sthen 3bbd34b389 update to ISC DHCP 4.2.4-P2; CVE-2012-3955 ok jakob@
An issue with the use of lease times was found and fixed.  Making
  certain changes to the end time of an IPv6 lease could cause the
  server to abort.  Thanks to Glen Eustace of Massey University,
  New Zealand for finding this issue.
2012-09-15 10:43:40 +00:00

3 lines
115 B

SHA256 (dhcp-4.2.4-P2.tar.gz) = D3UXDjI82Vc+bgml2SNnJfPlbjysWnCgH+Kp12tDZJk=
SIZE (dhcp-4.2.4-P2.tar.gz) = 8190209