifup
o permit -net tap,ifname=/dev/tun1 to actually use tun1
from Reyk Floeter reyk at openbsd dot org
o re-enable pcnet

2006-02-16 16:27:44 +00:00

15 lines
512 B

| Quick Start:
| 1. get a bootable floppy image
| 2. qemu-img create -f qcow virtual.hd 10G
| 3. qemu -m 32 -fda floppy.fs -boot a -monitor stdio virtual.hd
| (initial install to hard drive)
| 4. qemu-img convert -c -O qcow virtual.hd tmp && mv tmp virtual.hd
| (compress hard drive while qemu is not running)
| 5. qemu -m 32 -monitor stdio virtual.hd
| (normal boot from hard drive)
| Note: Customize ${SYSCONFDIR}/qemu-ifup to use '-net tap' on your system.