OpenBSD port changes:
FLAVOR=snmp now works
vtysh now works
Also, OpenBD specific fixes not listed below include a patch to correctly
get all interfaces from the kernel.
Changelog from e-mail:
* Changes in zebra-0.92
** Overall security is improved. Default umask is 0077.
* Changes in ripd
** If output interface is in simple password authentication mode,
substruct one from rtemax.
* Changes in bgpd
** IPv4 multicast and IPv6 unicast configuration is changed to so
called new config. All of AFI and SAFI specific configuration is
moved to "address-family" node. When you have many IPv6 only
configuration, you will see many "no neighbor X:X::X:X activate" line
in your configuration to disable IPv4 unicast NLRI exchange. In that
case please use "no bgp default ipv4-unicast" command to suppress the
output. Until zebra-0.93, old config is still left for compatibility.
Old config
router bgp 7675
bgp router-id
redistribute connected
neighbor remote-as 7675
ipv6 bgp network 3ffe:506::/33
ipv6 bgp network 3ffe:1800:e800::/40
ipv6 bgp aggregate-address 3ffe:506::/32
ipv6 bgp redistribute connected
ipv6 bgp neighbor 3ffe:506:1000::2 remote-as 1
New config
router bgp 7675
bgp router-id
redistribute connected
neighbor remote-as 7675
neighbor 3ffe:506:1000::2 remote-as 1
no neighbor 3ffe:506:1000::2 activate
address-family ipv6
network 3ffe:506::/33
network 3ffe:1800:e800::/40
aggregate-address 3ffe:506::/32
redistribute connected
neighbor 3ffe:506:1000::2 activate
* Changes in ospfd
** Internal interface treatment is changed. Now ospfd can handle
multiple IP address for an interface.
** Redistribution of loopback interface's address works fine.