landry fe273f85f7 Import pg_statsinfo-2.4.1.
pg_statsinfo is a utility that monitor statistics and the activity of
PostgreSQL(and OS). pg_statsinfo gets some statistics information as
snapshot. We can check the DB activity and bottleneck analysis by using
these snapshot information. This utility provides some function to get
the information acquisition easily.

Low-level os monitoring (cpu/loadavg/memory only for now) tweaked from
a patch in FreeBSD's portstree.
Refer to ${HOMEPAGE} for how to configure it, no need to replicate the
provided extensive doc in a README.

ok ajacoutot@
2013-10-23 22:00:19 +00:00

3 lines
124 B

SHA256 (pg_statsinfo-2.4.1.tar.gz) = PVbKi7Kv2y2VmGW17CSeJURI8En3WfK80dgZuWDygb0=
SIZE (pg_statsinfo-2.4.1.tar.gz) = 408287