kevlo 4a85681850 Initial import of ktimeclock 2.0.1
KTimeclock is a personal timeclock to keep track of how much time is
spent working on various projects and the tasks that they involve.
Simply set up a series of projects, each of which can contain multiple
sub-projects and tasks; select the current task that you're working on;
start the clock; and KTimeclock will track the time you've spent working
on that task.
2002-02-07 06:56:39 +00:00

4 lines
215 B

MD5 (ktimeclock-2.0.1.tar.gz) = 961af328762c3be0c192ad4239a61a2f
RMD160 (ktimeclock-2.0.1.tar.gz) = 973d9e4401d4cbfb18e797fb00f30d8b3876e053
SHA1 (ktimeclock-2.0.1.tar.gz) = cb0aec03373fdb2064a15788b6a59ff4a0dfe4e1