zhuk 4ddb619104 Deconflict with multimedia/mlt by commenting out melt(1). Note that:
archivers/freeze has no license and therefore has PERMIT_* set to "None".
The real need for this port is still in question for QNX hackers.
2014-07-17 08:29:04 +00:00

12 lines
273 B

@comment $OpenBSD: PLIST,v 1.8 2014/07/17 08:29:04 zhuk Exp $
@bin bin/fcat
@bin bin/freeze
@comment @bin bin/melt
@bin bin/statist
@bin bin/unfreeze
@man man/man1/fcat.1
@man man/man1/freeze.1
@comment @man man/man1/melt.1
@man man/man1/statist.1
@man man/man1/unfreeze.1