msf 44b80f8c0a initial import of perdition 1.17
Perdition is a fully featured POP3 and IMAP4 proxy server. It is able to
handle both SSL and non-SSL connections and redirect users to a real-server
based on a database lookup. Perdition supports modular based database access.
ODBC, MySQL, PostgreSQL, GDBM, POSIX Regular Expression and NIS modules ship
with the distribution. The API for modules is open allowing arbitrary modules
to be written to allow access to any data store.

Perdition has many uses. Including, creating large mail systems where an
end-user's mailbox may be stored on one of several hosts, integrating
different mail systems together, migrating between different email
infrastructures, and bridging plain-text, SSL and TLS services. It can also
be used as part of a firewall.

based off initial work from dlg@

ok sturm@ bernd@
2006-11-16 23:26:00 +00:00

5 lines
247 B

MD5 (perdition-1.17.tar.gz) = 6cef90e55bde9eb2d0a17acccb3516f3
RMD160 (perdition-1.17.tar.gz) = cc3c4679390132ece6858eca6483ffddead568e4
SHA1 (perdition-1.17.tar.gz) = 5e04f172db4a7ee2af5b7a28c19c231f955243fc
SIZE (perdition-1.17.tar.gz) = 552149