Post-installation ----------------- 1. Add the following to /etc/services: support 1529/tcp # GNATS 2. Add the following to /etc/inetd.conf and HUP inetd: support stream tcp nowait _gnats y0y0y0/libexec/gnats/gnatsd gnatsd 3. Edit the config files in y0y0y0/share/gnats/gnats-db/gnats-adm (see the GNATS info documentation, HTML'ized at to your liking, then run (as root): su -m _gnats -c 'GNATS_ROOT=y0y0y0/share/gnats/gnats-db y0y0y0/libexec/gnats/mkcat' 4. As root, do crontab -e -u _gnats and add the following entry: 0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * y0y0y0/libexec/gnats/queue-pr --run 5. Add the following lines to /etc/mail/aliases and run 'newaliases': # GNATS support gnats-admin: root bugs: "|y0y0y0/libexec/gnats/queue-pr -q" monkey-gnats: bugs where 'monkey' is replaced with the configured value of GNATS_SITE in y0y0y0/share/gnats/gnats-db/gnats-adm/config. 6. If you want to run gnatsweb, add to y0y0y0/share/gnats/gnats-db/gnats-adm/gnatsd.access. You may increase priveleges for all users of gnatsweb by changing 'view' to 'edit', or for individual users by adding rules to y0y0y0/share/gnats/gnats-db/gnats-adm/gnatsd.access. Post-deinstallation ------------------- Reverse all of the above! :-)